Which pet I should lvl and witch not?

Bakugan_ball - Dreamweaver
Bakugan_ball - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
edited May 2011 in Venomancer
I just hit 19 today,so far in my pet bag have 3 pets
-Sharpthooth wolfkin pet agg lvl 19,Glacial walkerand Sea Monster Guardian pet egg.
I looked carefully in their stats and I saw this:
-Sharpthooth wolking stats on speed,
-Glacial walker on defense
-Sea Monster Guadian stats on mac def and Attack.
I know it's hard to lvl 3 pets so what should I do?
Should I lvl Sea monster as DD pet and Glacial walker as Tanking pet or stick to just 1 of them?
And yes I've check already the sticky treads I want exp person answers
Post edited by Bakugan_ball - Dreamweaver on


  • Mauntille - Heavens Tear
    Mauntille - Heavens Tear Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    TBH, I didn't find pet levelling to be difficult until post 100. 3-5 pets is perfectly reasonable.

    But, if you want to limit the number of pets you have, decide what your play style is going to be before determining the type of critter you want running around with you.

    1. Do you plan on going AA and having your pet tank phys and yourself tanking mag? -> Level a tank pet (Herc/golems)
    2. Do you plan on taking the hits yourself and keeping your damage high enough (also metering your pet's damage) so that you can keep aggro? -> Level a DD pet (Scorpions, Wolves, your Seamonster Guardian)
    3. Do you plan on playing the support role and running with a squad? -> Determine the squads you want to be in: back up tank (see 1), DD (see 2).

    This is a little overly simplified, but choosing your pet is a very personal decision and the best pet for you may not be the best pet for someone else.

    The commonly accepted staple pets:
    - Tank (Herc, golems)
    - Ranged Tank (eldergoths)
    - DD (scorpions, wolves)
    - Air (nix, sawfly, skatefish)
    - Water (random tamable your level until the plumpfish at 80/85)
    - Puller (kowlin, grimalkin, tabby, eldergoth, cacti [many types of pulling pets])
  • Bakugan_ball - Dreamweaver
    Bakugan_ball - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    mhhmm ty for you're input.
    My playstyle is Tanking + DDing,in that case I should lvl 3 pets tank DD pulling pets
    cool back to lvling them...
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    1 Tank pet ( golem or bear , or herc later if u want to save for it)
    1 DD ( wanderer scorpion , or sea-guardian )
    1 pulling (eldergoth marksman is a great choice,generally useful till endgame for any boss i think )
    1 water (any , till 80 , then get a plumpfish , water grinding quest are minimal compared to land )
    1 air (petite sawfly for glass cannon , piggy for tanking (expensive) , sawfly easier to lvl at lvl 100 mobs south of tideborn city)

    rest -> show off pets and testing
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Myrrmidonna - Dreamweaver
    Myrrmidonna - Dreamweaver Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Pure DD pet is not obligatory, and golem can take it's role pretty well. If you've got 3 slots, I'd advise you following setup:

    1. Glacial walker - it excveeds in p-def, but his atk is not bad either, and m-def is about medicore. A great general land pet, second only to big yellow fatso

    2. Eldergoth renged pet for luring and ranged m-def-based tanking (which may allow you solo things you otherwise wouldn't be able to live through, like me, LA veno at lvl43 with vanilla lvl41 monkey soloing Goshiki Tideborn Traitor quest boss from lvl60+ /my mistake, had same name as the 40+ one :P/ which was eating my up-to-lvl golem in two bites).
    Since the earliest of those is at lvl 4x, you may keep your Seamonster till then as DD/lurer, or you may get a Wanderer for even better peformance in those 2 fields.

    3. Sawfly or skatefish, they're about the same, for both air and water quests ('fishing' technique). I own a sawfly myself, and she's a real one little murdering doughter of a female dog. Today I've been killing nixes (lvl85) with her (lvl78) and she was going through them like a knife though butter. She is quite easy to lvlup to your level should she fall behind, thanks to those lvl100 fireflies at RT.

    Till lvl 80 you should get at least one more slot for a water pet - plumpfish (lvl80) should last you till the endgame. Up untill lvl 80 all the water quests /excluding plumpfishes theselves/ can be done with a flying pet. Later on mobs will be too deep in the water to get them that way.

    A little note on mdef stats of pets - it's really a seccondary thing for pets that don't go ranged, unless you want to use it as a debuffer for supporting the party at magic-aoe boss. Most mobs would respond with melee for melee atacks, there is only a few that'll try to kite you.
    Myrrmidonna, 8x Trickster b:sin
    Eskarinne, 5x Summoner b:cute

    It is not the destination that makes the journey worthwhile...
  • Bakugan_ball - Dreamweaver
    Bakugan_ball - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ty all for the info about venos,but I quited my veno today becouse I have already a main
    character at 100 and don't fell lvling again.But venomancers are really coll toons btw.
    I'm guesing this closes that treadb:bye