Faction Base = Fail



  • L_y_n_x - Raging Tide
    L_y_n_x - Raging Tide Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Let's try turning this back on a constructive path.

    You are over 90 right ? So if u are sage/demon, u have have access to hell/heaven.

    A bit north of the entrance town in heaven is a spot with 2-3 kinds of guards (Sytigians i think), some physical, some magical with a real good respawn rate. Quite a few herbs and mats around there as well.

    Try that if u don't feel like farming instances ? U should get good drop rate.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    What color is the sky in your world?


    what game are u playing?
    i laughed too. But then i read 3 squads = 18 pple so possible.... maybe... i dunno.... i like merchanting more =/

    yeah, for some reason a lot of peeps forgot to multiply 3x6...15x5aps and 3 clerics can make a shytload of stuff happening in 6-7 hrs of farming, and I'm not talking about "look mom, I have +3 refined weapon but 5 aps" kind of squads.
    3 squads, 2x drops, 6min nirvana runs, 30-60mil/h, 5-10h? XD

    I said farming is possible. Hardcore stuff , true, but nothing that hasn't been done before.

    I didn't say how much will take to sell the drops to actually get coins in your pockets, so yeah, you're gonna have 300 mil worth of drops today...tomorrow...I dunno, depends on sale, lol.

    Merchanting is more...."fun"? If you have the coins to roll can be a nice money making business.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    300M The "other stuff" comes to 100M.

    Your prices are a bit off. try 500mil
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Aquilez - Sanctuary
    Aquilez - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    25k/h? at lvl90? what on earth are u killing, lvl1 mobs?
    i can easily grind 800k/h. I remember making ~400k/h at 6x-7x...

    the total cost of the base is ~320mil according to the rumours.
    even with, lets say 600k/h that's ~533h
    for a guild with 100 members that would be less than 6h/member
    for 50 members, 12h/member

    true, there might be a lack of warsong emblems and make that higher
    but warsong isnt that hard to farm at 100+

    factions with no 100+?
    go do something else, there is plenty of content in the game for u.

    those 320 mil are for the first part of the base, after that you need to build each wing, but i'm not sure if you need to donate things or win some of those 40x40 batles to build the wings
  • Keistruction - Harshlands
    Keistruction - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    b:laugh Mine is also alright ,but here aint bad either :p
  • SandraPlease - Sanctuary
    SandraPlease - Sanctuary Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I read a lot of replies saying how easy it is to get the money needed

    But wasnt the original pondering about winning 40 vs 40 faction fights in order to get the option to build things in base? Seems very irrelevant to talk about money when the question at hand was about something else.

    It do sounds like that after you get the faction base you need to win the new 40 vs 40 pvp fights in order to unlock all secrets but it still seems unclear to what extent it will be a factor. My first thought was that it would be a factor for getting the new super gear but it is possible it will be a factor for building new parts of the faction base too like the original poster brought up as a worry. If that is the case i can understand his/her worry.
  • Ruxal - Harshlands
    Ruxal - Harshlands Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I like how the higher level players come in and defend the ridiculously high price of a faction base. The cost reflects the outlook of a company that has no sort of compassion for the fact that the world is still in an economic crisis.

    Moving away from the fact that it is real life money that fuels this game it is beyond me that you the players are so unconscionable that you cannot see past your epeens and realize that there is nothing wrong in making content that can appeal to all players as to only a select few.

    This is especially in light of the sort of benefits that a faction base gives to the faction members. The op is absolutely right. The reality is that the majority of the player base is casual gamers. Unlike those who have either lots of time or lots of cash a mmo is a game designed to appeal to players who like community based gaming but at their own pace. When that pace is set such that for the casual gamer achieving lets say r8 or a faction base is indeed rediculously long (as the GMs were willing to admit in the case of rank gear) then clearly you have a problem!

    For the hardcore gamers, sure a faction base is nothing, and certainly you would see anyone who complains as being "lazy" but the reality is that people have lives and that casual gamers cannot meet these requirements.

    i have been in many factions, small, medium and big and quite frankly based on my observations there are going to be relatively few factions who will be able to obtain a faction base. The lure of faction base benefits will in turn lure many players away from their non-faction based factions and result in a further diluting of the faction spread.

    But alas, all the above text is wasted just like showing how sins are rediculously op or how aps needs an immediate nerf. Its wasted because a few nearsighted selfish people are unable to think beyond themselves and realise that gaming is an experience that should be all emcompasing.

    Yesterday back when I started gaming (and I'm talking text based mmos) the community was about inclusiveness. Now its all about exclusivity.

    Well PWI I hope you learnef from all the other mmos that went down this path a bit too agressively. At some point the players leave and go where they feel like they are appreciated and can be a part of the game as opposed to being treated as though they are being weeded out.
  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I like how the higher level players come in and defend the ridiculously high price of a faction base. The cost reflects the outlook of a company that has no sort of compassion for the fact that the world is still in an economic crisis.
    If the world's economic crisis is so very dire, feel free to escape into an imaginary world and grind away for coin/etc. until you have a guild base. It's a free to play game, and loathing the state of your/everyone's financial situations as you do, putting your head down and plugging away at a digital distraction while you grind for the items necessary would be the perfect way to assuage your financial woes.

    Moving away from the fact that it is real life money that fuels this game it is beyond me that you the players are so unconscionable that you cannot see past your epeens and realize that there is nothing wrong in making content that can appeal to all players as to only a select few.
    Setting obtainable goals appeals to everyone. Handing everyone achievements on a silver platter for several minutes worth of work (see: Rep SaleI), on the other hand, breeds only discontent. Does one listen to your argument, or the countless others that proselytize on and on about how the ease of certain accomplishments has cheapened their playing experience? Well, you listen to both, actually. Then you realize that both arguments boil down to exclusivity. You have yet to give us a reason why exclusivity should not be a motivating factor for this game, only that you, personally, do not desire it. Thus, you are attempting to impose your values upon others, such as myself, who does not share them, when it would be far more beneficial to all parties involved were you to simply find a gaming experience that better suited your needs. Your imposition reeks of exclusivity, itself, you know.

    This is especially in light of the sort of benefits that a faction base gives to the faction members. The op is absolutely right. The reality is that the majority of the player base is casual gamers. Unlike those who have either lots of time or lots of cash a mmo is a game designed to appeal to players who like community based gaming but at their own pace. When that pace is set such that for the casual gamer achieving lets say r8 or a faction base is indeed rediculously long (as the GMs were willing to admit in the case of rank gear) then clearly you have a problem!
    Whereas if you appeal solely to a casual playerbase, you exclude the hardcore playerbase. Again, you cry "exclusivity" only because you do not realize your own values engender the same end result, but for different people.

    For the hardcore gamers, sure a faction base is nothing, and certainly you would see anyone who complains as being "lazy" but the reality is that people have lives and that casual gamers cannot meet these requirements.
    Conversely, everyone can achieve them and there is thus no reason to log into the game for some goal-oriented people. Yes, this is just a game, but lack of progression may as well signal the death knell for any multiplayer game. Stagnation is only a viable business model for those who want to go bankrupt.

    i have been in many factions, small, medium and big and quite frankly based on my observations there are going to be relatively few factions who will be able to obtain a faction base. The lure of faction base benefits will in turn lure many players away from their non-faction based factions and result in a further diluting of the faction spread.
    I think you mean "further concentration" of the faction spread; goal-oriented people will gravitate towards those factions who can attain bases, whereas those more interested in fomenting friendships and having fun in disregard to achieving higher goals will remain together in base-less factions. Right now, if I wanted, I could probably get into one of the top factions on Dreamweaver (even if I'd be on the lowest end of the figurative totem pole in said factions). I don't because I like playing the game with my faction. I will play the game with my faction even if we don't obtain a faction base, although I'll be damned if I sit by idly and not help get it for the benefit of everyone.

    But alas, all the above text is wasted just like showing how sins are rediculously op or how aps needs an immediate nerf. Its wasted because a few nearsighted selfish people are unable to think beyond themselves and realise that gaming is an experience that should be all emcompasing.
    PWI has just given you a very enticing option to work together with the rest of your faction to achieve something that is mutually beneficial. Don't speak to me of "near-sightedness" simply because the goal set before you strikes you as beyond your means; it really isn't. Casual player? Farm mats in your free time and convert them to ultimate subs. Merchant a little bit and use the proceeds for mystical chip packs instead of your own gain. Run a few warsongs and donate the emblems. Toss a few hundred thousand coins your leader's direction. The only downfall to any of these glaringly simple options available to you is only if you cannot trust your leaders to act in a fair and honest manner.

    Yesterday back when I started gaming (and I'm talking text based mmos) the community was about inclusiveness. Now its all about exclusivity.
    And you are inadvertently promoting said exclusivity, while in the next breath demonizing it. Adversity and challenges bring people together so much as they separate us. Pay attention to both sides of the coin, sir/ma'am.

    Well PWI I hope you learnef from all the other mmos that went down this path a bit too agressively. At some point the players leave and go where they feel like they are appreciated and can be a part of the game as opposed to being treated as though they are being weeded out.
    Guess how many MMOs remain where there was no challenge whatsoever?

    You can have an exclusivity in an economical sense, as is presented by PWI (and that you are free to escape from at any point in time), or an exclusivity of the ethical and moral sense, for which you are clearly a proponent, and which is also a far more odious affront to the individual and "society"--insofar as this game community can be called as such.

    No. Take your short-sighted bleating to another game; constructive criticism is always welcome, but complaining because PWI is ignoring human nature to the same extent you, yourself, do in their business decisions is an exercise in futility. PWE Management has made a lot of really idiotic decisions the past year or two--God knows we'll start seeing "Faction Packs--with Ulti subs, warsong emblems, chip packs, or perfect tokens of luck, and a 0.001% chance of containing a token that can be traded for your own faction base!" soon enough. This decision, however, only promotes one working with their faction mates to achieve a common goal, even if they achieve it more slowly than Joe Pension blowing $2000 of his retirement on a base the first day they come out.
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    OMG WALL-O-TEXT POSTS >.<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    +1 to my post count just to say the OP is either really good troll or just plain dumb because they don't understand the basic concepts of grinding in this game.
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    omg Wall-o-text Posts >.<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Omg Literacy Frightens And Infuriates Me. I Must Beat To Death Random, Homeless Passersby To Quell My Rage At This Information Overload.

    Edit: Dear PWE,

    Caps Lock Auto-Edit = I will torture your grandmother before your propped open eyes to atone for this vile affront to my deeply expressive lingual capabilities. You monsters.

  • vaan1983
    vaan1983 Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I admit when i heard bout the bases i was really excited. After I saw the info about the bases I was really pissed. Basically the only way to get a base is to have many high levels in the faction. Plus to get upgrades the faction needs to win battles just like TW. So basically the only factions that have a chance of getting a base and upgrading it are the factions winning all the land in TW. This will also hurt all the other factions cause they will slowly die from members leaving them for the factions that have bases. It will also keep players from joining the factions without bases. In order for this idea to not fail I think the Devs should trash the list to make bases or change the list so it will be easier to get a base before PWI fails completely. I know a few factions that don't have many high levels and it would be a shame to see them die cause the members r the few people in the game that treat others with respect.

    that new is really lemme, i am ponderate stop playing f2p games and go back to p2p because there existe more justice.
    And the pvp with rank9 gear is all about the first guy hitting first wins the battle, there is no strategy and P2W is here more than never.
    Is this way the games goes to a quickly end.
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Um...then don't get a base? (don't give me this i want one and they need tof ix this..****

    b:cute suggest threads over there
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Nael - Dreamweaver
    Nael - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Maybe they should have just put the faction base in the boutique for 20 dollahs, then we wouldn't be having so much QQ for having to do stuff with your faction members to achieve something...

    They just gave every factions a reason to act as a faction instead of only using them as a pool of people to invite for BH's. They are not going to demolish your faction if you don't obtain the base by a certain date, just work for it at your own pace...even if it's not achievable at least you can say your faction is more than a blue chat?
  • Fenora - Sanctuary
    Fenora - Sanctuary Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    It seems like a lot for the faction base but when u actually get to work on raising the money and mats together as a faction it builds up pretty quick. Also in the process you might just find that its pretty fun working with ur faction mates to reach your goal!
  • Ruxal - Harshlands
    Ruxal - Harshlands Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Yes I have converted to "acceptanism" so now I am not concerned heck if they double the cost I will still accept it.

    PWI is just perfect.....

    To all those who share an oposing opinion go play another game.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    It seems like a lot for the faction base but when u actually get to work on raising the money and mats together as a faction it builds up pretty quick. Also in the process you might just find that its pretty fun working with ur faction mates to reach your goal!

    ^ this.

    My faction already has enough for the base and we're saving up for the upgrades now. b:pleased
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    ^ this.

    My faction already has enough for the base and we're saving up for the upgrades now. b:pleased

    so what if someone battles agaisnt your base and steals your mats :o
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    so what if someone battles agaisnt your base and steals your mats :o

    Then that's what happens.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    TW pay gonna pay for our faction base b:victory
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    TW pay gonna pay for our faction base b:victory

    May you give me money so we can get a free faction base too :<
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    We're gonna buy our guild base with TW money.

    Oh, wait.....

    it's true

    Rawrgh's sarcastic comments can shift continents b:shocked
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    b:surrenderb:surrender everyone gank qqme for base mats ijs
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Zenorx - Harshlands
    Zenorx - Harshlands Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Getting money in this game isn't easy i have a lvl 90 and if i grind for 2 hrs i would be lucky to walk away with 50k worth of drops. That includes DQ items and coins.

    Wow. You must really really really suck at farming............
    I feel for you, I really do

    Either that or you are just a phail troll that likes to QQ b:shutup
  • vaan1983
    vaan1983 Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I admit when i heard bout the bases i was really excited. After I saw the info about the bases I was really pissed. Basically the only way to get a base is to have many high levels in the faction. Plus to get upgrades the faction needs to win battles just like TW. So basically the only factions that have a chance of getting a base and upgrading it are the factions winning all the land in TW. This will also hurt all the other factions cause they will slowly die from members leaving them for the factions that have bases. It will also keep players from joining the factions without bases. In order for this idea to not fail I think the Devs should trash the list to make bases or change the list so it will be easier to get a base before PWI fails completely. I know a few factions that don't have many high levels and it would be a shame to see them die cause the members r the few people in the game that treat others with respect.

    This new system will not make me go back to fight in tw, i think will still be only 1 guild with all teritories and all resources and they will become even stronger with this new system.

    nothing will change, the game is going to a quickly end

    if they dont care about me, why would i care about them.
  • Toxie - Dreamweaver
    Toxie - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    vaan1983 wrote: »
    This new system will not make me go back to fight in tw, i think will still be only 1 guild with all teritories and all resources and they will become even stronger with this new system.

    nothing will change, the game is going to a quickly end

    if they dont care about me, why would i care about them.

    Gee, I wonder why it will never change?
  • vaan1983
    vaan1983 Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Gee, I wonder why it will never change?

    Do u saw any changes????
    i didnt see...

    keep the good work, maybe next year you will close off servers

    if they dont care about me , why would i care about them.
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    vaan1983 wrote: »
    Do u saw any changes????
    i didnt see...

    things don't change, the balance of powers don't change, unless people are willing with due perseverance to affect those changes. you may not be the strongest or the wealthiest of players yet - but that can change if you have the patience to stick it out and work towards it. It might not happen over night, but let it be a guiding light for you. Set that as a goal to work towards, and one day you will arrive. But none of that matters at all if you choose to stay under a rock and complain that someone else is stronger than you.

    My faction is about 90 characters strong currently and we have all levels in our faction. I will be the first to admit we aren't the strongest, nor are we the most wealthy. But we have our share of good strong players that had what it took to get where they are now. You might beat us today, you might beat us a month from now, but by and by as we grow larger and stronger we become a force to be reckoned with.

    Never Give Up, Never Surrender.

    oh and... Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • vaan1983
    vaan1983 Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    things don't change, the balance of powers don't change, unless people are willing with due perseverance to affect those changes. you may not be the strongest or the wealthiest of players yet - but that can change if you have the patience to stick it out and work towards it. It might not happen over night, but let it be a guiding light for you. Set that as a goal to work towards, and one day you will arrive. But none of that matters at all if you choose to stay under a rock and complain that someone else is stronger than you.

    My faction is about 90 characters strong currently and we have all levels in our faction. I will be the first to admit we aren't the strongest, nor are we the most wealthy. But we have our share of good strong players that had what it took to get where they are now. You might beat us today, you might beat us a month from now, but by and by as we grow larger and stronger we become a force to be reckoned with.

    Never Give Up, Never Surrender.

    oh and... Rome wasn't built in a day.

    its all about money and made in china

    nothing will change, the game is going to a quick end

    if they dont care about me why would i care about them
  • Dimitrik - Dreamweaver
    Dimitrik - Dreamweaver Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I've slugged through all this, and all I can say is... wow. There's an awful lot of hate going on here. Can we just take a step back and look at this in a more objective manner?

    Someone mentioned earlier that the game's not offering enough leeway for the casual gamer. Someone else pointed out that that takes away from the hardcore gamer in a similarly exclusive manner.

    I believe you're both right. From what I've heard and glimpsed of the faction base costs and requirements, it does seem pretty steep. We can all agree on that, right? And can we agree that the faction bases shouldn't be just handed out? They do bring an awful lot of perks, after all, don't they?

    So what I'm thinking is that the original poster (and the one fuming for the case of casual gamers) had more in mind is that they'd like to see the requirements toned down at least a little. Say, the requirements for the barest, most basic faction base doesn't involve PvP. Just gold, items, whatever. That makes it a lot more attainable, without giving the faction the prestigious perks of those that do have the power and organization to successfully PvP.

    'Course, that could be how it is anyway. My knowledge is limited. What I'm really saying is, I don't think anyone really wants it just handed over. Just for it to be a little more feasibly within their grasp, y'know? Does that sound about right?
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I've slugged through all this, and all I can say is... wow. There's an awful lot of hate going on here. Can we just take a step back and look at this in a more objective manner?

    Someone mentioned earlier that the game's not offering enough leeway for the casual gamer. Someone else pointed out that that takes away from the hardcore gamer in a similarly exclusive manner.

    I believe you're both right. From what I've heard and glimpsed of the faction base costs and requirements, it does seem pretty steep. We can all agree on that, right? And can we agree that the faction bases shouldn't be just handed out? They do bring an awful lot of perks, after all, don't they?

    So what I'm thinking is that the original poster (and the one fuming for the case of casual gamers) had more in mind is that they'd like to see the requirements toned down at least a little. Say, the requirements for the barest, most basic faction base doesn't involve PvP. Just gold, items, whatever. That makes it a lot more attainable, without giving the faction the prestigious perks of those that do have the power and organization to successfully PvP.

    'Course, that could be how it is anyway. My knowledge is limited. What I'm really saying is, I don't think anyone really wants it just handed over. Just for it to be a little more feasibly within their grasp, y'know? Does that sound about right?

    yup, basically allow players to build their base over a period of time...
    just like u first make a lvl1 faction then lvl2 etc you can have lvl1 base, lvl2 base...
    u dont have to gather some billions of exp and then ding 100, u get some exp and ding 2 then 3...