Dye suggestion

Zodiac_Virgo - Raging Tide
Zodiac_Virgo - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Suggestion Box
I was just randomly thinking in class today...(yeah nothing to really do of interest in class)...about how people mix and match sets but some sets have different variations of the same color. Such as a lighter or darker red, some whites appear more grey-ish than white and so on.

I personally have a set I will eventually get but the color I want it in is grey but it I make them all the same shade of grey the appear to be completely different shades. I did manage to use the spectrum to get them all appearing as the same color but the chances of that happening with set pigments or random pigments is.....well too long a number to even try to calculate.

So I am suggesting a simple and hopefully profitable (for PWE) a new type of dye.

All-Purpose Dye - and simply put it allows people to talk to a seamstress and color a single piece of fashion to any color on the spectrum.

Now since this is able to set any fashion to any color I suggest they be sold for 2 gold a piece and adhere to the current standards of dye for fashion.

This means you will need 9 dyes to color say the Pirate Top for females or 2 for heels. This could proved both a satisfied PWI community (unless otherwise stated below) and profit for PWE because I am pretty sure people will buy them, but I guess the responses to this post will determine how popular this might be.