Psy or Sin

Artonie - Archosaur
Artonie - Archosaur Posts: 6 Arc User
edited May 2011 in Psychic
From my avatar you can see i have a level 34 sin But I have a level 34 psy as well and i was wondering which I should level as I have expenced both and i found sins more squishy then psys and I now what power each have but i can not deside which to go for as psy are ferly easy to use and sins can hide. i love killing quicky and hitting more then one apoabe is a bonus and not being able to be one shoted is a bonus as well
Post edited by Artonie - Archosaur on


  • Keirya - Raging Tide
    Keirya - Raging Tide Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I have my 9x psy and a lv7x sin as well. Both were lv'd the hard way (quests, bh's etc) from lv one. Psys and sins are both op, but it totally depends on what you want to do. Psy's hit really hard, and depending on your build, you may or may not be able to take the aggro you most likely will steal if you don't nerf you attack a bit. Sins hit pretty dang hard too (I'm married to a sin...super fun duels :D) Psy's get physical resistance buffs that make you immune to all physical damage for x amount of time depending on the lv of the skill. Sin's get aps, bloodpaint, and a ridiculous crit rate. My advice is just to play a little more then pick the one you like the best. Leveling both at the same time will be expensive in terms of gear and skills
  • DemansPsy - Lost City
    DemansPsy - Lost City Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i have a lv 102 psy, and i ended up makin a sin to farm for my psy, lv 100 atm, basicly comes down to what do you want to use ur character for and how much coin can you invest? If ur a CSer or know how to acually play the game and farm/merch coin and want to pvp end game, psy definatly better. If your jsut planing to pve, leving up, farming your chacters gear but do little to no pvp, sin a lot better. If you know your never gonna be able to afford or farm/merch enough to pimp your chacter out, then sin might be better for you. If you reaally dont care about any of this and want to play jsut a casual game, then would you rather play a close range or a long range charcter, choose one and stick to it.
    full 3r9 +11/12 (still using immac shards though) w/o CSing, leveled to 105 spaming pv, yes i have no life =D