Constant harrasing



  • aclucius318
    aclucius318 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm not posting from good account, but u forgot to read the part that we talked on phone/cam and MET real life and are a real life couple. You know living together and stuff ? Oh yeah right, she could be a man...

    You know that hard pointy thing that has been poking you in the back when she lays next to you? Well...b:laugh

    Oh, by the way, you could press charges for harassment, but it is doubtful that you could ever get a real case for a civil suit. The simple fact that there are protections in-game to allow you to ignore this person would be enough to get it thrown out. An attorney could just say you could have turned off your PM's, turned off World Chat, and avoided the mess entirely.

    Now, if this were to go on for a long time after notifying PWE, then you might have a case for a civil suit, just not against this person if you get what I'm saying. It wouldn't be under harassment, but negligence.
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    1- Don't react to them

    2 - If they pm you with an alt, simply sigh, and reach for the BL and go about what you were doing.

    3 - If you see them, walk on - do not engage. If they try to engage you, walk on.

    4 - Make no effort to acknowledge them, delete any item to your mailbox w/o reading it, do not read any whispers - simply reach over, clear screen after BLing them.

    5- Anything you do in reaction to them, empowers them. They are insignificant, so treat them as such.
  • NinnaXXX - Sanctuary
    NinnaXXX - Sanctuary Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    lol creepy, some ppl just forget tht this is still a game ._. although like some others mentioned ingame **** might also start going towards rl relationship, but meh tht girl of yurs seems nuts xD
    The greatest danger for most of us
    is not that our aim is too high
    and we miss it
    but that it's too low and
    we reach it.
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Just get your Faction to harrass her back. Fill her mailbox everyday with spam junk see how she likes it. Mail her Sadness Cards, that's what I do to people that QQ around me.

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  • Amup - Raging Tide
    Amup - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Just get your Faction to harrass her back. Fill her mailbox everyday with spam junk see how she likes it. Mail her Sadness Cards, that's what I do to people that QQ around me.

    I actually like that idea, I have like 11 chars (most of which I just stopped playing) and am saving up my sadness cards for fun in my barb's bank..
