World Boss Guide

Clergywoman - Raging Tide
Posts: 262 Arc User
hello qqme and now pwi forums,
we didn't have a worldboss guide, so i made one...
and since this guide has been stolen and posted on ******* forums i decided to make it public b:surrender
version 1.08
strategies were ment for qqme squads, meaning high lvl and kinda op. most bosses are "soloable" aka 1dd+1cleric/charm. some are venoable, meaning one veno is enough. with lower level and worse equipped squads it is mostly recommended to bring a second cleric to additionally heal the tank/squad and purify.
green: easy
yellow: don't go afk
red:you will die
respawn time of bosses = 24 h
this guide is not done yet, but you can help improving it by giving
-class specific remarks
-providing the timings of specific boss attacks/debuffs
-of course by correcting possible mistakes i made
-and last but not least... spelling
Shadow Doll @ 659 524 east of sanctuary
decrease attack rate
aoe interrupt
aoe lifeleach (only animation, no effect)
blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and damage dealer/tank can kill boss unhurriedly.
remarks for clerics:
he tends to interrupt bb very rarely, so make sure to have full chi before you start.
soul hunter @ 658 434 south of forest runins (the jungle event place)
aoe channeling slowed
aoe aecreased attack rate
aoe maximum hp decreased
after 20 minutes:
aoe stun
blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and damage dealer/tank can kill boss unhurriedly. soloable by ranged classes, since he does 0 ranged damage.
remarks for clerics:
if you really are not going to make it within 20min (i highly doubt it) some bloodpaint dependent players might die, even the tank, since you are going to be stunned too. protip: vacuity powder (apoth)/adrenaline surge(genie) or, just in case you will have to res someone, purify yourself just before you get stunned. in other words purifiy has to channel already when you are stunned, timig is of the essence.
hornska lord @ 653 390 north of dreamweaver
increased physical attack
close range aoe stun
close ranged physical aoe attack
blue bubble (regeneration aura) at ~max range to damage dealer/tank. else his close aoe stun will interrupt bb!
remarks for clerics:
if you don't know the max range of your bb, set it up before you start and let a squadmember stand at max range of bb. then the luring player has to pull the boss to the player that is standing on the edge of bb range. now everyone can kill the boss safely without the risk of bb being interrupted.
auprus: ton @ 151 340 south west on the map in the land of the burried bones
aoe range manadrain
frontal stun (on secondary aggro holder)
frontal increased damage taken (on secondary aggro holder)
blue bubble (regeneration aura) and damage dealer/tank can kill it unhurriedly.
remarks for clerics:
if you don't like to waste some additonal manaherbs/pots due to manadrain, it is of course possible to heal the tank in the ordinary way, provided the dd's won't die as soon as they steal aggro, in that case a 2nd cleric to purify your manadrain druning bb will do the trick.
auprus: ton has a frontal stun vs the secondary aggroholder, so if there are just the two of you, make sure to set blue bubble (regeneration aura) behind boss! (healaggro in this case)
alphaleus @ 162 427 south wes on map in the deserted sea
frontal physical aoe attack
blue bubble (regeneration aura) behind boss and damage dealer/tank can kill it unhurriedly.
minion of death @ 172 787 north-east of brimstone
frontal increased damage taken
he hits really HARD, blue bubble (regeneration aura) is a must. if barb is not op or you don't have a barb, you will need a second cleric to heal additionally and purify aggroholder.
ancient spearman @ 252 755 southeast of 1kstreams
metal damage over time
close range decreased accuracy
close range earth damage over time
close range manaburn
cleric has to heal/purify from max range.
machinoslitt @ 236 867 west of 1kstreams
aoe water resistance decreased
aoe water attack surrounding aggroholder, not boss.
cleric has to heal/purify aoe heal from max range.
cerberean sentinel @ 159 976 near eden
very HARD mid range aoe that will 1shot most
decreased physical defense
decreased magical defense
aoe stun
since he debuffs and hits REALLY hard a blue bubble (regeneration aura) just outside of his aoe range is highly recommended. else non barbs will be killed by his aoe. bb will be interrupted by his stun from time to time, so the DD/Tank at the boss should use skills or genie (Absolute Domain e.g.) to stay alive till new BB is set up. a second cleric makes this a lot easier.
if you stick to ih & purify tank at max range, the other close range DD are likely to die. so the easy going squad would be: a good tank, a cleric and ranged classes.
remarks for venos and wizards:
don't even try. he hates venos and wizards! he will go after you merciless and kill you over and over again. i am NOT joking!
watcher of chasm @ 289 963 east of eden
increased physical defense on himself
manadrain on aggroholder
aoe wood damage over time
aoe physical attack
blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and damage dealer/tank can kill boss unhurriedly.
mystery of antiquity @ 314 955 east of watcher of chasm
seal,aggroholder can't use any attacks or skills
aoe water resistance decreased
aoe attack (interrupts bb)
cleric has to heal and purify aggroholding player and aoe heal from time to time.
remarks for clerics:
if you feel lazy you can bring a second cleric and take turns in setting up bb.
protip: if you have a potential aggro-stealing DD in squad, that is squishy and is to fail to control his/her damage:
do as the boss does, expell the potential aggrostealer from time to time
cenminator @ 639 868 way east of etherblade on the beach
frontal manaburn
frontal decreased accuracy
frontal decrease attack rate
if he kills someone he will regain 5% or 1m hp not sure
since this is a low lvl area i advise to move him away from beach, the bridge to the west seems nice, else some low lvl ppl might wann join and get 1shotted, and thereby refilling his hp
clerc is to set up blue bubble (regeneration aura) behind boss so damage dealer/tank. any dd that might steal aggro from tank should not be on bb side! if he turns to bb: risk of wipe !
sword tamer @ 480 570 at heavens tear
aoe wood damage over time
increased Channeling speed
aoe chiburn
blue bubble (regeneration aura) behind boss and damage dealer/tank can kill it unhurriedly.
remark for archers:
you are safe from his chiburn at max bow range.
dipter @ 440 752 east of archosaur
aoe manadrain
random aggro
heal the tank from max range, since BB will be interrupted eventually. by random aggo i mean 99% of the time cleric, so keep your plumeshell and other def skills up he might tick your charm...or kill you if you are squishy
broadkris drudge @ 438 471 below lunar
increased damage taken
close range manadrain
close range daecreased attack rate
close range channeling slowed
close range bleed
aoe physical attack
cleric has to heal and purify barb, and aoe heal close range DD. if sin takes aggro.. sin dies, if bm takes aggro he can tank, till he gets debuffed. if you dont have a barb, then a bm can tank it with 2 clerics, one sage purifies only the ohter heals. yes he is that bad :P
sonic oppressor @ 553 437
random aggro, even at people not in squad (VERY VERY HARD)
physical aoe (VERY VERY HARD)
blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and barb can kill boss unhurriedly....the catch? you'll have to be able to survie his 10k+ random aggro and his 10k+ aoe hits. def charms are your friends! you will still need backup cleric(s), since squishes (assassins with less then 11k hp are to be called squishy in this case
) will die. also the backup cleric(s) can take over bb jic BB-cleric will be killed.
still not really worth the effort
rottenflesh @ 367 473 in old heavens tear
bramble hood
aoe earth damage over time
random earth damage over time
clerc is to set up blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and damage dealer/tank can kill unhurriedly. depending on hp of the tanking player and power of the bb, a secondary cleric might be necessary to supoort heal / purify.
warning: do not play aggro ping pong on him, each time u get aggro you ll get new dot, if you are unlucky you will have random dot, aoe dot, 2x aggro dot, be low on helth and inbetween bb heals -> r.i.p.
poleaxe deathrider @ 345 459 in old heavens tear
aoe decreased attack rate
a physical aoe
when he has less than 50% hp:
aoe manaburn
his manaburn eats mana in no time, hence a second cleric is advisable, even if you call sage purify your own. first cleric has to heal tank and purfy squad from max range, while second cleric has to purify/heal first cleric out of manaburn-range.
cloudstroller @ 334 596 in oht2 (unicorn forest)
aoe fire resistance decreased
aoe bleed
aoe channeling slowed
aoe daecreased attack rate
fire aoe
physical aoe
random aggro (favors clerics, especially those in bb)
cleric has to heal, purify, and aoe heal. blue bubble (regeneration aura) not stable
ossein lord: flame @ 365 610 in oht2 (unicorn forest)
aoe maximum hp decreased
decreased physical defense to 0
physical aoe (immediately after his decreased physical defense)
cleric has to heal tank / aoe heal.
remark for clerics:
keep your defense up all the time, since pdef will be decreased to 0 right before aoe. sqaud can help by sparking to purify themselfs, since even lvl 11 purify takes some time.
ossein lord: venom @ 421 570 in oht3 (valley of the scarred)
metal damage over time
decreased evasion
aoe fire dmg
clerc is to set up blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and damage dealer/tank can kill unhurriedly. depending on hp of the tanking player and power of the bb, a secondary cleric might be necessary to supoort heal / purify.
earthen hulk @ 476 623 in oht3 (valley of the scarred)
when he has less than 50% hp:
aoe stun
aoe maximum hp decreased
a random multi-sleep
clerc has just to heal and purify when not slept/stunned.
frostagelion type-0 @ 477 476 in oht4 (moonshade desert)
wood damage over time
aoe water resistance decreased
aoe water attack (interrupts bb)
cleric has to heal tank and aoe-heal after boss-aoe.
hellgate watchdog @ 462 521 in oht4 (moonshade desert)
close range manadrain (only the animation,has not effect)
fire attack
aoe mag attack (interrupts bb)
cleric has to heal tank and aoe heal, if needed.
pwi wiki
but mainly
fixed some icons
added soul hunter strategy
added remarks for wizards at cerberean sentinel
added cloudstroller info
updated minion of death strategy
update drudge broadkris drudge
update dipter
updated frostagelion type-0
updated earthen hulk
added remarks for clerics at mystery of antiquity
added poleaxe deathrider info
updated cloudstroller info
added sonic opressor info
minor localization changes!
updated auprus: ton strategy
updated machinoslitt info
updated soul hunter strategy
uptated cerberean sentinel
updated cenminator strategy
added remarks at sword tamer
updated dipter strategy
updated ossein lord: flame info
updated ossein lord: venom incon
minor localization changes!
updated ossein lord: flame info
updated hellgate watchdog info
updated frostagelion type-0 info
updated sonic opressor strategy
minor localization changes!
removed icons from guide since max imgages per post are 4 on pwi forums QQ
posted on pwi-forums since guide has been stolen and posted on ****** forums
we didn't have a worldboss guide, so i made one...
and since this guide has been stolen and posted on ******* forums i decided to make it public b:surrender
version 1.08
strategies were ment for qqme squads, meaning high lvl and kinda op. most bosses are "soloable" aka 1dd+1cleric/charm. some are venoable, meaning one veno is enough. with lower level and worse equipped squads it is mostly recommended to bring a second cleric to additionally heal the tank/squad and purify.
green: easy
yellow: don't go afk
red:you will die
respawn time of bosses = 24 h
this guide is not done yet, but you can help improving it by giving
-class specific remarks
-providing the timings of specific boss attacks/debuffs
-of course by correcting possible mistakes i made
-and last but not least... spelling

Shadow Doll @ 659 524 east of sanctuary
decrease attack rate
aoe interrupt
aoe lifeleach (only animation, no effect)
blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and damage dealer/tank can kill boss unhurriedly.
remarks for clerics:
he tends to interrupt bb very rarely, so make sure to have full chi before you start.
soul hunter @ 658 434 south of forest runins (the jungle event place)
aoe channeling slowed
aoe aecreased attack rate
aoe maximum hp decreased
after 20 minutes:
aoe stun
blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and damage dealer/tank can kill boss unhurriedly. soloable by ranged classes, since he does 0 ranged damage.
remarks for clerics:
if you really are not going to make it within 20min (i highly doubt it) some bloodpaint dependent players might die, even the tank, since you are going to be stunned too. protip: vacuity powder (apoth)/adrenaline surge(genie) or, just in case you will have to res someone, purify yourself just before you get stunned. in other words purifiy has to channel already when you are stunned, timig is of the essence.
hornska lord @ 653 390 north of dreamweaver
increased physical attack
close range aoe stun
close ranged physical aoe attack
blue bubble (regeneration aura) at ~max range to damage dealer/tank. else his close aoe stun will interrupt bb!
remarks for clerics:
if you don't know the max range of your bb, set it up before you start and let a squadmember stand at max range of bb. then the luring player has to pull the boss to the player that is standing on the edge of bb range. now everyone can kill the boss safely without the risk of bb being interrupted.
auprus: ton @ 151 340 south west on the map in the land of the burried bones
aoe range manadrain
frontal stun (on secondary aggro holder)
frontal increased damage taken (on secondary aggro holder)
blue bubble (regeneration aura) and damage dealer/tank can kill it unhurriedly.
remarks for clerics:
if you don't like to waste some additonal manaherbs/pots due to manadrain, it is of course possible to heal the tank in the ordinary way, provided the dd's won't die as soon as they steal aggro, in that case a 2nd cleric to purify your manadrain druning bb will do the trick.
auprus: ton has a frontal stun vs the secondary aggroholder, so if there are just the two of you, make sure to set blue bubble (regeneration aura) behind boss! (healaggro in this case)
alphaleus @ 162 427 south wes on map in the deserted sea
frontal physical aoe attack
blue bubble (regeneration aura) behind boss and damage dealer/tank can kill it unhurriedly.
minion of death @ 172 787 north-east of brimstone
frontal increased damage taken
he hits really HARD, blue bubble (regeneration aura) is a must. if barb is not op or you don't have a barb, you will need a second cleric to heal additionally and purify aggroholder.
ancient spearman @ 252 755 southeast of 1kstreams
metal damage over time
close range decreased accuracy
close range earth damage over time
close range manaburn
cleric has to heal/purify from max range.
machinoslitt @ 236 867 west of 1kstreams

aoe water attack surrounding aggroholder, not boss.
cleric has to heal/purify aoe heal from max range.
cerberean sentinel @ 159 976 near eden
very HARD mid range aoe that will 1shot most
decreased physical defense
decreased magical defense
aoe stun
since he debuffs and hits REALLY hard a blue bubble (regeneration aura) just outside of his aoe range is highly recommended. else non barbs will be killed by his aoe. bb will be interrupted by his stun from time to time, so the DD/Tank at the boss should use skills or genie (Absolute Domain e.g.) to stay alive till new BB is set up. a second cleric makes this a lot easier.
if you stick to ih & purify tank at max range, the other close range DD are likely to die. so the easy going squad would be: a good tank, a cleric and ranged classes.
remarks for venos and wizards:
don't even try. he hates venos and wizards! he will go after you merciless and kill you over and over again. i am NOT joking!
watcher of chasm @ 289 963 east of eden
increased physical defense on himself
manadrain on aggroholder
aoe wood damage over time
aoe physical attack
blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and damage dealer/tank can kill boss unhurriedly.
mystery of antiquity @ 314 955 east of watcher of chasm

seal,aggroholder can't use any attacks or skills
aoe water resistance decreased
aoe attack (interrupts bb)
cleric has to heal and purify aggroholding player and aoe heal from time to time.
remarks for clerics:
if you feel lazy you can bring a second cleric and take turns in setting up bb.
protip: if you have a potential aggro-stealing DD in squad, that is squishy and is to fail to control his/her damage:
do as the boss does, expell the potential aggrostealer from time to time

cenminator @ 639 868 way east of etherblade on the beach
frontal manaburn
frontal decreased accuracy
frontal decrease attack rate
if he kills someone he will regain 5% or 1m hp not sure
since this is a low lvl area i advise to move him away from beach, the bridge to the west seems nice, else some low lvl ppl might wann join and get 1shotted, and thereby refilling his hp

clerc is to set up blue bubble (regeneration aura) behind boss so damage dealer/tank. any dd that might steal aggro from tank should not be on bb side! if he turns to bb: risk of wipe !
sword tamer @ 480 570 at heavens tear
aoe wood damage over time
increased Channeling speed
aoe chiburn
blue bubble (regeneration aura) behind boss and damage dealer/tank can kill it unhurriedly.
remark for archers:
you are safe from his chiburn at max bow range.
dipter @ 440 752 east of archosaur
aoe manadrain
random aggro
heal the tank from max range, since BB will be interrupted eventually. by random aggo i mean 99% of the time cleric, so keep your plumeshell and other def skills up he might tick your charm...or kill you if you are squishy

broadkris drudge @ 438 471 below lunar
increased damage taken
close range manadrain
close range daecreased attack rate
close range channeling slowed
close range bleed
aoe physical attack
cleric has to heal and purify barb, and aoe heal close range DD. if sin takes aggro.. sin dies, if bm takes aggro he can tank, till he gets debuffed. if you dont have a barb, then a bm can tank it with 2 clerics, one sage purifies only the ohter heals. yes he is that bad :P
sonic oppressor @ 553 437
random aggro, even at people not in squad (VERY VERY HARD)
physical aoe (VERY VERY HARD)
blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and barb can kill boss unhurriedly....the catch? you'll have to be able to survie his 10k+ random aggro and his 10k+ aoe hits. def charms are your friends! you will still need backup cleric(s), since squishes (assassins with less then 11k hp are to be called squishy in this case

still not really worth the effort
rottenflesh @ 367 473 in old heavens tear
bramble hood
aoe earth damage over time
random earth damage over time
clerc is to set up blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and damage dealer/tank can kill unhurriedly. depending on hp of the tanking player and power of the bb, a secondary cleric might be necessary to supoort heal / purify.
warning: do not play aggro ping pong on him, each time u get aggro you ll get new dot, if you are unlucky you will have random dot, aoe dot, 2x aggro dot, be low on helth and inbetween bb heals -> r.i.p.
poleaxe deathrider @ 345 459 in old heavens tear
aoe decreased attack rate
a physical aoe
when he has less than 50% hp:
aoe manaburn
his manaburn eats mana in no time, hence a second cleric is advisable, even if you call sage purify your own. first cleric has to heal tank and purfy squad from max range, while second cleric has to purify/heal first cleric out of manaburn-range.
cloudstroller @ 334 596 in oht2 (unicorn forest)
aoe fire resistance decreased
aoe bleed
aoe channeling slowed
aoe daecreased attack rate
fire aoe
physical aoe
random aggro (favors clerics, especially those in bb)
cleric has to heal, purify, and aoe heal. blue bubble (regeneration aura) not stable
ossein lord: flame @ 365 610 in oht2 (unicorn forest)
aoe maximum hp decreased
decreased physical defense to 0
physical aoe (immediately after his decreased physical defense)
cleric has to heal tank / aoe heal.
remark for clerics:
keep your defense up all the time, since pdef will be decreased to 0 right before aoe. sqaud can help by sparking to purify themselfs, since even lvl 11 purify takes some time.
ossein lord: venom @ 421 570 in oht3 (valley of the scarred)
metal damage over time

aoe fire dmg
clerc is to set up blue bubble (regeneration aura) anywhere and damage dealer/tank can kill unhurriedly. depending on hp of the tanking player and power of the bb, a secondary cleric might be necessary to supoort heal / purify.
earthen hulk @ 476 623 in oht3 (valley of the scarred)
when he has less than 50% hp:
aoe stun
aoe maximum hp decreased
a random multi-sleep
clerc has just to heal and purify when not slept/stunned.
frostagelion type-0 @ 477 476 in oht4 (moonshade desert)
wood damage over time
aoe water resistance decreased
aoe water attack (interrupts bb)
cleric has to heal tank and aoe-heal after boss-aoe.
hellgate watchdog @ 462 521 in oht4 (moonshade desert)
close range manadrain (only the animation,has not effect)
fire attack
aoe mag attack (interrupts bb)
cleric has to heal tank and aoe heal, if needed.
pwi wiki
but mainly
fixed some icons
added soul hunter strategy
added remarks for wizards at cerberean sentinel
added cloudstroller info
updated minion of death strategy
update drudge broadkris drudge
update dipter
updated frostagelion type-0
updated earthen hulk
added remarks for clerics at mystery of antiquity
added poleaxe deathrider info
updated cloudstroller info
added sonic opressor info
minor localization changes!
updated auprus: ton strategy
updated machinoslitt info
updated soul hunter strategy
uptated cerberean sentinel
updated cenminator strategy
added remarks at sword tamer
updated dipter strategy
updated ossein lord: flame info
updated ossein lord: venom incon
minor localization changes!
updated ossein lord: flame info
updated hellgate watchdog info
updated frostagelion type-0 info
updated sonic opressor strategy
minor localization changes!
removed icons from guide since max imgages per post are 4 on pwi forums QQ
posted on pwi-forums since guide has been stolen and posted on ****** forums
gear and genies:
pan gu loves cash shoppers as much as he loathes pure farmers. that's why he cursed me with the lowest luck-index possible. my weapon needed 21 recasts for those meh adds, and the r9 ring refine ate over 10k mirages before i capitulated and orbed it from 0 to +11. you won this time pan gu! b:sad
pan gu loves cash shoppers as much as he loathes pure farmers. that's why he cursed me with the lowest luck-index possible. my weapon needed 21 recasts for those meh adds, and the r9 ring refine ate over 10k mirages before i capitulated and orbed it from 0 to +11. you won this time pan gu! b:sad
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