Is this barb build any good really need some help here

Trey_Sin - Lost City
Trey_Sin - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Barbarian
Hey there im a new to this class and so i was wondering if this build is good by getting advice from older barbs. what im aiming for is a barb that can has good HP to be able to tank on a OK lvl but still is able to get good accuracy and crit since barbs tend to miss.
The stats for the build are 6STR 2VIT 2DEX. oh and if it helps im going for sage, anyway all feedback is appreciated and thank for reading.
Post edited by Trey_Sin - Lost City on


  • Conalll - Archosaur
    Conalll - Archosaur Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If I'm reading your build right, I find little wrong with it. I always suggest 3 str per level, and you got that covered. Mind you your dex should be capped at 60 or 80. After that, the extra 1 point should go to vit. So eventually, you'd be going 3 str 2 vit every level.

    You'll never have good accuracy or crit rate without sacrificing A LOT of HP to do it. Too much for your desires I think. The exception to that is if, like so many, you plan to go claw at the really high levels. If so, I have no advice for you. But if you plan to stay with the "traditional" barb set up as I am, this build is fine.

    Just cap your dex at 60 or 80 (personally I vote 60, but 80 is not horrible). You fix your accuracy problems with rings that provide a 50% accuracy bonus (Misty Forest Ring, Ring of Frost Chaos). DO NOT shard your weapon with accuracy stones. You need the attack damage more.

    Good hunting to you.
    "Impatience walks with disaster." My own phrase.

    "Let the winds of winter come. I fear not famine, nor blizzard, nor an army of predators. For I am wolf. My power is matched by the many that stand beside me. Come what may. I have faced it before, and it has yet to touch me." *The Alpha's Warning*
  • ItsAWolf - Archosaur
    ItsAWolf - Archosaur Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I agree that you should cap your dex at around 60 or so following the build you're using until you decide whether you want to go for claws at lvl 9X, at which point you will reset some vit to dex. If you think this is too expensive or a waste of money, keep in mind that having an effective claw build costs a lot of coins, resetting will be nothing in comparison.

    Accuracy won't be very important with tanking bosses as you will always hit once you've managed to get a devour to hit once (or penetrate armor, but you will generally be in tiger mode). Accuracy is only important for PvPing really and I don't have any experience with that. Therefore, dex should mainly be used as a stat for weapon requirements. I personally got my 60 dex early with a similar build as yours for some extra chance at hitting my devour early.
  • Trey_Sin - Lost City
    Trey_Sin - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sweet thanks allot for the help and advice il just cap dex at 60 than. thanks again b:bye