Sage Onslaught is Broken

Blade_aether - Lost City
Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
edited July 2014 in Barbarian
Just another heads up:

Sage Beastial Onslaught CANNOT make weapon addons occur.

Like Sacrificial Strike, Gloom, God of Frenzy, or whatever else you may have.

Furthermore! It increases the channeling time by .7 seconds, that means that at level 10 it would be .4 sec channel, 1.1 sec cast, so 1.5 second use time TOTAL.

Sage has 1.1 sec channel and 1.1 sec cast, so 2.2 TOTAL!

That is slower than a wizard's gush, and I can assure you, the damage DOES NOT match up.

Nor does the range >.> Only 12meters.

Penetrate armor is .2 sec channel and .7 sec cast at level 10, sage or demon.

Meaning that you could literally use two of those in the time it takes to use ONE Sage Beastial Onslaught, if you neglect cooldown, and the chi cost, but you see what I am getting at.

I have had Sins dagger throw and cancel my channel on my Sage Beastial Onslaught.

The addon damage is simply NOT worth the added channeling, let alone the loss of the ability to have addon effect from the skill.

I have +10 2nd cast Nirvana axes with Sac. Strike. Not being able to 'zerk' with Beastial Onslaught makes me cry inside.

I have been sending in tickets for months now.

They will not 'unlevel' my skill, no matter how much money I offer to pay.

They will not let you learn the demon version, I don't even know why I asked for this, just took the off chance.

I do not want to be a demon barb. I love being sage, but Sage Onslaught is SUPER gimped, do not learn it.

I repeat, DO NOT LEARN IT.

Needing to snuggle.
Post edited by Blade_aether - Lost City on


  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Damn, that's depressing T.T thanks for the heads up Blade glad I got ahold of sage mighty swing instead. sorry you got robbed of a needed skill :/
    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Never misses and it reduces target's evasion = yay for barbs.
    It's a great skill.
  • RioNHale - Archosaur
    RioNHale - Archosaur Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I dont mind weapon procs being absent on it, but the channel time increase was hard to adjust to, it does feel like a very VERY slow skill. >.<

    and tbh, demon beastial beats sage beastial so hardcore its hard to understand why they had to increase the channel time for sage b:shocked

    35% CRIT > never missing.

    35% CRIT > never missing + being super slow to use.
    ★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    -Inactive 19 Sept 2011-
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Please don't feed the trolls. Blade didn't research his skill before he learned it and now reposts this every couple weeks. Sometimes in every channel, including each classes forums, each servers forums, and trading forums.

    Can we close this for repost or multithreading?
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Dsholder - Dreamweaver
    Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Please don't feed the trolls. Blade didn't research his skill before he learned it and now reposts this every couple weeks. Sometimes in every channel, including each classes forums, each servers forums, and trading forums.

    Can we close this for repost or multithreading?

    So people are now supposed to research every bug and glitch in the game before learning a skill? I'd soo love to see the company post a thread with all the bugs and glitches warning players before they start this game then. Also this skill is broken, It's an obvious malfunction in the game coding. And he's allowed to keep reposting until it's given attention to like I'm allowed to send in letters.

    If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
  • Blade_aether - Lost City
    Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Another heads up, they finally posted a suggestion to my query.

    They suggested that I use a celestial schism to delete all of my skills, then to use another to switch back to sage.

    The only issue is that I have to pay for all of the mirages, both schisms and ALL of my sage skills to be relearned.

    This number I am pulling out of thin air, but that sounds like MILLIONS to me just to UNLEARN one skill, that is broken no thanks to me.

    Where is the customer service in that? Spend millions to fix your 1 skill mistake?

    I would appreciate if anyone else is sharing in my pain, to submit a ticket suggesting a better idea if you have any.

    I would honestly do this if PWI supplied both schisms, the mirages, and the sage skills that I had already learned, the coin to learn the skills would be nice too, but I am not greedy and am willing to foot the 'learn' spirit and coin, would would still be at least 30 million coin for me to spend.

    It would help if I had my third fairy as well, so this would actually be possible.

    Which has me wondering, why suggest that which I cannot do?

    That is JUST to unlearn one skill. This is preposterous.

    Thank you for your time.

    Diligence has yet to waver.
  • Cerberu - Dreamweaver
    Cerberu - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I learned the Sage Beastial Onslaught skill thinking that by switching weapons in the middle of channelling i would be able to zerk with sage beastial onslaught.....nothing happened. Yes, i did put a ticket in, they said they would contact me and to keep an eye on patch notes/bug fixes.

    If the skill cant be fixed at least demote our skills back to level 10 until a solution can be found, i dont care if i have to pay coin, spirit, and time to learn the new fixed skill again.

    Please help us Pan Gu!!!!!
  • Doggy_Stylez - Lost City
    Doggy_Stylez - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    OK, so you cant zerk crit... I admit that kinda sucks.. but the REAL reason i want this skill is for the 100% accuracy... and from what i have heard that still works.

    TBH i dont see the point in a skill that reduces evasion when you have to hit the bstrd in the first place. The opponents you desperately want this skill for is Sins and Archers (to a lesser extent BM's) but what is the point if you cant HIT them to make it stick!

    Ok the extended channeling time kinda blows, but I can still see it as a VERY useful skill.

    I would like to hear the opinions of some other Sage barbs if possible. Thanks
  • Blade_aether - Lost City
    Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Perhaps deary you might find this unnerving;

    Channeling can be cancelled, regardless of your class.

    You want to hit stuff, and 100% accuracy sounds nice, but the next time that you crit a sin for 1 damage with your shiny new Sage Beastial Onslaught, you will understand.

    Back to the Cancelling idea, I have LITERALLY had dagger throw used on me and had it cancel my channeling for Sage Onslaught, which is quite frustrating.

    Remember, at level 10 channel + cast is 1.5 seconds. At level 11 it will be 2.2 seconds. And an assassin can kill you in that time difference, quite literally and feasibly.

    You ask about the evasion debuff? Well, the less evasion that your target has, the less accuracy you need to hit them! If you worry so much about the 100% accuracy, that is an indicator that you miss very frequently in PK. Honestly, I suggest your level 11 Blood Bath, and Ambers for your wep. I personally have 32 base dex at 101. I also have a Golden Amber soulgem (G12 Amber) in my weapon for 300 accuracy. With my two lunar rings it turns into 600 additional accuracy, and even with level 10 Blood Bath, that would be 1200 more accuracy from ONE SHARD! I like my sage blood bath ;)

    I do miss, more than I would like to admit, but I understand that it is because I am low dex, but I still have 3712 accuracy full buffed, so I can hit most dex classes on a more than frequent basis. And if the Archer/Sin that I target has 4k accuracy, a successful Onslaught will bring them to 2k accuracy, which, at my 3.7k I will probably hit them 9/10 times.

    Just try to understand that the channel from the skill alone leaves you vulnerable. The damage is also incredibly lack luster considering most barb damage comes from the weapon and build considering Lost City server standards, so skill addon damage is phooey at best.

    Please just avoid learning the skill until they fix it.

    Concerned and uprooted!
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    occult ice first?
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I learned the Sage Beastial Onslaught skill thinking that by switching weapons in the middle of channelling i would be able to zerk with sage beastial onslaught.....nothing happened. Yes, i did put a ticket in, they said they would contact me and to keep an eye on patch notes/bug fixes.

    If the skill cant be fixed at least demote our skills back to level 10 until a solution can be found, i dont care if i have to pay coin, spirit, and time to learn the new fixed skill again.

    Please help us Pan Gu!!!!!
    Perhaps deary you might find this unnerving;

    Channeling can be cancelled, regardless of your class.

    You want to hit stuff, and 100% accuracy sounds nice, but the next time that you crit a sin for 1 damage with your shiny new Sage Beastial Onslaught, you will understand.

    Back to the Cancelling idea, I have LITERALLY had dagger throw used on me and had it cancel my channeling for Sage Onslaught, which is quite frustrating.

    Remember, at level 10 channel + cast is 1.5 seconds. At level 11 it will be 2.2 seconds. And an assassin can kill you in that time difference, quite literally and feasibly.

    I think he was talking about channel canceling, not being interupted. Changing weapons to cancel your own attack but still get the benefits from the attack. This only works on self buffs so I'm not quite sure what the goal was but I've noticed sometimes on my bm when I fail to channel cancel my cyclone heel by switching to axe I get a spike in damage like I did a fist only cyclone heel attack with my axe. I think Cerberu's goal was 100% accuracy and zerk by channel canceling and switching weapons. Doesn't sound doable, or at least not reliably doable.

    oh, and

    Knife Throw description

    Throw your dagger at the target.
    Deals base physical damage plus 693.3.
    Has a 70% chance to interrupt channeling.

    Yah, interrupting channeling is what its meant to do. And to me .7 increase for a skill that never misses sounds like a fair deal for a class that wins fights by spike damage. Hitting and not zerking is better than missing a hit that would have been a zerk. Barbs sacrifice dex and accuracy for more vit/str. This skill evens out accuracy issues, but for a price.

    As for not zerking, Dsholder called this an obvious malfunction but has anyone researched whether any skills that offer 100% accuracy can zerk? That almost sounds more like an exploitation of the game.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Blade_aether - Lost City
    Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I was not making reference to his cancel referring to switching weapons, simply that all classes can have skills interrupted.

    As for 100% accuracy skills zerking;
    Mighty Swing can Zerk,
    Flesh Ream can Zerk,
    Demon Stomp of the Beast King can Zerk,
    Rising Dragon Strike can Zerk,
    Ancestral Rage can Zerk,
    Mage Bane can Zerk,
    Flash can Zerk.

    Now where I find irony in that, is that the only skill that becomes 100% accuracy from the demon cultivation is Stomp of the Beast King, and the hilarity comes from the fact that it does not get a channeling increase, just an increase in cooldown time.

    Saku, I am not sure where you got off hating Sage Barbarians, but the only 100% accuracy skill in game that is used by a class that uses zerk weapons that cannot zerk is SAGE Beastial Onslaught.

    Furthermore, demon version can be cancelled, allowing for a 35% crit increase, and the skill will not go into cool down, so hitting a target is not even necessary for the bonus.

    I would also argue that a 35% crit increase is a much larger bonus than 100% accuracy, especially considering the fact that one of the two native dex classes has a buff that grants a chance of you 'missing' them regardless of how many 100% accuracy skills you have. Look at a barb's average skill, the channel and cast time I mean. Then look at the damage addons.

    Honestly, it doesn't fit, it adds roughly what most skills do, but in twice the time? And to lose the ability, no, the chance for 4x damage?

    I didn't choose my cultivation based on one skill, which is why I am still sage, I can live without onslaught.

    What bothers me is the imbalance, and the lack of attention that has been paid to it. I am willing to pay cash money to unlearn my level 11 Onslaught to have level 10 back, and I have 32 base dex. So clearly 100% accuracy is not my utmost priority.

    Setting things straight.
  • Doggy_Stylez - Lost City
    Doggy_Stylez - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    "Perhaps deary you might find this unnerving;" <--- don't be patronizing, it weakens your case if you expect people to listen to your point.

    "Channeling can be cancelled, regardless of your class." <--- pointing out the obvious

    "You want to hit stuff, and 100% accuracy sounds nice, but the next time that you crit a sin for 1 damage with your shiny new Sage Beastial Onslaught, you will understand." <--- so you're saying when i use sage bestial onsl. to hit a sin of the same level as me, wit comparable gears it will do 1 damage? o.O

    "Back to the Cancelling idea, I have LITERALLY had dagger throw used on me and had it cancel my channeling for Sage Onslaught, which is quite frustrating." <--- i highly doubt the average sin is gonna be quick enough on the dagger throw button to cancel EVERY time you use it... I suggest you try leveling a wizard then you will understand the true frustration of channel cancelling.

    "Remember, at level 10 channel + cast is 1.5 seconds. At level 11 it will be 2.2 seconds." <--- I can see how 1.4 channeling time (i am deliberately ignoring cast time since i consider it irrelevant to the argument) for a barb skill is gonna feel super slow... but i am curious to know... approximately how many times that you use this skill on a sin, archer or bm do they manage to cancel it? And have you considered changing the timing in which you use the skill?

    "And an assassin can kill you in that time difference, quite literally and feasibly." <--- if a sin of my own level can kill me in 2.2 secs at ANY point in this game, i will immediately retire barb and most likely hyper level my sin. I have never lost to any LA class within 5 levels of myself yet... dont expect that record to continue once i get into 10x's, but ijs... my build solid for pvp and i'm not stupid.

    "You ask about the evasion debuff? Well, the less evasion that your target has, the less accuracy you need to hit them!" <--- plz stop pointing out the obvious.. nothing i wrote in my post indicates i dont already know this...

    "If you worry so much about the 100% accuracy, that is an indicator that you miss very frequently in PK." <---regular attacks miss alot, FR and Mighty Swing never...

    "Honestly, I suggest your level 11 Blood Bath, and Ambers for your wep. I personally have 32 base dex at 101. I also have a Golden Amber soulgem (G12 Amber) in my weapon for 300 accuracy. With my two lunar rings it turns into 600 additional accuracy, and even with level 10 Blood Bath, that would be 1200 more accuracy from ONE SHARD! I like my sage blood bath ;)" <--- i use amber shards and one misty ring... With regard to Blood Bath, at the current point in time i have found it preferable to keep extra HP and simply spam 100% accuracy skills til i wear my opponent down... this will most likely have to change as i get into higher levels, but i am nothing if not adaptable.

    Overall, I am glad you posted, cos this skill was a big reason why i was considering Sage over Demon... however i find the superior tone you take slightly offensive... (plz take this as constructive criticism not an insult)

    To reiterate, I hope some OTHER sage barbs would post opinions on this skill... do you find it useful? do you also find it gets cancelled alot? thanks!
  • RioNHale - Archosaur
    RioNHale - Archosaur Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    "Perhaps deary you might find this unnerving;" <--- don't be patronizing, it weakens your case if you expect people to listen to your point.

    "Channeling can be cancelled, regardless of your class." <--- pointing out the obvious

    "You want to hit stuff, and 100% accuracy sounds nice, but the next time that you crit a sin for 1 damage with your shiny new Sage Beastial Onslaught, you will understand." <--- so you're saying when i use sage bestial onsl. to hit a sin of the same level as me, wit comparable gears it will do 1 damage? o.O

    "Back to the Cancelling idea, I have LITERALLY had dagger throw used on me and had it cancel my channeling for Sage Onslaught, which is quite frustrating." <--- i highly doubt the average sin is gonna be quick enough on the dagger throw button to cancel EVERY time you use it... I suggest you try leveling a wizard then you will understand the true frustration of channel cancelling.

    "Remember, at level 10 channel + cast is 1.5 seconds. At level 11 it will be 2.2 seconds." <--- I can see how 1.4 channeling time (i am deliberately ignoring cast time since i consider it irrelevant to the argument) for a barb skill is gonna feel super slow... but i am curious to know... approximately how many times that you use this skill on a sin, archer or bm do they manage to cancel it? And have you considered changing the timing in which you use the skill?

    "And an assassin can kill you in that time difference, quite literally and feasibly." <--- if a sin of my own level can kill me in 2.2 secs at ANY point in this game, i will immediately retire barb and most likely hyper level my sin. I have never lost to any LA class within 5 levels of myself yet... dont expect that record to continue once i get into 10x's, but ijs... my build solid for pvp and i'm not stupid.

    "You ask about the evasion debuff? Well, the less evasion that your target has, the less accuracy you need to hit them!" <--- plz stop pointing out the obvious.. nothing i wrote in my post indicates i dont already know this...

    "If you worry so much about the 100% accuracy, that is an indicator that you miss very frequently in PK." <---regular attacks miss alot, FR and Mighty Swing never...

    "Honestly, I suggest your level 11 Blood Bath, and Ambers for your wep. I personally have 32 base dex at 101. I also have a Golden Amber soulgem (G12 Amber) in my weapon for 300 accuracy. With my two lunar rings it turns into 600 additional accuracy, and even with level 10 Blood Bath, that would be 1200 more accuracy from ONE SHARD! I like my sage blood bath ;)" <--- i use amber shards and one misty ring... With regard to Blood Bath, at the current point in time i have found it preferable to keep extra HP and simply spam 100% accuracy skills til i wear my opponent down... this will most likely have to change as i get into higher levels, but i am nothing if not adaptable.

    Overall, I am glad you posted, cos this skill was a big reason why i was considering Sage over Demon... however i find the superior tone you take slightly offensive... (plz take this as constructive criticism not an insult)

    To reiterate, I hope some OTHER sage barbs would post opinions on this skill... do you find it useful? do you also find it gets cancelled alot? thanks!

    Sins have a skill that makes u do 1 damage to them "avoids the damage of a skill" or some **** idk the name, but my arma has hit for 1 on them, yes and it was a crit.

    And they got dead nerves, and they attack at 3-4aps mostly, and they stun, seal, sleep, immobolise, occult ice, AND they infaspark so are nearly always at 500% damage.

    So Barbs get a nerfed skill to reduce their evasion that cant zerk in order to combat them... if your on a PVP server like Aether gotta see what he means by our only ranged skill apart from ancestral rage i believe, cant zerk and takes long to channel.

    Ive found people have avoided beastial onslaught skill by simply running out of range and kiting, by the time its channelled, which never happened to me when it was lvl 10.

    It was just not neccassary to increase channel or cancel weapon procs, and its a move I use constantly, so it can be a little frustrating.
    I dont use a zerk wep atm... but im saving for R9 axe ingame, and I bet its gna tick me off.
    ★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    -Inactive 19 Sept 2011-
  • Doggy_Stylez - Lost City
    Doggy_Stylez - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Sins have a skill that makes u do 1 damage to them "avoids the damage of a skill" or some **** idk the name, but my arma has hit for 1 on them, yes and it was a crit.

    And they got dead nerves, and they attack at 3-4aps mostly, and they stun, seal, sleep, immobolise, occult ice, AND they infaspark so are nearly always at 500% damage.

    So Barbs get a nerfed skill to reduce their evasion that cant zerk in order to combat them... if your on a PVP server like Aether gotta see what he means by our only ranged skill apart from ancestral rage i believe, cant zerk and takes long to channel.

    Ive found people have avoided beastial onslaught skill by simply running out of range and kiting, by the time its channelled, which never happened to me when it was lvl 10.

    It was just not neccassary to increase channel or cancel weapon procs, and its a move I use constantly, so it can be a little frustrating.
    I dont use a zerk wep atm... but im saving for R9 axe ingame, and I bet its gna tick me off.

    Good answer, thank you! b:victory
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I never had a problem with my sage onslaught. The fact that it doesn't allow for zerk procs or other status effects doesn't bother me either. I hate zerk weaps for pk...I die much faster with them, than without.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • RioNHale - Archosaur
    RioNHale - Archosaur Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I never had a problem with my sage onslaught. The fact that it doesn't allow for zerk procs or other status effects doesn't bother me either. I hate zerk weaps for pk...I die much faster with them, than without.

    zerk crit arma > crit arma > zerk arma > arma

    x4 damage > x2 > x2 > x1
    ★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    -Inactive 19 Sept 2011-
  • Blade_aether - Lost City
    Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Dearest Doggy Stylez,

    I do not mean to come about sounding pretentious or haughty, I do however attempt to come across in a humorous manner the vast majority of the time.

    The Sage Assassin evade damage skill is a 33% chance to avoid all types of incoming damage, so no matter how accurate a skill is, or whether it be magic or physical, you have a 2 in 3 chance to hit the sin, or vice versa, a 1 in 3 chance to 'miss the sin' IE; 1 damage.

    As for stating the obvious, my reference was to form an amendment to what Sakubatou thought that I was referring to.

    As for dying in 2.2 seconds to sins, I have roughly 30k pdef in tiger when I am FULL buffed. I have been one shot by a couple of sins on occasion, those being SolidSnake, ICHIxKILLER, Deathstrike (TiTeo's), and I know that my beloved Rinc could oneshot me with ease. When you refer to accuracy being of utmost importance, I am a sage barb with 522 strength, and my 19k physical attack is my third leg in PEEKAYZ. If I can't one, two, or three shot a sin, then I am in for a bumpy ride.

    Accuracy used to concern me almost above all else, the difference between me missing, and a connect, is life or death. I have come to the realization however that accuracy is rather easy to come by, like how 15 valdia roots, and 10 tiger's ear herbs can make you some dandy PK pots that multiply your accuracy by 6 for something like 10 seconds. Which, regardless of your base accuracy, is still a ton.

    As for my build, my HP may be low, but I try to make up for it in charisma, and I do sometimes falter. Like when I die in 3-4 seconds to ONE triple sparked sin.

    I spend quite a bit of time logged into PWI daily, and I am not a fan or farming or merchanting, or specifically chatting it up with the gals. I sit outside of safezone and PK the days away. I target essentially everyone, so I do pound the occasional noob. But more often then not, I find myself pitted against not one, but multiple R9 sins, who do simultaneously thrill, and terrify me.

    I chose to learn Sage Onslaught on the premise that if it could never miss, then I could rely on it as I do my third leg, the 19k p atk one ;) Initially, the channeling increase was very difficult to get used to, and I thought that I grew to like it. That was when I was using my lunar axes before I make my Unicorn's Tragedies. The shift was immense. I was zerk critting full buffed BM's for 10-20k, with mighty swing. I was in heaven, cloud 9. But I soon noticed that my dearest baby, my beloved onslaught, just never mustered a zerk.

    I was heartbroken. Back in my calamity axe hayday when I could onslaught someone holy pathing away and zerk crit all of their HP away... How a boy can dream... Now, I use the skill a plenty in PK, but only really against Archers and Sins, it takes to long compared to other skills and it is to slow to by pass charm ticks on the fly. As for being cancelled or interrupted by sins, I would admit that it only gets cancelled roughly 10 times a day. Which considering how much I PK is not all that much.

    Now you may argue, what about when they are too far away? Honestly, I do use it then, or I use true form because my base speed is 10m/s so catching up is not impossible.

    But honestly boyo, it is a foundation skill, and I hear many barbs say that they don't like zerk for PK, but when I crit someone with the skill for 10k, and know full well that the intimation of the 20k zerk crit will never be realized, well I just want to curl up into a panda ball and wait for petting.

    I did not mean to come across condescending, and stating the obvious was purely in reference to previous points made by others. But the skill is terrible. For PVE you might as well use two regular hits, or just run towards your target and reg hit it. Either way, if you ever get to PK with me, you will feel my pain, or at least hear me complain in vent when my partner in crime, Amour steals my PK kills.

    *Shakes the angry fist of anger*

    Happy Valentines!
  • deuses
    deuses Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i have one my barb lvl101 with one weapon zerk lvl 90(Calloused)..and i have Bestial Onslaught Sage
    im tried a lot of times that skill for do zerk and nerver did it ...all my skill can do zerk(Sacrifical Strike) but Bestial Onslaught never do it ...
    i dont know why my never do it and others guys in game do zerk with this skill....
    plz tell me aswer for resolve it
    im playing that game at 3-4years and i want continue but with that problem i will be very bored
  • Night$aber - Dreamweaver
    Night$aber - Dreamweaver Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i have one my barb lvl101 with one weapon zerk lvl 90(Calloused)..and i have Bestial Onslaught Sage
    im tried a lot of times that skill for do zerk and nerver did it ...all my skill can do zerk(Sacrifical Strike) but Bestial Onslaught never do it ...
    i dont know why my never do it and others guys in game do zerk with this skill....
    plz tell me aswer for resolve it
    im playing that game at 3-4years and i want continue but with that problem i will be very bored

    Didn't you read anything from this topic?Sage Beastial Onslaught can't zerk b:laugh.
    Edit: Yay necro.

  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Didn't you read anything from this topic?Sage Beastial Onslaught can't zerk b:laugh.
    Edit: Yay necro.


    Necro and QQ fest on a skill that probably was designed not to zerk and isn't considered broken.

    Just wanted to point out that many of the new Morai skills also can't zerk so the odds of them changing the programming of Sage BO has gone down significantly.

    Was thinking about this skill the other day when looking at a demon archer skill (O Lightning Strike) that "this skill will never miss, but has an increased cooldown". With 500+ dex on an archer, not much misses anyways, so I'd rather just take the lvl 11 damage without the effect. Would be a nice option to this skill also, that you get an option to have level 11 damage but skill doesn't have an effect. It won't have increased channeling but also won't be 100% accurate, can still zerk. You'd just go from 100% dmg + 2844 dmg to a level 11 100% dmg +3600 dmg.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • BloodTyrant - Raging Tide
    BloodTyrant - Raging Tide Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    will this post ever get closed? come on mods, we know you guys aren't on vacationb:scorn
  • overcomem
    overcomem Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Sage Bestial Onslaught can zerk now with Horizontal expansion. And with Primal version it gives you 100% crit to chain with stomp of the beast king and never miss ( OP huh? ) by the way 0.2 channeling

    oh hey you sage barb you got a lot of advantage with new transform as well that makes Demon version looks jelly b:victory

    waiting for Sweetiebot. Necroooo!! b:thanks
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    overcomem wrote: »
    Sage Bestial Onslaught can zerk now with Horizontal expansion. And with Primal version it gives you 100% crit to chain with stomp of the beast king and never miss ( OP huh? ) by the way 0.2 channeling

    oh hey you sage barb you got a lot of advantage with new transform as well that makes Demon version looks jelly

    waiting for Sweetiebot. Necroooo!!

    This looks like a NECRO!

    overcomem replied to a message that was 1 year 9 months 6 days 10 hours 38 minutes old.

    Any thread over one month (30 days) old is considered to be a dead thread and you're not supposed to post in them. The person you are replying to probably doesn't care any more or can no longer be found on the forums. The topic itself could be out of date. Next time just make a new thread.

    Let's see how long it takes for a mod to close this :)
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    overcomem wrote: »
    Sage Bestial Onslaught can zerk now with Horizontal expansion. And with Primal version it gives you 100% crit to chain with stomp of the beast king and never miss ( OP huh? ) by the way 0.2 channeling

    oh hey you sage barb you got a lot of advantage with new transform as well that makes Demon version looks jelly b:victory

    waiting for Sweetiebot. Necroooo!! b:thanks

    If you know it's close to a 2 year necro then just don't make it in the first place.
    (Insert fancy image here)
This discussion has been closed.