Purple Fox

StacysMum - Dreamweaver
StacysMum - Dreamweaver Posts: 305 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Tideswell (East)
I only qualify for year 2 rewards atm.
Having seen Year 3 'Rare' (Sarcasm off) Purple Fox (something that might appear to you if you mix up your medication) I have now thought, "will I be looking forward to next years Anni?". The answer is no, I already know I'm gonna get rubbish (cheap B******s giving away **** anybody can get by grinding for 3 days) that I can't sell that I could have bought 2 years ago and never did because I $
(thank you for cutting off my post no I'm not gonna delete it you created it you clean it up)

Edit: was just a rant, was gonna ask everybody on Dreamweaver what their favorite mount was, and preferably why -.-

Mine is Year 1 unique (hypernoobs don't have it \o/) Hellhound. Its shiny sexy and fun.
PWI b:bye