Pvp with a Veno o.o?

Virridian - Harshlands
Virridian - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Arigora Colosseum
Ok so..

I play a 95+ veno and I must admit that I dont PvP very much. Could anyone give me some tips/hints on things that venos can do, or should do in PvP? I have a Herc and a Nix too if that helps anybody.

please and thank you :)
Post edited by Virridian - Harshlands on


  • Sereneai - Dreamweaver
    Sereneai - Dreamweaver Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Nix bleed skill=death to squishies.

    also, an experienced pker will attack you...not your pet XD zap them, interrupt them, etc, and when all fails, run screaming to the nearest SZ

    ...wait, that is advice for ANY class b:laugh
    Things said during a Twizted faction PK session:
    Slayer_of_Souls: you guys are such suck ups. none of you have attacked twid.
    Twiddzly(fac leader): no, sere killed me already.
    Slayer_of_Souls: he's out there waiting for us, isn't he. i'm gonna die.
    Sereneai: b:sin why don't you come find out.
    Kinglkaruga: you go first dule.
  • trapi123
    trapi123 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    hell ya pvp veno kick *** i pbp alot more then lvling i think honestly i use my pet first to stun and bleed and i just use a pvp macro but if ur AA ur gunna be squshy against psyical attacks less squishy again mag attacks im LA so i figure im good but ya pvp veno is awesome oh nix extreamly useful in pvpb:victory
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    If u relay 100% on pet in pking , u wil be fail and never be able be pk pro!
    Better u start learning ur skills and the effect of them all- and when 2 use it.

    Clerc: DEBUFF FIRST!-then stun w pet + bleed and amfy.

    Barb: debuff and stun after- so he don't make buff himself.

    Veno: easy 2 kill.. just make sure u stun her alot- stun veno(pet get stuned 2)

    Sins: Jump alot in air. pet on def and not have skils on bleed or stun. use em after u got stuned. work if pet is on defend.

    Bm: stay as far as u can all the time. run atk run..XD

    Pys: debuff + amfy and then stun ..use normal atks

    Wiz: easy but stun first...o.o or u wil be stuned first.

    Good skills: Lucky srab-Irowood-Nova-Amfy on genie and fox-Debuff.

    In pking DON*T care about pet, iqnore it- just use his skills. If it die make sure u have spark rdy:3

    Veno is easy 2 pk w, if u know her skills. genie skills help alot. Good pet skills is Howl,Bleed,CLaw,Stun - for pking

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Nix bleed skill=death to squishies.

    also, an experienced pker will attack you...not your pet XD zap them, interrupt them, etc, and when all fails, run screaming to the nearest SZ

    ...wait, that is advice for ANY class b:laugh

    Bleed skils called Flash ream (u can learn all pets that, nix don't come w bleed. ppl put it in. r9 ppl can 1 hit ur pet..so if u don't atk em first ur dead veno biff.(channling gear usefull)

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Teppeii - Dreamweaver
    Teppeii - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,206 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Veno + Nix = GG. You got it good. Just sick that flaming bird of death on whomever you deem worthy of your unavoidable wrath and laugh as they run around with Nix bleed trying to not die. Happy killing! :D
    On indefinite hiatus :3
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    If u relay 100% on pet in pking , u wil be fail and never be able be pk pro!
    Better u start learning ur skills and the effect of them all- and when 2 use it.

    Clerc: DEBUFF FIRST!-then stun w pet + bleed and amfy.

    Barb: debuff and stun after- so he don't make buff himself.

    Veno: easy 2 kill.. just make sure u stun her alot- stun veno(pet get stuned 2)

    Sins: Jump alot in air. pet on def and not have skils on bleed or stun. use em after u got stuned. work if pet is on defend.

    Bm: stay as far as u can all the time. run atk run..XD

    Pys: debuff + amfy and then stun ..use normal atks

    Wiz: easy but stun first...o.o or u wil be stuned first.

    Good skills: Lucky srab-Irowood-Nova-Amfy on genie and fox-Debuff.

    In pking DON*T care about pet, iqnore it- just use his skills. If it die make sure u have spark rdy:3

    Veno is easy 2 pk w, if u know her skills. genie skills help alot. Good pet skills is Howl,Bleed,CLaw,Stun - for pking

    There are no such thing as pro PKers. Its all about kill count for PKing, no matter what LVL, even at same LVL difference, its like your camping LVL1s anyway thanks to heavy cash shopping + insane DPS. However I agree with you, veno needs to rely on self than pet.
    Veno + Nix = GG. You got it good. Just sick that flaming bird of death on whomever you deem worthy of your unavoidable wrath and laugh as they run around with Nix bleed trying to not die. Happy killing! :D

    L2P, Nix does not mean you will be pro. Claw + flesh ream + pounce + howl pet skills are one thing. 2nd thing, stop just using venomus scarab. You are meant to FORCE people attack your pet, not you.
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    There are no such thing as pro PKers. Its all about kill count for PKing, no matter what LVL, even at same LVL difference, its like your camping LVL1s anyway thanks to heavy cash shopping + insane DPS. However I agree with you, veno needs to rely on self than pet.

    L2P, Nix does not mean you will be pro. Claw + flesh ream + pounce + howl pet skills are one thing. 2nd thing, stop just using venomus scarab. You are meant to FORCE people attack your pet, not you.

    this thread looks like yulk bait...b:surrender

    inbe4 nix is pretty much a 1shot for rank9 +12...
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • LexiXNicole - Dreamweaver
    LexiXNicole - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    honestly everyone has there own way i have found mine and i seem to kill people all the time i mean everyone has there own way to pk u just gotta find ur way
  • Kaste - Sanctuary
    Kaste - Sanctuary Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    People don't believe me, but for PvP go HA nix veno.
    Feel free to PM me for help.
    Mistress Myra forced me to use her sigpic ↑
    With PWI since Dec 21st '08
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    People don't believe me, but for PvP go HA nix veno.

    rawr, r9+12 wiz is gonna 1 shot you no matter what armor you're wearing
  • Teppeii - Dreamweaver
    Teppeii - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,206 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    L2P, Nix does not mean you will be pro.

    I was obviously exaggerating. Of course, I don't expect the likes of you to understand any sort of sarcasm or satirical remark.b:cute
    On indefinite hiatus :3
  • Kaste - Sanctuary
    Kaste - Sanctuary Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    rawr, r9+12 wiz is gonna 1 shot you no matter what armor you're wearing

    Then answer me 2 things:

    1. How many people play wiz these days?

    2. How many of those few people you can name from number 1 actually do have R9 +12. . .?

    R9 is a joke!
    Feel free to PM me for help.
    Mistress Myra forced me to use her sigpic ↑
    With PWI since Dec 21st '08
  • LexiXNicole - Dreamweaver
    LexiXNicole - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    ha veno is okai but in my opionion LA is better
  • LexiXNicole - Dreamweaver
    LexiXNicole - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I duel w/o my pet so I do not rely on it in PVP.

    Never relied on it in PVE either... I kill one mob > pet kills other.

    i honestly dnt pve hardly at all im mostly pvping its kinda a stress releaver to me and i dnt really get a joy of being the best i like being me and in game im happy where my toon is at atm
  • Virridian - Harshlands
    Virridian - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ok thanx guys, cool to see what you all had to say. :)
    I guess I just have to find someone willing to practice with me. b:surrender

    @Aniella - That list you made of all the different classes was nice, thanks.

    @Teppeii - omg that first post was hilarious, made me LMFAO :P

    @NiaJade - What do you mean you dont rely on your pet? Ive seen you red lots of times, so you must pk. Elaborate please?