Valhalla Recruitment Video.



  • HiT_MaN - Harshlands
    HiT_MaN - Harshlands Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    mmmm is funny, i remember one time 6 valhalla vs 6 catalyst in the final room of tournament.... 5 valhalla in room after the fight and 2 of us werent even charmed, so pro with even numbers in pvp right?
  • negativereaction
    negativereaction Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Can your guild WRECK pve instances? Maybe! But it doesn't matter since its easier to buy our gear!

    that actually gives me an idea for a 10 minute video (with unfitting music) of WRECKING the mysterious merchant with my chip-opening marathons, or maybe WRECKING the boutique with my Gold.

    i've got my click-Y click-Y click-Y click-Y technique down for buying 300k rep faster than all of you baddies. my Y key is almost worn out by now though :(
  • Kywe - Harshlands
    Kywe - Harshlands Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Because camping south gate during tourney while your other guildies attempt to win is so pro.

    Grow some balls.

    why people thinks that this is PVE server, zzzzz wake up people

    isnt forbiden pk in south archosaur
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Why is Kywe so mad?
    Is it because his app was denied by Cata?

  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Can your guild DOMINATE Kimsa the Claw King?
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    "Oh noes, 400 damage, after he hit me for 10 times in about 15 seconds, I'll get close to tick! Must... Ion... Guard.... Phew, that was close. Anyways, can you dominate in PvP like I just did?"
  • Kywe - Harshlands
    Kywe - Harshlands Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Why is Kywe so mad?
    Is it because his app was denied by Cata?


    mad? AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA im very far from beeing mad kid. lolz
    for "RIDDIKULUS MANG" you're enough, you dont need me.
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm so mad

  • Kywe - Harshlands
    Kywe - Harshlands Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    right "pro" veno that never leaves sz and loves talk like a pro
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    right "pro" veno that never leaves sz and loves talk like a pro
  • Zenorx - Harshlands
    Zenorx - Harshlands Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    nahhhh, catalyst doesnt have none +12/+10 gear/wep . u all have +5 max refine and tt90 armor lolz
    Even though that's a troll post, you realize you're just making Val look even worse.......
    Grow some balls.
    How much do they have to cash shop for that? Is it less than r9?
    Pro shards, +12 officers will be spamming you with invites

    This thread is so lol
  • Halt - Harshlands
    Halt - Harshlands Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    mmmm is funny, i remember one time 6 valhalla vs 6 catalyst in the final room of tournament.... 5 valhalla in room after the fight and 2 of us werent even charmed, so pro with even numbers in pvp right?
    Sure cant beat us 50 vs 80 though. (& see closing comment)
    We cannot win TW, but at PVP we won most of times. stop doing QQ posts about Valhalla

    You were killing us after the pvp tournament because every single valhalla member got killed in the first round at the tournament, so you relog and wait at south for cata to start killing eachother and they can do nothing, you then take your whgole r9+12 army and kill our members that our outside till the tourney is over, the tourney we win. As soon as the tourney is over and our members come out, you immediately run to sz.

    Kywe, you were sure quick to apply to catalyst when valhalla started to lose. Seems like you are mildly upset that your wallet cant buy you into this guild.

    The only full r9 that consistently pvp's for us is Jekel. You normally have wollfo bludd rocketpower wytche banzzok and god knows who else. How is anyone supposed to beat that team? I guess crimson and insanity did pretty easily.
    Unban me.
  • Fragil - Harshlands
    Fragil - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Halt, if you think we had 80 on any TW VS you, you need some glasses man, asap.
    We definitely dont have the numbers to beat Kylin atm, we dont, it's no secret. But if we had the 30 more people that you aparently think we did, you would have been rolled pretty easily.
    So If's and but's mean nothing in reality, we lost, we got over it, and in due time so will you.

    Crimson + Insanity VS Valhalla = a LOT of R9's from both sides you moron. Or do the Crimson and Insanity full R9's not count somehow? Still 12 VS 6. Anyone can and will die when ganked.

    You sound like whatever-his-name-was that ganked Wytche with 10+ other people and hit him for 1k, only to be saying the very next day that Wytche is a noob because -> HE <- managed to kill him.

    Go figure.
  • Halt - Harshlands
    Halt - Harshlands Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I guess you have a point, as 90% of valhalla is completely useless in tw.
    Unban me.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I guess you have a point, as 90% of valhalla is completely useless in tw.

    They were setting up catshops and watching fireworks in TW, what do you expect?
  • Fragil - Harshlands
    Fragil - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Oh my bad, didnt know we were still talking about things that happened over two months ago.... In which you werent even in.
  • Halt - Harshlands
    Halt - Harshlands Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yeah sorry, I chose to spend my irl money on going on vacation instead of spending it on pixels.
    Unban me.
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Oh my bad, didnt know we were still talking about things that happened over two months ago.... In which you werent even in.

    We've been in Cata since the map reset, so we've witnessed with our own eyes how Valala can't beat Cata even with 50 vs. 80.

    Valalala should be renamed to Ragelalala. SO MANY MAD PEOPLE.
  • Fragil - Harshlands
    Fragil - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Was talking to Halt you nabhead lol

    And Halt I'm sorry but its a f2p, lets be realistic.
    You either have the time or the money, or you wont get to the top, just the way "free" to play always worked, it doesnt mean you should rage on whoever has any of those two, everyone makes their choices. But I guess you have the troll gene on you, can't really avoid it can you. :)
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Can your guild DOMINATE the fire shard market?
    I <3 AGOREY
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Was talking to Halt you nabhead lol

    And Halt I'm sorry but its a f2p, lets be realistic.
    You either have the time or the money, or you wont get to the top, just the way "free" to play always worked, it doesnt mean you should rage on whoever has any of those two, everyone makes their choices. But I guess you have the troll gene on you, can't really avoid it can you. :)

    He's been in Cata since map reset too you dumbass.
  • Halt - Harshlands
    Halt - Harshlands Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    So many people in this game do amazing without spending a single penny, as my-en pros I would expect you to know that yourself. I don't cash shop and I have a fun time playing this game for what it is, and talking with my d00ds on vent. Its fun. I don't understand why you continue to post here, as I don't see what point you are trying to make?
    Thats a good question
    What point are you trying to make?
    Unban me.
  • Halt - Harshlands
    Halt - Harshlands Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Can your guild DOMINATE the fire shard market?

    Unban me.
  • Fragil - Harshlands
    Fragil - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Owww, I forgot every Kylin hides a Catalyst now. What happened? Did you kill your own fun in TW? Tired of no-shows on your mains? *sadface*

    Well, you will always have LoL and Mine to play eh? :)

    PS - Im not trying to make any point Halt. I will always find contradictions funny, from anyone.

    Here's a list of common trolling sentences you can use /already do:

    If you win - You're horrible and you ruin the fun for everyone else.

    If you lose - You suck and you should quit your character.

    If you play too much - You got no life.

    If you dont play enough - You FC'ed til 100 and are therefor a noob.

    If you CS - You bought your way up to the top.

    If you dont CS - You are a poor squishy *** and a 1-hit and/or a no-lifer.

    If you PVP - You're a *****.

    If you dont PVP - You're a carebear.

    If you're a dude - You should get laid.

    If you're a girl - You obviously webcam for your stuff.

    If you gank - You only won because you ganked.

    If you get ganked - You fail because you died.

    Isnt it funny how EVERYTHING can be trolled on?
  • Halt - Harshlands
    Halt - Harshlands Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I never have had fun tw'ing on my sin. I have more fun in kylin atm then I've had in catalyst. LoL and minecraft are two of the funnest games I have played in a long time, and it makes it all the more fun when Im on vent with people i know playing it, instead of sitting at west improving kill death ratios.

    Its funny because kylin also beat valhalla in tw.

    Anyways, what point are you trying to make?
    Unban me.
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Owww, I forgot every Kylin hides a Catalyst now. What happened? Did you kill your own fun in TW? Tired of no-shows on your mains? *sadface*

    Well, you will always have LoL and Mine to play eh? :)

    I can put my lvl 70 barb in Valalala if you'd like. Today, I saw a 97 Valalala veno with 3.6k hp so I know the recruiting standards are quite low.
    Then I can be a Catalinlalala.
  • Fragil - Harshlands
    Fragil - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Foxy? Yup, she's a friend and she can play her veno well even tho her gear is horrible. Any veno that knows who and when and how to purge/amp will always be welcome, better than any idiot that thinks playing veno is sending Nix and using a few random skills.
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Foxy? Yup, she's a friend and she can play her veno well even tho her gear is horrible. Any veno that knows who and when and how to purge/amp will always be welcome, better than any idiot that thinks playing veno is sending Nix and using a few random skills.

    She didn't amp or bramble anyone in the squad even once.
    I was going to remind her to, but then realized it wasn't her fault; she's in a faction where 90% of the people don't know the basics, or know that you don't use phy marrow in TW.
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I can see a lot of mad people here... if they made a video to recruit ppl, it's their choice.
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Woneo get on vent.
    I <3 AGOREY