The Powerleveling BS.



  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Not to mention its all 100% optional.
    As an example there is a guy in my faction who is levelling 3 characters at once, as many do. However, he is choosing to do it the old school way. Does lots of grind, and is doing every available quest on every character. He knows all about FC and has does a run. Still, he chooses to level his characters old school.
    Noone gets forced to power level.
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I know people who took years to get to 100 and play terribly. Some players just suck and players are pro irrespective of how much time they put into any individual character.

    b:thanks Also Some players using exploits, bugs, multi client and account sharing.
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Considering my first lvl 100 took me ~3 years to get....yeah...OP you can go **** off with a shrapenled imbued *****.

    I ain't questing, grinding, or anything every ****ing again for another lvl 10x.
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • WangZi - Dreamweaver
    WangZi - Dreamweaver Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I know people who took years to get to 100 and play terribly. Some players just suck and players are pro irrespective of how much time they put into any individual character.

    I agree here, it depends on the player as well. Some people just don't have a knack for gaming, can't blame them b:shutup

    Sig made by Dorset b:victoryb:thanks
  • Lythianaa - Dreamweaver
    Lythianaa - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,307 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I ain't questing, grinding, or anything every ****ing again for another lvl 10x.

    You got that right b:victoryb:chuckle
    Thank you so much ForsakenX for the sig b:cute
  • Allynna_ - Dreamweaver
    Allynna_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Skills vs time aside, the one big thing about buying heads, is that you get **** for SP. For every 4 exp you get, you usually get at least 1 SP. Heads are about a 24:1 ratio. you get a craptone less spirit.
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I've been here since the beginning (just look at my join date) and I have to say people today are much stupider than they used to be. I miss the days of going into a squad and everyone knowing their role, and how much they could handle. They already knew how well they could handle that boss, or how many monsters they can deal with at once.

    Rolls changed when we hit higher levels and abilities. Maybe it was just a rare bad day, but I don't recall you handling your veno well at all in that Brimstone run. Either way though, I don't notice what you seem to be observing.
    Now however, they don't know that. They don't even know much about most of the dungeons, and odds are they've never even been inside most of them. Knowing your class, and I mean REALLY knowing it, cannot be done in a short time despite what others are saying here.

    I see this is the case with Warsong. Even just Metal which we do often for BH. Doesn't matter how many times some run this; they just don't learn how to better handle runners/ dinos. Venos that have been running Abaddon BH many times will still lure bosses to hills where drops are lost and witch at me if I don't let them. As a tank, you can tell a Cleric that you want Ironheart only and they'll still spam Chromatic even when no one else is getting hit.

    The Boiled Frog anecdote applies to this situation:

    Here, is American environmentalist writer Daniel Quinn's account of that anecdote.

    "If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will immediately sense the danger and hop off. But, if you place it gently in a pot of cold water, and turn the heat on low, it will float there quite placidly. As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor, and, with a smile on its face, it will be boiled to death."

    The "Boiling Frog" anecdote tells us that we should be careful to react to slowly changing circumstances before it's too late and, like the frog, we end up getting boiled and eaten.

    This story is often told to business students to illustrate the inability of many people to react to significant changes that occur gradually...

  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    thumbs wrote: »
    Rolls changed when we hit higher levels and abilities. Maybe it was just a rare bad day, but I don't recall you handling your veno well at all in that Brimstone run. Either way though, I don't notice what you seem to be observing.

    When was this run? If it was after a time I hadn't been playing for a long time then yeah I wouldn't have preformed as well. If you asked me to run an instance right now I'd be pretty lousy, I haven't played in a while since my connection is so bad I'm still trying to download the darn game. Back when I was playing for a good 2 years straight, never missing a day for PWI, I outdid most in pve. I'll never get that good again.b:surrender
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • IBaMBii - Heavens Tear
    IBaMBii - Heavens Tear Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Im too lazy to read all 10 pages but with the first post about the QQ, I dont think it should be taken away because thats my source of coins. I rather enjoy making 40mil a day from plvls if I do say so myself.
    People QQing about how hard it was to level, and farmed so hard for all their gear, and how they did stuff 2 years ago, the game has obviously changed, so roll with it or get out. b:bye
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    When was this run? If it was after a time I hadn't been playing for a long time then yeah I wouldn't have preformed as well. If you asked me to run an instance right now I'd be pretty lousy, I haven't played in a while since my connection is so bad I'm still trying to download the darn game. Back when I was playing for a good 2 years straight, never missing a day for PWI, I outdid most in pve. I'll never get that good again.b:surrender

    Oh, this is tweakz btw. -Alt account I've been collecting FaceBook blessings with since the other account has stuffed mail boxes.

    I think it was my c2d89 where you died multiple times by stealing aggro from your pet. I hate bringing up the incident as you are a helpful and friendly player (in-game), but it seems pertinent to the conversation with a tinge of irony.

    There may be subtle differences in someone that was p-leveled and not if they are totally new to the game; like knowing stun's effect on aggro. It's more a common sense that the stun would reduce reflect damage thereby reducing aggro further though (something a non P-leveler can figure out). In either case, the quality of their performance isn't likely to get noticed one way or the other.

    There are a few venos that have been playing a while who still launch a weak Lucky Scarab at a mob my Herc just started tanking. These venos will argue with you if you try to correct them, while a hyper-leveled will likely be more receptive to help.

    I took my veno from 1-102 old school, and sold hypers, oracles, and esos rather than use them. Every time I upgraded my weapon; I'd have to relearn how to farm eden or brimstone. At one point it became a waste to S.Soul degenerate and Amp some mobs there, but I was still doing it (frog in boiling water). I wouldn't mind at all if I'd skipped all that redundant learning.

    One thing I'm noticing throughout this thread is that there aren't really many examples given for why a non-p-leveled player would be better. It seems more like unfounded baseless rantings than an in depth look at why they're against p-leveling.

    There are many bad players out there -That we can all agree on! These bad players also are participating in this conversation from a different perspective than good players. IE: the fail BM or Seeker that blames the cleric for their death, or the fail cleric that blames them will have a skewed opinion.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    thumbs wrote: »
    There are many bad players out there -That we can all agree on! These bad players also are participating in this conversation from a different perspective than good players. IE: the fail BM or Seeker that blames the cleric for their death, or the fail cleric that blames them will have a skewed opinion.

    Quote for the ****ing truth, this is for every single damn thread out there that explains some 'fail' in a squad.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • RKH - Harshlands
    RKH - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I seem to get the hint that the majority of the power levelling qq is from people who took the time to learn their class from 0-100 and then retorts from people selling it. I have a solution to this :) Stop complaining about it, let em power-level without learning their class. It just makes them an easier kill in PvP. Then they can spout the obligatory referral to a vacuum while they keep getting walked on. I guess in a perfect world credit cards buy skill these days :)

    What other MMORPG has this:

    CSer: "*Shows very expensive item* This cost more than all ur gear combined nab!"
    Pro: "*2-shots CSer* It doesn't make you die any slower..."
  • MissEva - Dreamweaver
    MissEva - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Its not Hypers I have a problem with, its not FC i have a problem with, its the insane combonation of the two. And the real problem is not being discussed. Its that someone can drop into this game, spend 2 months making an uber character that ownes everything, gets bored and leaves. Now mulitpy that person by nearly everyone on the server. Even people who decry FC use it because they want to stay relevent, not take a back seat to all the other players.

    Whats so wrong with that you ask?

    Its killing the game. 3 months from now when the majority of the population has just SKIPPED over the lower lvls and enjoyed the endgame content, whats left for them? Nothing, they are gonna quit. Instead of having a long lasting playerbase that creates a community from lvl 1-105 you have an ever increasing population of 80-105 that ingores the majority of the game in favor of 2 instances, FC and Nirvana. When that becomes dull and they have all done "everything" (everything being only end game content) they will leave and this game will slowly become a ghost town.

    This is what upsets the "older" players. The hard work and effort isnt overshowdowed by the new "hyper youth". It kills it. It says, "we think the work and effort is a waste of time becuause this game is too crappy to actually play it"

    But oracles have been around forever you might say.

    True but How much RL money does it cost you to lvl to 100 with those? Vs how much 5 hypers will get you in FC(Millions..christ...millions of exp)...Point is I dont see people selling Oracles, they sell FC because its cheaper and faster.

    I wish FC with hypers didnt exist. Hypers are great for high lvls and grinding because while speeding you up, it wont get you to 100 in 5 days.

    I ran FC a few times to see what the hype was about and I was stunned. Floored. I didnt see the potentential in my character, I saw the end of PWI.

    At this point PWI should just make FC, Nirvana and Fashion, let the game die and make as much money as they can while it burns to the ground.

    Oh wait...
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Its killing the game. 3 months from now when the majority of the population has just SKIPPED over the lower lvls and enjoyed the endgame content, whats left for them? Nothing, they are gonna quit. Instead of having a long lasting playerbase that creates a community from lvl 1-105 you have an ever increasing population of 80-105 that ingores the majority of the game in favor of 2 instances, FC and Nirvana. When that becomes dull and they have all done "everything" (everything being only end game content) they will leave and this game will slowly become a ghost town.

    It won't become a ghost town. People may quit due to boredom, sure, but there will be new players to take their places.

    Really though, name one MMO where the overall goal of most of the playerbase is something other than reaching endgame and getting geared out as soon as possible. If one exists I have yet to hear about it.
  • OriginalSinX - Heavens Tear
    OriginalSinX - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    mebe we could politely ask nubs to stop powerleveling?
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    It won't become a ghost town. People may quit due to boredom, sure, but there will be new players to take their places.

    There's a point of diminishing returns. I think the fact that my FL has been fairly empty the past couple weeks, WC has been kind of dead (very few people even selling Frost), etc., is an indication that we're rapidly approaching this point.
    Really though, name one MMO where the overall goal of most of the playerbase is something other than reaching endgame and getting geared out as soon as possible. If one exists I have yet to hear about it.

    Name any other MMO where end-game is achievable in a day, maybe two, at most. (End-game, for this point, is 80+, as that is when the content has already been rolled out and all quests pretty much reference the earlier.) b:surrender
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I seem to get the hint that the majority of the power levelling qq is from people who took the time to learn their class from 0-100 and then retorts from people selling it. I have a solution to this :) Stop complaining about it, let em power-level without learning their class. It just makes them an easier kill in PvP. Then they can spout the obligatory referral to a vacuum while they keep getting walked on. I guess in a perfect world credit cards buy skill these days :)

    My guess is that the p-leveler will know what both classes are capable of better than the non.

    I took a Veno and Wizard to 100 w/o (at 102 on veno). I have nothing against p-leveling.


    I'd just love to see people trying to find 100+ squads for anything if p-levelers didn't exist. We'd have almost no barbs or clerics at 100+.
  • Ceiba - Sanctuary
    Ceiba - Sanctuary Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I literally grinded my cleric to 100 AOEing mobs, it took me like 6-7 months (probably more) to complete it (started on nov 2008), with extremely crappy gear during most of it, it was like 2-4 hour daily (whenever I could) of pure and brutal grinding.

    Nowadays ppl reach 100 in like three weeks or even less hypering FCC. I dont find it fair as most said but little will do complaining about it.

    The game has changed so either adapt to it or leave, in my case I hyper level all my alts, b:laugh (slowly than most I no longer play that much) but I also do their quest every now and then. Hypering and FCC are by now a part of the game, nobody is forcing anyone to do it, wanna do it the old way? go and do it, dont wanna squad with hyper noobs? dont do it, complaining about it will lead you nowhere. b:bye
  • Phalanxia - Sanctuary
    Phalanxia - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm on of those powerlevelers, but I never changed the method by which I do this. I hyper grind with occasional oracling for spirit. I don't buy FCC heads,(I don't even like FCC because of Fragrance) Although my mystic is my 7th character, I still do quests but only if they are kill quests. Collect quests? Can't deal with them anymore.

    People can do what they want with their characters, and I personally don't see what wrong with powerleveling if you're a old player anyway. Yeah it's gonna hit you later on, if you're just starting out, but other than that, what's the problem...
    My heart will always long for you. My heart will always remember you.
  • SmifnWesson - Lost City
    SmifnWesson - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Whats so wrong with that you ask?

    Its killing the game.

    First off if you really think that its going to be powerleveling thats gonna kill this game your perception is seriously skewed....its been the introduction of reputation into this game for mere pittance....the powerleveling is just one of the many consequences of that...noone would be selling big rooms in frost if rank 8-9 wasnt endgame....whos gonna pay millions to get to 99-100 for TT99 gold and nirvana gears? noone cause one could theoretically compete with those in 99 and nv in their 90s

    now rank 8s cant even compete with rank 9s

    edit: and just for your information, if you care that is, for me its never been content or the questing and long grind thats kept my attention in games, its goals, on my other sin when i was 4x-5x it was getting to 60 to get my rep chest....after that it was hitting 8x to get my hooks, then 89 for spark, then 90 for my cape...etc etc

    I actually had 200k rep on that sin for months before it hit 100....once I hit that I did feel that I had nothing left to achieve on that character, so what did I do? I started a cleric, and after that who knows, but I got 8 other class types to choose from....

    So with that in mind and considering the fact that there are many others out there like me I dont think that theres anything to worry about...

    the people that like fintan are reffering to are people who have already been here for cannot expect people to game PWI forever, there are many games that come out every year that are equal to superior than this....expect it to die, they almost all do

    I still randomly play a game called neocron, it was the very first mmorpg Ive ever played, that game is still online, and everytime i log in theres at most maybe 5-40 people on WORLDWIDE depending on what time of the day it is....

    things end, even in a perfect world
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The only legit time Plvl is legit is if you already have a 80+ Wiz, and you reroll a wiz on another server, because you already know how to play a wizzy. (And the same with every other class)

    Except if you've never played the class before (lol @ lvl 90+ mystics/seekers 2 weeks after expansion was released) then plvling is stupid.

    I totally agree on this point of view and some others..

    "If" u already have a certain class elveled to near 100 and want to reroll one of the same class type (exemple cleric to another cleric) powerleveling is ok. But isn't it just cheaper to buy a reset note ??

    And completly agree of how stupid powerleveling a totally new class to you can be. Exemple : In my faction, someone came back after months of inactivity, had a cleric. Powerleveled a seeker in a week to around lvl 80. Magic class to tank class.

    Is it normal I had to tell him in bh69 to use Heavens Shatterer to maybe do more damage on a boss ?

    And I laugh at all those mystics, powerleveled "I played a cleric class, I know how to heal" and then rage quit a squad when they are told we prefer a real clercic vs Pole. Mystics have good heals..Mostly for low-mid HP classes, not barbs, and don't have a 100% reliable purify spell. Do they have a move that cuts damage to whole squad while constantly healing them ? Or one that speeds up atk rate and channeling of whole squad AND wep damage ? Oh and yeah, I forgot , they can also give physical def, magical def, hp/regen for 1 hour to a whole squad..Maybe i'm missing something here.

    I met a cleric lvl 86 one day in bh79, she came to help. Told us "excuse if I might sound noob, but what is bh, does it give good exp ?" And with a barb, a bm, 2 sins and a archer in squad, goes around doing IH on whoever get agro on Styg, instead of going into BB.

    I mean, if someone is a powerleveled "noob" , they are ways to detect them and just plain stay away from them if u don't like it. A powerleveled char that knows what he/she has been doing won't even have a difference in actions as one that took years to level. They will know their char, and char roles.
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I totally agree on this point of view and some others..

    "If" u already have a certain class elveled to near 100 and want to reroll one of the same class type (exemple cleric to another cleric) powerleveling is ok. But isn't it just cheaper to buy a reset note ??

    And completly agree of how stupid powerleveling a totally new class to you can be. Exemple : In my faction, someone came back after months of inactivity, had a cleric. Powerleveled a seeker in a week to around lvl 80. Magic class to tank class.

    Is it normal I had to tell him in bh69 to use Heavens Shatterer to maybe do more damage on a boss ?

    And I laugh at all those mystics, powerleveled "I played a cleric class, I know how to heal" and then rage quit a squad when they are told we prefer a real clercic vs Pole. Mystics have good heals..Mostly for low-mid HP classes, not barbs, and don't have a 100% reliable purify spell. Do they have a move that cuts damage to whole squad while constantly healing them ? Or one that speeds up atk rate and channeling of whole squad AND wep damage ? Oh and yeah, I forgot , they can also give physical def, magical def, hp/regen for 1 hour to a whole squad..Maybe i'm missing something here.

    I met a cleric lvl 86 one day in bh79, she came to help. Told us "excuse if I might sound noob, but what is bh, does it give good exp ?" And with a barb, a bm, 2 sins and a archer in squad, goes around doing IH on whoever get agro on Styg, instead of going into BB.

    I mean, if someone is a powerleveled "noob" , they are ways to detect them and just plain stay away from them if u don't like it. A powerleveled char that knows what he/she has been doing won't even have a difference in actions as one that took years to level. They will know their char, and char roles.
    Regarding the issue of resets and making a new character, I'll give you an example:

    Say a player really likes playing a barb class, however, is conflicted and wants to play two styles. He wants a pure vit cata pull barb, but also wants to be APS. So he makes two barbs on the same account, one sage, one demon, with quite a bit of similar gear that's stashable. Now, he can play both styles. This isn't the most logical way to go about it, but they play the way they like, they have that choice.

    What is incorrect, highly flawed, is putting a measuring stick of level 80 as some sort of ambiguously interpreted "i r not a nub anymore" label. Powerleveling does not make people inherently suck, furthermore, has no regard at all to whether or not someone knows how to play the game or their class. A person's learning curve dictates that, which is completely outside the logical realm of a tangible level number. People focusing this extensively on a level are barking up the wrong tree.

    I had two level 90's (nearly 100) in December 2009, before hypers ever came out, hit 100 the following month, and I saw plenty of slow learners who didn't know how to play their class, as well as those who thought they knew it all but in fact were non-adapting, belligerent morons. The type of player you're going to run into is simply going to be the type of player you run into without consideration at all of how they leveled.
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Say a player really likes playing a barb class, however, is conflicted and wants to play two styles. He wants a pure vit cata pull barb, but also wants to be APS. So he makes two barbs on the same account, one sage, one demon, with quite a bit of similar gear that's stashable. Now, he can play both styles. This isn't the most logical way to go about it, but they play the way they like, they have that choice.

    Like I did mention, a clerc powerleveling another clerc is ok. I just stated resets notes as a cheap alternative if , say, someone just messed up on stats. Of course if you want one sage and one demon it is afterall the same "core" class.

    And I didn't say "powerlevel = auto-noob". Nope, some know what they are doing , some just want to flash and be 100 and have no fricken idea that fb59 is in Valley of Disaster.

    Some will take years to level and still be seen as "noobs" cause they are maybe just that, yeah, slow learners. Personnaly took me 1 year 1/2 to level 4 chars over 80 cause I also took my time helping faction with anything they could need. And well, 1st, people judge my gear cause "It isn't R8/R9" Well u know, I'm happy of my 8400 EARNED rep. And if someone claims to have gotten 200k rep just farming whitout buying ANY badges or ordering some by DQ points, I would like to know how many days they have in their weeks..

    So I lol to the one who said R8 is noob gear. For people who can't put much in a "free" game, it's more of a dream come true then anything else. That what makes me frown about powerlevelers, they have the cash to get to 100, get R8/R9 and then see less rich people with tt99 and go "haha u suck, ur a noob" ya well sorry, I don't have much cash (and some on the server are in same situation) so if I have to choose between going to a nice restaurant followed by a movie in theaters or putting +5 or more on a piece of virtual armor/wep..Well..I will take restaurant..As it's the choice of someone if he/she wants to put 1-2k in the game and have high end gear faster then the slow casual player.
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • RKH - Harshlands
    RKH - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Regarding the issue of resets and making a new character, I'll give you an example:

    Say a player really likes playing a barb class, however, is conflicted and wants to play two styles. He wants a pure vit cata pull barb, but also wants to be APS. So he makes two barbs on the same account, one sage, one demon, with quite a bit of similar gear that's stashable. Now, he can play both styles. This isn't the most logical way to go about it, but they play the way they like, they have that choice.

    What is incorrect, highly flawed, is putting a measuring stick of level 80 as some sort of ambiguously interpreted "i r not a nub anymore" label. Powerleveling does not make people inherently suck, furthermore, has no regard at all to whether or not someone knows how to play the game or their class. A person's learning curve dictates that, which is completely outside the logical realm of a tangible level number. People focusing this extensively on a level are barking up the wrong tree.

    I had two level 90's (nearly 100) in December 2009, before hypers ever came out, hit 100 the following month, and I saw plenty of slow learners who didn't know how to play their class, as well as those who thought they knew it all but in fact were non-adapting, belligerent morons. The type of player you're going to run into is simply going to be the type of player you run into without consideration at all of how they leveled.

    +1 Got my sin to 80 with nothing but grinding. Finally got bored and p-levelled to 100. Just because someone is lv100 in-game does not mean they have the skill that a lv100 technically should have from ig experience. It's easy to find these people and easy to stay away from em. Simple ways of finding em, they talk about how much their gear costs in reference to yours, they call you big man for killing em when they're not your level. They always want to bring a 'high lvl alt' that's worse than they are at pvp etc. If they sound stupid...they probably ARE "stoopied". ;)
  • SmifnWesson - Lost City
    SmifnWesson - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    some just want to flash and be 100 and have no fricken idea that fb59 is in Valley of Disaster.

    bad example....again these are the things and stories that haters vs people who powerlevel make up in their minds

    I garuntee you that not one person who is even 7x doesnt know what fb59 is, let alone powerleveled 100s

    its when you get your 2 spark, and usually the best skills of the class....

    judging by yours and others comments now about, Im proud of my gear, i dont have alot of money, i farm....its becoming increasingly clear what this is/may be about....
  • RKH - Harshlands
    RKH - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Smif, if that is the case...why do I run into lv100 clerics that don't know what Purify is? Or 9x-100 that have no idea even wtf FB or CtD is? We don't make stuff up, it's experience from other players tyvm.
  • Mauntille - Heavens Tear
    Mauntille - Heavens Tear Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Whats so wrong with that you ask?

    Its killing the game.

    I don't know that I agree with this.

    On the one hand, having more players at higher levels is great. I remember having to wait weeks-to-months for friends to level up so I could start running new instances with them. If you've truely levelled a toon old-school style, you know just how monotonous this game can be. And to those of you who are stuck up enough to say that you don't know your class or this game if you haven't completed every quest on at least on character (and there are people like this who exist): How exactly does the statues quest teach you how to play your class? How can killing Kun Kun teach a Wizard what to do?

    On the other hand, going from level 1 to 100 in less than a week borders on the obscene. But really, as long as someone takes time to learn the game and what they're doing, what harm is it? If their knowledge of the game is limited to a handful of instances, and you're in a squad with them for that instance, does their ignorance really matter? If they're that terrible do you really have that few friends/faction mates that you can't run with anyone else?

    Granted, if someone's brain seems to be permanently in exhaust-mode, then sure, add them to your own personal no-squad list. But that group isn't limited to power levellers.

    Even if FF is "fixed", people will find another way to power level. There really isn't any way to stop it. The game changes. Adapt and deal with it. Or come to the forums and QQ at either extreme, as is more common.
  • RKH - Harshlands
    RKH - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I don't know that I agree with this.

    On the one hand, having more players at higher levels is great. I remember having to wait weeks-to-months for friends to level up so I could start running new instances with them. If you've truely levelled a toon old-school style, you know just how monotonous this game can be. And to those of you who are stuck up enough to say that you don't know your class or this game if you haven't completed every quest on at least on character (and there are people like this who exist): How exactly does the statues quest teach you how to play your class? How can killing Kun Kun teach a Wizard what to do?

    lol +1 just because it's true.
  • Lleona - Sanctuary
    Lleona - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    how is others power leveling ruining ur fun? its them that don't do the "fun" quests not u, imo the only ones QQing about it is the ones that dont have the means to do it themselves. i leveld 2 toons the old way to 101, i dont wanna do it again, high level nubs?, most ppl u see that power lvl are not nubs by quit QQing let us alone and go do ur "fun" quests thank you and have a nice day b:victory
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    how is others power leveling ruining ur fun? its them that don't do the "fun" quests not u, imo the only ones QQing about it is the ones that dont have the means to do it themselves. i leveld 2 toons the old way to 101, i dont wanna do it again, high level nubs?, most ppl u see that power lvl are not nubs by quit QQing let us alone and go do ur "fun" quests thank you and have a nice day b:victory

    Pretty sure they mean that because so many people powerlevel their characters, the other areas are dead and thus a large part of the fun of the game is gone, which was meeting other people and questing together. Not because they can't do it. And then when they do join at level squads, people don't know what they are doing and keep getting them killed even though they are high level and should know better and they would rather deal with mistakes like those when it's less costly which is at lower levels. I can kinda see their point, I world chatted for an at level bh29 the other day on my sin just because I was bored and didn't want to solo it yet again with my cleric. Not a single person replied to me, except some high levels offering to just solo it for me. Was depressing.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit