
Fexcad - Dreamweaver
Fexcad - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
edited November 2011 in Tideswell (East)
Regen successfully defended 6 attacks this weekend - 2 days of triple ganks. Its pretty obvious ganks arent really effective. Cala, then IT, and now Regen prove that ganks from weak factions cant stop an OP juggernaut.

Im not trying to imply Regen is going to take the map, but they did show this weekend they are capable of it. Its the same reason Cala could, all the strong players _not_ in Regen spread themselves too thin between other factions.

If the most OP people from the 6 factions were combined into 1 faction, the map color would quickly change. And all the vets on the server know it, even if they choose to not acknowledge it.
Post edited by Fexcad - Dreamweaver on


  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Regen successfully defended 6 attacks this weekend - 2 days of triple ganks. Its pretty obvious ganks arent really effective. Cala, then IT, and now Regen prove that ganks from weak factions cant stop an OP juggernaut.

    Im not trying to imply Regen is going to take the map, but they did show this weekend they are capable of it. Its the same reason Cala could, all the strong players _not_ in Regen spread themselves too thin between other factions.

    If the most OP people from the 6 factions were combined into 1 faction, the map color would quickly change. And all the vets on the server know it, even if they choose to not acknowledge it.

    There's a good chunk of Regen that literally have years of TW experience, not just "okay let's go to TW and fight them" I mean they know about tactics, strategy, and what to do in nearly any situation. Just having a strong base of players won't be enough to take down Regen just like it wouldn't have brought down Calamity. I don't care who takes Dreamweaver's map, but if you think just having strong people all band together will take Regen down then I'm sure you have another thing coming.

    When dealing with two powerful factions it comes down to tactics and experience.
  • BaDumBopCha - Dreamweaver
    BaDumBopCha - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The problem is not the ganking its the fact that nub factions are getting in on it ruining the 3 way spades dyna and eq have had available. lets face it pajamas was never going to threaten the regen crystal even if regen sent 1 or 2 squads.
  • Viscosity - Dreamweaver
    Viscosity - Dreamweaver Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Regen is not invincible. It just seams that all the factions are they're to taking on Regen separately. As earlier implied, all the factions need to combine into one. As the saying goes; United we stand, divided we fall. Factions such a Dynasty, IT, Spades, Booty and EQ should definitely consider a merge. But if they could I bet they would of done so ages ago.

    I am sure they are well aware of this. The problem is egos, rivalries and person issues preventing this. I am not going to be calling out any real names; -- But for arrangement sakes lets say Bob and a few of his close friends are in Spades. And Annie and her friends from Dynasty hate Bob and his crew. What do you think would happen if these 2 are same faction? It would be nothing but trouble if you ask me. Tw isn't only about gear. Its also about tactics, team work and coordination. A scenario like this wouldn't be bring TW victories soon.

    This is my only my assumption since I am in Regenesis and pretty much active only on the weekends. I have no knowledge what happens in other factions. (Also, Bob and Annie are totally random people I made up)
  • Fexcad - Dreamweaver
    Fexcad - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Regen has a lot of experience, but so do the vets spread out through the 4-6 factions. Some sort of mass merge could feasibly be enough to 1v1 Regen, though yeah, ego's make that nearly impossible.

    If DW TW is ever going to be more than 5 minute rolls and failed ganks, people are going to have to choose to stop being a big fish in a little pond (+10 people in Kindrid/Booty/Tempest/etc) and join a bigger faction.

    Or, since only Spades and Dyna have even the slightest chance at winning now due to some leadership decisions from the grey faction, people might need to join a new faction that combines the best players from the big name factions ;o
  • BaDumBopCha - Dreamweaver
    BaDumBopCha - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Lame attempt at recruiting members to emergence if you ask me. If you so sure on needing a convergence why did you separate and make a new faction fexcad ? b:shutup
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Lame attempt at recruiting members to emergence if you ask me. b:shutup


    Noone will merge, most of people on this server doesnt even care if regen owns the whole map. It doesnt make any difference to them. They just want to TW. The factions break apart, not cause they lose TW. They break apart cause of problems inside the faction.

    If they wanted to join another faction to win more land, they would have done it ages ago.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    so fexcad uhm, why dont you join dynasty or spades and convince your friends to do so too :3?

    i would love to see dynasty stronger, = 3 hour tw maybe? b:dirty
    i like potato
  • Zaeh - Dreamweaver
    Zaeh - Dreamweaver Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hi Fexy b:bye Grats on wedding!

    I honestly don't see this as him trying to recruit people to Emergence. Whatever. Thats me, I guess.

    I'm not going to say much about the topic except that wow! Dyna has gotten really strong!
    [Graviora - 101;cleric].__.[Zaeh - 8X;psychic].__.[Diabelle - 100;sin]
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    yes, i do have the same feeling,

    dynasty is definitely the number 2 now in terms of tw power
    i like potato
  • Namari - Dreamweaver
    Namari - Dreamweaver Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Dreamweaver when red: QQQQQQQQQQQ All the smaller factions should merge into one! QQQQQQQQQ Reset map! QQQQQQQQQQ

    *map resets, not because we totally requested it, but because the devs thought it was a good idea at the time*

    Dreamweaver when dookie brown: QQQQQQQQQQ all the smaller factions should merge into one! QQQQQQQQ Reset map! (not sure if this has been implied yet, but it will be very soon) QQQQQQQQQQQ

    See? Same ****, different color.

    I will admit this: I miss TW like I miss seeing my toes in the dark. Haven't done it in weeks now. The ego thing is VERY true; some people just won't mesh well in the same faction, and some just refuse to merge. Like for example, someone in VQ asked another faction about merging with us. They refused, because their faction base is better. Never mind the fact that the force would be much stronger for TW. The precious buffs (and egos) got in the way.

    So while it would be awesome to see another faction of Regen strength poke Regen, it won't happen. Because we're too ****ing arrogant to let it happen. And even if it wasn't Regen on top, you'll still have the scenario I spoke of above.
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.

    My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle

    Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    All the people who keep suggesting a merge seems to be overlooking one major set back about doing it.

    If you all think about it, the possibility of a big merge leaving friends behind is simply too great, not to mention the fact that (bare with me, I know what I am trying to say, just not sure if I will convey it in a way that will make sense to others) if a merge happens the possibility of getting 120+ (which is way more then the 80 that is allowed in each tw) people that will show up to tws each weekend might just simply be too great, and that will strike out the good possibility that a gank might be successful again someday soon after the purposed big merge "happens."

    In other words it doesn't really seem to me like it's a plausible solution to beating regen, especially when their teamwork, and knowledge far surpass anything that a merge would change in one week. Synergy would play a role in how effective that merge would even be. Their "top 80" has seen many wars, and has had many chances/times of working together which does give them a huge edge over the top geared/pvpers of all the other members on this server. Perhaps it would be a thorn in the side of regen, but to be honest I doubt it will be more then a thorn in the side of regen until it picks up that 'x factor' regen has... that has made it so effective over every other faction on server.

    I guess what I am trying to say, is that our division of players, is effective causing regen to rethink it's strategy every weekend, especially when times are different/each faction had different powerhouses that could be real troublesome if left alone. ;x Albeit it is easier to tell who should go where depending on what factions they are defending against.

    Also while factions falling apart isn't completely the fault of a faction losing, it does, and can play a legit role, people's morale, and hopes can get down after several losses/loss of all lands. Though yea it probably has something to do more with a underlying problem inside the faction, whether it's the leadership, or other people in the faction.

    One more thing, I think it's kind of asinine to expect/ask others to simply betray/leave their old faction behind to attempt the suggested merge just to take down regen, a lot of people have ties that they don't want to be broken when they leave to join the 'merged faction.' (especially when there is absolutely no guarantee that they will succeed, or even that faction holding together much longer after the 'goal' is successfully completed.) There really are quite a few reasons why this merge will very likely never happen. New bonds aren't created over night, or even in a couple of weeks, it would be difficult cutting the ties/bonds that each person has with their current faction over their name.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Seamen - Dreamweaver
    Seamen - Dreamweaver Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    All I am going to say about this topic is that regen isn't invincible. They all do not have the best gear because I see some level 100 s in refine and I question how they got accepted probably because of availability to tw. And they have poor gear or no skill at all. Regen wins bc of the many real experienced players in that faction but they can be defeated. We all just have lives and aren't virgins... And they are obviously the opposite! An I know what real trees look like and ask them they may not know the answer to that.
  • snufalufaguss
    snufalufaguss Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    We all just have lives and aren't virgins...

    cybering doesn't really count
  • Gsychell - Dreamweaver
    Gsychell - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    All I am going to say about this topic is that regen isn't invincible. They all do not have the best gear because I see some level 100 s in refine and I question how they got accepted probably because of availability to tw. And they have poor gear or no skill at all. Regen wins bc of the many real experienced players in that faction but they can be defeated. We all just have lives and aren't virgins... And they are obviously the opposite! An I know what real trees look like and ask them they may not know the answer to that.

    Regenesis recruits 100 plus, R8 and up, with +5 and higher
    Or so Viscosity told me >.>

    Either way. Regen isn't a full faction of no-lifers. Or one full o' cashers. Some of them don't have amazing gear. And if ya dont have the gear I seriously doubt they'd let you in if you didn't have skill or follow the 'code of honor' they have set up. TWs probably the biggest part of that though
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Regenesis recruits 100 plus, R8 and up, with +5 and higher
    Or so Viscosity told me >.>

    Either way. Regen isn't a full faction of no-lifers. Or one full o' cashers. Some of them don't have amazing gear. And if ya dont have the gear I seriously doubt they'd let you in if you didn't have skill or follow the 'code of honor' they have set up. TWs probably the biggest part of that though

    If you have the potential then yes we allow you in, however its difficult to find a player lately who knows how to play their class and just live off of hypering. I can tell you now that the majority of Regens have farmed most of their gear, and i don't mean just farming when its 2x, we've worked hard to where we are today.

    Merging a faction won't help. You can have the best players in your faction and still lose due to an insufficient strategy. We don't just use one strategy, we formulate a strategy for every single war.

    Regenesis let me in when i was a squishy one shot. 4k hp, 1k pdef. So not all about gear, cause your skill as a player counts and your reputation. Besides everyone improves with Regen. I am almost 10k hp buffed when i use to have 5k buffed. Now im a cata cleric because i worked hard to get where i am.

    Cata clericsb:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirty

    I still want a 3hr war i love them.
  • Shadowfire - Dreamweaver
    Shadowfire - Dreamweaver Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    An I know what real trees look like and ask them they may not know the answer to that.

    I'd love to describe what a real tree looks like. However, in order to do so, I'd like you to provide something more specific than "tree". Do you mean some variety of maple, oak, pine, or other kind of tree? Palm trees, perhaps? Or do you mean fruit-bearing trees, such as apple trees? Pear trees?

    I confess I have never had a real christmas tree, due to several family members being allergic to pine trees. However, I honestly do not see how this devalues me as a person, and it has not impaired my knowledge of what real trees look like. Please do enlighten me on this point.

    (tl;dr: I see your troll post, and raise you a trolling response, because I am bored waiting for my next class)
  • Zaeh - Dreamweaver
    Zaeh - Dreamweaver Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    <3 being cata cleric as well. Probably most fun role in TW b:surrender
    [Graviora - 101;cleric].__.[Zaeh - 8X;psychic].__.[Diabelle - 100;sin]
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    All I am going to say about this topic is that regen isn't invincible. They all do not have the best gear because I see some level 100 s in refine and I question how they got accepted probably because of availability to tw. And they have poor gear or no skill at all. ...

    we declined people with rank9+12 and invited full+3 gears
    why? maybe gear isnt everything, personallity matters as well ;o
    If you have the potential then yes we allow you in, however its difficult to find a player lately who knows how to play their class and just live off of hypering. I can tell you now that the majority of Regens have farmed most of their gear, and i don't mean just farming when its 2x, we've worked hard to where we are today.

    Merging a faction won't help. You can have the best players in your faction and still lose due to an insufficient strategy. We don't just use one strategy, we formulate a strategy for every single war.

    Regenesis let me in when i was a squishy one shot. 4k hp, 1k pdef. So not all about gear, cause your skill as a player counts and your reputation. Besides everyone improves with Regen. I am almost 10k hp buffed when i use to have 5k buffed. Now im a cata cleric because i worked hard to get where i am.

    Cata clericsb:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirty

    I still want a 3hr war i love them.

    i voted yes on your application cause... boobies!
    i like potato
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    we declined people with rank9+12 and invited full+3 gears
    why? maybe gear isnt everything, personallity matters as well ;o

    i voted yes on your application cause... boobies!

  • Zaeh - Dreamweaver
    Zaeh - Dreamweaver Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    we declined people with rank9+12 and invited full+3 gears

    For your information... I am now +5!
    [Graviora - 101;cleric].__.[Zaeh - 8X;psychic].__.[Diabelle - 100;sin]
  • Badazmofo - Dreamweaver
    Badazmofo - Dreamweaver Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I think he ment me zaeh ;) my archer is basicly the proof that gear doesnt matter too much
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited October 2011
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    LOL pwnedb:shutup

    Regen denied me even though I was able to beat over half of them in pk b:sad
  • Chillum - Dreamweaver
    Chillum - Dreamweaver Posts: 887 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Regen denied me even though I was able to beat over half of them in pk b:sad

    Probably because your moobs aren't big enough Zannie "TPG" poo! b:cute
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Probably because your moobs aren't big enough Zannie "TPG" poo! b:cute

    I still vote for having TPG put under my forum avatar
  • Tricannon - Dreamweaver
    Tricannon - Dreamweaver Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I still vote for having TPG put under my forum avatar

    +1 you totally deserve it
    If I sound like I hate you, please don't take it personally...chances are I actually do.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    +1 you totally deserve it

    Damn right b:cool
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Regen denied me even though I was able to beat over half of them in pk b:sad

    You dont have **** thats why b:angry
  • Chillum - Dreamweaver
    Chillum - Dreamweaver Posts: 887 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You dont have **** thats why b:angry

    *Touches again* b:laugh
  • Mooooooooo - Lost City
    Mooooooooo - Lost City Posts: 377 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    There's a good chunk of Regen that literally have years of TW experience, not just "okay let's go to TW and fight them" I mean they know about tactics, strategy, and what to do in nearly any situation. Just having a strong base of players won't be enough to take down Regen just like it wouldn't have brought down Calamity. I don't care who takes Dreamweaver's map, but if you think just having strong people all band together will take Regen down then I'm sure you have another thing coming.

    When dealing with two powerful factions it comes down to tactics and experience.

    pretty sure TW is just tab f1
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