just a little request for mystics running frost

supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Mystic
ok before i say anything i wanna point out im not trying to be rude or mean about anything.

for all the mystics running frost PLZPLZPLZPLZPLZ stop useing ur seal freeze aoes at the pulls. we should all know by now that some of the mobs will only get sealed and run from the aoe range. that just makes for a more chaotic pull.

if u dont know what u should do just send out storm mistress and drop a heal plant.

to the ones who know what there doing thnk u. u ppl have saved my *** countless timesb:victory
Post edited by supertroyman1 on


  • XMiyala - Dreamweaver
    XMiyala - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I completely agree. It's really bad when a mystic uses gale force on the pull before the bishop or shout boss. The mobs end up running into the boss, then the boss aggros, and a squad wipe.

    However there was this time I was buying heads with a 75-85 squad, and they left the mobs. There was no cleric, and no barb to tank.... Just a bunch of squishy sins, a couple of bm's, and a wizzy. Anyways, the wizzy kept getting aggro, so on top of healing, I used gale force to save the squishies at that time. But, if it was a real Fc with a good tank pulling and a cleric BBing, I would've aoed with mistress. Or if no cleric was available, I would've used herbs to heal.

    However that is the ONLY situation where I've ever used gale force, except for when I first got the skill and didn't know the mobs would run away.
  • Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands
    Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I hope the ones that do that aren't the people who rerolled from a high level main. I mean, I'm an archer. I don't suffer when people in my squad seal, and I've never sealed anything on this character, but I still found out rather quickly that in parties, any seal is generally not appreciated.
    Heck, knockback isn't even appreciated, and its not half as bad as seal can be.

    That is why on my mystic alt, this was my reaction to gale force and thicket:

    "Oh an aoe! Maybe I can use this in FC or GV when I get there!" (always thinking of the future)
    "Oh! it even.....seals.....damn, so much for that"
  • Xyrika - Archosaur
    Xyrika - Archosaur Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    But, if it was a real Fc with a good tank pulling and a cleric BBing

    Interesting... In my last runs there was no Cleric and I think you will end the same way some day b:chuckle..

    What concerns seal: I usually use my AoEs on physical mob pulls. Why? If I seal with a rate of 50% it means 50% less dmg. Mostly its good to have some less dmg for a short time. espetially on big pull it saves some ppl.
    I totally agree, that seal is not helpfull, when there are mobs around that you don't want to lure and there is a chance that mobs run into them.

    So what I'm saying is, use it wise and it will help the squat.
    if u dont know what u should do just send out storm mistress and drop a heal plant.

    The description is short but its more or less what you will do in FCs. On Pulls you can as well use Summon3 to buff puller or to buff Sins before they kill Shades. People will love you for that.
    For myself I consider res buff a good thing. As I'm doing FC mostly without cleric last times, I usually buff the whole squat with res, which also helps some times.
    If you have spark for it you can use Sum4 at big pulls. Also a good alternitiv to do some dmg.

    And one more thing: I read about lysing plants to make AoE-dmg. That thing is silly in my opinion. The only kind of mobs a lysed plant will make good dmg to are Questionmark-Mobs. That means in Delta its ok and makes decent dmg, BUT in FC its just another little DMG around 4-5k, which is nothing. So I would never set a plant, just to lyse it afterwarts in FC. It takes too long for such little results.
  • XMiyala - Dreamweaver
    XMiyala - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Interesting... In my last runs there was no Cleric and I think you will end the same way some day b:chuckle..

    I already have ended up in that situation. vital herb, healing herb, and salvation buffs ftw..... if tank doesn't run off before i give them. b:chuckle
  • Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands
    Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I totally agree, that seal is not helpfull, when there are mobs around that you don't want to lure and there is a chance that mobs run into them.

    That isn't the main problem though. The main problem is that when you pull a bunch of mobs in FC, the DD's set up a zhen, everyone aoe's. When you aoe and seal half of the mobs, they run away from everyone else's aoe's. That means when everyone has finished the zhen, all those mobs that ran away are still alive, and everyone has to run around and kill the remainders, which is annoying, and takes longer.

    The problem of luring the boss accidentally is also there, but that only affects lower level squads. I know that most of the squads I ran with just pulled the mobs into the bosses so that we could include the boss in the aoe.
  • Xyrika - Archosaur
    Xyrika - Archosaur Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Thats not a big problem, if the AoE-DD sees that he can keep AoE open a bit longer. But if the AoE-DD is dead his AoE will stop too early anyway. So a bit more running is not a real problem if ppl are not afk all the time. Running doesn't harm.

    The principe of seal is just that the mobs run a bit more. They return alone, when seal whears off. I really don't see a problem in that.

    Btw if the squat is strong its more or less only one hit till all are dead, so Seal is not important anymore.

    Lets say you did a sin pull with a barb. In the first moment you reach the barb and if heal doesn't come fast enaugh he will die. So I usually throw in a Thricket after setting up plant, just to give the barb a short moment to regain HP, which really is helpfull at that moment. Its his limit to have such a amount of mobs. For a short time its ok, but if the time is too long he will surly die. when he regains soem HP the mobs that are left over return. For me that works really fine, thats why I do it.
  • Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands
    Yuji_Sakai - Harshlands Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Thats not a big problem, if the AoE-DD sees that he can keep AoE open a bit longer. But if the AoE-DD is dead his AoE will stop too early anyway. So a bit more running is not a real problem if ppl are not afk all the time. Running doesn't harm.

    The principe of seal is just that the mobs run a bit more. They return alone, when seal whears off. I really don't see a problem in that.

    Btw if the squat is strong its more or less only one hit till all are dead, so Seal is not important anymore.

    Lets say you did a sin pull with a barb. In the first moment you reach the barb and if heal doesn't come fast enaugh he will die. So I usually throw in a Thricket after setting up plant, just to give the barb a short moment to regain HP, which really is helpfull at that moment. Its his limit to have such a amount of mobs. For a short time its ok, but if the time is too long he will surly die. when he regains soem HP the mobs that are left over return. For me that works really fine, thats why I do it.

    Regardless of why you do it, people don't like having to run after mobs. (even if they will eventually come back) No one wants to wait for the seal to wear off to kill them. I know its annoying to run after a sealed mob from experience using fists. Unlike the other phy damage classes however, I can just pull out my bow.
    It is less a matter of how helpful/detrimental doing it is, and more a matter of how annoying it is.

    It isn't like its bad to do it if it is indeed helping out, but don't be surprised if someone gets mad at you for it.

    Edit: Also, you say that the DD can keep the aoe open longer....but for many classes that isn't true. Archer for example. In FC, after the archer's target dies, they can't barrage again for a bit unless they have a chi genie/appo (like they should). Many one-off aoe skills also have rather long cooldowns/costs, that would make killing the rest slow and annoying.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Idk if this has already been mentioned before, but if you want to do further aoe than just your storm mistress's hush skill with the noticeable cooldown, you can lyse punishing sting, also lysing befuddling or spider might help the tank survive better as well. And if you have someone who is using a zhen skill(seeker, archer, wizard) and they have aggro you can expel them, works very well and saves lives. I do it whenever solo healing and a seeker is pulling.
  • gmsx
    gmsx Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    i think you should whine that to your squad.
    mystics can use strorm mistress for the 1st aoe and 2nd aoe the ticket when the mobs have lower hp than the ticket's damage.use the tickets to finish the group,thats it, no mobs running
    same with gale force,check how much you hit and use it to finish mobs
  • Mysticarella - Lost City
    Mysticarella - Lost City Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I like chaos...b:pleased