can a mod or gm help

Posts: 973 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Chronicles
ok as many of u i made a faction circulating kurii wish involves barbarians in my faction and
i was curius if Gm would allow me to Edit myself and my fellow kurii for this reason.

ofcurse here is part of our descriptions so if a gm or such could allow me and my faction to Edit it would we for this reason alone.....................

this is what we are if a mod or gm can read it would we good and maybe give me a answer.b:pleased and if ather barb would like to join our kurii army u can always see us in lost.

Some Kurii ships have crashed on Gor over the years. The Priest-Kings will destroy the ships but they do little about any Kurii who escape from those ships. As long as these Kurii obey the Technology and Weapon Laws, the Kurii are allowed to remain on Gor. Generally, these Kurii degenerate quickly to a state of barbarism and anarchy. Some Kurii have lived on Gor for several generations and know little, if anything, of the Steel Worlds. They usually live in isolated areas of Gor such as the frozen wastes of the north. The Kurii that live in the cold north live in field shelters made of skins and furs arched over bent saplings. Kurii do not like sleeping exposed. In an open field, they will burrow into the ground. These northern Kurii commonly wield great axes. White-furred Kurii are called ice beasts by the Red Hunters of the polar basin. These Kurii hunt from ice floes and have an affinity for water unlike other Kurii. There are few Kurii in the Barrens and Tahari as there is too little cover, the summer heat is too severe and game is scarce in the winters.

Kurii usually range from seven to nine feet tall and weigh from seven to nine hundred pounds. Their arms are longer and larger than their legs. Their biceps are commonly about eight inches wide and their wrists are about five inches wide. Their hands are clawed and pawlike with six digits, extra-jointed, and almost like tentacles. These hand claws are usually filed allowing them to better able use tools and technological items. Most Kur are right-handed as the left hemisphere of their brain is dominant. Their hind legs are eight to ten inches wide. Though their legs are short, with their arms they can move on all fours rapidly like an ape. For short distances it can even outrun a tarsk. They are also excellent climbers. The claws on its feet are retractable, usually not filed and over four inches long. Their most common fur color is dark brown though they can also be brownish red, sable or white. A mottling of white in their coloration commonly denotes disease.

Their heads are the width of the chest of a large man with a mouth large enough to cover a man


  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Killing is not discouraged on their ships except under conditions of battle or when the functioning of the vessel might be impaired. Killing helps to cull the weak. Kurii have traditions of dueling, and the tradition of the fang and claw. Their Killings are arena-like battles fought for the joy of killing and the reward of mating. Kurii may fight amidst themselves but they would never betray each other to another species such as man. A single Kur against a man is a formidable opponent. Men commonly must gang up on a Kur to kill it though some Goreans have ben able to single-handedly vanquish a Kur. They hold glory above all else.
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Their heads are the width of the chest of a large man with a mouth large enough to cover a man’s head. The mouth contains two rows of fangs, four being prominent in the position of canines. The upper two canines are long and curved. Its tongue is dark. Their eyes are large and round, with black pupils and a yellowish cornea. They have excellent vision in the dark and their eyes adjust to light changes quicker than humans. Their ears are large, pointed and wide. They can be laid back flat against its head. Its snout is wide and leathery with two slitlike nostrils. They have a tracking capacity, including both smell and hearing, equivalent to a larl though not as good as a sleen.


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