Best way to Hyper in solo frost.

Xx_Hazama_xX - Lost City
Xx_Hazama_xX - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
edited March 2011 in Assassin
Hello people , i know that there is some post about solo frost but from what i have seen it's only about "how to solo frost" and the talk is mainly about how to kill boss or mobs.
People also say that hypering on boss or on mobs is preference without giving real number , and so does not really help me.

Well so will explain you how i dow my frost and how many % EXP i get and would like to know if other people have a way that may be better.

Step 1 :
1) Against boss before big room i hyper , kill it them let it run and go clear all mob in big room but not the boss then i pause.
=> don't hyper head.

2) Against boss afer big room , i activate before it's death and then pause.

3)When i come against phenix before it die i hyper then let it run while i clear all mob till hoolen.
=> I don't do hoolen.

I do this 3 time and i have something like 12/14 min left on my hyper.

=> I am 101 and here i should have got maybe 6% or 7% on those 3 run.

Step 2 :
The next day when i have again 10 activation and 12/14 min left.

1) i hyper on boss before big room , clear the little room and go kill the groups of mob cin center left (where head appear) then pause.

2) Kill boss and hyper before death , do head , then pause.

3) I hyper on boss after big room then pause.

4) Kill phenix and pause.

5) go in big room and clear it with hyper on till it finish.
=> here i make a new set of hyper.

6)Activate hyper and clear the remain mob in big room till hoolen then pause.

After this run is done i have around 50/53 min left on my hyper , so i repeat step 1 meaning 3 run and will end my day with 12/14 min on my hyper.
And each day i will do step 2 then step 1.

And i would have get around 8/9% that if i do worldquest bh2(for exp) and crazy stone can make 9.5% or 10% a day .

Doing this allowed me to go from 100 to 101 in 4 day , now it's been 4 day that i have leveled and i a already at 35% (some other run to do).

So how you other use your hyper in frost , and how many % you do in a day ?
Post edited by Xx_Hazama_xX - Lost City on


  • Rice_hero - Lost City
    Rice_hero - Lost City Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I don't usually do mines the same everyday but... hmm.

    way #1.) Power Lvl as fast as you can, consumes hyper fast
    ( The way I usually do my frost runs nowadays)

    -Activate at 2nd boss, leave on, run to 3rd boss, teleport over walls to save time, kill 3rd boss/quest boss ( one that summons dragons)
    - Can leave on if you feel up to it, I run to Bishop Boss & kill it, then pause
    At this point, It would've used maybe 4minutes? on hypers
    -Kill Slash Boss, pause
    -Kill b4 big room boss, leave on,
    -kill all mobs, ( recently there was a thread on a safe way to aoe these mobs all together) I'm semi decent at half pulls now, dunno about full) but leave on for all mobs
    -kill boss, pause; **** the lame heads, seeker's turn to solo heads ;D if you do the math, killing 30 x12 exp mobs would be 30-32k*30 would be 960k exp in 3minutes? is that worth it? nope
    - then kill boss after big room, pause or run in stealth to Nix & kill / leave on for rest if you want an extra activation
    - kill phoenix, let hypers run, kill all dragons/ mobs
    - at this point, you can leave it on to kill holeen's body since it's relatively easy w/ vaculty powder or you can pause & reset instance

    This is about 5 activations in one run, it does however consume a lot of time off a hyper if your refines aren't too high or if you're not 5.0 aps. For me, this way takes 12-17minutes off your hypers depending on minor **** ups. This way only lets you run 2 frost a day if you're too lazy to do 3-5?. If you do all this in one run it should be close to around 10m exp. 2 Runs a day & it'll be 20m exp. 530m/20mexp = 26.5 days until I become 103 if at a steady pace. lol.

    Way #2.) Conserving Hyper Times, too lazy to lvl, don't care (LOL)
    - Hyper just about every boss except first ones, but pause a lot more, This will destroy your activations per day very fast, but You'll have a lot of time on hypers for a long lasting x12 exp.

    Way #3.) Like your way, Do all boss, but only Activate for b4 big room boss + mobs, & boss after it

    hmmm.. not sure what's the best way to do it, but If you do a full frost run. Holeen ( Last Boss) drops 2 Flawless Gems, ex.) Flawless Citrine,Garnet,
    - on Lost City, They sell for near 300k, 300k x2 = 600k coins almost enough to buy a whole new set of hyper stones b:laugh not to mention if any Green/ Gold Frost Gears drop.

    Way #1 .) I try to use 1 activations for 2nd boss until Slash boss then pause, using speed pots help saves a lot of time on hypers along w/ other speed skills, 2nd activation on boss before big room & for whole room until heads, then pause, 3rd activation for boss after big room until whenever you decide to end before or after Holeen. This way allows 3 Full Runs per day using 15-20minutes of hyper time each run. On the 3rd run I do, I also kill the last boss to collect chests & 2 Flawless Shards to possibly cover up most of the costs for a new hyper set. ;D Have fun Doing Frost 3hrs a day! LOLz
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    this is very useful information for me since I know nothing about how to hyper when i end up soloing fc later.

    thanks :D
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