genie for mystic

Posts: 93 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Mystic
so like i got a 29/30 zeal genie right now and i want to know what is the best way to build it and whats the best skill for a mystic to have on it.

i already know holy path is a given, but what about the others? and whats the best stats to give it (zeal)?
Post edited by rainbowyoshii on


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  • Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Basically most of the same skills useful to other casters. Fortify, Badge, Expel, Domain, Extreme Poison, Holy Path(you already listed this one yourself). I would put tree in there, but I never use it. I would recommend a decent amount of vit and mag, and all of the skills I mentioned are dex based so wouldn't hurt to add some dex as well.
  • Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My universal arcane setup is....

    AD, Holy path, Cloud erupt, bramble rage, and a healing or ext poison...

    Healing is when I just cant get that extra skill in.

    Vit magic genie for spam sparking and sprinting.
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    when you are high enough lvl add expel. you can expel a seeker who is using vortex or a wizard using the wiz aoe (w/e it's called). while expeled the target will take no damage.

    i don't think u need to add a heal. second wind sucks anyways maxing out with 800 hp recovery. add absolute domain instead. or tree of protection for some better hp recovery if u really want a heal spell.

    i'm too tired to add more on the subject. perhaps later
  • Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    krishnaya wrote: »
    when you are high enough lvl add expel. you can expel a seeker who is using vortex or a wizard using the wiz aoe (w/e it's called). while expeled the target will take no damage.

    i don't think u need to add a heal. second wind sucks anyways maxing out with 800 hp recovery. add absolute domain instead. or tree of protection for some better hp recovery if u really want a heal spell.

    i'm too tired to add more on the subject. perhaps later

    Okay, False. :D

    For one, expel makes them take no physical damage.
    and allittle add on that.... doesnt it not work when they got buff filters?

    And two... for some people in lower levels that's more than half their hp, I'm not saying its good..... but, its a insta heal compared to ToPs heal over time.
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Okay, False. :D

    For one, expel makes them take no physical damage.
    and allittle add on that.... doesnt it not work when they got buff filters?

    And two... for some people in lower levels that's more than half their hp, I'm not saying its good..... but, its a insta heal compared to ToPs heal over time.

    yeah good correction. expels makes the target take no physical damage. they can still take magic damage. i dunno how often this skill has saved a seeker or wiz in my squad tho. I never met anyone with buff filters on and dunno y anyone would have them on. i've never had expel not work

    sure at lower lvl's second wind might help and yes it's instant. i just find that at higher lvls the 800hp is insignificant.
  • Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    krishnaya wrote: »
    yeah good correction. expels makes the target take no physical damage. they can still take magic damage. i dunno how often this skill has saved a seeker or wiz in my squad tho. I never met anyone with buff filters on and dunno y anyone would have them on. i've never had expel not work

    sure at lower lvl's second wind might help and yes it's instant. i just find that at higher lvls the 800hp is insignificant.

    Thats why you change it later on? you can learn it at like lvl 20... its useful in grinding on archer mobs

    Your not restricted to anything. Unless its bound b:shocked
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Thats why you change it later on? you can learn it at like lvl 20... its useful in grinding on archer mobs

    Your not restricted to anything. Unless its bound b:shocked

    We have heals, we don't need a weak genie heal at low levels. Besides low levels don't matter much, untill level 60 most if not all classes can be kill by a Genie using Explosion....

    Personly I like the chi and mana sapping side to genies.
  • Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    mryc wrote: »
    We have heals, we don't need a weak genie heal at low levels. Besides low levels don't matter much, untill level 60 most if not all classes can be kill by a Genie using Explosion....

    Personly I like the chi and mana sapping side to genies.

    The OP has a lvl 30 genie, everyone levels at different rates, you don't need to tell me what and what not to do.

    Id like to see chi siphon or cloud erupt on that thing.
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The OP has a lvl 30 genie, everyone levels at different rates, you don't need to tell me what and what not to do.

    Id like to see chi siphon or cloud erupt on that thing.

    I didn't tell you what to do?
    I just said that the heal is pointless for a Mystic and then explained why, then made a sugestion of general skills I like.
  • Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    mryc wrote: »
    I didn't tell you what to do?
    I just said that the heal is pointless for a Mystic and then explained why, then made a sugestion of general skills I like.

    With that logic
    I guess clerics don't need tree of protection either because they have heals too.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'd still have a heal on my genie, no matter what class I was. It's especially important for Clerics and mystics to have a heal on their genie because of a couple reasons:

    1. Relying on your own heal as a Cleric or Mystic can lead to problems, forcing you to un-target the tank. Which can possibly lead to a party-wipe the second you lose focus, especially in tough spots like FF.

    2. Mana drain is less! If you don't have a charm, simply clicking a genie heal is a godsend. And everyone knows Clerics and Mystics can tear through Mana when in instances and other similar situations.

    As for my own personal two cents, I agree that in lower levels, Second wind is very useful. For example, you manage to pull two mobs, and become swamped. Second wind has saved my Mystic's life on many occasions. Now that she's closer to Tree of Protection, I'm going to remove Second wind.
    Personal preference is key when choosing Genie skills. As for myself, I place Anti-stun and Bleed protections, Expel, Occult Ice, or other Pvp/Pve helping skills. But Tree of Protection will always be on my genie's roster, regardless of class or the said Genie's use.
  • Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'd still have a heal on my genie, no matter what class I was. It's especially important for Clerics and mystics to have a heal on their genie because of a couple reasons:

    1. Relying on your own heal as a Cleric or Mystic can lead to problems, forcing you to un-target the tank. Which can possibly lead to a party-wipe the second you lose focus, especially in tough spots like FF.

    2. Mana drain is less! If you don't have a charm, simply clicking a genie heal is a godsend. And everyone knows Clerics and Mystics can tear through Mana when in instances and other similar situations.

    As for my own personal two cents, I agree that in lower levels, Second wind is very useful. For example, you manage to pull two mobs, and become swamped. Second wind has saved my Mystic's life on many occasions. Now that she's closer to Tree of Protection, I'm going to remove Second wind.
    Personal preference is key when choosing Genie skills. As for myself, I place Anti-stun and Bleed protections, Expel, Occult Ice, or other Pvp/Pve helping skills. But Tree of Protection will always be on my genie's roster, regardless of class or the said Genie's use.

    All I can say is, Thank You.

    And my updated genie for my mystic
    Holy Path
    Absolute Domain
    Cloud Eruption
    Tree of Protection
    Windshield, for the damage reduction.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    so like i got a 29/30 zeal genie right now and i want to know what is the best way to build it and whats the best skill for a mystic to have on it.

    i already know holy path is a given, but what about the others? and whats the best stats to give it (zeal)?

    Since you have a Zeal, you can unlearn the flame spell it comes with and replace it with something can pull veno style with your pets and dont need it. (WARNING: Removing that spell will effect any potential resale value of said genie.)

    So far I have a Discipline (no particular reason why, other than I knew I didnt need a pull spell)

    I unlearned the flight spell it came with and now have Holy Path, Tree of Protection, Tangling Mire & Extreme Poison on it.

    Tangling mire slows & reduces Phys def (I think) of target by like 1/3 each, Extreme Poison to erode the target and make it more susceptible to other spells, Tree of Protection for those few secs of AoE from a boss that I will be protected from while I crab & herb it, when & if I think fast enough to use it, lol (gives decent HP bonus).
  • Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    From my own experience I consider a heal skill on a mystic's genie to be a waste of space. I have ToP on mine, but I never find myself having to use it. I don't find a use for hp pots or charms either. Not denying a charm can have it's uses in TW, but mystic doesn't need it nearly as much as other classes. So the money I save not buying all of that stuff pays for the mp drain since hp items are more expensive than mana items anyway. It's different for clerics because their longest source of passive healing lasts just 15 seconds. Mystics can just cast petals and be good for up to a whole minute(or more if demon ofc), not to mention we can also summon vital and have the fastest casting heal in the game.

    Once I was duoing FC with a seeker friend same lvl as me, and the second boss kept me slept and stunlocked for a very long time. I was charmless and hp potless and all I had time to do was set down vitals and if I didn't have enough chi just use petals; didn't need a genie heal not once. This was happening with 2 plants and a summon out most of the time so I guess that boss just liked me. QQ

    And there are almost always better skills to use for defense in PvP anyways.
  • Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    agiya wrote: »
    Since you have a Zeal, you can unlearn the flame spell it comes with and replace it with something can pull veno style with your pets and dont need it. (WARNING: Removing that spell will effect any potential resale value of said genie.)
    I still use the Genie Flame to pull on my Mystic most of the time because I usually have my Pet healed and the Mana bar full and I'd rather not waste that if I can use my Genie.

    So depending on you play style, you may want to consider keeping Flame for as long as possible.

    I personally don't use the heal skill because there is a much better solution if you are in a bad situation. Just click on Crab Meat -- you get a ton more healing for longer.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I still use the Genie Flame to pull on my Mystic most of the time because I usually have my Pet healed and the Mana bar full and I'd rather not waste that if I can use my Genie.

    So depending on you play style, you may want to consider keeping Flame for as long as possible.

    I personally don't use the heal skill because there is a much better solution if you are in a bad situation. Just click on Crab Meat -- you get a ton more healing for longer.

    I see your point on the Flame spell, especially for those who may list mana as one of their concerns.

    I inevitably end up charming for a culti or FC, and once charmed you cant remove it so it follows to BHs and quests too...even when they run out, I dont find mana to be a huge problem normally & can usually keep up with it easy enough - havent even tried the 79 spell yet, bummer...b:shutup

    I could be wrong, but Tree of Protection could come in handy when manas exhausted, and crabs on cooldown...not that a spell like Expel couldn't prove more valueable than ToP overall.


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