Level and skills needed for running Frost, FC, FF

Caydon - Heavens Tear
Caydon - Heavens Tear Posts: 57 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Mystic
Hey everyone

My mystic is level 76 now, and I was wondering a few things about going for FF/FC/Frost.

1) What is the level requirement on going to Frost?

Is there like a level suggestion, say 80 like everyone else? Or can mystic start going earlier to this particular instance?

2) What is the important skills to focus on?

Healing skills, definitely maxed. Wood mastery, storm mistress for AOEs on big pulls, healing herb, vital herb. Anything else I should be focusing on?

3) What is the main role of a mystic in FF/FC/Frost?

Healing, obviously, DD-ing and using Storm Mistress' AOE. Is there anything else that a mystic should be doing that I missed out?

4) Skills to avoid

I know thicket, gale force and bramble tornado, because of the knockback, and silence. Other than that, are there skills that should be avoided?


Thanks so much for your help and advice!
Cleric (shelved), barb (shelved), BM (shelved), mystic, veno.

Mystic or veno, mystic or veno?
Post edited by Caydon - Heavens Tear on


  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You pretty much know all the important stuff that actually matters. Although a tip, debuff plants are better to use in almost every situation that you could use healing herb. And it might be best not to start doing frost until 80, and don't try solo healing until at least 85 or 90 unless you have a really good puller.
  • Cenire - Sanctuary
    Cenire - Sanctuary Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1) What is the level requirement on going to Frost?

    Well, you can get into FCC at any level, but I would recommend 80+. Usually it's not so much of a fail squad with 80s in there.

    2) What is the important skills to focus on?

    Get all the aoe's you can get, except the ones you mentioned. Try getting Cragglord, he does AMAZING aoe damage and he has two aoe skills. Even though he lasts for only 20 seconds, it's great for heavy mob pulls in FCC.

    Mystics don't have much aoe except for craggy and mistress (the rest makes the mobs run away) but you can max punishing stinger and explode it for extra aoe dmg even though it's not that great. I still use it once it a while.

    Max Salvation! Use its skills on the barb before they pull a lot of mobs in FCC (not while they're pulling, you'll pull aggro). It has two skills that absorbs damage. Definitely handy if your barb (or anyone else) is having trouble staying alive.

    Oh, and I like to use Devil Chiyu's stun on the bishops.

    The rest you pretty much got.

    3) What is the main role of a mystic in FF/FC/Frost?

    There's really not one distinct role for a mystic. It's a very versatile class. I recommend that if the cleric is having trouble keeping up, try helping out with your heals or Salvation. You can DD as well. So it really depends what kind of squad you get and whether you'll play mostly a support or DD class.

    4) Skills to avoid

    You named them all, I think.
  • TreeHugs - Harshlands
    TreeHugs - Harshlands Posts: 368 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hey everyone

    My mystic is level 76 now, and I was wondering a few things about going for FF/FC/Frost.

    1) What is the level requirement on going to Frost?

    you can start at around level 70 ish. its best to go with people within 10 levels of yours, so at 70s its harder to find parties. most people start running the instance around 80+ sometimes a little sooner. in the 70s though, i wouldnt be very dependent on just a mystic healing, you would be better off DDing and getting a cleric for BB, buffs, and of course heals.

    2) What is the important skills to focus on?

    nature vengeance of course. bramble tornado is a great DDing skill and can be focused on when you have the skill points to spare. swirling mist is cheap and i use it a lot so get it to 10 also. gale force and thicket are great aoes, but in FC can maybe **** some people off because it makes mobs run away (but thicket doesnt seem to make as many run away as gale force does). I didnt get thicket to 10 until my high 90s since lack of money xD so it can be put off for awhile. it may be better to get it sooner than later though because thicket is really a handy skill.

    as for plants, befuddling and vital herb are my 2 most used. spider vine i dont use very often, usually only when theres another mystic in party and theyre using befud. sting is cheap so you might as well get it to 10. listless can be held off for awhile. healing herb is nice, but get it when you have the spare points.

    devil, storm, and salvation to 10 asap. salvation can really help in FCs when the barb is pulling, when you use the buff before he pulls. i love storm in FC for her aoe. devil is great at level 10 because you dont always need to feed him mana, his normal attack is decent. cragg can be held off when you have the spare points/money.

    all in all, eventually get all the skills. all the skills are very useful, and yes, i use all the skills we have, all for different reasons.

    3) What is the main role of a mystic in FF/FC/Frost?

    at higher levels (90+ maybe even sooner) you can defiantly run FCs without a cleric. if you have a cleric in squad then mostly a DDer, and back up healer if you prefer, but its usually not needed (cleric usually has everything under control xD). your pets even have the ability to take all bosses up to the exp room. of course, to buff the cleric/barb at least, and if theres no cleric then buff everyone.

    4) Skills to avoid

    avoid?? what is this? why avoid skills? no, thicket and gale force are very awesome skills. if you are SOLO-AOEing, then they are wonders. theyre only bad to other people, because they make mobs run away, and in FC that can be frustrating to other AOEers. but **** them! lol.

    Why avoid bramble tornado cause knockback? thats a GOOD thing. in pve and pvp especially. you cant knock back a boss (well, a mini boss you can, but FC bosses or TT bosses, you cant), so dont worry about making others mad with that. bramble can, though, interrupt SLASH boss's "charge" attack, which can be handy when u want to kill a pesky sin :D lol.

    answers in orange ... thats everything i can think of at the moment .. xD
    TreeHugs - Lv. 101 Demon Rank 8 Mystic
    vixter - Lv. 101 Demon Heavy Rank 8 Venomancer