poor mans BM

Starflair - Dreamweaver
Starflair - Dreamweaver Posts: 151 Arc User
edited July 2011 in Blademaster
I'm not gonna puss out on my bm like some people.

Anyway, I need some advice for an EFFECTIVE armor set for a lvl100 BM that won't flatten my wallet. I understand. BMs job and know that aps is only a luxury, not a necessity. I did sone math and it looks like a tt99 set would put me back ~100usd and ranking up to r8 would be ~75usd. The only big difference I see is -int for tt99. The stats aren't terribly different unless Im mistaken.

Anyway my point is I can't afford to dish out hundreds of usd for end game gears. I set my limit at 100usd. I only know of r8 and tt99 for decent end game, which is why I ask you guys for advice.

Inb4 farm it. Im useless/ can't get into squads bc of my lack of aps gear. Catch22 is I can't get in a squad for my mats bc I don't have the armor that I need the mats for.

Inb4 BMs fail now. I love being a BM. You suck.
Post edited by Starflair - Dreamweaver on


  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'm not gonna puss out on my bm like some people.

    Anyway, I need some advice for an EFFECTIVE armor set for a lvl100 BM that won't flatten my wallet. I understand. BMs job and know that aps is only a luxury, not a necessity. I did sone math and it looks like a tt99 set would put me back ~100usd and ranking up to r8 would be ~75usd. The only big difference I see is -int for tt99. The stats aren't terribly different unless Im mistaken.

    Anyway my point is I can't afford to dish out hundreds of usd for end game gears. I set my limit at 100usd. I only know of r8 and tt99 for decent end game, which is why I ask you guys for advice.

    Inb4 farm it. Im useless/ can't get into squads bc of my lack of aps gear. Catch22 is I can't get in a squad for my mats bc I don't have the armor that I need the mats for.

    Inb4 BMs fail now. I love being a BM. You suck.

    Your post is self contradictory.

    For pvp there is no effective setup at low $, same for TW. There is no build for endgame that will cost under 100 USD thats not totaly craptastic.

    This is the cheapest PVE only endgame i can think of atm. http://pwcalc.com/84b06006cd80ca16

    If you dont understand why its built that way go ask somone who cares more. Estimated cost is 160 mill for all gear refines and shards if done correctly.
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Starflair - Dreamweaver
    Starflair - Dreamweaver Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hmm. Didn't think it was a contradiction. Guess what I meant was it seems like a luxury to me but a necessity to others. But I digress. Josh, this is great info.160m sucks,.but I think I can muster that up.

    If anyone else has an opinion I'd appreciate it :)
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If you really know what your doing, some tt90 gear should more then suffice until you can get the gear josh suggested.

    I was running full deltas with HA oht gear, and some LA tt90 leggings. =x lol Granted they do tend to take 3 hours+, it can make some real decent money depending on the going prices of mystical tome fragments on your server. (hehe which is anywhere from 120k-180k... though with more people doing deltas, etc on DW, the prices are taking a nose dive a bit. D:... Supply and demand ftl.)

    If you can't afford a real strong weapon, I suggest just getting some of the tt99 green weapons, I for one prefer the procs of the Scarlet scimitar (shield of chi, 20% damage reduction), and the monarch spear (removes opponents positive buffs). Though it can be pretty expensive making the spear I described, but imo it is well worth it. It's almost like having a veno in squad, although it can be pretty hit and miss when that skill activates, it is still nice to have if you get into a nirvana squad that doesn't have a veno tagging along. (second boss only though)
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • BladedZero - Sanctuary
    BladedZero - Sanctuary Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You make it sound like the only way you can get gears is by cashshopping by comparing it USD. I came back to the game 2 months ago or so and found out most of the **** I was wearing was out of date TT70 and crappy quest items. I've cut a lot of corners with my gears trying to get back into the game but I'm doing just fine. You can ask Sakubatou who has been running FCCs with me on his sin. I'm running cheap gears like a TT90 pole hammer that costed like a mil and a half to make, a fist of heroism that was sharded and refined for 100k, and today I found a Band from Heavens Jail for 90k already made. I just finished my TT99 LA bracers like 3 days ago after like only a week of herb farming in hell and I feel if I keep this up I can at least get most of my interval down within a month.

    I personally think you're thinking you need all your gears here and now. It takes a bit of time and effort to get these things and work slowly at it. This MMO in particular seems to reward those who stick with it. I can tell you stories about how much harder it was 3 years ago but I'm sure you can find folks like me everywhere
  • Starflair - Dreamweaver
    Starflair - Dreamweaver Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Yeah I have a full tt90 set atm which is holding up just fine for now. my deal Is I don't want to waste time/money on sharding and refining bc I'll be getting rid of the set anyway when i hit my endgame gear (though I realize tt90 is used to make tt99, Im not sure how I'll farm/buy it yet.) When I know my gear Is set, then I'll Invest In shards, refining, etc.

    I totally get how rewarding it is to farm everything. I love It. Just sucks, between working full-time and my gf, there isn't much time, and after player 1 1/2+ years, Im kinda impatient :)
  • Fistol - Raging Tide
    Fistol - Raging Tide Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The thing is what squad are you trying to run with?

    if you want to run with 4/5aps squad, then ya you need to have 4/5aps to be actually in that squad.

    But if you dont mind 1hr nirvana runs, you can just form up one norm squad and still get it done in 1hr run, get the coins,uncannies and rap and get your tt99 piece 1 by 1.

    For FC, seriously no one really even cares as long as you are a bm and you know how to HF(level 10 at least) + Armor buff. Of cuz you need to know how to run a good FC as a bm.
    Fist Wizard ~ Truely Unique
    Going for
    Build : pwcalc.com/8b326a9b66b300af
    While waiting
    Build : pwcalc.com/c879da9e1aad795c
    HA Melee (Pre99)-> LA Claw (99+)-> LA Claw+Magic (101)
  • Jurky - Sanctuary
    Jurky - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    That gear Joshcja posted is atleast +220 mil o.o
  • Starflair - Dreamweaver
    Starflair - Dreamweaver Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The trend on my server seems to be If youre not 4-5aps melee, then you're not in. Id like to get into all these runs, but I simply cant get in.
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The trend on my server seems to be If youre not 4-5aps melee, then you're not in. Id like to get into all these runs, but I simply cant get in.

    <3! I have an idea... get the 5 aps gear, and once your in squad switch back to your 'cheaper' gear/weapons! :D

    that'll show them to invite people based upon their gear/weapon


    =x lol...

    Seriously though, **** the status quo, go find other things to do, that doesn't require haxed aps/refines.

    As I said earlier full delta is a real nice money maker, if you can get in on multiple squads, etc... it will net you a lot more money/exp than merchanting items that pwi just wont put into the boutique... IE, citrine/saphire shards.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'm not gonna puss out on my bm like some people.

    Anyway, I need some advice for an EFFECTIVE armor set for a lvl100 BM that won't flatten my wallet. I understand. BMs job and know that aps is only a luxury, not a necessity. I did sone math and it looks like a tt99 set would put me back ~100usd and ranking up to r8 would be ~75usd. The only big difference I see is -int for tt99. The stats aren't terribly different unless Im mistaken.

    Anyway my point is I can't afford to dish out hundreds of usd for end game gears. I set my limit at 100usd. I only know of r8 and tt99 for decent end game, which is why I ask you guys for advice.

    Inb4 farm it. Im useless/ can't get into squads bc of my lack of aps gear. Catch22 is I can't get in a squad for my mats bc I don't have the armor that I need the mats for.

    Inb4 BMs fail now. I love being a BM. You suck.

    **** Rank 8, its a waste of coin other than on your path to rank 9 which is still very 'meh' for BMs. The fists are okay but you'll enjoy Deicides more. Here are the first three pieces you should get:
    Deicides: ~45 mil
    TT99 Wrists: ~18 mil
    TT99 Boots:~20 mil

    You get -.1 from Deicides, -.1 from wrists, and -.05 from boots/wrists. I left it open to LA or HA boots/wrists but I'd suggest LA. Thats 83 mil coin and since ave on my server for gold is 1.4mil lets say 1.3m (taxes and stuff) would cost you $64 to get. you would be 2.22 base, 2.86 sparked. Add a Lunar cape for 50 mil (another 40 gold) and you're 3.33 sparked which is fine for most squads or at least an excellent place to farm TT. for $104 gold.

    Lastly, make your own TT squads. People may not want someone who is under 5.0 in their squads but if you make the squad you get to decide.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    That gear Joshcja posted is atleast +220 mil o.o

    HA top 50 mill
    cape 7-8 mill
    wrists 11 mill
    boots 30 mill
    pants, he already has em
    rings are cheaper than dirt
    neck is 5 mill
    hat is 15 mill if you keep a very carefull eye on WC
    deicides +5 can be found as low as 30 mill in a large sale

    50+7+30+5+15+30+11 = 148, +5 at 700k gold is roughly 2.5 mill per item +7 is about 8 mill.

    Shards are damn near free

    Oh my i went 10 mill over my rough guestimate :o 220 mill my merchanting *** go overpay for your gear more please. Your a valuable member of this economy. Spending not mending! Orgy porgy!!

    Hey saku let my buy your vana pants for this old quarter and a bit of pocket lint... @!: WTS [Cascade glow greaves] 150 mill OBO!
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Jurky - Sanctuary
    Jurky - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    HA top 50 mill
    cape 7-8 mill
    wrists 11 mill
    boots 30 mill
    pants, he already has em
    rings are cheaper than dirt
    neck is 5 mill
    hat is 15 mill if you keep a very carefull eye on WC
    deicides +5 can be found as low as 30 mill in a large sale

    50+7+30+5+15+30+11 = 148, +5 at 700k gold is roughly 2.5 mill per item +7 is about 8 mill.

    Shards are damn near free

    Oh my i went 10 mill over my rough guestimate :o 220 mill my merchanting *** go overpay for your gear more please. Your a valuable member of this economy. Spending not mending! Orgy porgy!!

    Hey saku let my buy your vana pants for this old quarter and a bit of pocket lint... @!: WTS [Cascade glow greaves] 150 mill OBO!

    he can't even get wraithgate robe at lvl99 and u didn't even count in belt b:bye
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    he can't even get wraithgate robe at lvl99 and u didn't even count in belt b:bye

    Because its hard to FCC an alt

    Tack on 20 mill for the belt *shrug* still well under 220
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Jurky - Sanctuary
    Jurky - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Now just to put end to this let's add refine cost and that belt, 50+30+5+15+30+11+33+20=194 mil, and since TM cape aint account stashable the cost goes over 220mil if we add lunar cape :P
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Now just to put end to this let's add refine cost and that belt, 50+30+5+15+30+11+33+20=194 mil, and since TM cape aint account stashable the cost goes over 220mil if we add lunar cape :P

    Pretty shure TM cape is stashable.
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Michael - Harshlands
    Michael - Harshlands Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    even if the cape itself isnt the medals are so he could make it on the bm regardless (I am pretty sure the cape is stashable too though)
  • Antraze - Raging Tide
    Antraze - Raging Tide Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    the capes are
    Antraze - Retired workhorse of a Blademaster.

    Go check out my YouTube channel

    Gaming and in the future (I hope) MUSIC!
  • Sarasen - Dreamweaver
    Sarasen - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    not relating to this topic but i thought i may aswell add it in here rather then making a new post...HOW DO I GET THAT CAPE QQ on my server wing trophys are like 85m+ now so yh, f that shizz, not a fam of aps so i want a cheap cape i can throw away without crying lolb:surrender
    On CORE i cant add my BM to my alt list for some reason, god knows why. if u can help me please get back to meb:surrender
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    not relating to this topic but i thought i may aswell add it in here rather then making a new post...HOW DO I GET THAT CAPE QQ on my server wing trophys are like 85m+ now so yh, f that shizz, not a fam of aps so i want a cheap cape i can throw away without crying lolb:surrender

    Best bet, hyper FCC a cleric to level 80 then be the cleric for Wraithgate Trophy modes. Stash the cape over to your BM. The stats are slightly lower (+3-4 instead of +6-7) but otherwise just the same. Or you can farm the G13 Lunar cape. It costs about 90 mil (ish) but can be farmed in pieces and is better. Working on mine now.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory