quick rant

Hiemus - Raging Tide
Hiemus - Raging Tide Posts: 141 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Cleric
If a cleric is working on a mob, he or she is using/needing her mp pool. Why would you still be going "buff plz" with them, and insofar as following/camp-meditating them to make sure they're not lying about oom? Isn't that rude?
Post edited by Hiemus - Raging Tide on


  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    O~o I sure would find it rude, especially since every bit of mana could mean the difference between that extra hit to kill something or having to kite around mid-kill because you're oom.

    Of course, I'm one to throw buffs on people at random, and I'm pure mag so it's not that big of a dent, but if I was grinding and didn't feel like buffing someone that's doing fine on their own, and they stalked me like a weirdo because of it, that seems kinda rude to me.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Esorono - Sanctuary
    Esorono - Sanctuary Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It's hard to avoid that situation, though there are classes worse off...I imagine the resurrect spell is commonly asked for. And with a 2,600 mana cost maxed it must hurt the mystic.
    I have an ego so large it has it's own gravitational pull...So in short, yes, everything DOES revolve around me. b:pleased
  • jiq
    jiq Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It can be annoying at lower lvls, but after 75, it doesn't really matter because mana food is always needed and it's relatively cheap. Also, I don't have the heart to leave people behind without buffs. xD
  • flamingahole
    flamingahole Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I imagine the resurrect spell is commonly asked for. And with a 2,600 mana cost maxed it must hurt the mystic.
    I've had the opposite happen to me. I decided to be nice and give some seeker a couple heals and a res buff and the guy starts ******** at me about how clerics are the only 'real' healers and he doesn't need my help or '****ty buffs'.

    His argument was that since clerics are the best healing class (which is true) then that makes any other healing class unnecessary. My counter to that was that barbs are the best tanking class (debatable in some situations) and sins are the best DD class so he shouldn't have made a seeker since he won't be as good as either in their respective roles. What followed was amusing to say the least.

    Now if someone near me needs a heal or two then I'm more than happy to help out. If someone asks for my res buff when they're not in my squad then I reply with a flat 'no...'.
    jiq wrote: »
    It can be annoying at lower lvls, but after 75, it doesn't really matter because mana food is always needed and it's relatively cheap. Also, I don't have the heart to leave people behind without buffs. xD

    Thou art truly a kinder soul than I.
    You have three chances to guess the reason for the post above.
  • Mekkhala - Lost City
    Mekkhala - Lost City Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    back when giving hour buffs = an entire mana pot, I didn't buff random people.
    Now that I have sage spirit's gift and can regain the mana in a few seconds I'll do it if they ask nicely.
    aka if you walk up to me and go "buff", you can go to hell.
  • Bluelita - Archosaur
    Bluelita - Archosaur Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well, generally when I see some people around me, I tend to buff them - of course not in the middle of some fight, but when I have a little bit of time..
    Sometimes people come to me asking for buffs before I can make it (ie. I buff 1 person and then the 2nd "in the line" asks for buffs too) - then I reply "I was just going to do thisb:chuckle ". This generally makes them feel a little bit guilty and they often apologize for being so impatient..
    But it is true no barb/bm have ever buffed me just passing by me..
  • Prophete - Dreamweaver
    Prophete - Dreamweaver Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    That's because barb/bm have to invite you in their squad to buff you.
  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    lol u think being asked for a rez sucks play a mystic.
    they get asked for a rez when ppl arnt even dead yet.
    and there rezz takes like half there mpb:sad
  • Soira - Raging Tide
    Soira - Raging Tide Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I only buff people if they ask nicely/I feel like it.

    Like one time, I was grinding those lvl 96 spiders near that frozen lake east of Harshlands. Some psy started following me while I was gathering up the mobs and kept PMing me to buff him. Of course I couldn't do it while I had 30 mobs firing a DoT which can deal up to 1k-2k+ damage if I don't purify fast enough. And the fact that my chatbox was all blue because he wouldn't even wait a minute 'till I kill those damn mobs really pissed me off.
    After the mobs were dead and I gathered my drops, he tried to invite me to his squad so I could give him 1h buffs. That pissed me even more. I denied the invite and flew away.

    xxx whispers: fine, keep ur mana for urself

  • SeaStorm - Heavens Tear
    SeaStorm - Heavens Tear Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I only buff when not killing and only when asked nicely. When I'm on my BM if I get a "random act of kindness buff" I'll say thank you and ask if they want my buff...If I'm on another char and ask for a buff I'll check if they want mine. Although normally unless the cleric is in cube...they don't want my bramble LOL.
  • Healladiin - Harshlands
    Healladiin - Harshlands Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    to flamingahole:
    Don't use circular logic on anyone who says your class is trash because clerics are "obviously" the best healers. We're only the best because IH stacks and because we have a plethora, and I mean a plethora of healing skills.
    A well built mystic will either heal as well as a cleric or BETTER than a cleric due to the low cooldown time on BitC and their naturally high magic attack. I.E. you can heal as we;; or better than a cleric on any boss except for Gaurnob,Pole,Decaying Fragrance Etc.....(For the obvious reasons that you can't purify the debuffs quickly enough or fast enough even if you have the sage version of BitC)
    The second reason for not using circular logic on someone who says your class is fail is that more likely than not they won't understand your logic.
    I.E. they are too stupid to get the point you're driving at.b:byeb:byeb:bye
  • Flickerfae - Sanctuary
    Flickerfae - Sanctuary Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    That's because barb/bm have to invite you in their squad to buff you.

    I was once randomly buffed by a high level barb who was passing by my grinding spot.

    *random squad invite*
    Me, seeing a 9x in a 5x area: "Oh hi!"
    *Barb buffs*
    *Squad dismissed*
    Me: b:surprised b:thanks "THANK YOU!"

    But yeah, I randomly buff/rez when I'm feeling like a carebear, or when people ask nicely. Demanding buffs gets you diddly-squat. We clerics are capricious that way.

    -Ignoring my main for alts since early '09
  • flamingahole
    flamingahole Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    to flamingahole:
    Don't use circular logic on anyone who says your class is trash because clerics are "obviously" the best healers. We're only the best because IH stacks and because we have a plethora, and I mean a plethora of healing skills.
    A well built mystic will either heal as well as a cleric or BETTER than a cleric due to the low cooldown time on BitC and their naturally high magic attack. I.E. you can heal as we;; or better than a cleric on any boss except for Gaurnob,Pole,Decaying Fragrance Etc.....(For the obvious reasons that you can't purify the debuffs quickly enough or fast enough even if you have the sage version of BitC)
    The second reason for not using circular logic on someone who says your class is fail is that more likely than not they won't understand your logic.
    I.E. they are too stupid to get the point you're driving at.b:byeb:byeb:bye

    Nah, circular reasoning is usually not much use in a real argument. The only times when I bother with it are for the lulz, especially when the person I'm 'arguing' with isn't smart enough to point out just how flimsy my argument is. That's also why it's so fun; they're smart enough to figure out my point and that I'm poking fun at them but not smart enough to rip my argument apart like the wet tissue paper it is.

    Interesting that a mystic would make a good healer though. Mine's only at level 32 so I can't really say much about it but the mana cost is going to be a pain in the *** until 75 if I don't get a charm. I figure that until then I'd just play support to the cleric while DDing.
    You have three chances to guess the reason for the post above.
  • ILubby - Raging Tide
    ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I only buff people if they ask nicely/I feel like it.

    Like one time, I was grinding those lvl 96 spiders near that frozen lake east of Harshlands. Some psy started following me while I was gathering up the mobs and kept PMing me to buff him. Of course I couldn't do it while I had 30 mobs firing a DoT which can deal up to 1k-2k+ damage if I don't purify fast enough. And the fact that my chatbox was all blue because he wouldn't even wait a minute 'till I kill those damn mobs really pissed me off.
    After the mobs were dead and I gathered my drops, he tried to invite me to his squad so I could give him 1h buffs. That pissed me even more. I denied the invite and flew away.

    xxx whispers: fine, keep ur mana for urself


    Lolz Soi, I've had people asking for buffs when I AOE then KS'ing my group ( as to help me finish ) *facedesk*

    But yea I buff when asked nicely and feel like it, a few barbs and BMs buff me too.
    Your best friend when people nag --> ignore --->BL if needed.
  • Sarieanna - Raging Tide
    Sarieanna - Raging Tide Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    for me I just go: no comprendo, mon amie <3

    which is jumping between two languages but eh, it works b:victory

    I would usually do it for a faction member (that I know) or a friend.

    but if you randomly walk up to me and go asking for a 1hr buff... yeah.... no.
    I love my sister, Alex <3
    Even though, I taught her more then she taught me. b:cute
  • sia09
    sia09 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I like going around to see if there are dead people...because the reviving animation is pretty too ._.
  • Soira - Raging Tide
    Soira - Raging Tide Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Lolz Soi, I've had people asking for buffs when I AOE then KS'ing my group ( as to help me finish ) *facedesk*

    But yea I buff when asked nicely and feel like it, a few barbs and BMs buff me too.
    Your best friend when people nag --> ignore --->BL if needed.

    Well, most of the people who try to KS those wood mobs from me end up dead cause I tend to gather up 20-30+ of those.When I see someone else attacking my group I just stop attacking and watch them die (I'm so evil lawl b:chuckle). When I see other clerics around I just go find myself another spot. I only got KSed by a cleric once (his tempest accidentally killed my group too, he apologized tho b:cute)

    But yeah, gotta hate people that are impatient and try to "help you finish faster" so you can buff them -.-
  • Kayleigh - Raging Tide
    Kayleigh - Raging Tide Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I usually only reserve my buffs for guild or squad mates. Except on the rare occasion when I feel nice. It is annoying when I'm even just doing World Quest(yes people still do that) or flying at max height to destinations, I'll we get random requests for buffs and in some cases random squad invites. It's gotten to the point at times that I just keep an auto-reply up or even put ignore squad invites at times.
    Started March 2010
    Kayleigh - 102 Sage Cleric
    KayTheBarb - 100 Sage Barbarian
  • Hiemus - Raging Tide
    Hiemus - Raging Tide Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well, most of the people who try to KS those wood mobs from me end up dead cause I tend to gather up 20-30+ of those.When I see someone else attacking my group I just stop attacking and watch them die (I'm so evil lawl b:chuckle). When I see other clerics around I just go find myself another spot. I only got KSed by a cleric once (his tempest accidentally killed my group too, he apologized tho b:cute)

    But yeah, gotta hate people that are impatient and try to "help you finish faster" so you can buff them -.-

    ...that has happened to my old cleric, and I just let them die too. Both attack and healing and buff spells use a lot of mana from the same mana pool, so even though I do buff random people, I really don't want to do it while in the middle of questing. I've never made it to really high level so if mana regeneration does gets faster, I'll be glad to buff people.

    I think to have chosen to play the Cleric, you have to have a preference to help out others. Though that doesn't equal having the temper of Mother Teresa...
  • Lillemy - Sanctuary
    Lillemy - Sanctuary Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I only buff/team/help if I am asked.
    If teaminvite pops up without any comments, I ignore it.
    I also genneraly dont team if I just get some message in sms language.
    Simply because most of the time I have no idea what they are talking about, and I dont want to open my rubbish to english dictionary every time they try to say something
  • Soira - Raging Tide
    Soira - Raging Tide Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    . I've never made it to really high level so if mana regeneration does gets faster, I'll be glad to buff people.

    Mana regen in affected by your mag, meaning it does get higher as you level, assuming you'll spend your points in mag each time you level :P But even so, it doesn't make a HUGE difference imo. For me, it's just enough so I won't sit forever in meditate stance when I'm too lazy to use a mana pot while I'm questing.
  • Samaela - Dreamweaver
    Samaela - Dreamweaver Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Maybe I'm just too nice, but I always buff people when they ask for it. Unless I have a good reason not too, like that person just being a wanker for the main time.
    Samaela[demon cleric]||Nanimee[mystic]||aquaelle[psychic]
  • Hiemus - Raging Tide
    Hiemus - Raging Tide Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Maybe I'm just too nice, but I always buff people when they ask for it. Unless I have a good reason not too, like that person just being a wanker for the main time.

    You're a saint!
  • Gol_D_Chad - Sanctuary
    Gol_D_Chad - Sanctuary Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    You're a saint!

    i must be a bigger saint.b:cool Most of the time as i pass by, i buff people randomly while they're grinding or doing a boss. (if they have an icon next to therir name that indicates a mp or hp regen pot, then i would skip that buff)

    and when ppl ask for squad buff and inv me, i always do it regardless if i know them or not.

    Not many clerics do that?
    Sailing this perfect world for treasure and Glory. This pirate awaits adventure and this is my story. (OP overdoseb:victory)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Imuretay - Heavens Tear
    Imuretay - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    and I dont want to open my rubbish to english dictionary every time they try to say something

    Hahaha... that made me laugh!
  • swordmaster757
    swordmaster757 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    On my cleric, I've also been known to heal and buff random people while they are fighting mobs, or if they are just moving around in general and I notice that they don't have a particular buff activated. Thus far, no-one has been disrespectful to me in asking for a buff, so I've been blessed in that regard, but I've pretty much buffed anyone that I've come across if I'm not busy, i.e., just cruising at low altitudes doing light grinding, or right after I just finished a quest.

    May you all live long and prosper.