xBushidox (Dreamweaver) Recruiting lvl 70+ / Shen recruiting lvl 25+

Semara - Dreamweaver
Semara - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
edited November 2011 in Guild Banter
XBushidoX Strives for Members Who Excel at Playing With Loyalty Honor and Respect.
We Are A Large Organized, ADULT, Level 3 Faction Consisting Mainly of Players
from level 70 - 102, With OUR average ACTIVE PLAYER level over 90. We participate in TW and have a hi-level faction base, which is ready for base wars! We are one of the oldest & established factions on the Dreamweaver server!!!

We are currently recruiting Adult Players, Active Members, level 70+
While our sister faction (Shen) is recruiting level 25+

YOU MUST USE Your Charactor Name!
(Example: my Character name is Semara)
If you don't use your Character name; your forum application will be DELETED!
So that an officer may contact you IN-GAME!

Also, we require our members to at least be able to listen in Ventrillo for TW (Mic not required), and Check Our Forums regularly.

Please read the information about the Bushido Code and XBushidoX.
Thank you for your time and interest in XBushidoX

Post edited by Semara - Dreamweaver on


  • ColdAsLife - Dreamweaver
    ColdAsLife - Dreamweaver Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Yay, ninja bump b:cute
    ColdAsLife, 90, Proud Sage Archer
    ArchRaziel, 5x, Cleric
    XBushidoX, xbushidox.guildportal.com
    Rectitude, Courage, Benelovence, Respect, Honesty, Honor, Loyalty.