Silvy's Signature Shack



  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thanks, and you're welcome.
  • Dre/mnSS - Heavens Tear35
    Dre/mnSS - Heavens Tear35 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The signatures that you made are so creative and prettyy. Does it takes long to make those signatures?
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hi there! First of, thank you ^_^

    About your question... hmm, it took me longer to make them in the past I think; nowadays it shouldn't take longer than 30-60 minutes; but it's depending on several factors.
    The time-frame between the time I post that I'm working on the request and the point where I edit said post mostly indicate how long it takes me to make one; though lately I haven't been finishing signatures in one session but worked on them over the whole day.

    I'll have to watch the clock the next time I work on a signature I guess... b:chuckle
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hi Silvy,

    Still here? Thank goodness. I do not think I can go elsewhere for a sig now - lol

    Hope you are well and wanted to ask if you could do me another one please? The writing to be (this time the quote is smaller - lol)

    Faction: Leviathan (The faction icon is in the first pic...will be nice if you can get that in too but not if you have too many challenges with it)

    Name: Bri

    Quote: From the Desolate Inside

    The pics are below and hope they are ok. Would like craggie to be in there but if you feel it is better without him then leave him out.

    Other than that the background to be dark and foreboding (red and black if you can)

    Thank you so much.....I still love the one you did for me and King...and so does he.






    Thankies xxx
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Heya Briar!

    Yep, still here and alive, though the heat's killing me slowly... b:chuckle

    Will work on your signature over the day, am rendering the images at the moment.
    Nice iro btw xD
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Heya Briar!

    Yep, still here and alive, though the heat's killing me slowly... b:chuckle

    Will work on your signature over the day, am rendering the images at the moment.
    Nice iro btw xD

    Thank you for the compliment b:chuckle and wish I could say the heat is killing in Australia and it has been a cooollld winter for me :(. I am a summer baby. Cannot wait for the warmer weather to come already...
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Let's trade then, I prefer colder weather overall xD

    Finished rendering the images by the way, any chance you could pass me a higher resolution picture of the faction icon or direct me to where I can see it more clearly?
    I only found the favicon of your guild's forum but I'm not sure if that's the same as the one in game :o
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Let's trade then, I prefer colder weather overall xD

    Finished rendering the images by the way, any chance you could pass me a higher resolution picture of the faction icon or direct me to where I can see it more clearly?
    I only found the favicon of your guild's forum but I'm not sure if that's the same as the one in game :o

    Ok deal..will swap the weather :)

    hmmm best I can do (have looked, even on our site - lol) is what I have already supplied. If you cannot use the logo not to worry...all is good :)
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Alright, no worries then, I'll create an emblem for the faction name then instead of using the icon. =)
  • LilShine - Raging Tide
    LilShine - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Heya Silvy b:cute,

    i wanted to request a signature again, because i changed my venos look. x)

    Writing: Name: LilShine
    Server: Raging Tide
    Quote: "A little light in the darkest place"

    Theme: not sure what could match x.x maybe like my other sig, since i liked the theme :D
    Colours: blue and violet
    Additional: -

    Ty b:cuteb:thanks
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Alright, no worries then, I'll create an emblem for the faction name then instead of using the icon. =)

    Ok np :). I might be asking our leader for pics and stuff to ask if you can do one for him..he needs a sig as his last one has been relegated to the sig heaven in the was too old b:cute
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    Hey there! Been a while, huh? Your old signature is almost prehistoric... b:chuckle
    Hah, back then I used to use soften on every render... x'D
    Will work on your request in the next few days >:3
    And your veno looks pretty with that eye-shadow, rarely see it in game :D

    Sure thing! That means I've to stop slacking off though D; *grins*

    Picking up my work from yesterday now b:avoid
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    No idea what is up but I am posting and my post is not showing up - lol

    Hope this one does xxx

    *phew* posted this time..ok *waits patiently* :)
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Alright, I'm done!

    Can't pinpoint what it is, but something bugs me, I'll have to figure it out later unless you like the signature as it is. :P


    Challenging to adjust the head in a way the hairstyle can be seen too without neglecting my composition rules b:chuckle

    Hope you like it nevertheless! =D
    (And if you want me to change anything, feel free to tell me)

    Gonna render LilShine's images now~
  • LilShine - Raging Tide
    LilShine - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    Yeah it's been really a while b:chuckle
    Cool, take your time Silvy b:cute
    Ty I love the eyeshadow a lot b:dirty
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Alright, I'm done!

    Can't pinpoint what it is, but something bugs me, I'll have to figure it out later unless you like the signature as it is. :P


    Challenging to adjust the head in a way the hairstyle can be seen too without neglecting my composition rules b:chuckle

    Hope you like it nevertheless! =D
    (And if you want me to change anything, feel free to tell me)

    Gonna render LilShine's images now~

    OMG IT IS AWESOME!!! I love how you continue to exceed the way I think you will do it. So much better than I pictired it would be.....I luuuurveee it!

    Thank you so much. It is absolutely perfect!

    OMG it is beautiful. Thank you so much. Dob't change anything b:kissb:kissb:kiss
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Haha, glad you're happy with it xD
    And thank you! *takes a bow*

    Back to rendering ;..;
    ... and fanning, lots of fanning x_x'
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Haha, glad you're happy with it xD
    And thank you! *takes a bow*

    Back to rendering ;..;
    ... and fanning, lots of fanning x_x'

    Jumps over the help fan..least I can do b:laughb:chuckle
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Silvy, that sig fits the temperature xD All hot and burning~ *goes back to lying in the shadow, melting*

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well, that was my intention afterall :o

    Aye, gonna work on LilShine's signature now!


    Here I am, not even the sun preventing me from doing my work! >:O


    Today's been less hot though, with a gentle breeze now and then n.n

    Is the signature alright like that?
  • LilShine - Raging Tide
    LilShine - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well, that was my intention afterall :o

    Aye, gonna work on LilShine's signature now!


    Here I am, not even the sun preventing me from doing my work! >:O


    Today's been less hot though, with a gentle breeze now and then n.n

    Is the signature alright like that?

    b:dirty It's awesome!!
    Ty so much Silvy b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Any time! >:D

    Thanks for requesting :3
  • Odinna - Dreamweaver
    Odinna - Dreamweaver Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hi Silvy

    Do you have some time to make a sig for me? please b:cute
    I'll send you some links of possible backgrounds and photos of my toons, Okitas is my mystic and Odinna my cleric, both are so cute and really like to be helpfull. I love blossom and cherry trees thats why I want some pink in the background b:dirty

    Background Ideas

    Sky with hearts and rainbow
    Sky with hearts and rainbow 2
    Lake 2


    Okitas 1
    Okitas with genie

    Odinna 1
    Odinna 2
    Odinna 3

    Thank you so much I like your work and hope you enjoy with my ladies b:chuckle
    Thank You so much Silvy for the sig! b:pleased
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    Hi there! Sure, will work on your signature today!
    I'll see with what I can up with, count some sakura petals in b:chuckle

    And the first screenshot of Sanctuary you presented me has basically the same view as a wallpaper I made some months ago xD

    'nother thing, should I put both names on the signature? Or should I make two separate signatures perhaps?

    Nuuuh, not the copy cat challenge please... :P
    But if you're bored... why don't you host some competition? ;o
    I'd even be willing to help out with stuff^^
  • Odinna - Dreamweaver
    Odinna - Dreamweaver Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thank you ^.^
    and mmmm maybe both names or just my main Odinna ( Odi )
    Thank You so much Silvy for the sig! b:pleased
  • MikoTenshi - Sanctuary
    MikoTenshi - Sanctuary Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Nuhh I too lazy, sides I'm not creative enough to make competitions. b:surrender
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Tch, as if :P
    Everyone can be creative!

    Anyways, here's your signature Odinna!
    I actually didn't intend to use a screenshot as background o_o
    ... it just happened D;
    (And yes, I didn't use yours b:chuckle)

    With only one name (preposterous lie, it contains both names, just the 'Okita' ain't really visible)

    Both names:

    Tell me if I screwed up, I can redo it if you don't like it^^
  • Odinna - Dreamweaver
    Odinna - Dreamweaver Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    b:pleased I like it b:pleased
    Is a little symmetric, but looks great!
    And my backgrounds wasnt to be used ^.^ I just made them to give you one idea of what I like xD

    Thanks you so much Silvy b:kiss
    Thank You so much Silvy for the sig! b:pleased
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The symmetry was intended, cause no character should come too short as their personalities are quite similar :P

    And you're welcome =D

    /slaps head

    I accidentally posted the version with both names twice ._.
    Fixed it now.
  • MikoTenshi - Sanctuary
    MikoTenshi - Sanctuary Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Silvyyy can you please make me a surprise siggy for another forum? 300x500 b:pleased
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3