Changes that will make the game more enjoyable for you, post here!

Okeano - Harshlands
Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Suggestion Box
I personally would like
-Factions to be able to boot their leaders with a vote
-No SZ in Archo
-More survivability for my Sin (it's squishy)
-Rank 9 easier to obtain through daily quests

add yours!
Post edited by Okeano - Harshlands on


  • ammieee
    ammieee Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    more fashion and more hairstyle
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited August 2011
    I personally would like
    -Factions to be able to boot their leaders with a vote
    -No SZ in Archo
    -More survivability for my Sin (it's squishy)
    -Rank 9 easier to obtain through daily quests

    add yours!


  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    - More easier way to become 105
    - More op race
    - Nerf every mob
    - Quest give more reward
    - Reduce zen price
    - More token given / pack
    - More red wall of text
    - Official how to do glitch guide
    - Higher aps limit
    - More social network spam
    - More untradeable & undestroyable item
    - Remove bellow lv 30 pk protection
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Prien - Lost City
    Prien - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    how is your sin so squishy okeano? how much hp does it have
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    -completely reshape the sin class so its not such a pain in the ***.
    -completely reshape how soulforce and the skills tht use it so they arent as OP.
    -make int like how chan works.
    -give the older classes better graphics.
    -give the older classes better skills or redue some of the skills.
    -make each armor in the game look completely different on each class
    -completely redue each weps look so no single one looks the same
    -shuv non *** looking male fashion designs down the devs throats
    -more jeans,pants,hoodies, and t-shirts for females
    -high 5 and nuckle bumps emotes
    -being able to have someone else ride with me on my mount or flyer on my female chars
    -funny wep fashion
    -less sales
    -lower gold prices in the AH
    -lower gold prices in cash shop(seriously anything over 30 bucks for one item is **** imo not counting herc and nix)
    -no goons glitch
    -bigger map to have fun and mess around in
    -no selling gears in the cash shop more ways to get them in the game
    -add all expansion items to the token npc
    -bump up archer mp regen to 2 so there beginning wings arent fail
    -more active GM's ingame
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • demonofall
    demonofall Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    -more daily quests
    -more GM's ingame
    -make it to where everyone can get a chance to kill world bosses instead of 1 player killing them all after reset
    -some challenges for faction members to do together
    -make all different type's of mob's/bosses look different
    -max aps up to 6
    -put TT back the way it was before
    -new instance's
    -instance's for factions. base isnt that great. we need something that actually takes skill and make faction members work together to obtain a reward actually worth working for
    -reduce price for items in guild base. i meen hundreds of millions for 1 piece of **** item. your better off refining gear to +10
    -let us know 1 hour early before maint
    -make it to where you can see what ppl get from nirvana chest's
    -fixed FF glitch
    -fixed rb glitch, the normal way is much better. Ppl that use the glitch, you must be very lazy
    -and some new heavy armor classes

    BM NATION!!!
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    demonofall wrote: »
    -max aps up to 6

    -seeing demonofall knocked out for even saying thisb:angry
    -pvp arena add on for the faction base
    -randomizing weather for every part of the map except the snowy parts where it should allways have a never ending blizzard and allways sunny for the desert
    -all the goonz glitchers perma banned
    -1 BH a day
    -actual wind,hair flowing in the breeze as my "friend" spanks herself female archers ftw
    -base wars
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Lady_buffer - Heavens Tear
    Lady_buffer - Heavens Tear Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    you know anwynd, i think this was suppose to be a joke thread, and to add to what has been suggested:

    1 a fighter jet flyer that moves at 70
    2 int gear at level one
    3 FREE zen when you make a GM lock a thread in the forums
    4 eery mob drops a mat for warsould weapon
    5. warsoul armor
    6.bosses that give you buffs so they can be killed easier in return
    7. barbs get their aggro skills taken away at level 99
    8. make bloodsuck restore 20% of the damage it deals
    9. remove the level 30 requirement for pk
    10. make a chat for the sole purpose of hearing lowbies QQing about dieing at level one
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »


    Is mod allowed to call someone stupid? Isn't that against the ToS?
    how is your sin so squishy okeano? how much hp does it have

    Like 15k.

    To add to ma list:
    -Ingame voice chat and webcam
    -Gold capped at 100k
    -Sale options puts up for voting on the forum before introduced
    -Dyes of all color sold at NPC for 10k each
    -Nerf on TT bosses
    -Perma 2X on Nirvana (no on run that during normal drop)
    -I really like Lady_buffer's remove lvl 30 req for PK
    -Able to world chat w/o using a tele
    -5 BHs a day
    -Bigger guild base with party places and actually have stuff not just empty halls
    -PK mode turns on randomly on PvE server
  • Kindral - Harshlands
    Kindral - Harshlands Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I personally would like
    -Factions to be able to boot their leaders with a vote
    -No SZ in Archo
    -More survivability for my Sin (it's squishy)
    -Rank 9 easier to obtain through daily quests

    add yours! much survivalbility do you freakin sins want? For heavens sake sins can tank most bosses by themselves, then bloodpaint makes it easier to do so. Giving sins more survivability than what they have will make them that more annoying.
  • rgog
    rgog Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    - add 15 more levels
    - add content for the new levels
    - add content for levels 90-105
    - make -chan work like -int
    - cap -int at 4.0
    - increase mana use of SIN stealth
    - add new pets for Veno's
    - give all classes a brand new skill
    - fix bugs
    - fix glitches
    - make stashes not need perfect hammers
    - make quest rewards better at higher levels (.2 exp for killing 100 of x is dumb)
    - place rare item drops in the regular map on under utilized areas so people are not just playing 3 instances.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited August 2011 much survivalbility do you freakin sins want? For heavens sake sins can tank most bosses by themselves, then bloodpaint makes it easier to do so. Giving sins more survivability than what they have will make them that more annoying.

    We LA = squishy. Moving on back on topic.
  • Kindral - Harshlands
    Kindral - Harshlands Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    We LA = squishy. Moving on back on topic.

    Wiz is more squishy than sin, but i dont think they need more survivabilty. So if you want more 'survivabilty' go heavy armor and stop trying to make sin more OP than it is.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Remove Packs
    Delete all equipment gotten from packs that is currently in the game (I have a bit of that gear myself so...)
    Reduce the coins of everyone to 0
    Make merchanting impossible
    Remove hypers
    Put the original frost back
    Make tideborn and earthguard not so overpowered (I love a good mystic in FF but they are too strong)
    Remove all interval gear

    My list could take up an entire page, so I'll cut it short.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Wiz is more squishy than sin, but i dont think they need more survivabilty. So if you want more 'survivabilty' go heavy armor and stop trying to make sin more OP than it is.

    Sir, this thread is for making suggestion on improving the game. Please do not derail it or I will have to report to mods. If you have any problem with Sin, feel free to make your own thread.
    My list could take up an entire page, so I'll cut it short.
    We got room.
  • Kindral - Harshlands
    Kindral - Harshlands Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Sir, this thread is for making suggestion on improving the game. Please do not derail it or I will have to report to mods. If you have any problem with Sin, feel free to make your own thread.

    We got room.

    I am saying what would make the game more enjoyable for me, which is by not making sin more OP. Sorry that it was too hard for you to follow. Plus maybe more quests at higher levels that give more exp than 1%b:surrender & more sales for zen. (plus if you want more survivablity just reset your stats, not everyone can have everything)
  • Lady_buffer - Heavens Tear
    Lady_buffer - Heavens Tear Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    kindral. this is something of an lol thread. no one is really suppose to take it seriously lol. chill and throw in ideas, even if it's crazy lol. to add to my list:

    11. random boss spawns in west archo (boss MUST have an AOE)

    12. award for players who help in the reducing of lag, I.E award to those who can pull jewel to archo and kill off chat shops

    13. catshops must pay a minimum of 1 mil every 3 hours to stay up

    14. a new jones blessing that increases defense AND attack level by 50

    15. destructible environments, i want to destroy every freaking town and city in this gameb:sin

    16. rubber banding on players is bad, rubberbanding for the mobs, good. make the mobs gliched so we can hit them but they can't hit us.

    17. a special skill that all female characters have that will allow them to kick all male characters in the jewels, killing them instantly, especially sinsb:chuckle

    18. more stuff on the map.

    19. more drops.

    20. houses.
  • Kindral - Harshlands
    Kindral - Harshlands Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    kindral. this is something of an lol thread. no one is really suppose to take it seriously lol. chill and throw in ideas, even if it's crazy lol. to add to my list:

    11. random boss spawns in west archo (boss MUST have an AOE)

    12. award for players who help in the reducing of lag, I.E award to those who can pull jewel to archo and kill off chat shops

    13. catshops must pay a minimum of 1 mil every 3 hours to stay up

    14. a new jones blessing that increases defense AND attack level by 50

    15. destructible environments, i want to destroy every freaking town and city in this gameb:sin

    16. rubber banding on players is bad, rubberbanding for the mobs, good. make the mobs gliched so we can hit them but they can't hit us.

    17. a special skill that all female characters have that will allow them to kick all male characters in the jewels, killing them instantly, especially sinsb:chuckle

    18. more stuff on the map.

    19. more drops.

    20. houses. comment. except for #17, if you guys can do that, I should be able to go up and grab some chicks breast and lick them until they have an **** (instant KO)b:chuckleb:laugh
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    This is a serious thread. If we all voice our ideas and opinions, we can make a difference. This is America after all. If you are not making real suggestions please don't post in here.

    -Removal of binding charm and all auto-bind gears
    -All items equipped and in inventory should be dropped upon PvE or PvP death, this will promote teamwork in instances to reduce death, instead of people dropping squad and PK each other
    -Hyper stones should be able to stack with each other. It's taking me forever to level my Archer at current rate
    -Fix genie skill Expel so people can't just use it and not be able to damaged by physical attacks
    -Make it so we can transfer characters or money to another server
    -Selling name changing scrolls in the boutique, I hate my name
    -If NY state can allow same sex marriage, and HL is suppose to be on the east coast, why can PW allow same sex marriage? It's time we stop living in the past and accept that homo isn't a choice but something you are born with, and we should not discriminate
    -All the other classes have both sex, but Veno and Barb are stuck playing female and male only. I don't think that's fair
    -On the note of Untames, it'll be really cool if panda Barb can actually turn into a panda, and cat Veno into kitty and etc
    -Some skill update to the old classes would be nice since a lot of us have been stuck using the same skills for years
    -When's that guildbase battle coming?
    -I'm really sick of all the packs and I think they should be removed
    -Extension to friend list and black list, both of mine are full atm
    -Allow other classes' hair style for Tideborns and vice versa. All Sin's hair styles look emo
    -Introduce all class pets that can attack/heal you. FW have it, why can't we?
    -It will save us a lot of coins if we can take off charms when we don't need to use them and then able to put them back on later
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Oke makes the best threads ever.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    hmm i thought this was a serious thread guess notb:sad
    -no more stupid ideas
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    anwynd wrote: »
    hmm i thought this was a serious thread guess notb:sad
    -no more stupid ideas
    As mentioned:
    This is a serious thread. If we all voice our ideas and opinions, we can make a difference. This is America after all. If you are not making real suggestions please don't post in here.
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    i'll note that this is the same guy who had a thread that's locked here on the first page. in it he's poking fun at people who think their opinion matters. then he turns around and makes this thread. and then suggests things that would put the game out of it's misery. yeah, if this isn't a joke thread, i don't know what is. but reguradless i love reading crazy stuff like this so i'll add my own lol.

    - a 5 aps bow

    - reduction in mp for my barrage

    - more damage to my stormrage so it can actually be a worthy 2 spark Dot skill

    - let my winged shell take more damage, cos archers are more squishy than sins

    - revamp the older classes.

    - have the quests give 12X more exp and bump the level cap up to 120.

    if they added these i would come back to the game \o/
  • _Althea_ - Harshlands
    _Althea_ - Harshlands Posts: 352 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Less mod activity on forums.

    ..oh wait.


    More boyfriends to ***** stuff off of.
  • GohRaL - Sanctuary
    GohRaL - Sanctuary Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    -Tiger form only available with claws

    -Armageddon dmg get counted on how many points u take from half HP/MP/SPR and EXP

    -Stealth mobs that have force stealth skill also with 3sec CD

    -Ability to buy seeds of the mats, so you could raise your own growing garden

    -Your character needs to eat 3 times a day and go to the gym, keep the fit

    -If you wanna go dive in the water u need a swim suit and a bathrobe or else u'll lose HP as a DoT

    -If you dive in the water and you just ate, you will die of congestion

    -if you wanna fly you need a scarf and some goggles

    -Everytime you stop to hand in a book of the WQ you need to read the introduction of the book to the person you are giving it. If he doesnt like it you need to find a new book that suits the reader tastes

  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    -Stealth mobs that have force stealth skill also with 3sec CD

    LOL be sure to add blood paint and their catwalk abily at 100 so no one can see themxD

    -Ability to buy seeds of the mats, so you could raise your own growing garden


    -Your character needs to eat 3 times a day and go to the gym, keep the fit


    -If you wanna go dive in the water u need a swim suit and a bathrobe or else u'll lose HP as a DoT

    you forgot the goggles and scuba tank, how the hell can you breath?xD

    -If you dive in the water and you just ate, you will die of congestion

    to add to this, make all quests water quests

    -if you wanna fly you need a scarf and some goggles

    yes cos nothing sucks more than wind in your eyes

    -Everytime you stop to hand in a book of the WQ you need to read the introduction of the book to the person you are giving it. If he doesnt like it you need to find a new book that suits the reader tastes

    lol that sound great:P

    you sir, are a freaking genius my thoughts in red
  • ammieee
    ammieee Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    less pigments required when i dye something...
  • mkl0011
    mkl0011 Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I personally would like
    -Factions to be able to boot their leaders with a vote
    -No SZ in Archo
    -More survivability for my Sin (it's squishy)
    -Rank 9 easier to obtain through daily quests

    add yours!

    meh sins do alot of damage.thats not fair to let them survive longer..
  • hanfknolle
    hanfknolle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    - 2x/Exp/Spirti/Drop cause... this fuked up o_o
    - Celestial Fashion at Botiques or for free as Anni gift :-P
    - R9 From packs *hahahah*
    - R8 More Cheaperrr cause i need for psy and seeker!
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    mkl0011 wrote: »
    meh sins do alot of damage.thats not fair to let them survive longer..