Any nice players?



  • HellWariorB - Raging Tide
    HellWariorB - Raging Tide Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    There are still many good ppl ingame (one of them is my faction leader Arrowpierce) who i respect and keep playing because of them. And how can i forget the kind Barb who gave me some 2x TT70 armor 4 soc imac + Taurin cape (4 soc flawless) + 69 help (4 soc +4) and Awesome soc Cala b:pleased - i might not be here if they wouldn't helped me
    they are hard to find but when u find them keep them close
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Since you all are so nice, how about soloing my tts and fcs? Maybe even some wbs
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Occasionally I help a random lowbie asking for help on a quest. It just annoys me when they try to add me to their friend list after I help them. Take my help and be happy, no need to add me to friend list ugh.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Honestly i gave up beeing nice. I help only friends now.

    Before this all greed **** started, i used to go to mines to buff and rez people, do TTs to help them to get their gear and kill on veno their bosses.

    Lately i just lack motivation for that if i read from some certain people here, that undergeared clerics are not good enough to play the game. As well with all the Flame added, like if you get pk by a sin, then its your fault. If you dont know how to pvp and ask for advice people make fun of you. This trolling and flaming isnt only on forums, its also alot in game.

    And if i imagine that i actually help and rez someones alt, that i totally dislike and hate, then i puke a bit in my mouth b:spit
    Then better stay for yourself and help those you know for long time.

    My recent fail at helping was in TT, went to help a low level to do his quests and get mats for his gear. Unfortunatly it was a lie and those mats did land selling in a shop at south arch. So guess what...never again :)
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Arlenia - Dreamweaver
    Arlenia - Dreamweaver Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    There's 3 main reasons why I don't really help random people often.

    1.) I'm usually busy. Right now I'm using 2x to farm. Not only for myself but also for my friends and faction. That means 90% of the time I'm in an instance. Even without 2x I'm usually off doing something for someone (or for myself). I'm not the kind of person that sits around in arch being bored half the time.

    2.) I don't want to be taken advantage of. I've been in the situation where, once I helped someone, they kept begging me to help even with things they could have handled on their own. I have things to do for myself and other people to help too. I'm not your personal powerleveling/gearing service. One of my biggest pet peeves is people begging me to come solo their BH when they've not even tried to find a squad for themselves. Yes, you might need to ask a few times. And yes you might have to pay a wine fee. So do I when I do my own BHs (which, incidentally, I would like to get done as well). That being said, if your 5/6 squad has been desperately looking for a cleric/tank for ages, I'll happily log my alts to help. But please at least TRY to find your own squad.

    3.) Babying people too much makes them fail at their class. There's few things more satisfying than beating a tough boss on your own or with an at-level squad. It makes you actually have to think about what you're doing and why instead of sitting there watching a 5APS person twitch it to death in 10 seconds.
  • Flyingkea - Dreamweaver
    Flyingkea - Dreamweaver Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I've helped out on a few BHs and with quests. If I see someone repeatedly asking for help in GC and I'm not doing anything then I sometimes lend a hand. Unfortunately my parents brought me up to be very polite so people not saying thank you gets on my nerves alot b:angry If anyone helps me they'll usually get an embarrassing amount of thankyous b:laugh
    One time I was tanking BH39 on my archer at 7x (no cleric) and I made a request for the venos that were high enough to spark me when they were able to. Request totally ignored at every boss. I had been planning to help with more BHs afterwards but that put me off for a fews days.
    In saying that tho, there has been people I've helped out that are still friends with me today.
  • Tearle - Dreamweaver
    Tearle - Dreamweaver Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    now i'll problably not go into the "helpfull to strangers" group, as i mostly do my own thing.

    but i gotta say that when som1 pm me in arch like "plz help me with this" 2 seconds later plzzz.. that kind of message i'll not respond or say no, then ignore if he/she keep pming.

    now if som1 ask nicely like. "would you be so kind to help me with my bh/boss i cant get any friends to help?" then theres a good chance that i would help, but i'm not helping som1 who doesnt ask nicely, cos' in the past i've done, and alot didnt even say thanks.

    You helped me and a group of friends a long long time ago. b:chuckle I remember you offering to carry us to the bosses too because your true form ran faster than our mounts.

    Lessee, back when I was more active and not distracted with school work and graduation, I'd have little days where I'd go to bosses I knew I could solo and wc asking if anyone needed them. I get bored easily and don't care for running fc so that was a nice distraction. I ran an fb as the only person who spoke English in the squad using Google translator and a lot of guessing.

    Unfortunely if someone forgets to say "thanks" for my friend and I doing their boss/bh/fb I have a bad habit of leaving squad when we're done with a smart *** remark like "It's called saying 'thank you' maybe your friends would help you more if you used it." :/
  • Sherufaniru - Raging Tide
    Sherufaniru - Raging Tide Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    There's 3 main reasons why I don't really help random people often.

    2.) I don't want to be taken advantage of. I've been in the situation where, once I helped someone, they kept begging me to help even with things they could have handled on their own. I have things to do for myself and other people to help too. I'm not your personal powerleveling/gearing service. One of my biggest pet peeves is people begging me to come solo their BH when they've not even tried to find a squad for themselves. Yes, you might need to ask a few times. And yes you might have to pay a wine fee. So do I when I do my own BHs (which, incidentally, I would like to get done as well). That being said, if your 5/6 squad has been desperately looking for a cleric/tank for ages, I'll happily log my alts to help. But please at least TRY to find your own squad.

    I agree some time I hate trying to second guess players if they are trying to take advantage of me, So I understand where Arlenia coming from.

    But I don't let that stop me helping good players I can't help not helping people b:surrender

    But most of the time I like helping people out since I remember alot of higher leveled players in the old days of pwi helped me out when I was a noob and that why on my veno and my new main are still low lvls compared to everyone on my server that lvls up fast.

    Good topic OP It good to see there a few of us out there even if we are a minorityb:sad
  • Kyzyl - Raging Tide
    Kyzyl - Raging Tide Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It's nice to see that there are still people willing to help each other. That stranger you happen across today could be your friend tomorrow, as long as we remain open to being unselfish. I also try to avoid second-guessing others; if I'm not going to be greedy, I'm not necessarily going to assume you're greedy. Make wine, not war!

    I do have a stupid question though: as a super-squishy damage dealer, what's the best way to help lower-level characters? It seems like tanking and healing classes can simply swoop down and save the day, while a fish like me will just get aggro and wind up a grease spot on the dungeon floor. This fails to de-motivate me from assisting others, especially vulnerable "younger" characters, so... any thoughts?
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It seems that the higher level people forget that this game kinda consists of the higher levels helping the lower levels. For cultivation bosses/etc.

    Now the atmosphere isn't as friendly. The level 100+s have there head up there *** thinking there the best at everything (majority of them aren't and i wouldn't dare to squad with some of them for instances for fear of them killing off the squad).

    People used to be so much more friendly, and the game was more fun. Now it's one troll after another. People saying 'games dead' ...well hell why do you think it's dead, maybe less QQing about everything and helping others would help the game be less 'dead'.

    I have a level 100+, some 90's and then lower level characters i play on. Frankly i treat people the same no matter on what level i am. I don't find myself 'on top of the world' on my higher level characters. The higher your head goes up your *** the more you fail at things and then QQ about loosing...
  • Troller - Sanctuary
    Troller - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    There isn't really anything to do endgame, so I spend a ton of my time helping people or flying around the world. I almost get excited when someone needs to do an fb or a boss.

    Despite the name, only a part time troll. b:victory
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    There isn't really anything to do endgame, so I spend a ton of my time helping people or flying around the world. I almost get excited when someone needs to do an fb or a boss.

    Lol same.
    I even made a video of me walking from one corner of the map to the other.
    ....we really need more end game content. xD
  • Troller - Sanctuary
    Troller - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Lol same.
    I even made a video of me walking from one corner of the map to the other.
    ....we really need more end game content. xD

    I would love a pvp type mini-game like TW. We have too many instances for high level content and not enough games. b:sad

    Despite the name, only a part time troll. b:victory
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yes, but sad thing about those instances is that you can't really get a decent squad with them any more like you were capable of getting a bit ago. Now it's mainly all based off aps users for higher level instances.

    Hmm, something like TW pvp based would be fun, i think the PW CN has something like that implemented as a weekly event? (Not certain.) Would be even more fun if it was placed so that players wouldn't drop/shatter there gear while pvping. Because honestly that's what stops me from pvping most times when i'm lower level (below 95), lol i fear to loose my gear, and hate being on SL for 10 hours. b:sad
  • Troller - Sanctuary
    Troller - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yes, but sad thing about those instances is that you can't really get a decent squad with them any more like you were capable of getting a bit ago. Now it's mainly all based off aps users for higher level instances.

    Hmm, something like TW pvp based would be fun, i think the PW CN has something like that implemented as a weekly event? (Not certain.) Would be even more fun if it was placed so that players wouldn't drop/shatter there gear while pvping. Because honestly that's what stops me from pvping most times when i'm lower level (below 95), lol i fear to loose my gear, and hate being on SL for 10 hours. b:sad

    Ack, I haven't even been to them. X.x 5 aps ego has really annoyed me, even worse is that they took my DD role. b:cry

    I've played on servers with weekly invasions, Nirv boss hide and seek (since nirv doesn't work on it) or just some random boss popping in the middle of west Archysaur. I wish I could see that in Pwi.

    Despite the name, only a part time troll. b:victory
  • Troller - Sanctuary
    Troller - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Double post. X.x

    Despite the name, only a part time troll. b:victory
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Ah your talking about private servers there right? With the random bosses popping out in the middle of arch. (Only heard of such things happening on fake servers.) Tho it would scare the **** out of me for sure, if i was sitting there in cat shop mode talking to someone and then BAM a huge *** dragon/monster pops out id be like O_O //ingameheartattack. xD

    But yeah this 5aps craze is annoying, even tho i have a 5apsed character, it still a kick in the shin for other players or magic based DDs that can't flippin have 5aps. QQ

    Should start a revolution do Nirvanas with casters/other classes that hardly get into Nirvanas. xD They can have there fun with fast 5aps Nirvanas, and so should others have the fun of it.

    Reason also some are getting discouraged of making a character that can't get 5aps, that just makes earning money for them harder, and only leads to possible needs to have to charge the card. :/
  • Troller - Sanctuary
    Troller - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Ah your talking about private servers there right? With the random bosses popping out in the middle of arch. (Only heard of such things happening on fake servers.) Tho it would scare the **** out of me for sure, if i was sitting there in cat shop mode talking to someone and then BAM a huge *** dragon/monster pops out id be like O_O //ingameheartattack. xD

    But yeah this 5aps craze is annoying, even tho i have a 5apsed character, it still a kick in the shin for other players or magic based DDs that can't flippin have 5aps. QQ

    Should start a revolution do Nirvanas with casters/other classes that hardly get into Nirvanas. xD They can have there fun with fast 5aps Nirvanas, and so should others have the fun of it.

    Reason also some are getting discouraged of making a character that can't get 5aps, that just makes earning money for them harder, and only leads to possible needs to have to charge the card. :/

    Yeah it's a private server, and it has scared me a few times as well, poor catshops closed early too. b:laugh Luckily no one loses exp from those bosses though.

    I just want to be an archer who plays as his class wants him to...with a bow/slingshot/crossbow. If I wanted claws I would have gone BM.

    Hehe, I would love to see a non-aps Nirv run. It would be great to be there without punching things.

    Despite the name, only a part time troll. b:victory
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yeah for archers it's like a given now to have 4-5aps and use claws/fists in instances/grinding for coin, and bows/slingshots/etc in pvp. :/ Kinda sad. Kills the whole point of the well as tanks.

    Yeah we really should get some weekly events that consists of like 5-7 huge bosses with a max hp (or as much hp as world bosses have but that aren't as hard). Ones that even people who are level 50 or well 70+ can participate in. A boss that does low aoe attacks and lets say drops some good things (mirrages/socket stones/maybe even tokens?) and gives each player who participated for at least 80% of the bosses hp to get like 50 rep or less. :D Yeah i'm just dreaming now rofl.