Question About Perfect World.

wulfgar85 Posts: 11 Arc User
edited May 2011 in General Discussion
I am looking to come back to Perfect world. I didn't play it very much the first time i had it but i thought i would try it again. My question is this. Can this game still be fun if a don't plan on buying any items from the item mall. Will still be able to make a decent player with out using the item mall?
Post edited by wulfgar85 on


  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    wulfgar85 wrote: »
    I am looking to come back to Perfect world. I didn't play it very much the first time i had it but i thought i would try it again. My question is this. Can this game still be fun if a don't plan on buying any items from the item mall. Will still be able to make a decent player with out using the item mall?

    no b:bye
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • endlesstorture
    endlesstorture Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Who buys from the Item Mall? Everything there is more expensive. Its cheaper to buy from people. Only thing cheaper in the Item Mall that is worth it is the Rep if you want rank 8 and packs sales, but dont buy packs. You will have to CashShop and sell AH gold later in game to get coins for gears and tokens and skills and other stuff.
  • wulfgar85
    wulfgar85 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I guess i'll give it a shot.
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Ehh depends on what level you want to hit.
    And how many hours a week your willing to put into the game playing/merching/farming.
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    wulfgar85 wrote: »
    I am looking to come back to Perfect world. I didn't play it very much the first time i had it but i thought i would try it again. My question is this. Can this game still be fun if a don't plan on buying any items from the item mall. Will still be able to make a decent player with out using the item mall?

    Sorry to tell you this but no it isn't... Well it is untill lvl 60 but then it starts being less fun... The biggest changes are that you'll be making less coin and gold prices have rose to over 1,1 mil... Also at higher lvles ppl expect you to have overpowered gear wich is so expensive you'll have to grind for months, maybe even years... If you don't mind working realy, realy hard you might just be able to keep up with the others tough... Best way to find out is to try out...
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Gold wont be at 1.1mil = 1gold for long....
    Prices just increase to a million when packs/new clothing all that crud comes out.
    Then they drop to 800k-900k...even tho those prices are pretty nuts.
  • endlesstorture
    endlesstorture Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    1 dollar = 1million coins. To Max your skills you will need 60 to 100mil+ depending the class.
    + all the gears and repiars you have to get. And All the Quest only gives less than 10mil coins maybe lol. This game is really designed for you to spend your $money$$ to continue playing
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    1 dollar = 1million coins. To Max your skills you will need 60 to 100mil+ depending the class.
    + all the gears and repiars you have to get. And All the Quest only gives less than 10mil coins maybe lol. This game is really designed for you to spend your $money$$ to continue playing

    Sad but true... b:surrender
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    That would all also depend on the fact if your going demon or sage, and on what toon.
    From what i witnessed demon books (except some) go for way cheaper then the sage books. Usually going sage is the more expensive way to go. That and usually for all the classes, you don't have to get every single skill to level 10 then get it to sage/demon, since some skills are useless and are good enough at just level 1. Have to place that into consideration.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited May 2011
    no b:bye

    Hai troll.b:bye

    Note what the OP said...
    wulfgar85 wrote: »
    ...Can this game still be fun if a don't plan on buying any items from the item mall. Will still be able to make a decent player with out using the item mall?

    I see both of those things as possible. It really depends on your definitions of fun and decent. I have made quite a few friends, and enjoy spending time online with them. That is my definition of "fun" - enjoying myself and taking my time. My definition of decent involves not dying walking into a few mobs around my level. While I may not ever get into a Nirvana run, I still can have decent enough gear.

    Please at least consider the question before answering in such a dismissive manner.b:thanks
  • LordBellmont - Archosaur
    LordBellmont - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    well all i want to know is how to you tell the ADMIIN that there may be a bug? cuse i cant play the new race of players. i meen i have made new players and i can play the game but when i make a new Earthguard i cant play the game at all! WTF!? right? can some one help me?
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Hai troll.b:bye

    Note what the OP said...

    I see both of those things as possible. It really depends on your definitions of fun and decent. I have made quite a few friends, and enjoy spending time online with them. That is my definition of "fun" - enjoying myself and taking my time. My definition of decent involves not dying walking into a few mobs around my level. While I may not ever get into a Nirvana run, I still can have decent enough gear.

    Please at least consider the question before answering in such a dismissive manner.b:thanks

    I was just being honnest... b:surrender

    @wulfgar85: If decide to try out and you're looking for someone to chat with or to do stuff with when you're a bit higher even if you don't have the best available gear feel free to let me know... Always happy to get to know more ppl especialy friendly ones... I only play on Heaven's Tear though so I can't be there for you on other servers... b:cute
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • VonCrowley - Sanctuary
    VonCrowley - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    well all i want to know is how to you tell the ADMIIN that there may be a bug? cuse i cant play the new race of players. i meen i have made new players and i can play the game but when i make a new Earthguard i cant play the game at all! WTF!? right? can some one help me?
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    well all i want to know is how to you tell the ADMIIN that there may be a bug? cuse i cant play the new race of players. i meen i have made new players and i can play the game but when i make a new Earthguard i cant play the game at all! WTF!? right? can some one help me?

    Send in a ticket might help... But it can take up to 2 weeks before they respond... It can also be that your pc is just a little to old for the new Earthguard area... Can you fly there without problems with one of your other character(s)?
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Well I started playing PWI originally back in October 08 (on 2-3 other characters), and was pretty active until September last year when I took a break. Just came back a week ago though.

    To be honest I used to cash shop a little bit and I still do occassionally. However, I don't think it's extremely necessary. I'm pretty certain that Twilight Temple, which you'll run a bit more once you're in your mid 50s and onward for gear, can end up being a good way to make money. You can sell the materials you farm from them. I used to solo farm TT on my veno, until they sort of messed up the 3-X instances to where it's kinda impossible to do. At least it was for me... but anyway that's where I made a lot of my money.

    Also if you're clever with your merchanting and buy/sell items that are in demand or are at least common enough you know they'll never go "out of style" you'll pretty much be set. I've seen people not spend a dime on this game who made a hell of a lot more than I ever did. It just takes patience, and a lot of time (if you're willing and able to keep either your character or an alternate character on a separate account logged in as a shop 24/7). Of course you need a separate computer if you want an alt shop. It's really up to you and how much time you intend to spend on PW.

    Sorry for the long post lol. Hope it helps a little at least, and good luck if you choose to come back! :)

    Here since October 2008 ;)

    Check out my Art Corner:
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Of course you need a separate computer if you want an alt shop.

    Not necessary rules have been changed (again woopyy doo). You can now double client if you wish. No need for a second computer.
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Not necessary rules have been changed (again woopyy doo). You can now double client if you wish. No need for a second computer.

    Oh really? Well that's a relief... cuz that's how I've always done it. :X Even if I do have a second computer, it's just... more energy efficient to run two clients on the same machine lol.

    Here since October 2008 ;)

    Check out my Art Corner:
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Sad but true... b:surrender

    Why are people so negative about the game ?

    Let's see now :

    Skills books can be very costy at high level : True

    You can find friends, make squad and actually get them as drop/farm them: Also true

    Items and armor get very costy at high level : True

    You can find friends, make squad and actually get mats as drop/farm them : Also true

    You will need high level gear to be up to date and get invited to high level instances : True

    You can find friends and make squad and go do them with them : Also true

    Notice something here (except I was repeating myself) ?
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    if you have merchanting skills yes. I merchant i love sales, ive made 70mil with this current pack sale alreadyb:pleased
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Why are people so negative about the game ?

    Let's see now :

    Skills books can be very costy at high level : True

    You can find friends, make squad and actually get them as drop/farm them: Also true

    Items and armor get very costy at high level : True

    You can find friends, make squad and actually get mats as drop/farm them : Also true

    You will need high level gear to be up to date and get invited to high level instances : True

    You can find friends and make squad and go do them with them : Also true

    Notice something here (except I was repeating myself) ?

    Yay friends!

    ...well unless your a loner on the server like me.
    Then yay rolling around till you get a random squad for things, or join FBs.

    But yeah anything in game is possible with out spending money, just because others spend thousands of dollars on the game doesn't automatically mean that you have to do the same. Majority of the people that do spend a ridiculous amount of money are either on PvP servers and don't have any real time to farm/etc so they spend the doe on things. Or they have the money to spend on **** like games with out worrying about there income. Then the addicts who really have no money to spend, end up taking loans on the **** they own juts to get top gear on a virtual game. b:shocked

    Cuz i mean come on guys, who needs to eat when you can be all 'cool' on a virtual MMO with your awesome rank gear! :D
  • ChloeAgave - Archosaur
    ChloeAgave - Archosaur Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yeah, you can, it really is not as hard as people make it out to be. Every time I make a character, it is completely self sufficient. I do not transfer money between characters, except to my Cleric, but my Cleric is used to make my own gear, so the money is used to buy mats and molds. My characters all fund their own skills, their own repairs, their own pots, their own mounts, their own fashion, their own gear. I've been doing this for nearly three years here, being completely self sufficient. The only time I am not is when I don't have the manufacturing level to create something, which a friend or faction mate will do for me (providing I have the mats (and mold).

    I'm not gonna lie, it's no walk in the park. You have to be willing to slow down on leveling (which compared to when you last played probably, is a hell of a lot faster) and work on getting those. If you would like, I can give you advice on how I do it personally. If you happen to decide to play on Archosaur server, I'd even be willing to help you.

    What you need to remember though is that some of it is kind of ridiculous, but it works. Hell, right now I'm about to start a new method to see if it works, and if so I'll be rolling in some pretty good money from it. If not, it will be fun to try.

    Anyways, regardless, I'll leave you with a little piece of advice that is fairly common knowledge. When you create a character, you will get an item from the starter NPC called a supply chest. At level 40 (or 45, can't remember which) you will get 500 Perfect Stones. These are actually a good start into merchanting, especially now that we are allowed to multi-client (see here) you can run a shop all day, even while you play another character.

    Just look around shops, see what people are selling them for (on Archosaur, about 1.2-1.5k right now) and sell for that. Keep one though, and use it as your "buy" item and buy them at about 200-300 less. As long as you do this and avoid spending the money you make from it, you can start to make several hundred thousand a day, and eventually a few million each day. It takes a while, and you have to have a good location to sell (west Archosaur, somewhere in that area), and be aware of any shops around you selling them so you don't get undercut.

    As I am now starting to get into the merchanting, I'm sure my characters complete self sufficiency will decline, as they will all share a single "bank" of money. However, for the most part that money will be used more towards any emergencies I find them in need of, or just for certain pleasures such as charms and such.

    Now at the end of this wall, just remember that it is possible to play this game completely free and still enjoy it. I've never spent a dime on this game, and I probably never will. Just be patient, give it time, and be smart with your money, and you will do fine.

    So, should you choose to play on my server, just give me a PM in game and I'd be happy to help you out. Or just PM me on here and I'll give you a list of my characters.
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yay friends!

    ...well unless your a loner on the server like me.
    Then yay rolling around till you get a random squad for things, or join FBs.

    But yeah anything in game is possible with out spending money, just because others spend thousands of dollars on the game doesn't automatically mean that you have to do the same. Majority of the people that do spend a ridiculous amount of money are either on PvP servers and don't have any real time to farm/etc so they spend the doe on things. Or they have the money to spend on **** like games with out worrying about there income. Then the addicts who really have no money to spend, end up taking loans on the **** they own juts to get top gear on a virtual game. b:shocked

    Cuz i mean come on guys, who needs to eat when you can be all 'cool' on a virtual MMO with your awesome rank gear! :D

    Totaly agree... b:victory
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • wulfgar85
    wulfgar85 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Thank you everyone with the helpful replys. I'm going to give the game a shot when i come home tonight.