arrgghhh!!, This is frustrating!!!

Adromada - Raging Tide
Posts: 141 Arc User
Every time i log in to pwi, i put my account details in, then i press confirm, but guess what, ive been disconnected, but guess what else, it still logs me into the game, so im in the character selection screen with a big (DISCONNECTED FROM SERVER) option, yet i can make new and customize chars, i log into the game and then it actually disconnects me, some times i fix it by opening Mozilla Firefox and closing it again, it works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't, its starting to annoy me, whats wrong with the client files and don't say its my cache,cookies or comp i do everything i can to optimize the computer on this end so its the files or something else.
The universe is made of Twelve particles of matter, Four forces of nature, The world is a dynamic mess Of Jiggling things.
Post edited by Adromada - Raging Tide on
Considering you are the only person reporting this issue, it IS your problem and noone elses. So its your computer or something.
Check your firewall and reinstall, if that fails, try it on another PC on your network and see if it works fine there. If it does, your PC is messed up somehow, if it doesnt, your local internet hub is buggered or your router is dead/dying/setup badly.
Also, the tech support forum is here : -
Well the last time i downloaded pwi, it wouldnt let me play the west coast servers and it still did the dc login, since then ive completely removed and re installed windows 7 and downloaded pwi again
this time i can play on west coast servers but it still does the DC login, Trust me its got nothing to do with my connection or computer, if it was the computer it would DC log me in/or not run the client at all, but out of 6 tries it will log me in properly until i open the client again then i have to exit and start all over again 6-7X my cache, cookies are regularly deleted, my comp is automatically De-fragged every week, i do disk clean up every 3 days.The universe is made of Twelve particles of matter, Four forces of nature, The world is a dynamic mess Of Jiggling things.0 -
Adromada - Raging Tide wrote: »Well the last time i downloaded pwi, it wouldnt let me play the west coast servers and it still did the dc login, since then ive completely removed and re installed windows 7 and downloaded pwi again
this time i can play on west coast servers but it still does the DC login, Trust me its got nothing to do with my connection or computer, if it was the computer it would DC log me in/or not run the client at all, but out of 6 tries it will log me in properly until i open the client again then i have to exit and start all over again 6-7X my cache, cookies are regularly deleted, my comp is automatically De-fragged every week, i do disk clean up every 3 days.
All that says is you keep your PC clean. It says nothing about its set up. As for the login issues, it could just be that your connection is poor, I dont know and cant know.
Seriously, try another PC/laptop with someone elses setup and run PW thorugh your internet. See how it works. Hell, make another login on your PC and disable firefox and all the other shiny **** you likely keep running, it could be something else interfering that you always run.0 -
I had this at one point, computer restarts fixed it. No clue what caused the problem though.b:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleased0
Adromada - Raging Tide wrote: »my comp is automatically De-fragged every week, i do disk clean up every 3 days.
I defrag my hard drives once a year, and it still makes no noticeable difference after I do it. You're seriously wasting more time than you're saving, and thus unnecessarily adding wear and tear to your drives. I'd seriously recommend against doing that as often as you're doing it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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actually, if you use windows, your pc is usually set to defrag weekly by default. it doesn't hurt your drivers at all, it cleans them lol0
Totally off-topic, but why on earth would anyone do this? It's a complete waste of time.
I defrag my hard drives once a year, and it still makes no noticeable difference after I do it. You're seriously wasting more time than you're saving, and thus unnecessarily adding wear and tear to your drives. I'd seriously recommend against doing that as often as you're doing it.
Actually i do it because of all the studies i do literally hundreds of pages on physics and quantum physics, plus the thousands of albums and movies on my laptop and i have to make room by getting rid of unwanted programs and i delete them before i remove them then half of that information gets lost god knows where on the comp,
and by albums and movies i mean Audio books, and lecture videos, and yeah alot of albums and proper movies lol thats only because my 3 2TB harddrives are full. but there never plugged in when i run pwi.The universe is made of Twelve particles of matter, Four forces of nature, The world is a dynamic mess Of Jiggling things.0 -
Totally off-topic, but why on earth would anyone do this? It's a complete waste of time.
I defrag my hard drives once a year, and it still makes no noticeable difference after I do it. You're seriously wasting more time than you're saving, and thus unnecessarily adding wear and tear to your drives. I'd seriously recommend against doing that as often as you're doing it.
Defragmentation makes a huge difference on an active PC thats always changing (constant installs, deinstalls, downloads, deletions, modifications....) if you only do it once a year and see no difference, then you dont change your PC much at all. Or you use the windows built in defrag, which is ****ing awful. Or, thirdly, you dont do any other maint, in which the bottleneck concept comes into effect and it wouldnt make any difference because its not the problem.
As for wear and tear on a hard drive, it again depends on the defragger you use. A decent one will not break your hardrive if you use it correctly. A bad one will do damage by being ineficient and awful.0 -
VenoMKII - Harshlands wrote: »Considering you are the only person reporting this issue, it IS your problem and noone elses. So its your computer or something.
I have no idea what causes it, but sometimes certain characters seem to get locked out of the game. As soon as you get to character selection, Bam!, you're marked as "DISCONNECTED FROM SERVER" for no apparent reason. No matter how many times you try to log-in again, same thing happens.
However, logging-in a different account works just fine. But then you try the first one again and, Bam!, out you go.
The work-around I found was to log-in the same account on a different machine. I have no idea why this works, but it does, and once I've logged in on the other machine I can go back to my main computer and it will log-in fine.
Go figure. *shrugs*[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com0 -
actually, if you use windows, your pc is usually set to defrag weekly by default. it doesn't hurt your drivers at all, it cleans them lolVenoMKII - Harshlands wrote: »Defragmentation makes a huge difference on an active PC thats always changing (constant installs, deinstalls, downloads, deletions, modifications....)
If you're using a modern file system, like NTFS, it's already designed to reduce fragmentation. Besides that, modern hard drives also have more memory and read-ahead ability than they used to. All of this means that fragmentation is both rarer and has far less impact than it used to.
Don't believe me? Try doing an objective test of this. (Subjective results of small differences support the bias of the observer 99.99% of the time, thus are unreliable.)VenoMKII - Harshlands wrote: »if you only do it once a year and see no difference, then you dont change your PC much at all. Or you use the windows built in defrag, which is ****ing awful.VenoMKII - Harshlands wrote: »Or, thirdly, you dont do any other maint, in which the bottleneck concept comes into effect and it wouldnt make any difference because its not the problem.VenoMKII - Harshlands wrote: »As for wear and tear on a hard drive, it again depends on the defragger you use. A decent one will not break your hardrive if you use it correctly. A bad one will do damage by being ineficient and awful.
Now, if you had a lot of fragmentation then that fragmentation itself could add more wear and tear. However if you're defragmenting your drive weekly, then you're wasting far more time defragmenting than you're saving, and adding to wear and tear rather than preventing it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Actually, defragging does nothing to your drivers, however it does add wear and tear to your drives.
Actually, no, it doesn't.
If you're using a modern file system, like NTFS, it's already designed to reduce fragmentation. Besides that, modern hard drives also have more memory and read-ahead ability than they used to. All of this means that fragmentation is both rarer and has far less impact than it used to.
Don't believe me? Try doing an objective test of this. (Subjective results of small differences support the bias of the observer 99.99% of the time, thus are unreliable.)
No, I don't use Windows built-in defrag, which I agree is awful.
I'm a computer programmer who worked for several years in tech support. I have my computer tweaked to the point where I don't need to do constant maintenance, because my computer works. I do monthly maintenance, but that's mostly updating software, patching, and the like.
Any excessive HD use for negligible gains causes unnecessary wear and tear. Note that I'm saying "unnecessary wear and tear" not "breaks". There's a difference. Drives have a limited lifetime, and the harder it works, the shorter the lifetime.
Now, if you had a lot of fragmentation then that fragmentation itself could add more wear and tear. However if you're defragmenting your drive weekly, then you're wasting far more time defragmenting than you're saving, and adding to wear and tear rather than preventing it.
ok im not being a D*** about this, but i will genuinely believe you if you can provide or at least find those facts along with 100% consistent records, i mean you may be a mod and i highly dought your lying about your job, but hey you could be another one of those drama makers to make you sound smarter than you are, like in the physics field if you have a theory, you'll literally have the whole science and physicists community skepticism every fact till its proved 100% accurate or 100% total BS, again I'm not having a go at you I'm just saying i don't believe everything i see on the internet. ps just so you know yeah it actually does help my PC, not every computer is the same and not every harddrive is the same<< i also pull alot apart for the neo dymium magnets ijs i just want 100% accurate proof of what your saying. and if you are completely right i will apologize to you.The universe is made of Twelve particles of matter, Four forces of nature, The world is a dynamic mess Of Jiggling things.0 -
I haven't had this problem with PWI, but an old game i used to play. Could log into the character selection screen, but logging into a character would time-out and eventually dc.
This was fixed by setting up port forwarding for my router, and in one case my ISP.
I'll try to find any links i can but they are scarce: (this was another fix that worked for previous game, and has worked with PWI when Ether lake crashed people)
That's all i can find, not knowing your router, the port forwarding could be easy, or a pita, just make sure you get your pc's ip address so you can set it up.
Hope this helps.0 -
Adromada - Raging Tide wrote: »ok im not being a D*** about this, but i will genuinely believe you if you can provide or at least find those facts along with 100% consistent records
just want 100% accurate proof of what your saying. and if you are completely right i will apologize to you.
That article quotes Mike Kronenberg, author of a disk defragmentation tool, who says, "I challenge any defrag company to prove that, on a modern 2006 large drive about 50% full, defragmenting files will increase performance in any way that will be sensed by a user. [...] Basically, nowadays defragmenting files will only provide a moderate performance boost when a drive is relatively full. Modern computers come with 250GB and larger drives that most people will never fill up." (emphasis mine) He also noted that users will not notice the difference between a program that takes 6.2 seconds to load before defragmenting and 6 seconds after defragmenting.
Regarding the ways modern hard drives reduce the impact of fragmentation, see "New hard disk drives reduce need for disk defragmentation". It quotes Mark Patton, another defragmentation tool author, who says, "Larger and faster drives have minimized the impact of fragmentation. The Windows file system tends to fragment files all on its own to a small degree, but fragmentation starts for real when the drive starts to get full -- as in over 70%. [...] It is my opinion that a drive that is more than 80% full is not defragmentable. You can see that effect with huge hard disk drives, since they generally use smaller percentages of the drive's total free space. A side-effect is that the overall fragmentation is reduced, and the fact that these drives have faster seek times makes the effect even less noticeable. At the time I worked on Diskeeper, I always told people to 'defragment early and often' so that they could take advantage of the free space before their drive starts to fill up. This way, they could see a marginal improvement now, but, more importantly help, the defragmenter from getting log-jammed later on. With today's large drives, even this is not an issue." (emphasis mine)
If none of that convinces you, I could write a little application that would read a chunk of the files on your hard drive, and tell you exactly how long it takes to read all of them. You could run that before and after defragmenting your hard drive, and then see how little difference it makes. If you're interested, just tell me how much data you want it to read (somewhere in the 200 MB to 1 GB range seems reasonable) and I can write that up.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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I love how this thread went from "help me i cant log in" to "Defragging is for ID 10 T's".. seriously just format and install linux and never defrag again, EVER..
as for the OP's original issue.. umm.. by chance do you have peerblock or similar installed and running?? peerblock picks up the west coast servers as something from sandisk and blocks them, you'll need to either turn off peerblock, or add an exception.. it would also explain the random disconnects if its letting part of the connection through but only part of it.. if you're running some sort of peer block program, disable it and see if it fixes your issue.. if you're not running such a program, try this:
Add elementclient.exe to the list of allowed applications in your firewall software (be it windows's built-in, or a 3rd party app)
Turn off User Account Control (at least temporarily) in case it has something to do with windows blocking file writes, or run the elementclient.exe directly with elevated/administrator permissions.
If you run wireless internet, try going wired, wireless and gaming tend to not get along so well due to packet overhead
Theres other things you can do, such as tweaking your tcp/ip settings and disabling windows 7's tcp auto-tuning, setting your MTU, lowering packet fragmentation threshold, etc etc (google is your friend if you're interested in these things) but thats likely not your issue, just helps sometimes with some programs communications with the interwebs
also, you could check the pwi wiki (or nicely ask a GM) and get the server ip's and add them to your windows hosts file to make sure its not a DNS issue (my isp's dns server tends to "stall" on a regular basis and this actually helped my connection).0 -
you know i respect you Sangodoc i never doughted what you did and how you do it, all ive ever asked is for people to be more accurate with there information so people reading my questions understand when/if they have the same problem, because of your will not to prove wrong, but provide easy to understand and more accurate information, for the rest of the players be it pwi related or not, and thanks for being a good moderator.
i officially Apologize to you Sangodoc. for the reason of acting like i know everything b:laughThe universe is made of Twelve particles of matter, Four forces of nature, The world is a dynamic mess Of Jiggling things.0 -
SugarPrinces - Sanctuary wrote: »I love how this thread went from "help me i cant log in" to "Defragging is for ID 10 T's".. seriously just format and install linux and never defrag again, EVER..
as for the OP's original issue.. umm.. by chance do you have peerblock or similar installed and running?? peerblock picks up the west coast servers as something from sandisk and blocks them, you'll need to either turn off peerblock, or add an exception.. it would also explain the random disconnects if its letting part of the connection through but only part of it.. if you're running some sort of peer block program, disable it and see if it fixes your issue.. if you're not running such a program, try this:
Add elementclient.exe to the list of allowed applications in your firewall software (be it windows's built-in, or a 3rd party app)
Turn off User Account Control (at least temporarily) in case it has something to do with windows blocking file writes, or run the elementclient.exe directly with elevated/administrator permissions.
If you run wireless internet, try going wired, wireless and gaming tend to not get along so well due to packet overhead
Theres other things you can do, such as tweaking your tcp/ip settings and disabling windows 7's tcp auto-tuning, setting your MTU, lowering packet fragmentation threshold, etc etc (google is your friend if you're interested in these things) but thats likely not your issue, just helps sometimes with some programs communications with the interwebs
also, you could check the pwi wiki (or nicely ask a GM) and get the server ip's and add them to your windows hosts file to make sure its not a DNS issue (my isp's dns server tends to "stall" on a regular basis and this actually helped my connection).
Because of our country's new law (Skynet) our freedom of peer to peer downloading is tracked by our ISP and well im not paying $15,000 because i watched i low grade movie, and my p2p blocker i haven't re installed, i see no point in it anymore, so ive ruled out the restrictions of peer block.The universe is made of Twelve particles of matter, Four forces of nature, The world is a dynamic mess Of Jiggling things.0 -
So do you computer guru's reckon i should run my clients as windowed mode to make them vanish / disconnect when being alt-tabbed for long periods of time or some other soliution to fix this problem ?
Both seem to DC if alt-tabbed for long periods in archo west and one vanishes occasionally if one of the clients is only active. Due to this im currently running everything on lowest settings only hoping that they dont dc/vanish when tabbed and biding my time till i get enough money to buy new computer.
So turning windowed mode helps a little, but is there a way to save client settings in a way that 2 clients when launched have different settings ?0 -
While I agree with you that defragging too often is pointless, whether or not one will see improvement depends much on how you use your system. If you're active and do a lot of installing and uninstalling, routine maintenance (which should include a defrag every 3-6 months), you'll see more benefit if your drives are near capacity than if you're under 50%.
And defragging should be the last of anyone's concerns... regularly delete temp files system wide and delete unnecessary restore points.
As for it causing unnecessary wear? Seriously dude, you're not very clued in are you? Turning your computer on and off every day one or more times is far worse for your drives than defragging once a week.
And for the guy who defrags his media drives... lol. Now that's just idiotic.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
OP: Sounds like a firewall/automatic port forwarding problem. Try power cycling your router. If that takes care of the problem, next time it happens try connecting your computer directly to your cable/DSL modem (or put it on DMZ if you know how) and see if the problem persists. Don't leave your computer in this state for too long as it'll be vulnerable to viruses and worms from the Internet at large. Just do it temporarily to diagnose the problem.
If these fix the problem, then you most likely need to tweak some settings on your router (or if it's an old router, replace it with a newer one). There's a lot of port forwarding magic which happens automatically with NAT. On older or badly programmed routers, it can break if you do stuff like P2P filesharing which makes a lot of connections.If you're using a modern file system, like NTFS, it's already designed to reduce fragmentation. Besides that, modern hard drives also have more memory and read-ahead ability than they used to. All of this means that fragmentation is both rarer and has far less impact than it used to.
The biggest culprit in my experience is bittorrent. Most bittorrent clients I've used don't have a "write entire file at once" option. Consequently, as each piece of the files being torrented is downloaded, it gets written to the first sector of the disk to become available. By the time you finish downloading a Linux ISO distro, it might be in 2000+ fragments.
You can (mostly) defragment the file by copying it. But the problem is those 2000+ fragments scattered across your disk make it harder for the OS to find a continuous chunk of open disk space. So it's forced to write the copy in multiple fragments. The best solution I've found was to set aside a separate partition just for files you're downloading via torrent. Or use a client which will reserve space for the entire file at once at the start of the torrent.
The second biggest culprit is multitasking. If you're copying a bunch of big files (e.g. media/ISO files), and at the same time installing something onto the same drive, you're going to end up with a huge fragmented mess. Try not to multitask two or more activities which involve a lot of writing to disk. Newer drives lessen problem this with NCQ, but even that has its limits if you're writing big movie files.Now, if you had a lot of fragmentation then that fragmentation itself could add more wear and tear. However if you're defragmenting your drive weekly, then you're wasting far more time defragmenting than you're saving, and adding to wear and tear rather than preventing it.
Do note that Windows 7 automatically defragments system files and puts them towards the beginning of the HDD (where the data density is highest and thus reads quickest). This was one of the strategies Microsoft used to decrease boot times. If you're on XP, you can do similar optimization with bootvis (which I won't link to because it's easy to **** up your system with it - you have been warned).Michael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »And for the guy who defrags his media drives... lol. Now that's just idiotic.0 -
Totally off-topic, but why on earth would anyone do this? It's a complete waste of time.
I defrag my hard drives once a year, and it still makes no noticeable difference after I do it. You're seriously wasting more time than you're saving, and thus unnecessarily adding wear and tear to your drives. I'd seriously recommend against doing that as often as you're doing it.
Wait, you're joking?
Or do you never do anything that's disk intensive?
If I don't defrag once a day, my file access times get so high that it starts taking me up to 12 minutes to open some files.
Then again, if I don't defrag for 6 weeks, defrag takes almost 2 weeks to run. b:surrender 4 TB of data on 6 drives at 99% fragmentation kinda sucks... If I had FAT32 drives, I think they would corrupt with the kind of data movement I do.101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
i have had this issue on my computer,well on my second pc.I would log in and everything is moving fast and u have the disconnect thing happening.So i would keep restarting game till it became normal to log into.Then after monnths of doing that my cable modem started randomly resetting alot.So i go buy a new modem and i thought the issue was fixed then it started again.So i called my provider they came down to fix my issue,i had noise in my line(bad splitter),now its all goodb:byeThis game is like washing hair with shampoo... Rinse and repeat if desired.
Proud owner of many mains.101 bm,101 seeker,101 demon sin,100 sage sin,101 archer,101 barb,100 cleric,100 wiz( first toon since sept 08 finally made it in 2013)newly added mystic 100 HA,72 psy.0 -
Veri - Lothranis wrote: »So turning windowed mode helps a little, but is there a way to save client settings in a way that 2 clients when launched have different settings ?
If you don't know how to make a batch file, just open notepad and put in:
del systemsettings.ini
copy windowed_systemsettings.ini systemsettings.ini
Then save that as something like "WindowedMode.bat" in the userdata directory. Make a version of that for fullscreen mode as well, then put shortcuts to that somewhere you can easily click.Michael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »As for it causing unnecessary wear? Seriously dude, you're not very clued in are you? Turning your computer on and off every day one or more times is far worse for your drives than defragging once a week.Solandri - Heavens Tear wrote: »The biggest culprit in my experience is bittorrent. Most bittorrent clients I've used don't have a "write entire file at once" option.Solandri - Heavens Tear wrote: »Weekly defrag is probably excessive. If you're doing it weekly and getting noticeable improvement every time, it probably means your HDD is almost full and you should be adding a second HDD (desktop) or upgrading to a larger HDD (laptop).Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »Wait, you're joking?
Or do you never do anything that's disk intensive?
If I don't defrag once a day, my file access times get so high that it starts taking me up to 12 minutes to open some files.
Then again, if I don't defrag for 6 weeks, defrag takes almost 2 weeks to run. b:surrender 4 TB of data on 6 drives at 99% fragmentation kinda sucks... If I had FAT32 drives, I think they would corrupt with the kind of data movement I do.
For what it's worth, I do do plenty of disk intensive stuff. Heck, I even added a drive monitor so that I can see exactly which drives are being read/written to when it's happening, and I can mouse-over each blinking light to see the activity. Out of my seven drives (yes, I'm a data pack-rat), four of them have over a GB of reading and/or writing data in the past three days, with the highest hitting 37.9 GB read and 23.2 GB written as I write this.
If you're having problems with files taking that long to load you're more likely encountering problems with "thrashing", where the hard drive is trying to do too many different things at once, and/or you've got memory problems that are requiring a lot of paging of data. Also, it sounds like your hard drives are probably quite full, if they would take that long to defrag, so getting a bigger (and possibly faster) hard drive would work much better than constant defragging (assuming you can afford it, of course). That's just a guess though without seeing your system.
Look, I'm not claiming to be an expert, and I'm certainly not claiming that you should never defrag, but I've helped speed up enough other people's computers to know that computer slowdown problems are almost never fragmentation related. It's far more likely to be pointless apps, services, and malware that eat up HD and CPU resources. (This is what you get for being the "techie" in your group of family/friends/co-workers. :-P )[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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