2x Weekend DC Fest



  • Theoclese - Harshlands
    Theoclese - Harshlands Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I've made 22mil just from doing nirvanas during 2x so far... Haven't dced during any. So my conclusion is your server is having issues still or your internet is having issues.
    And I highly doubt, like fuzzy said, that you've spent so much time dcing. Stop complaining on the forums and actually play the game. -.-

    EDIT: Only time I've seen anyone dc in my nirvana squads this whole time is from being teleported out of nirvana, and into the mass of people and catshops buying/selling crystals.

    This is because the server you are on, Harshlands and Raging tide has been getting hit hard. And yes it is dc after dc after dc after dc. Then cannot connect, or huge pings like 2444, It has ben the most hell I have ever been through just trying to complete an instance without dieing or lagging, or just plain dcing. I just went through another episode, right now, with 10 hrs left in double drop. I watch hordes of my friends getting dced over adn over again, and fac mates. SO I understand the person's irritation with this and would also like the 2x to be extended. I have missed out on alot of money because of hours of not being able to log in, or it not being worth it. I am not the only one as I see it in fac and world chat quite often. Sooo.... GMs can we pls get 3 more days once this idiot stops attacking pppplllllllssssssss b:thanksb:thanksb:sad
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Sure Fuzzy, we may not have spent as much time DC'd as ingame...

    But add up all the times people have been DC'd on every single server. I'm SURE it outweighs the amount of hours spent ingame.

    Or how about how many times people's charms have ticked because of the DC's/Lags/high Ping? How many people have died? How much coin has been lost due to serious DC?

    No. Just....hell no.
    As your players, we've been getting buttf*cked since at least a year ago. The LEAST you can do since your servers were still disconnecting players during the event, is extend it. After sticking the highest gear in the shop for the price of a used car, installing assassins, not balancing barbs to cater to new instances, **** up TW, lowering DQ prices, and generally just ignoring everything we have to say...

    I think we deserve just a teeny, tiny bit of compensation for the year's worth of us being done so hard in the butt, that most of us can't even sit down to play the game anymore.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."