
Blade_aether - Lost City
Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Barbarian
I see many threads asking for help, and many that lead to arguments.

How about we try something different with suggestions!

For starters:

The 100 skill for purging; Clean Sweep is unusable in true form. I believe that it should be usable in both forms, I mean for 20 chrono pages, it might as well be. This would also assist in tanking bosses that buff themselves if they need to be tanked in tiger form.

DoT's and Nix bleed hit for full damage even when invoke the spirit is activated. I believe that even damage over time skills should experience the 90% reduction when invoke the spirit is activated.

Barbarians have 3 (Three) 2 spark using ultimate skills. 2 (two) of the 3 (three) are only usable in tiger form. To compensate for the preferential imbalance towards tiger form, I believe that the 100 ultimate skill Ancestral Rage should be usable in standing form and tiger form. This also helps sage barbs who receive a weapon damage reduction for being in 'True Form.' The 50% weapon damage reduction for sage true form is equivalent to the sage strength of titans buffs, so a sage barb's tiger form skills are essentially used without a physical attack buff when speaking in reference to standing form. If the 100 skill Ancestral Rage could be used in both forms, barbarians would have 2 standing form ultimate skills, and 3 tiger form ultimate skills which sounds less biased towards either form to me. Furthermore Sage barbs would not have their hardest hitting non Armageddon skill nurfed by the weapon damage reduction.

Demon Roar does not reflect physical damage in world PVP, but Sage Roar still reduces target's magic attack. This is not fair for demon barbs, their skill loses all use in PK, seeing as how you cannot 'aggro' sins off of your beloved cleric friend. It is useful for pulling sins out of stealth, but the loss of a PK use to demon barbs is not justified.

As far as I am aware, the 2% crit from demon axe and hammer mastery does not show up in the character window, and neither does the crit from demon shapeshifting intensity. I believe that these crit bonuses should show up in the character window.

Demon Beastial Onslaught > Sage Beastial Onslaught, please throw us a bone? Reduce the channeling and make the sage version able to 'zerk' again?

*(For fun now)*
Have barbs turn into their corresponding animal upon use of true form, so my panda barb would turn into a full fledged panda! Or a lion into a lion, and wolf into a wolf! I have grown tired of the sage tiger mounts emasculating me, they are identical, just bigger, and faster >.>

Have barbs able to carry either multiple people in true form, or males as well. Homophobia aside, it is just a harmless tiger, don't you want a ride?

Barbs are the only class that cannot use hair fash, we do not even get hats or anything, can we at least get to use consolation hats to hide our balding heads?

Lateness and positivity, oh the wonders!
Post edited by Blade_aether - Lost City on


  • Dagnatic - Sanctuary
    Dagnatic - Sanctuary Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Yes about the true form, i know you have the graphics to do it, C'mon, lets think about what mounts look like barbs, hmmmm, oh right, shrink that bad panda, get rid of the saddle and boom, baby! you got your self a panda from, what els is there, oh thats right.... The blazing tempest, get out your orange brush and paint the us orange for those tiger barbs, now, the lions, i do recall some time ago we had green lion mounts, i think with a tad bit of shrinking an editing, it would be perfect, and last but not least, the wolf barb...Hell Hounds? bit of modification, removal of body armor, shrinking, removal of saddle, getting rid of the horn, and maybe making the head more wolf like, BOOOO YAAAAHHHH!!!! wolf form barb! could even do the same for Venos if you want.... although the one with bat wings might be a bit tough.. meh... thats off topic though....

    Now as for the hats.... because of the fact i cant wear sun glasses my site is starting to deteriorate, meaning im constantly running into walls, and mobs. and because you wont let me wear a hat, that bald spot, yeah, the one just behind my ears.... i keep getting sun burnt... so, unless i cant at least wear a hat, and a pair of sun glasses, i shall be suing PWI if my barb ever gets cancer, goes blind, or accidentally kills some one because i cant wear a top hat,
  • threepointone
    threepointone Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    On the "Demon Mastery Crit Debate," I believe it does not show up because it only affects your crit rate when you're using Axes/Hammers. Yeah, PWI could just make it show that in your crit rate when you have the Axes/Hammers equipped, but this would not work for classes such as the Wizard or Psychic, as they have Masteries that only affect a specific element, so they can't have the extra crit rate shown in their character window.

  • Blade_aether - Lost City
    Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    At 3pointe.

    Yes they could, when you triple spark and press c, you see that attack range increase.

    Since crit already has a place in the menu it would be no skin off of their backs to have it show up for passives, or crit buffs.

    Not a huge issue regardless, but something simple, nice, and feasible.

    Loving the sunburn and running into mobs ditty.