PvP arena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! based on lvls?

austinm Posts: 2 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Suggestion Box
One thing that PWI is lacking in, compared to other MMORPG's, is PvP. PWI has PvP servers and TW which work, however, if PW ever wants to compare to WoW, there needs to be more. So far the higher lvl's seem to have a reasonable amount of PvP. I would say around 70-80+ for PvP, and 90+ (plus good gear) for TW. The problem with this is, the PvP rewards aren't that great with the exception of drops which are improbable. Where is the fun for 70-80 players with okay gear and 30-60 players who only get killed randomly in PvP and never go to PK mode in PvE? After a lot of looking around from other MMORPG's and some thinking myself I have came to a pretty satisfying conclusion. PvP arenas. These arenas will change the game in lots of ways, players below 70 will be challenged to get new gear and to actually do quests aside from crazy stone, BH's, and frost for 80+. The way I have arranged the arenas sounds a little complex, however, I think this is the best way to please players. First, similar to PV and Rebirth quests, there is lvl groups. Because players get so significantly stronger after spiritual cultivation, the levels should be more or less based by their SC, ie. Aware of harmony, aware of discord etc. I think the best way to do this is by 9 groups
1st group 20-28. (Levels below 20 will be almost worthless in this type of PvP.)
2nd group 29-38
3rd group 39-48
4th group 49-58
5th group 59-68
6th group 69-78
7th group 79-88 (level obviously becomes a great factor of winning when you get to the higher groups)
8th group 89-98
9th group 99-105
To separate things even more, after your level is chosen there should be the option of choosing your skill level ie. Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.
1st group Beginner
2nd Group Beginner
3rd Group beginner or intermediate ( obviously competitors in a higher skill level will earn more exp)
4th group beginner or intermediate
5th group beginner, intermediate or advanced
6th group beginner intermediate or advanced
7th group beginner intermediate or advanced
8th group beginner intermediate or advanced
9th group beginner intermediate or advanced
How the fighting works.
Under all of these groups and levelings there will be two types of PvP games. MPvP and SPvP. MPvP would be a group of singed up players in the arena all battling each other all at once until one scurvies, a little bit similar to TW except once your dead your out. SPvP would be between 2 players at a time. The winner of the match would move on to another player who had also been the winner of a different match until one remains. This would be just like a tournament branch. It would also be really cool to see the branch at the end to see all the players’ names with their lvls and class next to them. When going to the NPC that teleports you to the arena, there should be a option of looking at the most recent branch for each level of SPvP and also the winners of MPvP.
How to sign up!
When this first comes out, there should be a tournament about every other week. The player must sign up for his type of game (MPvP or SPvP) level range and skill level at least a day ahead of time. There should be a time set ie. Be at arena by 11 o’ Clock server time on June 21, 2011. The player should be at the arena before this time when the fight starts. The player can either go to the npc to go to teleport to their arena or a screen pop up 5 min before the fight asking if you would like to be teleported to the arena. ( the second option will avoid people forgetting about the tournament) The pricing should look similar to this
Group Skill level Price
1st group Beginner 50k
2nd group Beginner 50k
3rd group Beginner 50k
4th group Beginner 100k
5th group Beginner 100k
6th group Beginner 100k
7th group Beginner 300k
8th group Beginner 500k
9th group Beginner 1 mill.
Group Skill level Price
1st group Intermediate Not offered
2nd group Intermediate Not offered
3rd group Intermediate 300k
4th group Intermediate 500k
5th group Intermediate 500k
6th group Intermediate 500k
7th group Intermediate 1 mill
8th group Intermediate 3 mill
9th group Intermediate 5 mill
Group Skill level Price
1st group Advanced Not offered
2nd group Advanced Not offered
3rd group Advanced Not offered
4th group Advanced Not offered
5th group Advanced 1 mill
6th group Advanced 1 mill
7th group Advanced 5 mill
8th group Advanced 10 mill
9th group Advanced 20 mill

I will let others work out exp but for status to the right of your name there should be a little marker that says winner of 5th group advanced and they should have that banner for the month/week however often the tournaments are held. They could also have a small glow or something cool that makes these tournaments REALLY worth the money in addition to the exp they should get.
Any other suggestions? I’m still working out how it should look after your teleported in. There should however, be the view of many arenas all over a coliseum like place. Also pots should be disabled just to keep things fair and from going on forever however I do not think their should be a time limit. Also for the MPvP their should be obstacles and places to hide so it comes down to power skill and luck.
Post edited by austinm on


  • steve1308
    steve1308 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I hope GM sees this. This will take A LOT of work on GM's part but in a 2012/13 update I think this will put PWI over the top and will win it a MMORPG award. Game of the year awards are all about PvP.
  • bandy427
    bandy427 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    people vote on this!!!!! First Guild Bases and now PvP arenas! This would make leveling possible after 100 with like 100 wins in these games. Also, it gives a lot a players a challenge to beat other players. You see all around places a group of Pkers trying to kill everyone. This will be an organized version of this!. I love how theirs two options also bc some players are good aoe and some are better 1vs1.
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Lol, there's nothing unfair about potions. Everyone can get them
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • bandy427
    bandy427 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I aggree potions are fair.
  • austinm
    austinm Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    IDK. I think their should be a limit to potions.
  • Ganjasmoker - Raging Tide
    Ganjasmoker - Raging Tide Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Awesome idea!I would really appreciate it if pwi made these PvP arenas... really,i think this is what pwi is really missing :)
  • AJM - Lost City
    AJM - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Please send this links to your guilds beg them to come look and vote, the more posts and votes there are the more likely a GM is too look and show the idea to an administrator of the game.
  • lizrau
    lizrau Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Yep. Totally.

    Sig credits to Myra :D
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    This isn't a terrible idea. As long as the rewards aren't crazy that is, and your idea for rewards seems to be ok at the moment.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • OiOOio - Raging Tide
    OiOOio - Raging Tide Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If anything they should disable charms since not everyone can get one as easy as potions.
  • CraistiniRO - Raging Tide
    CraistiniRO - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    nice ideea you should send it to a GM
  • Nizari_ - Harshlands
    Nizari_ - Harshlands Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Yeah Nice idea.
    Ty Dorset for the siggy.
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I like the idea:) there might be 1 flaw however. This will inject a lot of coin into the economy... :/
    I do however agree with the lvl brackets, since atm with everyone mixed a lvl 50 wouldn't stand a chance xD
  • Ibbies - Lost City
    Ibbies - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    epic idea but skill basing is overrated in group pvp really. all a group would need is 2 bms and wizzys with 2 random dds. the bms dragon/stun then the wizards org@sm with their utlimates, and the dds just wreak havoc on whoever survives. 1v1 would also be gimped considering sins rule 1v1s hands down, but suck in mass pvp cuz the moment they unstealth, they get long sharp things stuck up their fish holes for their annoying tactics.

    a free for all is what is required and people are allowed to make their own parties in there at their own discretion. the only restrictions should be rank based :P. imagine a +5nv party vs a +10 r9 party. TOTAL MISMATCH xD, regardless of lvl.
  • piranhakeet
    piranhakeet Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Trying to understand this. PW doesn't tell much about specifics for this deathmatch arena. So it's Deathmatch or FFA (free for all) But then there's monsters too? So we can grind on each other and monsters? Or, you can be attacked while engaged in a monster? I dunno, we'll just have to wait and see. Sounds like it's you versus other players and monsters. (Co-Op?) If we can join squads, we lower level players might stand a chance.
    PW is my first ever MMORPG and I'm only level 47. But, I've been 100% dedicated Deathmatch gamer since Doom, Duke3D, DII and Q3 Arena. Wolfenstien Enemy Territory and Unreal. It's all I've ever done is deathmatch. I've been doing this since the early 90's. Deathmatch arenas are not new to me.
    So my first reaction is holy cow, putting level 50 players in with level 75 and up? Are you frikking kidding me? Seriously? No doubt how this is going to turn out. Seriously unfair to the point of ridiculous. (unless I can get a rocket launcher)
    In all the deathmatch arena I've ever been in, I've NEVER seen anything like this. I guess the PW folks are MMO oriented and not as familiar with the world of deathmatch, team deathmatch or capture the flag? You gotta thing or two to learn about deathmatch PWI. There simply has to be a level of equality among players where the real defining factor of who is best isn't by virtue of who spent the most money or has highest level. It SHOULD be based on raw skill. Keyboard and mouse skills, jumps, moves, etc. Not, I've been here the longest, I'm higher so I always win. Seriously, FTW. Get real and figure out how the rest of the world holds deathmatch arenas. Or at least do lvl 50-75 and lvl 76-105. C'mon guys....get it right or don't bother. I'll probably check it out after I reach level 50 in a few days but honestly I can already tell you how this is going to turn out. Which blows, because I know that if we are somewhat equally matched and you don't have an unfair level, weapon and armor advantage, I'll probably mop the floor with you beacuse that's what I do in Real deathmatch areans. I'm always one of the top 3 if not the leader on deathmatches. I don't see my raw skill making a difference when going against people 30 leavels higher.
    OR, if I simply need to get a deathmatch fix I could just fire up Q3 Arena, D3 or a Real deathmatch game where you either got mad skills or you don't.
  • piranhakeet
    piranhakeet Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Since PW is my first ever MMORPG and all I've ever done is hard-core deathmatch I can tell you that it was a learning curve trying to get used to a MMO interface compared to a First Person Shooter. The way you have to click on who or what you want to battle is odd to me. I'm used to taking on multiple victims and engaging several people making split second decisions on the fly. PW and doesn't work this way. It's weird.
    Don't get me wrong, I love PW, just don't think these type of games really lend themselves to the deathmatch arena very well. Target aquisition is time consuming and cumbersome.
    Some of you first person shooters may know what I'm talking about.

    In otherwords, perhaps PW and MMO games should stick to what they do best and if people want to realtime **** and slash deathmatch on a serious level. There's specific games just for that. Like Urban Terror and it's free to download and play, forever. No cost add-ons or unfair advantages. You bring it or go home, period.

    I guess we'll see, huh?
  • brazenbusboy
    brazenbusboy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    This is a perfect recipe for spawning lots of twinks. Level locked toons supported by mains. PWI will like it because it just means more cash shopping.

    The nice idea of 'a place of lowbies' to have fun quickly turns into a place for twinks to wipe the floor with them, so that lowbies will have quite the opposite experience. I have seen this in Anarchy Online which instituted level based PVP classes. End-gamers quickly outfit alts with all the best gear that will fit and then new people playing through their first low level mains get chewed up by the twinks.

    The lowbies pretty much abandon the class based PVP area in Anarchy Online because it was so hopeless and frustrating. The devs eventually instituted awarding points for end game gear just for showing up there and being cannon fodder, so that it turned in to a kind of purgatory where lowbies had to spend time getting wiped in order to earn points towards decent gear.

    Even with this incentive almost all of those instances remain deserted.
    Just some guy
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    This is a perfect recipe for spawning lots of twinks. Level locked toons supported by mains. PWI will like it because it just means more cash shopping.

    The nice idea of 'a place of lowbies' to have fun quickly turns into a place for twinks to wipe the floor with them, so that lowbies will have quite the opposite experience. I have seen this in Anarchy Online which instituted level based PVP classes. End-gamers quickly outfit alts with all the best gear that will fit and then new people playing through their first low level mains get chewed up by the twinks.

    The lowbies pretty much abandon the class based PVP area in Anarchy Online because it was so hopeless and frustrating. The devs eventually instituted awarding points for end game gear just for showing up there and being cannon fodder, so that it turned in to a kind of purgatory where lowbies had to spend time getting wiped in order to earn points towards decent gear.

    Even with this incentive almost all of those instances remain deserted.

    At lower lvls however skill also comes into play ;) I just managed to wipe the floor with a lvl 75 seeker twice on this char. Yes, 11 lvls under him. He was wearing good gear for his lvl(TT70), he used genie skills and pots and I killed him twice out of 2 fights.
    Honestly, at lower lvls gear and skill is quite even unless it's npc gear vs 3star/molds.

    Yes, this char is partially supported by my veno. However when my veno was my only char I always managed to get decent enough gear. Be it a mold-drop I got at my fb39, be it scouting ah for pieces or drops from mobs. I've always been geared as if I'm without a pet.
  • Gauthier - Heavens Tear
    Gauthier - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    This won't change a thing, at end game r9's will still win, or OP sins so how will this change anything we alredy have in pvp or tw?
    And some chars only get good after some lvl when they get their skills etc this is a bad idea unless lvl cap is 80+ its just **** for lowbies
  • IMPURDYYES - Raging Tide
    IMPURDYYES - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    This won't change a thing, at end game r9's will still win, or OP sins so how will this change anything we alredy have in pvp or tw?
    And some chars only get good after some lvl when they get their skills etc this is a bad idea unless lvl cap is 80+ its just **** for lowbies
    This gives players that aren't r9 +12 a chance to actually enjoy the arena and get benefits from it >.>;