Last Night Patch

Traz - Dreamweaver
Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
edited June 2011 in General Discussion
Direct translate from me.. yes i am chinese.

PWI Internation version Update

1.Ashura Event reopen! Battle Mode has been Upgraded, prize has been upgraded high level quest, 96-105 only, prize has improved

3. fraction base new fun quest, meeting hall wtih 3 grade or above only, more contribution pt per day.

4.phoenix valley introduce 85-94, 95-105 areas, mobs and items have been change for other areas

5. Merchant fashion update, vienne party boy/girl series, happy show girl series.

6. new item Reinforcement stone, Summon a party member to you

7.increase to barb and seeker's aggro on some of their skill

8. invasion ability added for plants for mystic

9. TT boss mirage box, 6 mirage stone each

10. dungeon door are harder to pass through now update, added few high level books inside.

2011 PW beijing ptd ltd

Hope it helps.

This was taken from a thread few weeks ago that reported this patch from chinese servers, so far they didn't put in the patch notes about skill glitches being fixed and earthgaurd skills being available on AH. I'm wonder if anyone has tested the mystic invasion ability and if barb aggro seems better to anyone?

BladedZero - Sanctuary
"Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

-And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
Post edited by Traz - Dreamweaver on


  • Ceiba - Sanctuary
    Ceiba - Sanctuary Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Wow they increased barb and seeker aggro already? can someone confirm how can they keep aggro from aps now?

    And lol that monkey dude patch notes are so small compared to this, this is a real patch notes, is PWI trying to keep us in the dark as usual? thanks for the quote and thanks to Fistol for the translation.
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Wow they increased barb and seeker aggro already? can someone confirm how can they keep aggro from aps now?

    And lol that monkey dude patch notes are so small compared to this, this is a real patch notes, is PWI trying to keep us in the dark as usual? thanks for the quote and thanks to Fistol for the translation.

    No one said all of these were in the patch last night, but it's very obvious testing in game and looking at monkey's patch notes some where actually done and not reported. So get out there and test people (about to test aggro vs 5.0 with my +5 r8 weapon).
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    4.phoenix valley introduce 85-94, 95-105 areas, mobs and items have been change for other areas

    Their Phoenix Valley had items?? Maybe they will make ours worth running.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • LittlePony - Dreamweaver
    LittlePony - Dreamweaver Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Just tested, flesh ream agro still not fixed
    The trouble with real life is that there is no danger music.
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I just tested as well barb aggro still the same QQQQQQQQQQQ
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Did you guys test on non-5 APS players that had the ability to steal aggro before the patch?
  • Ceiba - Sanctuary
    Ceiba - Sanctuary Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Well hopefully, next patch will increase barb/seeker aggro generated by skills. Looking forward to it.b:chuckle
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    truekossy wrote: »
    Did you guys test on non-5 APS players that had the ability to steal aggro before the patch?

    Who cares about anything else? If they don't fix so we can keep aggro on the 5.0s then there's no point to even change it imo. I tested with a +10 r8 barb little old 4.0 me stole aggro on BHD pretty much the whole time. Nothing changed on aggro period (no not even a tiny bit).

    EDIT: Another Thing they didn't report I just saw in world chat, it's called Fairy Box. TT bosses drop these (number 9 on list) for mirages. You can activate it 6 times a day and each time you have a chance to get 6 mirages.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Who cares about anything else? If they don't fix so we can keep aggro on the 5.0s then there's no point to even change it imo. I tested with a +10 r8 barb little old 4.0 me stole aggro on BHD pretty much the whole time. Nothing changed on aggro period (no not even a tiny bit).

    Actually its just the opposite. No one cares whether or not the Barb can keep aggro on 5.0 aps Sins/BMs at end game (well... squishy Sins may care I suppose b:laugh ). That's because decently geared 5.0 everything can tank now and thus bringing along a Vit Barb to Nirvana for instance would just be sharing the profits with a leecher.
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Actually its just the opposite. No one cares whether or not the Barb can keep aggro on 5.0 aps Sins/BMs at end game (well... squishy Sins may care I suppose b:laugh ). That's because decently geared 5.0 everything can tank now and thus bringing along a Vit Barb to Nirvana for instance would just be sharing the profits with a leecher.

    Do your barb friends know you call them leechers? My sin tanks everything fine, but so what I'd rather have a barb save me repair bills.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Actually its just the opposite. No one cares whether or not the Barb can keep aggro on 5.0 aps Sins/BMs at end game (well... squishy Sins may care I suppose b:laugh ). That's because decently geared 5.0 everything can tank now and thus bringing along a Vit Barb to Nirvana for instance would just be sharing the profits with a leecher.

    Remember, those leechers carried you sorry *** through bh and FB's.

    A bit ungrateful wouldn't you say?
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Do your barb friends know you call them leechers? My sin tanks everything fine, but so what I'd rather have a barb save me repair bills.

    Good thing most of my Barb friends knew to invest in a pair of claws upon hitting 100. b:bye
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Remember, those leechers carried you sorry *** through bh and FB's.

    A bit ungrateful wouldn't you say?

    Really ?

    I only just hit 100 a few weeks ago and during the trip up, the majority of BHs and FBs I've been in was tanked by other than Barb due to the increasing scarcity of the class. Same goes for FF. So why should I cry tears for a build that CLEARLY is no longer viable in PvE come end game ?

    And you think fixing aggro will suddenly turn things around 180 degrees ?

    At end game, those squads who can't find a Barb will carry on as usual without one. The days (circa 2009 - 2010) of QQing on wc for hours looking for a Barb "tank" are done.
  • Fenrina - Heavens Tear
    Fenrina - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    8. invasion ability added for plants for mystic
    I'm wonder if anyone has tested the mystic invasion ability

    Invasion or Evasion? There's a line referenced in the plant summons that says "[Plant] has a certain chance of evasion." I don't recall ever seeing it before and ecatomb doesn't list it either.

    I can test evasion in a bit. Not like it's hard to give the plants aggro...
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Good thing most of my Barb friends knew to invest in a pair of claws upon hitting 100. b:bye

    Nice double post, to bad my runs are just as fast as anyone elses.....bc i'm also claws, but then again maybe i'll just use my poleaxe and keep it debuffed...i've done runs....they are just as fast either way...
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Do your barb friends know you call them leechers? My sin tanks everything fine, but so what I'd rather have a barb save me repair bills.

    How would the barb even have aggro off a sin if the sin is doing decent dmg?
    Remember, those leechers carried you sorry *** through bh and FB's.

    A bit ungrateful wouldn't you say?

    Really? I thought it was a team-effort. Why didn't the barb just solo everything? Btw, most BH's and FBs are tanked by Bms and Sins 60+. Barbs are important for FCC, though. Except now a seeker or more and more BMs are pulling FCCs.

    Anyways, I haven't ran into a decent barb in a while and although I do really feel bad about the whole "you're not a sin, bm, or cleric: NO FCC FOR YOU" phase PWI is in, I also really dislike doing runs with them in squad (although, I enjoy a veno in squad). Besides, the barbs I FCCd with are not the barbs that are wanting to run Nirvana with me now so do I really owe them? I feel guilty about it, but its true. Everyone has a barb alt to buff if we need one anyways. The difference between a 5.0 Sin and a vit barb though is about 1/30th the dmg output abouts, so yes, they really are leechers. And considering a 50% barb pdef debuff and a 35% cleric pdef debuff is about 4% dmg. Really, they add nothing to a squad except buffs that you can get from an alt and they take 1/6 the split.

    Some need to stop being stubborn and shouting "my build is fine, its the game thats broken" and change to claw barbs for 1.5k hp less. When every other class is tanking but you, its no longer the "tank build".
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    How would the barb even have aggro off a sin if the sin is doing decent dmg?

    Really? I thought it was a team-effort. Why didn't the barb just solo everything? Btw, most BH's and FBs are tanked by Bms and Sins 60+. Barbs are important for FCC, though. Except now a seeker or more and more BMs are pulling FCCs.

    Anyways, I haven't ran into a decent barb in a while and although I do really feel bad about the whole "you're not a sin, bm, or cleric: NO FCC FOR YOU" phase PWI is in, I also really dislike doing runs with them in squad (although, I enjoy a veno in squad). Besides, the barbs I FCCd with are not the barbs that are wanting to run Nirvana with me now so do I really owe them? I feel guilty about it, but its true. Everyone has a barb alt to buff if we need one anyways. The difference between a 5.0 Sin and a vit barb though is about 1/30th the dmg output abouts, so yes, they really are leechers. And considering a 50% barb pdef debuff and a 35% cleric pdef debuff is about 4% dmg. Really, they add nothing to a squad except buffs that you can get from an alt and they take 1/6 the split.

    Some need to stop being stubborn and shouting "my build is fine, its the game thats broken" and change to claw barbs for 1.5k hp less. When every other class is tanking but you, its no longer the "tank build".

    I'd have aggro if they made the changes to it that the chinese servers did for this patch, but they didn't. b:sad
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'd have aggro if they made the changes to it that the chinese servers did for this patch, but they didn't. b:sad

    BUT.... even if the Chinese patch came through and Barbs can now hold aggro against 5.0 aps... why would I still want you in my 100+ squad for Nirvana ?

    Give up a couple of Cannies just to save on my repair builds ??? b:puzzled

    End game is not only about survivability, its also about damage. And outside of specialized instances like Rebirth, a pure VITALITY Barb at end game is probably the worse dead weight you can find out there !
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    BUT.... even if the Chinese patch came through and Barbs can now hold aggro against 5.0 aps... why would I still want you in my 100+ squad for Nirvana ?

    Give up a couple of Cannies just to save on my repair builds ??? b:puzzled

    End game is not only about survivability, its also about damage. And outside of specialized instances like Rebirth, a pure VITALITY Barb at end game is probably the worse dead weight you can find out there !

    ○HF, my sin, wife's sin, pick any three npc geared classes we still run in 7 minutes and it's called....helping faction mates and's not always just about what YOU get out of things....

    I'm more so talking about 3-3. Nirvana bosses can't hurt me in the least even if they really tried, but arma still can hurt and a few things like that so I'd rather let the person with 30k hp tank then me with 17k.... plus for those close DD squads the cleric doesn't have to go nutty on aggro tag. Smooths out a lot of things that can sometimes be frustrating now. I was a vit barb for 101 levels and got my full tt99 and all that good stuff before I even switched (along with tanking 3-3 to help others), so I don't care if you think they are worthless; they add just as much DD to my wife and I's squad as any other 5.0 could and that's been kid tested mother approved.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    BUT.... even if the Chinese patch came through and Barbs can now hold aggro against 5.0 aps... why would I still want you in my 100+ squad for Nirvana ?

    Give up a couple of Cannies just to save on my repair builds ??? b:puzzled

    End game is not only about survivability, its also about damage. And outside of specialized instances like Rebirth, a pure VITALITY Barb at end game is probably the worse dead weight you can find out there !

    some people doesnt know how good debuffs are. like a +5 decide archer with a full 5 squad, would be slower then a barb spamming devour for the 5 other people. same pretty much for veno amp, but they cant debuff every boss like devour.

    your too obsessed with aps to think clear, or care for other then yourself, thats really all it sounds like.
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    BUT.... even if the Chinese patch came through and Barbs can now hold aggro against 5.0 aps... why would I still want you in my 100+ squad for Nirvana ?

    Give up a couple of Cannies just to save on my repair builds ??? b:puzzled

    End game is not only about survivability, its also about damage. And outside of specialized instances like Rebirth, a pure VITALITY Barb at end game is probably the worse dead weight you can find out there !

    Well it's rare I flame back, but this time i'll let myself go..Heard enough.

    It's people with your kinda thinking that made barbs extincts. Not everyone is a cash shopper here, not everyone is 4-5 APS. So what, now your saying barbs should be deleted period cause they have no place end game ? Me and you as BM's should get deleted too, who needs us anyway. Except FC, send a team of 5 APS sins with bloodpaint and maybe a clerc "just in case something goes wrong". There ya go. End game squad for everything !!

    We can all delete our chars now and reroll sins

    I didn't even plan to cash shop again and "had" to, was "forced to" cause I want to see Nirvana at least once as i'm not a regular cash shopper. I play for FUN not for pure profit, thinking every min I play I should make 100k, so NIrvana sounds a good place for me for a small boost a income once in a while... But no..3.33aps (or more) minimum to have a chance to get in squad.

    Barbs getting better agro on their skills would be the best thing to happen. I stopped leveling mine cause of stupid agro stealers that just eventually die cause of low hp as classes have a use : Tank (Barb cause of high hp possibility) DD's, and support/healers. Ya, some mage classes (or even archers) can tank "most" magic mobs out there that will never go physical and I personnaly wish for more physical immune bosses or some with bramble.

    We BM's can tank (if well built) most things a barb can tank. But it's much safer to let someone with 2-4 times more hp then us doing so.

    As to go back to topic, I got 2 fairyboxes indeed from Drummer and got 12 mirages total. Not sure what else of that list is active yet though. But geez is Duke annoying.....
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • bladerunnerdm
    bladerunnerdm Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Preview of chinese patch files from yesterday:

    new map (maybe optional nirvana with physical immun?)

    Wedding Chapel Map expansion

    and some cash shop items...
  • X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear
    X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Gotta love how narrow minded and stupid people are when it comes to APS, barbs and aggro. People like Hexalot b:chuckle Did you happen to live in FF for 95% of your bm's life?
  • Chickpea - Lost City
    Chickpea - Lost City Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    BUT.... even if the Chinese patch came through and Barbs can now hold aggro against 5.0 aps... why would I still want you in my 100+ squad for Nirvana ?

    Give up a couple of Cannies just to save on my repair builds ??? b:puzzled

    End game is not only about survivability, its also about damage. And outside of specialized instances like Rebirth, a pure VITALITY Barb at end game is probably the worse dead weight you can find out there !

    Because its nice not having to tank NV as a unbuffed sin in LA armor maybe? NV actually costs a lot of money to run when you're tanking it as a 5.0 sin without a cleric in pt. At least if you only have amazing gear and not OP gear.

    I would absolutely adore if a barb in tiger could hold aggro over my 5.0 sin. More so when tanking 3-2/3-3, but in NV as well. Than i wouldn't have to spam crab meats, get charm-ticks and repairs. Devour and attack buff makes up a bit for lacking 1 extra 5.0 to.

    Of course a pimped BM that can hold aggro over most 5.0 sins is always the best tank for NV and a barb is useless to invite with char like that in pt. But how many second cast +12 BMs run NV on a daily basis?

    Majority of chars today are 5.0 sins, most of them have trash hp and stacked attack gems, they have +2 gear and +10 weapons. They get 2-3 shot in NV as soon as they pull aggro. Giving barbs the ability to hold aggro over them would be very useful and appreciated, claiming anything else is wrong. I personally think its to easy mode though, almost cheating.
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Well it's rare I flame back, but this time i'll let myself go..Heard enough.

    It's people with your kinda thinking that made barbs extincts. Not everyone is a cash shopper here, not everyone is 4-5 APS. So what, now your saying barbs should be deleted period cause they have no place end game ? Me and you as BM's should get deleted too, who needs us anyway. Except FC, send a team of 5 APS sins with bloodpaint and maybe a clerc "just in case something goes wrong". There ya go. End game squad for everything !!

    Nonsense. Whoever said Barbs were going extinct ?

    Claw Barbs seem to be doing just fine and dandy out there.

    But of course, many "old school" Barbs don't consider these upstarts to be the real thing, do they ? b:bye

    Nor is anyone stopping you from playing your Vit Barb with faction and friends to your hearts content. But as someone else said in this thread, don't come QQing to us about how the game is broken just because aps squads don't let you come on instance runs with them.
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    its good to know people like hex would rather have 5 aps dds rather than
    4 aps dds and:
    35% more health for the entire squad
    40% more p attack damage for the entire squad
    50% less boss p def.

    i dont need to do the math on that to see which sqaud comes out with faster kills.

    and good luck finding a barb to buff you before hand preaching around like that.
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    its good to know people like hex would rather have 5 aps dds rather than
    4 aps dds and:
    35% more health for the entire squad
    40% more p attack damage for the entire squad
    50% less boss p def.

    i dont need to do the math on that to see which sqaud comes out with faster kills.

    and good luck finding a barb to buff you before hand preaching around like that.


    Was exactly the point I wanted to make, thanks for clearing it up b:victory
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    it seems they did get a boost but what about barbs D:
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    its good to know people like hex would rather have 5 aps dds rather than
    4 aps dds and:
    35% more health for the entire squad
    40% more p attack damage for the entire squad
    50% less boss p def.

    i dont need to do the math on that to see which sqaud comes out with faster kills.

    and good luck finding a barb to buff you before hand preaching around like that.

    More nonsense. Nowhere in this thread have I preferred 5 over 4 aps or anything like that. We are talking about the viability of Barbs at end game here, not whose aps is best so don't try to change the topic. b:bye

    As for getting Barb buffs... well gee... I never had a claw Barb in the squad refuse their buffs before. You can try to side track the issue all you want. Doesn't change the fact that even your fellow Barbs are coming to the conclusion now that to remain viable they have to change the way they do things. Only dinosaurs (and you) can't figure it our yet.
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Gotta love how narrow minded and stupid people are when it comes to APS, barbs and aggro. People like Hexalot b:chuckle Did you happen to live in FF for 95% of your bm's life?

    Nope. 50% of that time I did FBs and BH's like the rest of you and guess what ?

    For 70% of those BHs, there wasn't a Barb in sight. Guess you were all hiding away b*tching about how the game has left you behind instead of trying to adapt like the rest of us. b:bye