...and fortunately for us, most sins are utter morons, so many 1v1s we experience don't give a good idea of what a Sin can really do. That plus the fact that archers beat sins hands down in mass PvP and... well... yeah.
yes... it's strange, but sometimes when fighting assassins in tw, even though the battles can often be 1v1 there, and even though the assassins' armor tends to be much better than mine, and even though we are often enough in melee, I sometimes win the melees.
I imagine part of that is cooldowns, on their skills, but I imagine that part of that is also that they do not have much to keep them on their toes.0 -
Fleuri - Sanctuary wrote: »yes... it's strange, but sometimes when fighting assassins in tw, even though the battles can often be 1v1 there, and even though the assassins' armor tends to be much better than mine, and even though we are often enough in melee, I sometimes win the melees.
I imagine part of that is cooldowns, on their skills, but I imagine that part of that is also that they do not have much to keep them on their toes.
I tried killing you on my 93 Sin in TW.
You were wearing R9 with refines.
I was in TT90, Blood Moon wrists, with a Soul of the Sea +3.
It was mostly for giggles, but once I realized that I was doing ~1% of your HP per stab, and after you ticked my charm with your bow at point blank, I escaped and let SO play with you instead. QQ101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
Your biggest defense against a sin would be greater skill than the sin and the gear to back it up. Otherwise, you don't have a chance regardless unless the sin is an utter moron..... and fortunately for us, most sins are utter morons, so many 1v1s we experience don't give a good idea of what a Sin can really do. That plus the fact that archers beat sins hands down in mass PvP and... well... yeah.
Most sins are pretty bad at their class, probably because they are able to faceroll most classes. Most duels I fight a sin won't even bother to antistun, I assume they underestimate my range, or overestimate their ability to stun before the duel begins.
And pretty much, in TW sins are fodder. Charm+crab meat+WoG = someone else in your squad one shotting them on a gank, though your squads caster is a much more likely target so more often than not I find myself stunning/TS/LS a sin to death, though there are times when the cleric will get my back and take the stealthy fish out xD
@Fleuri: I honestly feel like a sin is one of the few classes I don't need to kite at all, considering they will just telestun to me when able. Like 7 metres and a stun after they spark works wonders.
A new strategy I've been testing in duels (I was away for the weekend, so no TW testing QQ) is WoG when they pop out of stealth and casting BoA+expel. It gets them if they try to tank or as they go back into stealth. So far its had quite nice results, though it also wastes 3 sparks b:surrenderRing Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -
Retired from PWI.
b:bye0 -
Generally when a sin pops out of stealth, you are stunned, so you can't WoG right away. Unless the sin is just like herder, I'll 2 spark and start auto attacking. BoA is only attacking once every 3 seconds and only does half damage while in min range. You'll probably only tick the sin while he uses condensed thorn and gets through expel.0
Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »I tried killing you on my 93 Sin in TW.
You were wearing R9 with refines.
I was in TT90, Blood Moon wrists, with a Soul of the Sea +3.
It was mostly for giggles, but once I realized that I was doing ~1% of your HP per stab, and after you ticked my charm with your bow at point blank, I escaped and let SO play with you instead. QQ
My bow is R9, and I recently picked up the belt. I wear the R8 top (+5), a nirvana skirt (+5), a warsoul hat (+5), tt99 boots (+5), tt99 gloves (+5), a sky demon's perl (+4) and the two rank rings (which everyone knows provide inferior defenses).
But yes, a lot of assassins do have worse gear than I do and a lot of them have not yet reached level 100+.
But when I made that comment, I had a particular assassin in mind that was level 102 and (after I killed him a few dozen times from range) made it his mission in life to stalk me. He usually beat me in melee, but not always. He had +10 or +11 armor.0 -
Fleuri - Sanctuary wrote: »My bow is R9, and I recently picked up the belt. I wear the R8 top (+5), a nirvana skirt (+5), a warsoul hat (+5), tt99 boots (+5), tt99 gloves (+5), a sky demon's perl (+4) and the two rank rings (which everyone knows provide inferior defenses).
But yes, a lot of assassins do have worse gear than I do and a lot of them have not yet reached level 100+.
But when I made that comment, I had a particular assassin in mind that was level 102 and (after I killed him a few dozen times from range) made it his mission in life to stalk me. He usually beat me in melee, but not always. He had +10 or +11 armor.
If you can get oldies to TW Kakumau, I might see you again. Though, we might intentionally throw our next TW just to harass Nefarious (and take their land). It would also keep KILL_ALL from declaring on us and wasting 5 minutes of our lives every weekend. b:surrender
I never see you around, are you ever in PK Mode? I'm guessing you are, since you had a stalker. I might do the same when I get some... Good gears. I'm still running around in TT90's stuff.
Vindis - Careful, there's a few HA sins around now... Not sure if there's any on your server, but trying to punch a HA Sin with claws is a losing proposition. I dueled a HA Farming sin on my Archer and got mauled. b:surrender It was 10 levels below me in TT80 HA with a well refined dagger... (Duel was for giggles)101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
Anfisa - Lost City wrote: »Generally when a sin pops out of stealth, you are stunned, so you can't WoG right away. Unless the sin is just like herder, I'll 2 spark and start auto attacking. BoA is only attacking once every 3 seconds and only does half damage while in min range. You'll probably only tick the sin while he uses condensed thorn and gets through expel.
I generally try to WoG before I predict being stunned. If stunned all scenarios do not apply of course, unless I am stunned in the air. And for some reason sins tend to come out of stealth in duels vs me and not stun me immediately, possibly because I move so much? I'm unsure why really...I would have to play a sin to truly know.
@Sarrafeline: I'm a pure bow sage. I didn't have a pair of claws until 100 and its just some Dark Flash my brother made me as a joke which just happened to get +4 after 13 mirages. I deal with sins with TS/LS mostly and ofc Wingspan if close ranged because the crits/chi gain on that are so nice.Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -
Retired from PWI.
b:bye0 -
Vindis - Dreamweaver wrote: »I generally try to WoG before I predict being stunned. If stunned all scenarios do not apply of course, unless I am stunned in the air. And for some reason sins tend to come out of stealth in duels vs me and not stun me immediately, possibly because I move so much? I'm unsure why really...I would have to play a sin to truly know.
@Sarrafeline: I'm a pure bow sage. I didn't have a pair of claws until 100 and its just some Dark Flash my brother made me as a joke which just happened to get +4 after 13 mirages. I deal with sins with TS/LS mostly and ofc Wingspan if close ranged because the crits/chi gain on that are so nice.
Hm. I'm considering rolling as pure dex for TW. Building a Pure Dex Demon archer right now, but I may change my mind... But Demon archer isn't gonna have access to my -int gear (QQ different account).101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »Hm. I'm considering rolling as pure dex for TW. Building a Pure Dex Demon archer right now, but I may change my mind... But Demon archer isn't gonna have access to my -int gear (QQ different account).
For shame Q_Q. Same account armor types ftw. And afaik pure dex is the way to go in TW, since I am pure dex and (according to most here) I have rather low gear, but do alright. I would make a pretty good demon, but I like to kill heavies too much, its the wizard in me xD.Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -
Retired from PWI.
b:bye0 -
Fleuri - Sanctuary wrote: »My bow is R9, and I recently picked up the belt. I wear the R8 top (+5), a nirvana skirt (+5), a warsoul hat (+5), tt99 boots (+5), tt99 gloves (+5), a sky demon's perl (+4) and the two rank rings (which everyone knows provide inferior defenses).
But yes, a lot of assassins do have worse gear than I do and a lot of them have not yet reached level 100+.
Wait... what? Just how low is sanctuary's gear level if +5 is above "a lot" of sins? Is this like third tier TW or something.1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.
Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf0 -
Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »Wait... what? Just how low is sanctuary's gear level if +5 is above "a lot" of sins? Is this like third tier TW or something.
Vindicate has R8 or better at like +8 refine or better to just get into the faction.
Most other factions on Sanct don't even have gear or refine level requirements for TW. But then, if you're looking to join a top level TW faction, you're most likely gonna have TT99G, R8, R9, Nirvana, and it's all gonna be +8 or better anyway.
Also Kiyoshi, there's people on Sanctuary with this thing called SKILL. Roid puts on OHT gear and regularly kills players in R9+12. There was a Wiz who at 92 (and using a Pentium I based computer to play, none-the-less) could out-duel just about anyone.
or do you have a fetish for putting down Sanctuary? I'm sure HT is so much better, we should all Re-Roll there. b:shutup101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »Vindicate has R8 or better at like +8 refine or better to just get into the faction.
Most other factions on Sanct don't even have gear or refine level requirements for TW. But then, if you're looking to join a top level TW faction, you're most likely gonna have TT99G, R8, R9, Nirvana, and it's all gonna be +8 or better anyway.
When I TW... i can't fire two arrows without one of them hitting an r9 user. The gear he listed is of lower refine then the tt99 hand-me downs that my sin inherited.Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »Also Kiyoshi, there's people on Sanctuary with this thing called SKILL. Roid puts on OHT gear and regularly kills players in R9+12.
I am guessing there is a dozen or so full +12 r9 on Sanc. And if there is a guy going around and killing them REGULARLY with OHT gear set... I am sure someone is bound to have heard of him. Fell free to pm me these r9's name... so I can go laugh at them.Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »There was a Wiz who at 92 (and using a Pentium I based computer to play, none-the-less) could out-duel just about anyone.
Duel... really... we're talking about duels now?1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.
Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf0 -
Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »When I TW... i can't fire two arrows without one of them hitting an r9 user. The gear he listed is of lower refine then the tt99 hand-me downs that my sin inherited.
Yeah... I can't walk through arch without seeing at least 5 R9 archers. I know there's a lot of R9 barbs running around. Believe me, most of the people in Vindi have R9. Not only on their mains, but some of them have R9 on their alts now too.Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »I am guessing there is a dozen or so full +12 r9 on Sanc. And if there is a guy going around and killing them REGULARLY with OHT gear set... I am sure someone is bound to have heard of him. Fell free to pm me these r9's name... so I can go laugh at them.
Huh... Dozen? There's probably around 40 R9+10 or higher players on Sanct. The number of players with full R9 that's not fully refined yet is probably up into the 60's, if not higher, and with partial R9 is probably in the hundreds.Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »Duel... really... we're talking about duels now?
The guy never went into PK mode. He was never very active. He did TW once, but it was a PVE TW. He's like... Never on. Also unlike you, he farmed his gear, instead of buying it from the cash shop. He's an old school gamer and knows every trick there is. Though, genies befuddled the hell out of him for a while...
I'm willing to bet if you rolled on Sanct, you wouldn't last very long or stand out. There's too many BETTER people here, better Archers, better players. Roid would still kill you in your R9 while he was wearing OHT gear. And you wouldn't be able to get into a TW faction anyway, most of them are closed for recruiting where Archers are concerned.101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »Yeah... I can't walk through arch without seeing at least 5 R9 archers. I know there's a lot of R9 barbs running around. Believe me, most of the people in Vindi have R9. Not only on their mains, but some of them have R9 on their alts now too.
Huh... Dozen? There's probably around 40 R9+10 or higher players on Sanct. The number of players with full R9 that's not fully refined yet is probably up into the 60's, if not higher, and with partial R9 is probably in the hundreds.
Ok... so there is a lot of r9 barbs... and 40 +10 full r9s? and even alts with r9s. But there is also a lot of sins thats geared less then +5 tt99/r8. You see the problem there. I don't doubt sanc have enough r9 to compete with ht. i doubt a +5 armor set is considered to be higher then a lot of ANYTHING.Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »The guy never went into PK mode. He was never very active. He did TW once, but it was a PVE TW. He's like... Never on. Also unlike you, he farmed his gear, instead of buying it from the cash shop. He's an old school gamer and knows every trick there is. Though, genies befuddled the hell out of him for a while...
I'm willing to bet if you rolled on Sanct, you wouldn't last very long or stand out. There's too many BETTER people here, better Archers, better players. Roid would still kill you in your R9 while he was wearing OHT gear. And you wouldn't be able to get into a TW faction anyway, most of them are closed for recruiting where Archers are concerned.
No one cares about duels... I can kill full r9 barb in duels that its mathematically impossible for me to kill even sparked in pk.
How about this... I'll see if i can get this roid a level 100 bm on ht. And i'll provide him a full set of old ht heavy gear at +5. If he can manage to kill me in charmed pk... i'll provide you with 1k gold on ht. and if he gets killed... you'll provide me with 1k gold on sanc. sounds good? I'll even throw in an ironguard so he won't die in the first 12 seconds.
edit: self buffed only.1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.
Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf0 -
Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »Ok... so there is a lot of r9 barbs... and 40 +10 full r9s? and even alts with r9s. But there is also a lot of sins thats geared less then +5 tt99/r8. You see the problem there. I don't doubt sanc have enough r9 to compete with ht. i doubt a +5 armor set is considered to be higher then a lot of ANYTHING.
b:sweat +5 is considered fail refines on Sanct... Most TW factions on Sanct was 105 Sins with Nirvana or R9 gear that's +10 or +12. And they don't want very many of them, because they aren't that useful in TW. They just end up fighting eachother.Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »No one cares about duels... I can kill full r9 barb in duels that its mathematically impossible for me to kill even sparked in pk.
How about this... I'll see if i can get this roid a level 100 bm on ht. And i'll provide him a full set of old ht heavy gear at +5. If he can manage to kill me in charmed pk... i'll provide you with 1k gold on ht. and if he gets killed... you'll provide me with 1k gold on sanc. sounds good? I'll even throw in an ironguard so he won't die in the first 12 seconds.
edit: self buffed only.
So, you apparently are everyone. Congratulations.
Roid will roll you in TW. Roid will roll you in Open World PK. Roid has R9+12 too (46k HP). Believe me, you will fear Roid no matter when or where you see him. Roid ends up killing Kanjou a decent amount of the time in Open PK, in TW, and wherever else, and Kanjou is a 105 R9+12 fully JOSD Psy. There's Bogumors, who has R9+12 everything, and 48K HP. he's also got a COMPLETE set of Nirvana +12. His wife is an R9+12 cleric. They do TW. The list goes on. It's not sins you worry about on Sanct, it's everyone else, because they have gear in TW.
I don't think Roid has any inclination of rolling a BM on your fail server. >_> I know I wouldn't roll on your server if it was the last one to play on.101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »Roid will roll you in TW. Roid will roll you in Open World PK. Roid has R9+12 too (46k HP). Believe me, you will fear Roid no matter when or where you see him. Roid ends up killing Kanjou a decent amount of the time in Open PK, in TW, and wherever else, and Kanjou is a 105 R9+12 fully JOSD Psy. There's Bogumors, who has R9+12 everything, and 48K HP. he's also got a COMPLETE set of Nirvana +12. His wife is an R9+12 cleric. They do TW. The list goes on. It's not sins you worry about on Sanct, it's everyone else, because they have gear in TW.
Didn't you started with he can pk +12 r9s with old ht gear? And now hes pking other r9s with +12 r9 gear. I think everyone know an +12 r9 can kill another +12 r9... there is no argument about that. So I am not sure why you are pointing out his r9 gear now.
Its barely possible for a vit barb to go over 40k with +12 r9s... maybe barely 46k if he shards gaias. And here you are telling me a BM (for some reason roid seems like a bm to me) can do it.... I am not sure I see that happening... even with sage hp buff.
And I think you just agree with me that...Fleuri - Sanctuary wrote: »My bow is R9, and I recently picked up the belt. I wear the R8 top (+5), a nirvana skirt (+5), a warsoul hat (+5), tt99 boots (+5), tt99 gloves (+5), a sky demon's perl (+4) and the two rank rings (which everyone knows provide inferior defenses).
But yes, a lot of assassins do have worse gear than I do and a lot of them have not yet reached level 100+..
is not greater then...Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »Most TW factions on Sanct was 105 Sins with Nirvana or R9 gear that's +10 or +12. And they don't want very many of them, because they aren't that useful in TW. They just end up fighting eachother.
which brings me back to my original post...Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »Wait... what? Just how low is sanctuary's gear level if +5 is above "a lot" of sins? Is this like third tier TW or something.
Fleuri is indeed fighting in a third tier tw. And I think sarrafeline just proved that.
which everything makes sense... an r9 bow fighting +5 targets... of course mana leak would freaking hurt. and dots would certainly kill.1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.
Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf0 -
Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »If you can get oldies to TW Kakumau, I might see you again. Though, we might intentionally throw our next TW just to harass Nefarious (and take their land). It would also keep KILL_ALL from declaring on us and wasting 5 minutes of our lives every weekend. b:surrender
I never see you around, are you ever in PK Mode? I'm guessing you are, since you had a stalker. I might do the same when I get some... Good gears. I'm still running around in TT90's stuff.
Ok, we might just come visit you? I hope we get a warm welcome!
But when I said "stalker" I meant in TW: Every time I left tower radius he would be on me (or within a relatively short period of time if he had died). (And, p.s. -- I am not claiming that I am particularly skilled or anything.)0 -
I see that Fleuri is still adamant about giving Kiyoshi the silent treatment b:avoid0
RT is better0
Speaking of +10 TT90 bows... I remember, This thing. Shame he edited the images later on. b:chuckle
Lol, that's Wizzeled for ya.Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
What manner of asshattery is going on in this thread? Insulting HT while singing praises of Roidabuse and exaggerating the gear requ of TW facs/gear level of server as a whole? Wtf? children, please...0
heh heh
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
_blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »What manner of asshattery is going on in this thread? Insulting HT while singing praises of Roidabuse and exaggerating the gear requ of TW facs/gear level of server as a whole? Wtf? children, please...
If Kiyoshi is gonna talk out his ***, I might as well too.
BTW, there's a new faction on Sanct you might like, it's called R9orGTFO. You have to apply by linking an officer your R9 weapon. I don't see it going anywhere...101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
It's a joke faction, has 2 members, just something funny before we apply somewhere else. R9 or GTFO.Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
Quilue - Sanctuary wrote: »It's a joke faction, has 2 members, just something funny before we apply somewhere else. R9 or GTFO.
Qui its not a joke faction! We are the best geared faction on the server! Sure it has 2 members now but it started with only 1. What other factions on the server have doubled in size in such a short period of time?
Remember its not about quantity, it's quality.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
Socket Calculator - -
so the previous died I suppose, shame I was gonna reapply0
People Used My Name0
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »Qui its not a joke faction! We are the best geared faction on the server! Sure it has 2 members now but it started with only 1. What other factions on the server have doubled in size in such a short period of time?
Remember its not about quantity, it's quality.
Despite my continuous attempts to add one more to their numbers -NOTE- TRIPLING their original member count, I have been consistently and promptly denied!
The application question "R9?" is entirely unfair, and linking r9 rings or armor pieces does not seem to meet the requirements!
I hereby declare war on the Sanctuary faction R9orGTFO with the new faction I have created just for this purpose, NotAstyorQui. The application question is simple and easy to understand, and the requirement is equally as simple.
b:angry I shall see you on the battlefield.
Also: This weapon.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Psh Sui was mine to begin with! They shall ALLL be mine in the end! For I am the Queen of Blades, and none shall dispute my rule, again...!
b:avoidElena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »If Kiyoshi is gonna talk out his ***, I might as well too.
BTW, there's a new faction on Sanct you might like, it's called R9orGTFO. You have to apply by linking an officer your R9 weapon. I don't see it going anywhere...
Considering below...Kerona - Sanctuary wrote: »Vindicate (what RedRose said, here she is Faynalia can pm her for more info)
Legendary (95+ everything no gear req but strict on level cap pm me in game for more info)
Regicide (100+ light gear req)
Enelysion (Arch 95, Sin Closed, Barb 92, BM 98, Cler 99, Myst 90, Psy 92, Seek 90, Wiz 92,
Veno 96 no gear req)
Amplified (Arch 97, Sin 100, Barb 93, BM 93, Cler 95, Myst 93, Psy 93, Seek 95, Veno 95, Wiz 93 no gear req)
Nefarious (90+ light gear req)
RedRaiders (no gear level req? can't find)
Angeles (spanish only no gear level req)
Kakumau (no idea)
This is like recruiting people for me to one shot... with maybe exception of one guild. I personally can't name a single member in my guild that's sub 100. And I don't think I shot at any sub 100 targets in my last TW.1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.
Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf0
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