Soloing stuff

Thinkalot - Dreamweaver
Thinkalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 133 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Assassin
K, here's a question for EXPERIENCED sins :

What bosses/bh/TT can you solo past lvl 90 ?
Just a sin with good gear and a decent aps (2.50 and higher), NO rank8 or 9 and no 5.0 aps i mean. And soloing : alone, no cleric, no extra DD's and whatnot.

Some examples and lvl req. would be nice to know.

Post edited by Thinkalot - Dreamweaver on


  • Xxdistance - Heavens Tear
    Xxdistance - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Obviously I'm not 90+ but I used to have a very good 9x sin as a friend who soloed a lot of my bosses on my BM. Here's a list of all he killed that I can remember:
    FBs 19-39 (51 required a cleric in case of emergency)
    Every culti boss up to 59, Quillhog King needed a cleric because his reflect buff + sin's high attack rate = close death.
    He also solo'd:
    Viriddis, Jewels, Krimson (Can be tricky with Pdef Debuff), Kisma, Slitt, Dragon of the Depths, That snake on Tai Chi Shore, Suzerix, Chi'in, Dismal Shade, Shade Eido and Kong.

    I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them at this moment.

    Also I don't believe you can solo TT's with low aps... I never asked him. I know he did solo mode, but he left squad mode solo on his barb. But I would save TT's for a sin who has a higher aps because higher aps = higher BP return = more healing because I know squad mode bosses hit harddd . b:surrender
    Although don't quote me on that, someone who has better experience in solo TTing should answer that part xD
    " you gave up the fight; you left me behind . "

    credit for the picture goes to Susylu, of course. b:cute
  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I soloed a Frenzied bubble boss in FC at 94 with my old H&Ts at 2.5 aps. Took forever and was charm ****. Now that I've got my sage daggers, it's never frenzied anymore, but still lots of charm ****. Soloed FC at 95 a coupla times out of boredom.

    I can solo my own BH79s/BH Brim (dunno about Phlebo, haven't tried yet). Haven't tried soloing any squad TTs, but squad mode TT bosses hit really damn hard so I'd stick to solo mode, anyway, and you should be able to do those fairly easily.

    From what I've seen, I've got a bit more HP than most of the Sins my level, though. Sitting on 6.2k unbuffed (pure dex, just enough STR for warsoul, etc.). I'll see about breaking 7-9k on endgame gear, though.
  • JebakLesny - Dreamweaver
    JebakLesny - Dreamweaver Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    if u have good items u can solo everything on maps.
    I only have diff with Blizard King. i trying 3 times n faild everytime. oh n 1 more boss near tusk town, he got deflect thats why hes deadly if u dont know how to kill himb:pleased
    hm, today i'll try solo fish from Treasure X. its boss from 90lv quest
    As for bh's i solo without cler till fb51, on >bh59 always got cler with me.
    Boss in FC quite nice, never try to solo them.
    Boss in TT, they die quick, never try solo 3-x hm, i wonder how its go.

    I have lots of fun playing my charb:victory
  • Dark_Creed - Heavens Tear
    Dark_Creed - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    can't really help with this question much cause i got 5 aps on dags b:surrender

    don't know what i was capable at 95 cause i wasn't a daredevil then and played it safe.i would imagine u can solo fb19,29,39,51,69,79, FC ( after you cleared to second boss have a 95+ good 12k +hp Barb run all the way to the second boss room and the mobs cant pass the entrance to the room so they respawn. Then hav the barb attack the second boss with you in tiger and no agro skills, the sin will hold agro and the Barb will get ALL BUBBLES and ALL SLEEP fromt he boss so the sin is free to DD and not get locked and no charm ticks. O btw i would recomend the Barb hav Tree of Protection for the pull and the boss or he might die.

    most the time i just solo second boss myself cause its easier with 5 aps on daggers but for anyone who doesnt this a good way.