PWI randomly messes up D:

hiimblack Posts: 2 Arc User
edited February 2011 in General Discussion
This has been going on for a long time (since I've started playing again these past few months.) My fps will drop to 1 (literally 1..sometimes it'll say 3 or something, but then go down to 1) and my ping will go up a tad (only to 300-400, so I'm not ping-lagging, it has to be my FPS.) So when this happens, if I put my game in fullscreen it works just fine, then when I put it back to windowed (which I prefer cause I like listening to tunes/youtube) it goes back to lagging.. Whenever I restart my comp. it works just fine for a while, then a few hours later, does it again. If someone could tell me what I can do to fix it I'd appreciate it =D.
Post edited by hiimblack on


  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited February 2011
    1. Post this in the proper forum.

    2. Post your system specs. Processor, Memory, Video card, Video Memory (dedicated or shared), Operating System, Internet connection type/speed, (real numbers, not what your ISP tells you).

    3. Check what other programs you have running. Count toolbars as programs, (because they are and love to kill PW.) Check running background processes. Did a defrag just start in the background? is your virus scanner scanning back there?

    If you want help, we need more of a clue about what's going on.
  • sangodoc
    sangodoc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Honestly, it sounds like you have some other program running in the background that is periodically hogging resources. You might want to try shutting down some background programs to see if that solves the problem.

    Also, wrong forum.
    Visit the PWI wiki for the useful information. Stay at the PWI wiki for the pie. ;-)
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Um this GAME hogs resources lol... It tends to use up more and more of your ram the longer you have it on at one time till it's using ALL of it at once. Or at least it used to... ow that i think about it I haven't seen that happen much anymore.

    Anyway.... still Any game runs more sluggish in window mode. FFXI does as well, and just like this game (if i remember right, been a long time since i used window mode in THIS) the gamma's a little bright in window mode as well.

    But ya just stay in fullscreen? Hell not like you cant' alt-tab out of the game to do other stuff. You don't need to stay in window mode on this game.