
Murcas - Sanctuary
Murcas - Sanctuary Posts: 299 Arc User
edited February 2011 in General Discussion
As of late I've realized a very disturbing trend: People fearing the worse out of the new expansion, fearing that they will be replaced and obsolete. Some people do raise valid points, yes, but let's think for a moment and realize just how beneficial this expansion would be.

Following are the scenarios that seem to have recurring themes. Let's examine them.

"Seekers will replace BM/Barbs/Assassins! We're all doomed!"

Rest assured they will not. Barbs are needed to tank heavy duty bosses due to their high defense and high HP. BM are renowned for their AoE stuns and versatility in regards to the weapons tree. Assassins are not going to become obsolete due to sheer number and their ability to act quickly, to cause bleed damage (Perhaps the highest in the game, I think.), and their quick attack speed. Assassins seemed to be hated on, but they have their weaknesses, too, hence the reason for a barb and a BM; after all, little good is a sin if they're dead on the ground after a boss decides to use them as a chew toy. So, they're not doomed, either. From what I can gather, the only good group they have takes a Mirage Stone which is, in my opinion, going to prove to be very pricey. Most of the others are self buffs. So, BM/Barbs/Sins, you're safe.

"Mystics will replace Clerics/Wizard/Psychics/Venomancers! What now?!"

Don't panic. Seriously. Okay, again, let's look at the facts.
Mystics use "summons" but the "summons" have an MP bar, meaning that if the summon disappears and the Mystic draws aggro, chances are that the Mystic will die unless self buffed to revive, that makes Venos a slightly more viable companion in situations where you simply cannot afford to lose aggro when it comes down to it. Clerics, having read the skill tree of the Mystics, I can, in all honesty, say you're safe. Listen, that revive skill they have? Don't worry about it, and I'll tell you why: The res buff lasts for 15 minutes and doesn't prevent nearly as much experience loss and it has a cool down time whereas a cleric's revive has next to none, making the cleric's res better than a Mystics. Having looked at the Mystic's quick healing and percentiles, I'm not worried, due to the fact that Mystics will more than likely be DD opposed to healing others, that and they have their pet to take care of, as well as watching their mana pool as their moves seem to take a lot of. Plus they don't have much of a healing tree like clerics do, so, yeah, clerics you're safe.

As for replacing wizards and Psychics, it's doubtful for several reasons: Wizard's base magic attacks are, by default, more powerful than a Mystic's, especially nukes. I have a level 65 Wizard and I'm already hitting for 10K at critical and 4K-6K with normal attacks, that and wizards have 3 elements to work with opposed to two like a Psychic's or Mystics. Psychics, you have nothing to worry about due to your insanely high casting and channeling time as well as AoE, if I remember, it's earth and water and I think Mystics are wood and metal, so don't think that they would compliment one another well?

If you look at the greater scheme of things, things don't seem to be as helpless as many people think they are. Essentially, think of it this way:

You're fighting a tough boss: Psychic, Cleric, Barb, and another DD has been blessed with auto res. Psychic draws aggro due to high damage out put and Psychic dies but not before the cleric throws off a second too late heal, then drawing aggro, enemy one hits the cleric, bringing them down, leave the Mystic and the DD alive. Mystics group heal and keep the part alive for long enough for the cleric to res and res the others. It would probably be desirable for the cleric to res and then res the others to prevent the loss of experience. Say, however, that the cleric can not res themselves for whatever reason, that prevents a squad wipe.

Seekers are no different. Again, let me provide a scenario:

Hard Boss APPEARS:BM stuns, Seeker has a chance to cause a curse similar to Nob and Pole's, Veno's pet wails and/or Barb wails on it. Cleric is in the background, healing, DD, and debuffing. Boss finally DIES. Cue victory music.

See, things will be fine. b:pleased
Post edited by Murcas - Sanctuary on


  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Uhhh... No.

    Huge, powerful boss appears. A 5.0 BM comes up, twitches it to death in 12 seconds, and it's done.

    Conversely, a full squad of players attempts it, and gets wiped over and over again, because the barb has no tanking skills, the cleric has no healing skills, the veno doesn't have Amp, the the Archer took aggro and can't tank anyway, and the Wiz was too busy counting how many Limestones he had farmed earlier that morning.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hard Boss APPEARS:BM stuns, Seeker has a chance to cause a curse similar to Nob and Pole's, Veno's pet wails and/or Barb wails on it. Cleric is in the background, healing, DD, and debuffing. Boss finally DIES. Cue victory music.


    where did u find the info about the skill tree etc?
  • Murcas - Sanctuary
    Murcas - Sanctuary Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Uhhh... No.

    Huge, powerful boss appears. A 5.0 BM comes up, twitches it to death in 12 seconds, and it's done.

    Conversely, a full squad of players attempts it, and gets wiped over and over again, because the barb has no tanking skills, the cleric has no healing skills, the veno doesn't have Amp, the the Archer took aggro and can't tank anyway, and the Wiz was too busy counting how many Limestones he had farmed earlier that morning.

    I'm not denying the fact that a 5.0 DPS BM can wipe the floor with most bosses, that's why I'm saying they're safe. I was just giving an example on how a well orchestrated team could take down a more difficult boss such as Ancient Evil or Harpy Wraith. Sadly enough, I have been in squads you've described, but I've also been in stellar squads that all worked together. That's why I gave that example. Sorry for not clarifying that. The scenario you describe, for the most part, is quite accurate, however, there are exception and those exceptions are the ones that shine the most. I hope this makes some form of sense...

    To Thanos: Are you referring to the BM tree or the Seeker tree?
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I'm not denying the fact that a 5.0 DPS BM can wipe the floor with most bosses, that's why I'm saying they're safe. I was just giving an example on how a well orchestrated team could take down a more difficult boss such as Ancient Evil or Harpy Wraith. Sadly enough, I have been in squads you've described, but I've also been in stellar squads that all worked together. That's why I gave that example. Sorry for not clarifying that. The scenario you describe, for the most part, is quite accurate, however, there are exception and those exceptions are the ones that shine the most. I hope this makes some form of sense...

    To Thanos: Are you referring to the BM tree or the Seeker tree?

    Dude, you can't stun a boss...

    And I did BH51 on my BM last night. I pull up to 2.0 APS in RB using fists.

    The barb... Well... had no tanking skills. I will not bash the barb, he did not speak much english, and had good gear. He didn't understand to turn Wyvern, and we had 3 clerics in the squad. So when one cleric did BB, and one did RB, the Barb came in to the front of Wyvern, and started munching, I ran around the back, HF'ed, went fist, took aggro, and kept it until he was dead.

    So yeah, there's plenty of situations where full, well rounded squads are going to succeed. But, like the United States, the player base is separating into the Upper Class, Middle Class, and Lower Class.

    The Upper Class is the 5.0's who aren't bored yet (I'd put R8's with high refines here, R9, and anyone with a Warsoul weapon here, basically, cash schoppers, not just 5.0's). They can do just about anything, know how to handle 5.0, have endgame equipment, have skills, and know how to play.

    The Middle Class is everyone who has played a character long enough to understand the skills they have, to fulfill the roll they have in the squad, even if it isn't the roll they normally fill (A DDing barb, if there's a higher barb or 5.0 in squad for example).

    And the Lower Class. These are people who are total and compete idiots. Level 104, level 1, level is irrelevant. Gear is irrelevant, they either have no skills, use the wrong skills at the wrong time, or just flat out refuse to learn how to play right. They want to tank BH51 on their level 61 veno using a Magmite, which cannot hold aggro, are a Barb for a squad with no tank skills, a cleric with no heals, veno without Amp, etc. Yeah, some builds are okay for solo builds, I wouldn't classify a Herc/Nix/HA Veno as fail, but it's really not something that you would use to tank a BH for a squad.

    I've played my archer a lot, and leveled by questing. I know my limits, have invested time and effort into gear. I can tank BH59 with a cleric who BB's Zimo and Qianji, and IH's/Purifies at Drake and Glutt. I can't do Ofo, and I don't offer to. b:chuckle

    The Earthguard are just going to add to people who have a bunch of level 50-60-70-80-90-100 chars who want another, so they're going to make more Lower Class characters on the server. Hypers, FCC, and stupid **** like that to level very quickly aren't helping.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    To Thanos: Are you referring to the BM tree or the Seeker tree?

    seeker/mystic xd
  • Murcas - Sanctuary
    Murcas - Sanctuary Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ah, I see. That is true that you can't stun bosses. Thanks for pointing that out to me, I appreciate it. b:thanks *laughs* Now that I think about it, I got really irritated when I couldn't Force of Will Zimo. As for Thanos' question: <<-that is where I got my info from.

    To Sarrafeline: You are absolutely correct. Perhaps I'm just overly optimistic... but I want to believe that everyone is worth something, that every class has their role. Also, Ofo is mean and he hits hard, one of my squad mates were being pounded because they drew aggro before everyone was ready, I, in my infinite wisdom, decided I was just gonna heal that person and make em' better. They were great, fine, and dandy. I was dead. I got took down with three shots....I laughed hard on that one because it was my fault and everyone else escaped unharmed. Res scrolls are good...
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ah, I see. That is true that you can't stun bosses. Thanks for pointing that out to me, I appreciate it. b:thanks *laughs* Now that I think about it, I got really irritated when I couldn't Force of Will Zimo. As for Thanos' question: <<-that is where I got my info from.

    To Sarrafeline: You are absolutely correct. Perhaps I'm just overly optimistic... but I want to believe that everyone is worth something, that every class has their role. Also, Ofo is mean and he hits hard, one of my squad mates were being pounded because they drew aggro before everyone was ready, I, in my infinite wisdom, decided I was just gonna heal that person and make em' better. They were great, fine, and dandy. I was dead. I got took down with three shots....I laughed hard on that one because it was my fault and everyone else escaped unharmed. Res scrolls are good...

    lmao The (sometimes short) life of a cleric. XD

    On my Veno, when I soloed my BH59, Ofo was the one that gave me the most trouble. I actually went and got some ornaments that ONLY had Wood resistances to make him a little easier. Massive Wood MDef, and no other MDefs for ofo, then back to normal programming for the other bosses. :p
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    thank god...

    finally a stupid thread that wasn't created by someone from my server.

    It's time to rebuild our status yo b:avoid
  • Murcas - Sanctuary
    Murcas - Sanctuary Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Want to know what the stuff of nightmares were made of for my cleric? The cave with the exploding enemies. You got too close. BOOM! You're dead! Squishy gets too close? BOOM! They're dead. Too many boom di boom enemies surrounding the tank and the tank kills them all at the same time? BOOM! Tank dies. Ouch. Forgot what the cave was called at the moment. Think it was Delirium...
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    thank god...

    finally a stupid thread that wasn't created by someone from my server.

    That's the best laugh I've had all day. Thank you. Sometimes the truth hurts, other times it's amazingly comical.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Considering that the squad size will not be increased the only way mathematically for the new classes to ever be taken into a squad is by filling a role occupied by one or more current classes.

    If you think clerics and barbs are safe that leaves 8 classes competing for the last 4 spots. Something has to give.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • Hl/ - Harshlands14
    Hl/ - Harshlands14 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Considering barbs are a dying class now that everybody and their mother has a "I can make my toon twitch things to death" addiction.....
    I can see all the Assassins rolling EG's to kill other assassins now. Everybody will be rolling an EG to kill the Assassins, because everybody knows they've had it coming for a while.... People camping Silver Pool to kill all the lowbie EG's....Psychics, Archers (WITHOUT twitchy disease), and Wizards already claw their way to get runs NORMALLY....I hate to see what happens next...

    I facepalm heavily at the lack of brainthinkings of the person who made the choice not to expand the Squad size....Still waiting for Yulk or tweakz to QQ about how OP they're going to be. Preparing for the QQ in WC about how a Sin gets rolled by a Mystic due to terrible MDef....I'm positioning my Psychic right across from the EG area so I can pay a visit....

    Let the games begin.