Silvy's Signature Shack



  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Thanks a lot guys!

    And yeah, was a sort of relaxed day... like usual cept I received some presents, lol.

    Perfect! I'll start right away *shuffles up imaginary sleeves*


    And it's done! Didn't work on the signature the whole time though *chuckles*
    Hope you like it!


    And it was my intention to make the quote a little tricky to read... gives it some 'dreamy' not tangible touch. :>
  • Shizunne - Heavens Tear
    Shizunne - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,277 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    And it's done! Didn't work on the signature the whole time though *chuckles*
    Hope you like it!


    And it was my intention to make the quote a little tricky to read... gives it some 'dreamy' not tangible touch. :>
    oh mai god i absolutely love it!!! b:thanks i luv how u used colors, quote (i like that trick ;D) and everything!! i'm very very happy with it :D i hope u enjoyed working with it b:shy x.x i want it very very much :3 b:heart
    ~Thank you very much for amazing siggy, Silvy!~
    I'm an angel! Honestly!
    These horns are just there to keep the halo up straight.. (っ◠‿◠)っ ♥
    (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ ♥ I luv Kossie
    There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva. ♬♪♫ ヾ(*◕‿◕)ノ ♬♪♫
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Glad you like it. =)
    And indeed, was a pleasure to work on it n.n
  • DarkMystica - Sanctuary
    DarkMystica - Sanctuary Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    *ninja's* Happy belated B-day Silvy! <3

    Can you make me a new signy? ^^
    You can do w/e you want, cept i want this quote in: "Tonight Eternity is an open door."

    I edit post later for pics *uploading*

    Ty <3 x3


    Ty Silvy ^^

    If time's a song, I won't wait for its reprise,
    I am done wishing farewells and goodbyes...
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hey, thanks!

    And sure I can.


    Mhh, picked some. Let's see what I can make of it tomorrow... or later, depends. ;o

    2nd EDIT:
    I'm a bit bored right now... and played around with one of your screenshots... :P
    Hope you don't mind. I'll work on the real thing tomorrow. xD


    I'd like something like that as signature for myself... ;..;
  • DarkMystica - Sanctuary
    DarkMystica - Sanctuary Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    b:cool Vampireish!

    Ty Silvy ^^

    If time's a song, I won't wait for its reprise,
    I am done wishing farewells and goodbyes...
  • Djjiinn - Sanctuary
    Djjiinn - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ow sh*t thats freakin awesome o.o

    *jelly hubby right here xD*
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Alright working on the real signature now... while doing my dailies n stuff.


    Done. I didn't put your name on it, 'cause I felt it wouldn't be right together with such a quote.


    Hope you like it!
  • DarkMystica - Sanctuary
    DarkMystica - Sanctuary Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I like it ^^

    Now, after long day at work, study time Q.Q

    Thank you ^^//

    Ty Silvy ^^

    If time's a song, I won't wait for its reprise,
    I am done wishing farewells and goodbyes...
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    No problem.

    And have fun with studying. ^^
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hi Silvy,

    Please can you do one for my veno? Take your rush on this one. Other than the pics the writing is my name "Raevvenn" and the server name "Raging Tide". If the background can be something dark and foreboding. Also can you put this quote in the sig: “Come, the croaking raven doth bellow for revenge.”






    Let me know if there is anything else you need. Oh and take your is all good for me and worth a wait.

    Take care.
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Heya Briar!

    Sure I'll work on it over the day. b:chuckle
    I've to say, that raven silhouette looks really epic *_*
    Won't be able to fit the nix and the herc on the sig though sadly (due to space problems I can already predict :P).

    This will be fun ;..;
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Heya Briar!

    Sure I'll work on it over the day. b:chuckle
    I've to say, that raven silhouette looks really epic *_*
    Won't be able to fit the nix and the herc on the sig though sadly (due to space problems I can already predict :P).

    This will be fun ;..;

    yay yay yay! Thank you.

    Oh and not to worry about the Herc and Nix...the Raven is the important one :)

    Thank you hun b:dirty
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • AshenSkies - Heavens Tear
    AshenSkies - Heavens Tear Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hi Silvy!

    I would love like...2 more signatures with NO RESTRICTIONS ON YOU!

    Well...of course there are the names:

    Character 1:

    Name: AshenSkies
    Guild: Synesis

    Character 2:

    Name: High_Lord
    Guild: Heatweave(don't put that in the siggy, just use it as a basis for the colour scheme?

    I would love it if you did 2 more xD

    Of course it's up to you and your VERY good creative umm...brain? Not sure what word to use...

    Thank you so much if you decide to take it on, I know I have requested heaps :P

    Goin' for mah own foldahh!
    Thank you Silvychar for my siggy :)
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Cheers, Shattered!
    'course I'll work on 'em signatures :P

    How many signatures are left for your own folder again? Sort of lost track and too lazy to count them in the sea of signatures I possess xD

    /finishes rendering Briar's veno :D


    Aaaaand the dark deed is done.
    Pray tell, fair hero, is it to your liking?


    2nd EDIT:
    Looking for some inspiration regarding Shattered's signatures...
    Guess it's time for a thorough investigation! *puts imaginary hat and trenchcoat on*

    3rd EDIT:
    My, my... this is a hell of a request, 'onestly. Hardest one EVER I daresay.
    I'll work on proper signatures tomorrow; but it'd be really sweet if you could give me some hints or guidelines for your wizard.

    I've made one signature for fun; 99% self-made this time only. xD
    I used a photograph I took in Lido di Jesolo once... Good thing I didn't just take shots of random animals... *chuckles*

    Did you know it's sort of hard to write with a graphic tablet pen? ._.
    Tried to write in a more readable manner >:D


    Enough talking now I suppose... ;o
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    /finishes rendering Briar's veno :D


    Aaaaand the dark deed is done.
    Pray tell, fair hero, is it to your liking?


    WOW Fantastic Job! Really well done. So much so I wish my veno was my main. Thank you so much it!

    It is perfect....just perfect! b:pleased
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • AshenSkies - Heavens Tear
    AshenSkies - Heavens Tear Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Cheers, Shattered!
    'course I'll work on 'em signatures :P

    How many signatures are left for your own folder again? Sort of lost track and too lazy to count them in the sea of signatures I possess xD

    /finishes rendering Briar's veno :D


    Aaaaand the dark deed is done.
    Pray tell, fair hero, is it to your liking?


    2nd EDIT:
    Looking for some inspiration regarding Shattered's signatures...
    Guess it's time for a thorough investigation! *puts imaginary hat and trenchcoat on*

    3rd EDIT:
    My, my... this is a hell of a request, 'onestly. Hardest one EVER I daresay.
    I'll work on proper signatures tomorrow; but it'd be really sweet if you could give me some hints or guidelines for your wizard.

    I've made one signature for fun; 99% self-made this time only. xD
    I used a photograph I took in Lido di Jesolo once... Good thing I didn't just take shots of random animals... *chuckles*

    Did you know it's sort of hard to write with a graphic tablet pen? ._.
    Tried to write in a more readable manner >:D


    Enough talking now I suppose... ;o!

    I love the colour scheme and basically everything about it! Could you make the name a bit bigger and possibly squeeze Synesis in there somewhere?

    I think I had 7 signatures left till I get mah own foldah xD

    But seriously, how are you so talented?
    Thank you Silvychar for my siggy :)
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Haha, thanks :3
    I think I messed up the raven a bit by drawing him eyes though :P


    Oh, I'm surprised :o
    Didn't think you'd like it actually. I'll fix it in a second
    /packs out tablet
    And thanks, though I don't think I'm that talented actually. b:chuckle

    Okay, some fixing, then your BM's signature! While doing my dailies ;..;
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    b:avoid *makes grabby hands for Silvy's awesome siggies*

    b:surrender I love your style, and I'd like to see what you could come up with when you have the time, particularly for my poor old neglected wizzy.

    Name: Fondlemore
    Guild: Narnia

    I have no screenies of him currently, due to him being a lowbie and my poorness not being able to afford to get him purple Hustling fash yet.

    So instead, could you possibly include this in the siggy? Yes that is Dumbledore with his magic pimp cane. I made that. b:cool
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hola, Jeremied^^

    I'll see what I can do with that hilarious render of yours. XD
    And thanks. >:3


    After fixing it once again 'cause I didn't like the way I included the faction name, here's another version, Shattered!

  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Haha, thanks :3
    I think I messed up the raven a bit by drawing him eyes though :P


    Oh, I'm surprised :o
    Didn't think you'd like it actually. I'll fix it in a second
    /packs out tablet
    And thanks, though I don't think I'm that talented actually. b:chuckle

    Okay, some fixing, then your BM's signature! While doing my dailies ;..;


    I love what you have done with the looks fantastic :)

    I want to ask you...and am afraid to in a way...I have change the look of my mystic after fiddling around and finally settling on something. Is it possible for you to redo my sign for Briar? All the same but with a different pic of her in it? If yes let me know and I will take a few and post them here..if not that is ok not want to take too much advantage b:shocked
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Sure, go ahead and post me some screenshots (close-ups like the one I used on the actual signature please). I've the raw background, the mystic pets and the writing ain't that hard to redo.

    Though it probably won't be a 100% copy sadly as I'm not an uber ace in forging. :P

    /continues to edit a crown on some king

    Next one's done!


    'Cept recolouring and putting a crown instead of some Chinese ruler hat on that buddy's head I didn't do that much.
    The artwork is pretty much epic, so here I go and credit it in a proper manner~
    It's the edited thing though.


    Next up: Jeremied's wizzy
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Thank hun...appreciate it. All that has really changed is her hair colour but here are. As always if you need anything else let me know ok? :)





    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Rofl, it's not just the hair colour :P
    It's a different third eye, the lips are more slim and the eye form looks different xD

    I'll render it later and might even work on it before I work on Jeremied's signature ('cause that one is sorta difficult xD).

    Back to work~
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Rofl, it's not just the hair colour :P
    It's a different third eye, the lips are more slim and the eye form looks different xD

    I'll render it later and might even work on it before I work on Jeremied's signature ('cause that one is sorta difficult xD).

    Back to work~

    Oh yeah you are right...forgot about the other changes - lol

    Thanks b:chuckle
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So, it's done!

    Used the old eyes again for the left, cause it wouldn't look as similar with the new look.




    After listening to the right music, inspiration came. xD
    I didn't bother looking for some Narnia font, but if you want to you could give me the faction's emblem to smack it on the signature. Though I'm not so sure it'd fit to the theme, lol.
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Nice work Silvy...thank you so much for changing it for me. Appreciate it xxx
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • AshenSkies - Heavens Tear
    AshenSkies - Heavens Tear Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Love them both!! Thank you so much :)
    Thank you Silvychar for my siggy :)
  • Fondlemore - Sanctuary
    Fondlemore - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    After listening to the right music, inspiration came. xD
    I didn't bother looking for some Narnia font, but if you want to you could give me the faction's emblem to smack it on the signature. Though I'm not so sure it'd fit to the theme, lol.

    b:dirty I love it! Narnia font isn't needed, you're right as it wouldn't fit. I LOVE the fonts you used, and just the right colors too.

    <3 b:thanks Thank you Silvy
    <3 for the sig, Silvy
    Jeremied - Sanctuary: I finally made a Wizzy because I just learned how to do that damned leaping quest at level 5! b:surrender
    I'm cheating on ArcHaven with NarnianHoar, b:quiet
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Glad you guys like the signatures!
    Thanks for requesting b:thanks