Gear Question

Posts: 40 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Blademaster - ok guys Im plannin to have this, Currently I miss the Chest , the cape and the Helm. What I observed is that my mag res is very low...The problem is that I dont want to lose from interval and I dont want to wear LA chest (so I could use elemental neck or belt) As u see refines Im not "rich" Is it a posibility to raise a bit my mag res with some affordable stones ? or any advice is good.
And Somebody explain me what Jade of steady defense does, I cant afford it ofc but I dont really understand. TY
Post edited by Crematory - Lost City on


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  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    look up. post there. not gonna bother with you unless you can at least read a stickied guide
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Don't think its fair every new question needs to be posted at page xx in a FAQ when thats the reasons we have forums. New threads mean we can organize questions and see topics.

    There is a thread where a person asked about LA builds then the thread evolved into what two pieces LA should you use to maximize hp, mdef, or pdef.

    I hate it when BMs use evasion ornies for -int because then they have horrible mdef or pdef and have to drop attack speed to cover one of them. On the bright side it allows you to use more HA for better refines and hp but usually dmg reduction>hp.

    Only viable options is either pick LA pieces of armor, or wear mdef ornies. Personally, if you're not going to trash the evasion ornies I would pick CoA ring and refine it up for the magic defense.

    And here is a guide explaining defense levels:
    But JoSD can only be equipped into Nirvana gear of Rank 9
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Interesting nowadays if u post everything on BM forum ppl start to bark like mad dogs.
    I just wanted some 3-4 rows of answers which resolvs my problem not a novel where ppl are arguing about everything.
    Now Really what do u expect?! nobody should write on BM forum cause "we are to proud and know everything" or what?
    If u dont want to help and give some normal answer better dont read my post and thats all...
    and still I say TY for understanding.
  • Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I would go with something along this line

    Belt is free from culti, necklace should be under 6mil, and CoA ring about 10mil.
    Also try investing in refine aids (keep mirages you get) and get at least +5 on your ornaments. It's not as costly as people think.

    Also I don't suggest doing mdef gems unless you have very high refines to cover for the HP loss.

    Lastly, Jade of Steady Defense give you 2 def lvl, or in other words 2% damage reduction. These work well when they are stacked in large quantity. But they can only be imbued into G13 or above equipments so nothing you need to worry about with your current goal.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This is what i would say for you to go for :) , you say you are not rich but all you need is time b:chuckle , cuple of weeks you could farm your 99 gears with a few nice freinds , for the nv bottems there about 30mil more ( CV Bottems > First Cast [100 Uncanny's]) if you want to get alot of money after you have all your gears this is what biuld i think you should go for.
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    *amused by all the people posting CoA ring builds*

    its a LA hybrid it already has more m def than a comperably refined full HA build will hit before +7 ornaments plus he can always just throw on a past map belt for TW

    and lets face it CoA rings dont even show their worth till +6 or higher refines. and for that he could spend 25 mill on a lunar ring and get more phys def and abotu the same mag def AND acc for pk


    what the *** are immacs doing on the armor with only a flawless in the weapon and +3 refines on your HA? sell those overpriced craps and refine your HA and mag orns to +5 and rest to +4 then shard your weapon with a bloody immac

    Necky is CV 20 mill for a neck thats close to 1st cube aint bad eh?

    your poor HA is a rich mans build go 1/2 and 1/2 (i will hunt and stab you for useing evade orns)

    Lunar pants have higher resists and put you on the road to vana. TT vana has less hp phys def and mag def. in short it sucks dont touch it

    go with a warsoul +5 their cheap and can be resold for the cost when you go for an endgame helm

    Giveing you 272 str for tt 90 axes and 193 sec for CV claws oh and a non pathetic amount of hp for a bm here have a build that looks like a bm and not something i wiped off my *** will cost about the same sadly.

    things to play with: may want to consider dropping a band for an attendance 3 ring, easier to swap to a lunar later and you can throw on a misty for pvp that way. May want to go with 287 str for some OHT zerk axes. Claw refines would be your priority as your hp and mag def are fine with this setup, just stay over 8k hp and you'll be set for survivability in pve and for most pvp oponents

    and seriously if you want fast answers FAQ either mine or if your a woman and need coddleing kastes
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Okay, will try to breakdown a couple endgame gear arguments for you.

    First, Lunar pants vs. TT pants for -int. I'm partial to Lunar for a few reasons. Lunar has a higher base defense that is higher than the 4% adds on TT pants. Also, the 180 hp is more than +10 vit which would give you 150hp and a slight def bump (very slight) that would still be less than the Lunar pants def. The downside is Lunar costs more and is harder to farm due to lack of lunar squads. The upside, Lunar is tradable.

    Second, helm choice. For pvp, Forest Wisdom is a viable choice because its cheaper and has good vit adds and more survivability. For pve I would pair whatever pants I get with the Nirvana version, being Ancestral Divine or Cascade flow. They have the same stats, refines, and paired with the pants would give +5 attack levels. Their is also the argument that the paired with bloodpaint it would give you more hp back and better survivability, as well as the argument that killing something faster is a better defense than surviving it longer. TT99 and Lunar Nirvana helms also have +200 magic def.

    Third, Hybrid vs HA build. Very touchy debate. Basically hybrid will give you higher defenses (magic defense on armor, and pdef refines on HA ornies) and HA will give you more hp (refines). Most endgame hybrid builds are 4.0 base. Most endgame HA builds are 4.0 base and will drop to 3.33 for more magic defense. If they use G15 wrists this is a drop to 2.86 base. Paired with a charm the extra hp of the HA build gives better survivability overall, but again as pointed out sometimes the best defense is killing something faster. HA builds tend to use axe spike dmg for pvp over fists to jump charm ticks.

    Want to know what I'd suggest for lvl 99? I prefer hybrid build (LA wrist and boots) but if you go HA full add two mdef ornies and drop your attack rate. Switch them out with your evasion ornies (ewwwwwwwwww) when not tanking. I prefer lunar pants and helm, but too late now unless you are willing to farm/spend on them. Josh pretty much nailed it but alot of it would be back tracking for you to fix your build. Here is the damage control version, lol. I would switch out the lunar ring with a CoA if you are killing magic mobs, or 1v1 a wizard, psy...
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    why are the lunar pants (his highest refiening item) +3?

    nor worth vanaing till 2nd recast as the refine rate isnt much higher fro g 15 so he'd be useing the pants till he saved 130ish mill
    Gifs are hard to make work here


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