Change The Potions!!!!

firerulez Posts: 2 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Suggestion Box
Ok, I seriously think this game needs a better potions system.I die WAY too much because of the nooby potions.I mean like seriously, you got to be a special lvl for potions.How realistic is that??How is your lvl supposed to matter?And the cooldown is the WORST part.In fact because of the cool down i think itd be better to save your money rather than usin it on these worthless potions.The hybrids dont help either.I dun rlly care about money AS much as i do the cooldown.~removed,~removed potion system was wayy better.So i think they should rlly remove the cooldown and (This doesnt matter to me as much) the level. PLEASE CONSIDER!!!Oh and btw how do i send a suggestion to the GMS so they can know about it? Thanks! b:victoryb:victoryb:victory
Post edited by firerulez on


  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Not gonna happen. The reason? Because the crappy and near-useless "potions"(let's all face it, they don't really heal you as real potions should, they just increase your regen rate) force players to deal with meditating after nearly every single mob and dying often. Because of this, charms are virtually required. And how do you get charms? Through the Cash Shop.

    So why would they implement real healing potions when they make moneyoff of charms? OOh wait, they do have real healing potions. The Rejuvenations(though ridiculously expensive) as well as the new and extremely useful Reviving Saps of Death, which are completely free and easy to obtain(1 Divine Honor of Shadow for a stack of 100 is quite nice, and they stack with crabs too)
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    um i don't have any issue with potions.

    i rarely use health potions at all.

    on barb i got sunder and demon spark which heals plenty
    cleric.. has heals.
    wizard has morning dew
    bm has diamond sutra
    veno has a pet and really shouldnt be taking much damage.. but they also got a heal spell.
    mystic have heal and a pet
    psy have a heal

    that leaves only 3
    assasin get healing trance at 79 and before then they can reduce damage with bloodpaint
    archer get winged shell to reduce damage
    seeker dont really get **** but..

    ALL these char can get apoc Regen items absurd easy.

    Hp should not be an issue

    and the only time i EVER use a charm is in Delta and TW
    other than that charms are completely unnecessary
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.