Is it a bad thing that you want to try out every class in pwi



  • CaenisSnow - Dreamweaver
    CaenisSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm female in real life. I've got mostly female characters, but I also currently have several male clerics (sexy things) and a barb and a male BM. I've played every class including Seeker and Mystic, and most in both male and female. I think it's fun to try everything, but I have to admit, after a while I quit playing my male characters (none have ever reached level 40) because it gets kind of weird. They have actually been hit on quite a bit and I feel creepy telling them I'm a woman so I usually ignore it as much as I can. Its much more fun for me to be myself, so most of my ladies look as much like me as possible. And I am married in game on two characters to the man I'd like to be married to in real life. Time will tell on that though. So, do whatever you want. As long as you aren't hurting anyone else, it really doesn't matter. Have fun with it. That's the whole point. :)
  • Qingzi - Harshlands
    Qingzi - Harshlands Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Sangodoc wrote: »
    Does your seeker's name end in a vowel or a consonant? 'Cause everyone knows that all female names end in vowels and all male names end in consonants. b:chuckle

    Oh, snap! My Barb is femaleb:shocked

    Also, all of my chars except this Barb is female.

    Haven't played Mystic past lvl 2 yet, but it's female too.
  • Quinarella - Sanctuary
    Quinarella - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This post is actually pretty funny. My Main Char is a Lv96 Female Cleric and I'm a Guy. I am Married in game to a Lv96 SheBarb. We don't hide the fact that we did a Gender swap and its really funny when people discover that her Barb is a girl and my Cleric is a guy. I had a BM up in Eatherblade ask to pick me up once. I figured he wanted Chi. He started doing the kissie kissie thing then carried me over to a bunch of other peeps like he was showing me off. then more kissie kissie and he carried me over to another group of peeps. This went on for about 5 min. kissie kissie and carrying me around showing me off. I finally typed in the chat box. "Dude, I'm a Dude" and he put me down. b:chuckle
    NiteDream - Marshal [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lol funny how quickly this thread turn into a discussion about how many people play female characters that are male in real life. =x

    I am not trying to excuse those who are closed minded enough to think that only males play games, we all know that is rather.... illogical. However, if you look at pretty much any manga/chinese writing, females in the story are nomrally mentioned as a "him" and not a "her."

    As for dating in an online game, I say date at the risk of your own sanity, you really never know who might be on the other end of the computer. (I am not talking about a murderer/rapist, or even a simple pervert) Rather I am speaking about a simple male, or female who is a closet-(person who likes the same sex of gender on a person.) Not that there's anything wrong with that, but people do... do it.

    Hell this reminds me of the web show "the guild" where a guy who is suspected of liking the same sex, claims to be just playing a female character because and I quote his line "I like to look at girls." Now that doesn't mean every guy who does this is someone who likes other guys, but it does raise the question just how many guys play female characters in a false pretense to get other guys to like them. =x

    EDIT: For the record I do have one of every character, but really I am not on my veno much, the original reason I made it, is pretty much null in void since I first made it, I can solo things on my other characters much better then originally thought.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • ShaoliXen - Lost City
    ShaoliXen - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    For the on topic discussion:

    Yes and no. I started playing in 2008 (this is my second account, primary ran out of space) and I've tried every class and multiple builds so far with the exception of Assassins, Seekers, and Mystics (manly due to the fact that I don't want to play a class that the majority is playing) and while this is good because you gain hands on experence with the class and spendings months working on PvE and PvP stratagies its also a bad thing as you many not always have the same groups of friends.

    A lot of people I lvled up with now don't even bother to remember me since I kept re-rolling and switching classes or trying a new build. Some people change when they get higher lvled. I remember fighting RageQuit back when they were the PK guild, or when I rolled with Kniraven and his crew back when he was 6x and Knights was a small guild for example. PWI is a moving economy and if you keep rerolling you get left behind. Sure you still have the few people who remember you but most people will just forget. You can't blame them though you each just have to move on.
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It is a fact: All males IRL, who play females online, are pussies.
    It would also explain why my RL husband, who plays a veno, is the girl in our relationship.

    I'm being super cereal.

    Yeah I can attest to that. I only have a female psy that I play uber infrequently, but it's not uncommon for me to play females in single player RPGs - my main in Dragon Age is a female - and I'm the female in my relationship, but not solely. I can and do be a proper guy, acting as my gender should in a relationship.
    Furthermore, not every guy plays a female avatar just because they have feminine personalities. Many male sin players chose a female avatar just because the males look like ghay stalkers >>
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • netoperusnovo
    netoperusnovo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lol funny how quickly this thread turn into a discussion about how many people play female characters that are male in real life. =x
    People always loved options in games - the more different things you can do in the game, the better. Even more so if those are things you can't do in real life for various reasons :)
    Of course it works the other way too. Games, where there is only one thing you can do (most games are about killing monsters or other players), the more boring the game is.
    My personal favorites are riddles and traps - you don't see many of these in games.