Tactical Territory War

DeadGame - Archosaur
Posts: 3 Arc User
with all the chatter about the resetting of the maps and the return of the beloved money system it brought an idea to mind i wanted to share.
people have always had this problem with one faction owning all the land, i myself was once one them and have since changed my opinions on the matter. they seem to think it is unfair to smaller factions. and it is, it is designed to be held by the best, it is not a system for just anyone who starts the game to just have a piece of land. i agree completly with the thought that smaller factions should come together for a common goal, it is tactics after all something that can make or break a great TW.
the only thing i could think of that would even up the gap is a more tactical approach to the TW
first it would be awesome if there was more land, as in the current lands be slit up a bit more into a little smaller areas. im not saying have a north, south, east, and west archo; instead have a slightly smaller archo piece and southern outskerts or whatever one could think to call it im sure someone could come up with way better names than i could.
ok by adding land that would NOT in any way help anything anyone is concerned with; in honest it adds more money to the system and would be a huge boost to the actual reason i made this post.
which is:
tactics in TW has a huge part to do with the players and a minimal part with the defense/attack towers/catas which is what makes it so awesome the people determine the outcome not the money they put into the defenses or catas. i would like to see it taken to whole new level though those that really think there the best on the server should prove it not by simply having a couple TWs in a day but by having to fight just a little harder for those TWs; i would like to see a system set up so you have to set you defenses and number of catas the day before or hours before the actual TW maybe a point system of sorts where for each land you own you can set up so much the more valuable the land of course the more points you have for its defense or atk still cost money to buy the things but points limit what you can have. now while at first thought that is the same thing just having time to set it up without the hassle of running to the spot to build things etc... but if you lower the points just a bit, enough so it isnt noticed till maybe 4/5 lands that your short a cata or you couldnt put up those last 2 towers like you could before then expand on that further 8/10 now your short a few catas on defense and you have to rely more on the quality and quantity of the faction to keep what you have going. it would be great if you could decide not to set up any towers at all make it totally optional, funny more than great cause the first time someone didnt set up towers at the spawn point and they got camped to no end you would be sure that those where the first to be set from then till forever but mistakes in logic and technic i believe is what people are looking to find(well some just want the land handed to them, but what ever)
i have written alot and will try to simplify it a little cause this was more of a rough draft than an actual fully thought out post (sorry)
Building Points(see not great or original with names of anything)
---Limit what you can build and Limit how many you can build of the resources you need or want
---Offense/Defense section of the map... for building towers (this pretty much is already set up just simply restating some things that already exist) and again free to choose which if any of the towers are used
---Upgraded defenses... be able to spend more points on a single stronger and more durable tower
---New defenses... Barricades for instance nothing crazy there just a nuicance to get in the way (it would suck to pick a lane with one of these on it and take an extra minute of time to destroy before you can get your catas past cause you took all yours down the same lane, while the other side guessed correctly and is almost to your base)
---have set locations where the defenses can be. use the existing slots for towers add a spot for a barricade at each gate and just into each lane for each side to chose of course
---once bidding is done have an alloted time to set up defenses and if nothing is set up the standard defenses are used which you can not set or change if you didnt take the time to set them
---point scale... keep the point scale just below what it currently is so it requires a little thought and consideration to set your map but doesnt take away from what you can currently do
---point pool... each land have a set point value which is way lower than the current standards lands involved in TWs give more points which is the closer but not quiet current standards (all points in your pool can be used on any of your lands which is where the major tactical factor comes into play; so more land means more points and more customizable options but that is why the lowered standards to make it an actual thought process to which would be best used where)
---attacking award points for that land to both sides because it is involved in a TW, attacking would then become a very benificial tactic and would also allow people without land to setup there defenses
---points used to set number of catas to have available, this would be a pretty big factor of course could make for an all out zerg on someones crystal or keep people guessing cause you are missing two catas and they dont know where they are. even if you used all your points on catas and say you had 10 of them, you would move slow and they could have defenses set up to make you even slower, but they would have no resistance going to your base or once they got there.
---still keep the cost to build and buy the defenses so that too becomes part of the tactics a faction would have to spend money to build defenses so in turn it would kind of limit the money going back into PW due to the return of the TW money b:dirty
i can only imagine how complex something as simple as this must be to actually develope but it would add an incredible amount of diversity to the TW system the addition of barricades alone could be staggering.
this could totally make the difference between high levels owning the map and great minds taking what they thought was so easy to keep
poor judgement could be the downfall of some of the greatest factions and the rise of that one that just couldnt seem to get it done before
back to the smaller lands and more of them in totally... it would increase the money into the server but also increase the money spent to defend them as it is more places for people to take; also it gives more TWs and while that can get a bit hectic it would totally play into the the whole advanced tactic theme if one faction has so many TWs it must attend it creates more days in which TWs must be held which would make a few people happy, maybe they could get to that one that they couldnt get to on the weekend as well as create new time slots which a few people would also enjoy. back to back TWs is tough but pretty awesome at the same time, you pull off three at the same time you think you have what it takes for the rest of the week once it starts getting past that i imagine people would lose there opinion of the fun and that is where the new time slots would be great. new time slots would upset some aswell because then the people who set there schedule to the current times may miss some but that too would add to the whole dynamic of the system it would take a completly balanced faction to maintain and hold the WHOLE map it could totally create that little bit of change that so many people seem to be feeling is off about the TWs now because it in no way is the factions that own the whole map they simply play the game better and that is what it is all about im just throwing out ideas to improve on an already great system which i have had LOTS of enjoyment out of
i do hope this goes through the right channels and maybe helps to improve to a point where it makes so many of the people of pw happier and find more enjoyment from it i thought it would be a great concept but again i know nothing of the actual development aspect and the massive amount of work that it may take but none the less hope to see it come to pass b:pleased
if for any reason there is anything anyone would like to ask simply email me DracoDragon1111@aol.com <~~~ is the one that actually gets checked
people have always had this problem with one faction owning all the land, i myself was once one them and have since changed my opinions on the matter. they seem to think it is unfair to smaller factions. and it is, it is designed to be held by the best, it is not a system for just anyone who starts the game to just have a piece of land. i agree completly with the thought that smaller factions should come together for a common goal, it is tactics after all something that can make or break a great TW.
the only thing i could think of that would even up the gap is a more tactical approach to the TW
first it would be awesome if there was more land, as in the current lands be slit up a bit more into a little smaller areas. im not saying have a north, south, east, and west archo; instead have a slightly smaller archo piece and southern outskerts or whatever one could think to call it im sure someone could come up with way better names than i could.
ok by adding land that would NOT in any way help anything anyone is concerned with; in honest it adds more money to the system and would be a huge boost to the actual reason i made this post.
which is:
tactics in TW has a huge part to do with the players and a minimal part with the defense/attack towers/catas which is what makes it so awesome the people determine the outcome not the money they put into the defenses or catas. i would like to see it taken to whole new level though those that really think there the best on the server should prove it not by simply having a couple TWs in a day but by having to fight just a little harder for those TWs; i would like to see a system set up so you have to set you defenses and number of catas the day before or hours before the actual TW maybe a point system of sorts where for each land you own you can set up so much the more valuable the land of course the more points you have for its defense or atk still cost money to buy the things but points limit what you can have. now while at first thought that is the same thing just having time to set it up without the hassle of running to the spot to build things etc... but if you lower the points just a bit, enough so it isnt noticed till maybe 4/5 lands that your short a cata or you couldnt put up those last 2 towers like you could before then expand on that further 8/10 now your short a few catas on defense and you have to rely more on the quality and quantity of the faction to keep what you have going. it would be great if you could decide not to set up any towers at all make it totally optional, funny more than great cause the first time someone didnt set up towers at the spawn point and they got camped to no end you would be sure that those where the first to be set from then till forever but mistakes in logic and technic i believe is what people are looking to find(well some just want the land handed to them, but what ever)
i have written alot and will try to simplify it a little cause this was more of a rough draft than an actual fully thought out post (sorry)
Building Points(see not great or original with names of anything)
---Limit what you can build and Limit how many you can build of the resources you need or want
---Offense/Defense section of the map... for building towers (this pretty much is already set up just simply restating some things that already exist) and again free to choose which if any of the towers are used
---Upgraded defenses... be able to spend more points on a single stronger and more durable tower
---New defenses... Barricades for instance nothing crazy there just a nuicance to get in the way (it would suck to pick a lane with one of these on it and take an extra minute of time to destroy before you can get your catas past cause you took all yours down the same lane, while the other side guessed correctly and is almost to your base)
---have set locations where the defenses can be. use the existing slots for towers add a spot for a barricade at each gate and just into each lane for each side to chose of course
---once bidding is done have an alloted time to set up defenses and if nothing is set up the standard defenses are used which you can not set or change if you didnt take the time to set them
---point scale... keep the point scale just below what it currently is so it requires a little thought and consideration to set your map but doesnt take away from what you can currently do
---point pool... each land have a set point value which is way lower than the current standards lands involved in TWs give more points which is the closer but not quiet current standards (all points in your pool can be used on any of your lands which is where the major tactical factor comes into play; so more land means more points and more customizable options but that is why the lowered standards to make it an actual thought process to which would be best used where)
---attacking award points for that land to both sides because it is involved in a TW, attacking would then become a very benificial tactic and would also allow people without land to setup there defenses
---points used to set number of catas to have available, this would be a pretty big factor of course could make for an all out zerg on someones crystal or keep people guessing cause you are missing two catas and they dont know where they are. even if you used all your points on catas and say you had 10 of them, you would move slow and they could have defenses set up to make you even slower, but they would have no resistance going to your base or once they got there.
---still keep the cost to build and buy the defenses so that too becomes part of the tactics a faction would have to spend money to build defenses so in turn it would kind of limit the money going back into PW due to the return of the TW money b:dirty
i can only imagine how complex something as simple as this must be to actually develope but it would add an incredible amount of diversity to the TW system the addition of barricades alone could be staggering.
this could totally make the difference between high levels owning the map and great minds taking what they thought was so easy to keep
poor judgement could be the downfall of some of the greatest factions and the rise of that one that just couldnt seem to get it done before
back to the smaller lands and more of them in totally... it would increase the money into the server but also increase the money spent to defend them as it is more places for people to take; also it gives more TWs and while that can get a bit hectic it would totally play into the the whole advanced tactic theme if one faction has so many TWs it must attend it creates more days in which TWs must be held which would make a few people happy, maybe they could get to that one that they couldnt get to on the weekend as well as create new time slots which a few people would also enjoy. back to back TWs is tough but pretty awesome at the same time, you pull off three at the same time you think you have what it takes for the rest of the week once it starts getting past that i imagine people would lose there opinion of the fun and that is where the new time slots would be great. new time slots would upset some aswell because then the people who set there schedule to the current times may miss some but that too would add to the whole dynamic of the system it would take a completly balanced faction to maintain and hold the WHOLE map it could totally create that little bit of change that so many people seem to be feeling is off about the TWs now because it in no way is the factions that own the whole map they simply play the game better and that is what it is all about im just throwing out ideas to improve on an already great system which i have had LOTS of enjoyment out of
i do hope this goes through the right channels and maybe helps to improve to a point where it makes so many of the people of pw happier and find more enjoyment from it i thought it would be a great concept but again i know nothing of the actual development aspect and the massive amount of work that it may take but none the less hope to see it come to pass b:pleased
if for any reason there is anything anyone would like to ask simply email me DracoDragon1111@aol.com <~~~ is the one that actually gets checked
Post edited by DeadGame - Archosaur on
nice waste of time. The devs don't read/consider anything posted in these forums.Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
[SIGPIC]http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=684hgk&s=5[/SIGPIC]0 -
it would be great if the land that is already here be divided up into provinces for smaller guilds to own. the TW system does need some reworking. as it is now, it ensures that insanely strong guild get even stronger due to the cash they have. it's an unfair cycle were the strong keep getting stronger.
TW should be set in a way where several guilds can attack several lands at the same time( never been in TW but i'm told that's how it's set up. correct me if i'm wrong) if a guild can have all the land then they damn well better have the capabilities to defend it all.
the addition of alliances would also help. but bah what's the point of me even posting here? it's not like the devs would actually consider this>_>0 -
What would really be more like real life and force guilds to make difficult decisions is if all the territory wars were held at the same time. In RL, if someone wanted to rule the world they would not be able to schedule 80 people to defend each territory sequentially, they would have to fight everyone all at once.
If the TW were held all at the same time, no single faction could possibly control the whole map, and many smaller guilds would have the opportunity to hold land, at least for a short time. Guilds would have to prioritize which lands to defend and which lands to give up. No single faction would be receiving a huge weekly stipend just because they control the whole map, giving them an unfair advantage over everyone else. TW would become a major part of PW and the cash/coin flow of defending and attacking would be huge. As it is now, few mid-size factions would risk the coin to go against one of the heavyweights that control the whole map, but they would against another mid-size faction.
Not sure if the servers could handle the load, and during TW the rest of PW would get pretty quiet, but it would be a huge weekly event that would attract a lot of people.
So if you want to return TW to a prominent place in game play, the easiest way is to just make all the TWs conducted at the same time. Not much in the way of programming required!0 -
What would really be more like real life and force guilds to make difficult decisions is if all the territory wars were held at the same time. In RL, if someone wanted to rule the world they would not be able to schedule 80 people to defend each territory sequentially, they would have to fight everyone all at once.
If the TW were held all at the same time, no single faction could possibly control the whole map, and many smaller guilds would have the opportunity to hold land, at least for a short time. Guilds would have to prioritize which lands to defend and which lands to give up. No single faction would be receiving a huge weekly stipend just because they control the whole map, giving them an unfair advantage over everyone else. TW would become a major part of PW and the cash/coin flow of defending and attacking would be huge. As it is now, few mid-size factions would risk the coin to go against one of the heavyweights that control the whole map, but they would against another mid-size faction.
Not sure if the servers could handle the load, and during TW the rest of PW would get pretty quiet, but it would be a huge weekly event that would attract a lot of people.
So if you want to return TW to a prominent place in game play, the easiest way is to just make all the TWs conducted at the same time. Not much in the way of programming required!Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle0 -
exactly. with the coin they get they can have to top end gear, making beating them rather difficult. the guilds who have all the land offen have quite a few players with narvina gear, weather or not they get these gears by buying the mats or by banding together and making runs i don't know.
if guild bases need tons of coin and resources to be made, this will once again, swing things in their favor. it would suck if only a handful of guilds can buy bases. (assuming they arn't free)0
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