is this a joke??

Causeiwnna - Heavens Tear
Causeiwnna - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Suggestion Box
After my account was **** this is the reply that I got from pw "customer support"


First.. I never gave my password to anyone..

Second.. I have never been out of the continental U.S.

Third.. how is this customer service????

what a crock! they can see who took my coins and items and can't get them back?? I can tell them specific items that are one of a kind ex.. warsoul of heaven 4 socket +3 manufactured by xxRockoxx.. there is only 1!!! my Isfrael which is manufactured by Causeiwnna since i am the one that upgraded the speed on it.. I guess the money I have spent on this game means nothing.. if you get **** don't expect pw to help you get 3 years worth of work, time, and money returned to you because you are just out of luck. I have never seen worse customer service in my life!! there was no way for me to know that someone had been on my account before the new ip thing came out and nothing was missing till this time IF someone had logged into my account before. how can pwi treat their customers this way?? if you have had the same experience please post here and let me know that I'm not alone? b:cry
Post edited by Causeiwnna - Heavens Tear on


  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    First, you posted on the wrong forum. Second, bans are not to be discussed on the forums, and sharing private correspondence is not allowed as well.

    I will be closing this topic: Accounts are being **** on a daily basis, mostly by careless players who shared their account information with others - which PWE can look into and verify - so items are never being given back to those ****.
  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    After my account was **** this is the reply that I got from pw "customer support"


    First.. I never gave my password to anyone..

    Second.. I have never been out of the continental U.S.

    Third.. how is this customer service????

    what a crock! they can see who took my coins and items and can't get them back?? I can tell them specific items that are one of a kind ex.. warsoul of heaven 4 socket +3 manufactured by xxRockoxx.. there is only 1!!! my Isfrael which is manufactured by Causeiwnna since i am the one that upgraded the speed on it.. I guess the money I have spent on this game means nothing.. if you get **** don't expect pw to help you get 3 years worth of work, time, and money returned to you because you are just out of luck. I have never seen worse customer service in my life!! there was no way for me to know that someone had been on my account before the new ip thing came out and nothing was missing till this time IF someone had logged into my account before. how can pwi treat their customers this way?? if you have had the same experience please post here and let me know that I'm not alone? b:cry
    I guess the main problem with giving you the items back is that a player in the game can not know that he/she is buying items from a hacker running your account. So lets say the hacker sells your warsoul to another player and this player pays in coins who will refund this player who has bought the item from the hacker. Because I guess the hacker will also take away the coins from your account and everything valuable undoing the transaction wont be possible. Moreover what if the hacker has sold for a lower price to get the "stolen warsoul" sold off quickly or what if the price of the warsoul has increased dramatically in the meantime do you think the new owner will be willing to give it away?
    Since coins can be dropped in the game PWI will not be able to track where your items or better the money of your items sold to someone else went unless the hacker was stupid enough to use the mail system. And even then the items will be sent to several account which the hacker expects to get banned or characters that will be deleted before PWI can even start to check where the items went.

    So the answer to your dilema is quite simple the costs from being **** bears the person in charge of account safety. Due to the terms of service you as the owner are responsible for keeping your account safe by measures like frequently changing your account pw not sharing account data with other users .....PWIs game protection on the other hand prevents hacks of the database and increases the difficulty for hacks by bots by using mouse keyboard interface and other measures...... From my personal experience with other MMORPGs 90% of the accounts which got **** have been **** by people who knew the owner or whom have been granted access to the account by the owner. And even if you are right and you belong to the remaining 10% you will see that you have no rights to claim damages or demand any compensation as part of the service agreement.

    When ChaoticShelly states that PWI can look into and verify it only means that they will check your case but it was also made clear that they dont have any obligation to refund stuff. So the best thing you can hope for is that they will offer you some kind of unsolicited gift or grant you a certain amount of coins so that you can start over. And i guess the only way you might be able to obtain such a gift would be if you can prove to them that you did everything required to keep your account safe which will be really hard for you to do

    Also you should check if the Ban is a permanent one and which part of the TOS has been violated by your account to see if there is any hope.

    So from PWIs point of view you can either play their games according to their rules ( which you not entirely seem to be aware of till now) or leave. If you violate their ToS they also have the right to stop rendering their service to you which seems to be the case here. So unless you can prove that you havent done the violation they wont help you.

    greetz harm0wnie

    PS:dont forget PWE is a company trying to earn profit with their games and they treat all their customers equally regardless of how much $ they have spent.
  • Shazaama - Harshlands
    Shazaama - Harshlands Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    hmmm perhaps it's in the part of the message conviently removed, but i dont see where she states she was banned but rather **** instead.....duh maybe. btw i was **** last week myself, they havent bothered to send me the crappy response as of yet. and no i never gave anyone my acct info nor did i ever write it down either. so you are not the only one. problem is, this type of situation has been going on more then a year now, part of why they put the login ip in the screen, which means they've always had the ability to trace your stuff, just wont take the time or loss to do so. they expect you to dump more money into there greedy little lap to replace what you shouldnt have too, since the measely little extra security features havent been enough of a diversion. so why dont you goody too shoes just back off a bit. cause you'll never know the frustration of this type of situation, until it's your turn.

    have a wonderful day b:pleased
  • RTigerfish - Harshlands
    RTigerfish - Harshlands Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    hmmm perhaps it's in the part of the message conviently removed, but i dont see where she states she was banned but rather **** instead.....duh maybe. btw i was **** last week myself, they havent bothered to send me the crappy response as of yet. and no i never gave anyone my acct info nor did i ever write it down either. so you are not the only one. problem is, this type of situation has been going on more then a year now, part of why they put the login ip in the screen, which means they've always had the ability to trace your stuff, just wont take the time or loss to do so. they expect you to dump more money into there greedy little lap to replace what you shouldnt have too, since the measely little extra security features havent been enough of a diversion. so why dont you goody too shoes just back off a bit. cause you'll never know the frustration of this type of situation, until it's your turn.

    have a wonderful day b:pleased

    Thank you. i agree. double thumbs up. see i got **** by someone; but with some kind of bugged/**** patch on them. PWI probably wont fix it even though its a violation of TOS. which if you read it from top to bottom basically says if they dont feel like fixing it ie: it doesnt keep them making money; they probably wont take the time to fix it even though they easily could. until the binding stones are buyable (other than by zen) the problem will never clear itself and they will keep tripping over dollars to pick up pennies.
    also it oughta be available to quest upto 60 safe storage slots; but i think it stops at like 40.
  • Tagi_ - Dreamweaver
    Tagi_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    First, you posted on the wrong forum. Second, bans are not to be discussed on the forums, and sharing private correspondence is not allowed as well.

    I will be closing this topic: Accounts are being **** on a daily basis, mostly by careless players who shared their account information with others - which PWE can look into and verify - so items are never being given back to those ****.

    Anybody else notice this thread is still open? b:laugh
This discussion has been closed.