[Review] some positivly negative criticism on the mystic class.



  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Barunaa person, I don't care what you say, you cannot learn how to play simply by reading about things. Sure, you can learn what they do and imagine what kind of situations where you could put them to use, but you don't have the actual EXPERIENCE, and there is no substitute for that. It's like when you get a new genie skill, you know what it does and assume it might be useful that's why you got it. But when you first get it, you'll find yourself not using it very often because you're still getting used to it. You have to get used to all of your skills to get to the point where you know when to use them to full efficiency. You can't get used to skills you don't have.

    I can agree that clerics are better solo healers than mystics, but I feel that this is ONLY true because of their buffs. If mystics had the same buffs I'm more than positive they'd be just as good if not better. Barring the few scenarios where the dmg reduction from BB is necessary. Vital herb is the only stackable AoE heal in the game(besides bubble, but that's only possible with multiple psys) and yes, it can die, but even if it does it still has some heals stacked, and I heard that venos can heal plant summons, but I've yet to confirm for myself.

    Also, mystics don't need a buff. Right now you sound like the many people from the cragg forum who were QQing that cragg should get more time, yet they weren't even high enough lvl to use him yet. Mystics have the highest dps on lvl 150 bosses out of every caster, hands down. I don't think mystic summons should be compared to veno pets at all. Venos need their pets to tank for them because they cannot heal themselves. We can, so our pets can be great for extra dmg help, and our pets do more dmg than veno pets(except for nix in pvp, but we get more matk per mag, and nix tickles end game gear). Anyway, outside of pve, mystics are great pvpers, they have a lot more strategies than clerics, and can mix it up often. This is the key to 1v1. This is becoming a much larger post than intended so I'm gonna stop here.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Earthguards failed when they couldn't be 5.0.

    Anything to troll seekers, huh?
  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I stopped reading at page 2. What a load of bull****

    playing Faction Wars Again.
  • Zankara - Dreamweaver
    Zankara - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    OMG! You can summon Cragg for more then 20 secs and actually have him tank?! Teach me how to glitch so I can do this! b:chuckle (sarcasm if none can tell)
  • IAetius - Dreamweaver
    IAetius - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Well I've played a Cleric for over 3 years now and can honestly say I prefer healing as a mystic over a cleric. Mystic is by far more fun. I'm done now cause after what you said I know you're a troll and a noob.

    k thnx bai. b:bye
    TY for my shiney new R9 PWE b:chuckle

    iAetius - Sage- Mystic-
  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Well I've played a Cleric for over 3 years now and can honestly say I prefer healing as a mystic over a cleric. Mystic is by far more fun. I'm done now cause after what you said I know you're a troll and a noob.

    k thnx bai. b:bye


    u must have been the one out of 2 ppl that said mystic was a better healer than a clericb:bye

    just accept the fact that a mystic is a secondary healer bro. just because its your favorite class shouldnt blind u from the truth.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Um, that thread was made not even a month after the class came out. Do you know how long it took for people to realize how much potential the fish had? That was back before people even knew how vital herb worked or before res buff lasted 30 minutes and EG had 79/100 and demon/sage skills... Old stuff really aren't pretty reliable in proving a point.
  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Um, that thread was made not even a month after the class came out. Do you know how long it took for people to realize how much potential the fish had? That was back before people even knew how vital herb worked or before res buff lasted 30 minutes and EG had 79/100 and demon/sage skills... Old stuff really aren't pretty reliable in proving a point.

    get ur head out of ur **** man. if i make the thread right now on the cleric forums it will get the same results. a mystic is not a better healer then a cleric period. i dont care how much fanboyism u have for this class, but the truth is the truth.b:bye

    btw the last few post in there was made just a few months ago in july.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Doesn't change the fact that so many people I encounter give me comments about hardly knowing anything about mystics. b:bye
  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    also doesnt change the fact that many ppl i encounter (including the new EGs) dont have a clue on how to play there own class correctly because they power lvled to 100+ and are trying to figure out what the class does by FFing all dayb:bye
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    also doesnt change the fact that many ppl i encounter (including the new EGs) dont have a clue on how to play there own class correctly because they power lvled to 100+ and are trying to figure out what the class does by FFing all dayb:bye

    Ty for supporting my point. b^-^d
  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Ty for supporting my point. b^-^d

    yup which also proves mines in that eventually they will learn there class and still got plvled to 100+. it doesnt take long to learn how to play the class correctly at all when endgame is mainly FFing and pvping.

    to prove a point further ill get a factionmate to plvl me a bit and my knowledge of how to play the class will be retained.b:bye

    in all honestly its not that hard to learn how to play a class when u have friends helping u do it. its a silly mentality honestly. levels mean nothing in this game. ask any 100+ player and they will all agree that the only thing that matters in this game is your gear and how highly refined that gear is and how much $$$ is in ur wallet. thats the only thing that matters.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I wasn't talking about learning to play a class, that's easy to do. I was talking about knowing what a class is fully capable of. It's really impossible to know that in mystic's case since r9 for EG is still not out, so we'll have to see.
  • XMiyala - Dreamweaver
    XMiyala - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    since everyone is so happy go lucky and pointing out the good of mystic i think i will be a **** and point out the negatives. BUT i want to get one thing out of the way before I type this "review" up. i love mystic. i honestly like this class. however the class is so underwhelming and its potential is honestly not that high compared to the other caster classes. it could be because this class is, and i HATE using the term, a jack of all trades class. jack of all trades is something i honestly do not like in a game like this one because usually they turn out to be useless if the class they are mimicking is present.

    for example this class is a pseudo healer class. very useful if u don't have a cleric around. but if a cleric is around then it using this classes healing abilities quickly become redundant. they have pets that can tank and pull. kinda useful if no veno is around. but soon as a veno enters the equation this classes pet role becomes redundant cuz a veno can just pull out a herc. that's why i hate a "jack of all trades" class but i guess that's just me.

    We are still useful with a cleric around. We make the cleric's job easier, so our healing job doesn't become redundant. With a cleric around we are open to do so much more, but without one around, then yes we have to focus on healing. It doesn't matter if a veno's pet or a mystic's summon pulls. Most of the time pulling depends on your reaction time, not the defense of your pet. Who in their right mind is gonna sit there and let their pet take more than one hit or die when pulling? Probably the better thing about pulling with a mystic is that our pets don't lose loyalty if they happen to die, but a veno's will.

    anyway like i said before the race is very underwhelming and this is mostly due to skills available to mystics. the mystic skill tree basically works like this.

    25% attack skills, 25% healing and support skills, and 50% summon skills. most of the time a mystic will be spamming natures vengeance and thicket. along with their pet skills which is very narrow when you think about it. we don't have a wide array of devastating skills like psychics and wizzards. so our methods of atk is very narrow which makes the class boring honestly.

    Oh, dear... I do so much more than spam nature's vengeance and thicket. Let's see... I'm usually putting down herbs as often as I can, rebuilding up my sparks the best I can and spamming cragglord and thicket. Oh, and while I'm doing this, I'm also helping with heals.

    another thing that really disappoints me about the class is that plants don't have demon/sage effects. in a pvp situation a plant can EASILY be avoided if you know what you're doing or it can just be one hit. in my honest opinion plants NEED level 11 skill books so they can be all around more effective end game.

    Yea, demon or sage effects for plants would be nice, but it's not necessary. If you think about it, a few skills for other classes don't have a demon or sage counterpart.

    mystics summons seem to account for a great majority of mystic skills and debuffs. because if this i have 1 simple suggestions to buff mystics. buff ALL of the mystics summons.

    one example of summon buffs is to make buffs from items and classes affect devil, mistress, salvation, and cragg. another example is for all of the plant summons to gain sage/demon effects. that's all that really needs to be done.

    this buff wont affect venos either because none of the mystic summons (except cragglord) compares to a herc/nix. however i do believe that if a mystic invests a ton of money into their gear then their summons should be equally if not more powerful than a herc/nix. so my 2nd suggestion is to buff the stat increase a summon gets from mystic gear based on refines.

    The only thing a mystic's pet doesn't compare to is a herc regarding it's defense. But, a mystic's summon has way better attack than a herc. All of our summons, except for Salvation are comparable to a nix in attack. But, if your in a dungeon, and you can't use your nix, then our summons are going to be putting out more damage than a veno's herc

    thats all for now. im going to keep it short because i do like the mystic class, but it really needs a buff.

    replys in red
  • MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
    MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This thread has a lot of waves b:bye!

    I personally think this should be locked now because what information or advice is coming out of it? Clerics are better healers than mystics? Just because you personally think so does not make it correct. If you prefer clerics then gtf off a mystic, reroll a cleric and troll the cleric forums.. kthnxb:bye
  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I wasn't talking about learning to play a class, that's easy to do. I was talking about knowing what a class is fully capable of. It's really impossible to know that in mystic's case since r9 for EG is still not out, so we'll have to see.

    i agree that a mystics full potential hasnt been realize yet, but that full potential wont match a cleric because clerics just have more at there disposal. unless you really think a mystics potential is that huge that it will replace clerics? well then you can think that all u want then.
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    lol these mystics make me laugh. Yes a mystic can get the job done but it still doesnt make it better. I see this class more as a class to support the cleric with healing and a debuff class it also has some great pvp potential I do know that but this class is and allways will be the jack of all trades class. Remember even if it gets the job done tht title will still not be changed ty for listening and go bck to making your hilarious funny posts.

    P.S. the only thing i wnt to change on a mystic is the mp it takes for the skills but eh i new what i was geting into when i started it on day 1 of the expansion on this game version.
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Nice post... try learning your class first and say what you think first, ty.

    And the argument that the game is easy, and playing the class is easy, is the same argument FCC plvlers and Goon glitchers give too... and guess who are the worst peopl to have in a squad?
  • Baby_pho - Heavens Tear
    Baby_pho - Heavens Tear Posts: 636 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    it depends on the player if they are good healer or not. there are many mystics that can solo heal instances as well as clerics. but there are also alot of fail mystics as well as clerics that cant do their job well. mystics are a great support. i have a mystic myself tho she's only 69 atm i get on her when i want a change of pace. mystic healing techniqes are different from cleric. the only down thing i find about them is the mp consume. a healing mystic consume way more mp than a cleric. so when im on my mystic i'd like to have a cleric around cos i want to attack and suport. i think the dev made this class so the game has a nice change not to put down cleric's or veno's ability(or replace them).

    ps. mystic pulling with pet is mp consume too so i tend to use zeal.

    another down thing about mystic is that everyone ask for res buff but low lvl mp pots has low cool down b:cry. they need to change the cap lvl for the token herb b:surrender
  • Kaitica - Heavens Tear
    Kaitica - Heavens Tear Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I easily heal everything, and I DD with Summons, and I debuff with plants.

    I never cause a squad wipe b:chuckle only time someone dies in my squad is when they aoe at ocean.

    We may not have certain skills, but were certainly able to keep up with everything.

  • rainbowyoshii
    rainbowyoshii Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Nice post... try learning your class first and say what you think first, ty.

    And the argument that the game is easy, and playing the class is easy, is the same argument FCC plvlers and Goon glitchers give too... and guess who are the worst peopl to have in a squad?

    you are a hilariously naive lil tiger arent you? how cuteb:chuckle

    its honestly not that hard to learn a class. if you think its hard to learn a class in this game then you need to either A) get into a good faction and get some good friends or B) learn some common sense.

    ppl that think the game is "hard" are usually the fools that does BHes and grind on repetitive daily quests every single day. which in itself is easy as hell aswell. i mean how can anyone in there right frame of mind say this game is hard? honestly?

    if u think tthis game is hard then you are just pure lazy. end of story.
  • /eren - Dreamweaver
    /eren - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    -summons salvation, buffs self, casts falling petals on self, solos whatever the hell I feel like-

    I prefer that view on appearing as a weak class. I also prefer that view whenever someone calls a summon a pet. pets are tamed monsters and act like tamed monsters. seek target and smack it. a summon is more an augmentation of the mystic, an extension if you will. its like a wizzy found itself a little weaker than normal so it summoned an aid to boost its abilities. we apply a debuff so that makes us like venos too apparently...what class doesnt have debuffs? we just throw plants instead of skills. If you take the veno out of the equation all together suddenly one can see a mystic in a better light. we are a magic class. we do the same things all the other classes do we just do it our own special way. you apply your weaken with a sword attack I do it with a summoned plant. you do metal damage with a bow attack I do it with a summon. you sleep with a skill i do it with a plant. you have knockback i have knockback. you have a shield...well i shoot through that sorry :3 you heal I heal...hell i do it better than most do. does that make me a cleric? no. but something tells me that seeker didnt heal itself back before the race joined the rest of pwi. and to stop that arguement now. sins can stealth from damage and psys can heal themselves. tideborn had themselves covered :p

    If you cant guess I hate being compared to a veno in any way.

    I also hate being compared to any other class for that matter. I am a mystic not your replacement. I am not weak I am not a jack or all trades... hell I dont even know any jacks and **** his trades. all the other classes have debuffs or heals shared in some form or another. they all just do it their own way.

    I'll be glad when this new class smell wears off. I always did prefer the pine fresh scents.
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    you are a hilariously naive lil tiger arent you? how cuteb:chuckle

    its honestly not that hard to learn a class. if you think its hard to learn a class in this game then you need to either A) get into a good faction and get some good friends or B) learn some common sense.

    ppl that think the game is "hard" are usually the fools that does BHes and grind on repetitive daily quests every single day. which in itself is easy as hell aswell. i mean how can anyone in there right frame of mind say this game is hard? honestly?

    if u think tthis game is hard then you are just pure lazy. end of story.

    I like to play fair, that's all....

    I like to know what I'm doing, unless other people, who think everything is easy. I do give you this: if you pull out a CC and goon your way to 101 and get your R9 full gear, sharding it all up to your teeth, the game is quite easy.

    But, if you play the game as it was supposed to be played, as in no powerlevelling using game mats and gear instead of you cash shop, you see how harder it gets.

    Then again I don't think you can because you're not "lazy" like me, and just pull out your CC, right?

    Anyway, what I was saying is learn your clas before you start talking. I've had enough fail FCC babies in my squads tyvm b:bye
  • rainbowyoshii
    rainbowyoshii Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    But, if you play the game as it was supposed to be played, as in no powerlevelling using game mats and gear instead of you cash shop, you see how harder it gets.

    if u play the game how it was "supposed" to be played then all you are doing is taking the longer way out. that method simply TAKES LONGER. there is nothing hard about doing the same exact daily quests and BHs every single day.

    btw im extremly lazy. but just because im lazy doesnt mean i think the game is hard. this game is easy as hell and ppl that say its hard are just naive. dont confuse a method that simply takes a long time to do as hard.

    it takes a long time for someone to cut a large yard of grass compared to a smaller yard, but that doesnt change the fact that its easy as hell to cut grass regardless of how long it takes.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My main issue with the OP is that he's criticizing a class that he hasn't even at least reached lvl 59 yet so he can't even get a lot of our most useful skills. You can know what a skill does by reading it sure, but it takes actual experience to know where the skills be can really useful besides just the obvious instances that come to mind. I don't think you can talk about something needing to be improved without actually having it completely, kinda like how most of the people in the cragglord forum who felt his time should be lengthened didn't even have the skill itself... And barring that the descriptions on a lot of our skills are quite lacking. But overall this thread is completely useless. I'm not sure how anyone could benefit from reading it.

    Edit: Well, it looks like someone may have paid a visit to frost :b but the thread was made before hitting 59 so this doesn't change anything.
  • XMiyala - Dreamweaver
    XMiyala - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My main issue with the OP is that he's criticizing a class that he hasn't even at least reached lvl 59 yet so he can't even get a lot of our most useful skills.

    My main issue is he's criticizing a class he supposedly loves. If you love the class so much, why criticize it? Seems like he really hates it and is hell bent on trying to find a way to bash the mystic class.
  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My main issue with the OP is that he's criticizing a class that he hasn't even at least reached lvl 59 yet so he can't even get a lot of our most useful skills. You can know what a skill does by reading it sure, but it takes actual experience to know where the skills be can really useful besides just the obvious instances that come to mind. I don't think you can talk about something needing to be improved without actually having it completely, kinda like how most of the people in the cragglord forum who felt his time should be lengthened didn't even have the skill itself... And barring that the descriptions on a lot of our skills are quite lacking. But overall this thread is completely useless. I'm not sure how anyone could benefit from reading it.

    Edit: Well, it looks like someone may have paid a visit to frost :b but the thread was made before hitting 59 so this doesn't change anything.

    it does. cuz now i got "experience" with this class am i right? u guys were paying so much attention to lvl that i decided to lvl up and get all of my skills maxed out. and it turns out i aint a bad mystic at all (im able to keep my squad alive with me being the only healer in it). im able to use the class to its fullest abilities despite my lvl jump in a short period. do u know why? because i used all of my knowledge of the class and put it to practice and the results of that are my squad actually praising me. especially when i saved a lil sins life when he accidentally stole agro.

    so now what? my opinion has not changed in the slightest. and guess what? i still think cragglord should have its time lengthened. why? because compared to the dmg output of sins, rank 9 psys, and rank 9 wizzies cragglord is not nearly as OP.

    My main issue is he's criticizing a class he supposedly loves. If you love the class so much, why criticize it? Seems like he really hates it and is hell bent on trying to find a way to bash the mystic class.

    oh please. just because i love something doesnt mean i cant critize it. the class needs improvements and you have to learn to stick up for the class u like rather then become blind to all of the negatives of the class just because u like it like some ppl have.

    start waking up. if u love the class so much then start noticing the bad things about it and voice ur opinion.
  • Vitacura - Raging Tide
    Vitacura - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Successful troll is successful.
  • beforesun
    beforesun Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Barunaa lvl up your mystic.. You cann't max the skills at your lvl and most skills start getting usefull only once they reached a certain lvl.
    Yes a Mystic is no cleric or Veno but guess what, if I would have wanted to be one of them I would have choosen to become one of them. A Mystic is a good mix of healing and attacking. The key to survive as Mystic is speed and silence. As a Mystic you have a lot of control skills and you are damn fast for a caster. You heal in one heal skill 3 times faster as any cleric and the amount is as much as their big heal skill.

    So still think a Mystic is bad at healing? No actually the only thing thats only for clerics in that branch is a save debuff and Bubble(50% dmg reduce). In most instances a Mystic can easily replace a cleric(no offence for the clerics). In FC its even better with a Mystic, because his heals are faster and more group relevant. In the FC runs I was in I just could place a plant and attack. A Cleric always need to focus on healing and is there for one attacker less.

    DmG branch: Yes you have weaker skills as a pure DD, like a Psych or a Wizz, not even talking about the Sins. But its still more dmg as a cleric and its still not too few. If you think PvP wise you have silence on at least 2 Skills(silence can't be avoided by any skill a class has, unlike stun). You have a skill that hits even through ANY barrier. Absorb soul ignors ALL kinds of protection.

    Skills: Yes some could need a rework, for example the sleep plant. It's really a bit redundant and would be better as a stun plant. As well as Healing Herb, which definitly heals too few. Ans demon/sgae Version for that skills would be nice too, espetially because you will use them quite often.

    All in all Mystic is a great class. If you play PvE you have a really high survivability. If you go TW you are a good support. You can easily knock out targets due to a high peek dmg and you can heal fast. So don't complain about what your class isn't. Better lern, what it's like beeing a Mystic.
  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    beforesun wrote: »
    Barunaa lvl up your mystic.. You cann't max the skills at your lvl and most skills start getting usefull only once they reached a certain lvl.
    Yes a Mystic is no cleric or Veno but guess what, if I would have wanted to be one of them I would have choosen to become one of them. A Mystic is a good mix of healing and attacking. The key to survive as Mystic is speed and silence. As a Mystic you have a lot of control skills and you are damn fast for a caster. You heal in one heal skill 3 times faster as any cleric and the amount is as much as their big heal skill.

    So still think a Mystic is bad at healing? No actually the only thing thats only for clerics in that branch is a save debuff and Bubble(50% dmg reduce). In most instances a Mystic can easily replace a cleric(no offence for the clerics). In FC its even better with a Mystic, because his heals are faster and more group relevant. In the FC runs I was in I just could place a plant and attack. A Cleric always need to focus on healing and is there for one attacker less.

    DmG branch: Yes you have weaker skills as a pure DD, like a Psych or a Wizz, not even talking about the Sins. But its still more dmg as a cleric and its still not too few. If you think PvP wise you have silence on at least 2 Skills(silence can't be avoided by any skill a class has, unlike stun). You have a skill that hits even through ANY barrier. Absorb soul ignors ALL kinds of protection.

    Skills: Yes some could need a rework, for example the sleep plant. It's really a bit redundant and would be better as a stun plant. As well as Healing Herb, which definitly heals too few. Ans demon/sgae Version for that skills would be nice too, espetially because you will use them quite often.

    All in all Mystic is a great class. If you play PvE you have a really high survivability. If you go TW you are a good support. You can easily knock out targets due to a high peek dmg and you can heal fast. So don't complain about what your class isn't. Better lern, what it's like beeing a Mystic.

    ppl need to learn how to read. none of what u said is valid because none of that **** was in the argument i was making.

    god job in wasting a post tho. in order for the tards to understand ill reiterate what bothers me about mystics and this what i want changed.

    plants have no demon/sage effects. patch it to where plants receive demon/sage effects.

    summons need a slight buff. patch it to where pets receive bonuses from buffs aswell as gear.

    thats pretty much the only thing id like to see changed for mystics. now will ppl stop pulling corn filled **** out of there A holes and putting it into my mouth as if i said those things? thx lotsb:thanks