This needs to be read...



  • Santouryu - Raging Tide
    Santouryu - Raging Tide Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    simply put, SS or it didn't happen k? If you don't have proof that it happened, then it didn't. Period.

    Well really he was gone and out before I even realized what happened and since you're on my server you can ask around and they'll tell you it has happened to other people too all by the same person. Lol no SS doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    you're on my server .
    shhh don't say that too loud, I don't want people associating me with you b:shutup
    Lol no SS doesn't mean it didn't happen.

    Um, no, I'm sorry. SS does mean it never happened. As far as the GMs are concerned, you're trying get your stuff back after being pked by a squadmate in fb29. That happens all the time on PvP servers. If you're red, they squadmates almost always kill you after a run (unless you've hit it off and are best friends now b:pleased) or during it. Especially if they feel they don't need you in the squad (like for an easy fb29...)

    For one, I've never seen anyone go on WC and complain of this, or ask for mod.

    Btw, since the name of this archer is so easy to find since he does this so much (apparently) why don't you pm me the name and faction of this archer? Chances are I know them if they pk alot.
  • Santouryu - Raging Tide
    Santouryu - Raging Tide Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    shhh don't say that too loud, I don't want people associating me with you b:shutup

    Um, no, I'm sorry. SS does mean it never happened. As far as the GMs are concerned, you're trying get your stuff back after being pked by a squadmate in fb29. That happens all the time on PvP servers. If you're red, they squadmates almost always kill you after a run (unless you've hit it off and are best friends now b:pleased) or during it. Especially if they feel they don't need you in the squad (like for an easy fb29...)

    For one, I've never seen anyone go on WC and complain of this, or ask for mod.

    Btw, since the name of this archer is so easy to find since he does this so much (apparently) why don't you pm me the name and faction of this archer? Chances are I know them if they pk alot.

    Lol w/e you shoulda never posted on the forums then ;p

    Well we're not on a PvP server so idk why your bringing that up. And if you wanna know the name/guild or w/e of archer then sure lol i can tell you easily...i even pmed there faction officers and they know of this happening to others before. He's in vertu btw...mail me in game if you wanna know name, i guess
  • xposed1
    xposed1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wow that is unbelievably tricky. Too bad you had to suffer for your kindness though =/
  • hugoredbone
    hugoredbone Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    Hall Of Deception is an instance. Only you and your squad members will be there. Anyone outside of your squad won't be in the Hall with you. It's not possible.

    It's possible that a party member can leave the squad, and pk him quick before the timer counts down to 0 and boots them out of instance.

    Something about the story seems fishy though.

    In any case Karma's a b*itch, don't get red in the first place and he won't need to worry about losing half his things. And if he's going to be red then sl or bind charm.
  • RaGEnGirl - Sanctuary
    RaGEnGirl - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Send in ticket with that tabbers name and the archers name. Request that they look through the files! You must send in the time & date, location so it won't take them to long to find the instance. And if you purchased Zhen to buy the mount etc..., you will have an advantage regarding this proble,m especially if you bought thru paypal! As they can request a record also. Just a thought : ) Also, know that if you are anyway involved in this scam you will be banned, as they will look throughly thru all the records. They will show any/all involvement with those persons! Past trades, purchases, parties and research if u were anywhere near when it happened to someone else.
  • Barbarian - Raging Tide
    Barbarian - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sorry to hear you lost your stuff via doing something nice for someone.

    Does his wife know about this? b:shocked
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well we're not on a PvP server so idk why your bringing that up.

    Because the archer is a pker, and pkers usually think alike, server doesn't matter.

    A PvE server archer is constantly thinking, "kill kill kill, pew pew pew, dead dead dead"
    A PvP server archer is no different
    But the PvP archer is prolly the better pker b:cute

    Just saying, you could be lying for all the GMs know. You ran a fb29 with this archer, he decided he didnt need you and that you may not have SL on, so he pew pew'd your bum.

    All I'm saying is that PWI has rarely helped players out. And even more rarely give players their items back, even if they lose them because of a **** or glitch that PWI should have already fixed.

    Don't get your hopes up about getting you stuff back
    and Don't expect the archer to get in any trouble at all unless someone gets a SS of him. Even then, if he's a heavy cser then there's no chance of something being done.
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Because the archer is a pker, and pkers usually think alike, server doesn't matter.

    A PvE server archer is constantly thinking, "kill kill kill, pew pew pew, dead dead dead"
    A PvP server archer is no different
    But the PvP archer is prolly the better pker b:cute

    Just saying, you could be lying for all the GMs know. You ran a fb29 with this archer, he decided he didnt need you and that you may not have SL on, so he pew pew'd your bum.
    All I'm saying is that PWI has rarely helped players out. And even more rarely give players their items back, even if they lose them because of a **** or glitch that PWI should have already fixed.

    Don't get your hopes up about getting you stuff back
    and Don't expect the archer to get in any trouble at all unless someone gets a SS of him. Even then, if he's a heavy cser then there's no chance of something being done.

    I believe that. He got killled and lost his stuff cause.....
    Thanks Thanos, and no he wasn't in squad because I invited the cleric when he asked me during the tiger event.

    well, tbh it doesnt sound like a reason to ban if he makes it the following way:

    archer+alt in squad
    archer logs out
    (alt can go out of instance now)
    alt invites target
    target enters instance
    archer logs in
    archer pk target

    if the archer was in the same squad with the low-level he would stay in the same instance if the alt was leader. same thing happens when u dc and the party invites u back before u port out

    No way it was a set up if he invited the cleric/alt. He is just butt hurt.
  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Santo, who is this archer? why not out him in public to save others? why the drama and secrecy?

    RT is my server too. i would like to know who this person is so i can put them on my sh*t list of people i will hose if i get the chance.

    vertu is a good start, now c'mon..spit it out already... :)

    edit: i was kinda hoping it was a certain archer from murr, but heh...although maybe he switched factions...

    editz: btw, what was the name and faction of the lowbie you helped, that set u up? they are just as responsible.
  • ItsAWolf - Archosaur
    ItsAWolf - Archosaur Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Santo, who is this archer? why not out him in public to save others? why the drama and secrecy?

    RT is my server too. i would like to know who this person is so i can put them on my sh*t list of people i will hose if i get the chance.

    vertu is a good start, now c'mon..spit it out already... :)

    edit: i was kinda hoping it was a certain archer from murr, but heh...although maybe he switched factions...

    editz: btw, what was the name and faction of the lowbie you helped, that set u up? they are just as responsible.

    You are not allowed to name and shame on these forums.
  • Foxxy_skai - Raging Tide
    Foxxy_skai - Raging Tide Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Name and not shame the archer then. I would warn people. For that sake I would.

    Dirty trick the archer and lowbie did. Sucks to be in your position..
  • Xxdistance - Heavens Tear
    Xxdistance - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    But you have to think, if you name him on here and on WC... he could just as easily make a new character.
    Honestly, if he is the archer and the alt, I wouldn't level up another character to 100 just to do this scam.. but people are crazy these days.
    " you gave up the fight; you left me behind . "

    credit for the picture goes to Susylu, of course. b:cute
  • Santouryu - Raging Tide
    Santouryu - Raging Tide Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Santo, who is this archer? why not out him in public to save others? why the drama and secrecy?

    RT is my server too. i would like to know who this person is so i can put them on my sh*t list of people i will hose if i get the chance.

    vertu is a good start, now c'mon..spit it out already... :)

    edit: i was kinda hoping it was a certain archer from murr, but heh...although maybe he switched factions...

    editz: btw, what was the name and faction of the lowbie you helped, that set u up? they are just as responsible.

    The archer was Agilus, there now ya know, as for the cleric I have no idea
    I didn't say at first cause I didn't know if it was allowed or something but idc atm just ppl should know this **** happens

    Edit- And DaKillanator I have no idea what you're talking about. I ran the fb29 with a 29 cleric(WHO CANT EVEN BE IN PK) so no way they could just drop squad and attack me. It was Agilus from out of nowhere that pk'ed me
  • albertjovica
    albertjovica Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    posting from no-name alt for certain reasons. That archer is doing this for a months. I remember few months ago he did this same thing to another barb (seems he likes barbs lmao) named merlox, so if there are people who dont believe what Santo is saying, pm merlox (RT server, ofc) and ask him about his problem with Agilus.

    Moral of story: dont go help people in low FBs on RT if you're red named, cuz this **** archer will pop in, kill you and take your stuff away. He was also using that stupid scam with dq item that looks like insignia wep, but he was too stupid to go away from his lvl 1 alt while doing it. He's just filthy person.
  • Santouryu - Raging Tide
    Santouryu - Raging Tide Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    posting from no-name alt for certain reasons. That archer is doing this for a months. I remember few months ago he did this same thing to another barb (seems he likes barbs lmao) named merlox, so if there are people who dont believe what Santo is saying, pm merlox (RT server, ofc) and ask him about his problem with Agilus.

    Moral of story: dont go help people in low FBs on RT if you're red named, cuz this **** archer will pop in, kill you and take your stuff away. He was also using that stupid scam with dq item that looks like insignia wep, but he was too stupid to go away from his lvl 1 alt while doing it. He's just filthy person.

    Ty ;p b:victory...
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    theres a time delay when using tele stone for fb29 first it teles u into SP then it teles u into the hall, and if someone is lucky, and this archer was lucky. Someone can pk u, the fact that u died from an ea tells me that u have ****ty HP. And u need to always have SL on before u leave the SZs. This is ur own fault, have a nice day!
    you need to read again....or (oh yeah thats right not suppose to trolls b:cry)..yeah :D
    1) It takes 3 days to change safety lock - did you really sit there for the time to tick out so you could do an FB29. Why didn't you just do it on free? Then only tabber picks things up. Or you could have simply mailed the mold later.
    2) If you're on PK mode alwaysalwaysalwaysalways have dolls- Or safety lock - or all bound gear. Because no matter what the situation if you are red, and you drop, it's your own fault - Sucks if you were tricked, but still that's life- Only time GMs would help is if you glitched with a doll (you sometimes can drop with dolls very VERY rare cases though)
    3) That archer must have been amazing to kill you in FB29. If you just ported in? You're a barb you should have had time to run out.

    All in all what was done (if it was done the way you say) It really sucks ***. But at the same time it isn't bannable. If you're redname, bind your gear, get dolls, or don't carry expensive items - End of story :( Sorry you had to learn the hard way
    well, tbh it doesnt sound like a reason to ban if he makes it the following way:

    archer+alt in squad
    archer logs out
    (alt can go out of instance now)
    alt invites target
    target enters instance
    archer logs in
    archer pk target
    Yeah your right. When i get dced in fc and the leader is afk and barbs tanking, i can heal the barb log off when the timer reaches 20sec then come back on and its resets to 60 seconds again..i repeat in till leader adds me back (hopefully its not against the rules)..but yeah that is the most likely explanation of how he does it.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ty ;p b:victory...

    how comes whenever i try to mail you it says you don't exist b:surrender
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Santouryu - Raging Tide
    Santouryu - Raging Tide Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    how comes whenever i try to mail you it says you don't exist b:surrender

    my name in game isn't capitalized so try mailing "santouryu"
  • albertjovica
    albertjovica Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ty ;p b:victory...

    np. always glad to see people screaming out of nowhere "OMG LIAR, SS OR DIDNT HAPPEN" etc, without thinking about it a little. Yes, there are people who use cheap tricks like this. And yes, Agilus is doing it for months already.
  • Santouryu - Raging Tide
    Santouryu - Raging Tide Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    And yeah I've barely posted in the forums until I made this thread and was just like seriously? wtf...some people just post for no reason or somethiing...also I got a few mails in game saying that either this has happened to someone or their friend from Agilus too...
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    my name in game isn't capitalized so try mailing "santouryu"
    And yeah I've barely posted in the forums until I made this thread and was just like seriously? wtf...some people just post for no reason or somethiing...also I got a few mails in game saying that either this has happened to someone or their friend from Agilus too...

    are you online now Q_Q pm

    nvm i'm off
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • MrSyko - Raging Tide
    MrSyko - Raging Tide Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    b:laugh b:shutup
  • Jessysm - Raging Tide
    Jessysm - Raging Tide Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    So I just want to know if I can have the minutes of my life back that I spent reading this **** thread. So many people don't read before they post. And thanks to everyone who put a guide up here on how to scam people. You morons, don't you realize further explanation of anything like this is just cause for more of it to occur - if it is anything like that which was described.

    Just more of a cause to repeat the words that people don't want to hear, Safety Lock.

    I mean there are multiple methods put in place to protect your investments. They have all been named here.

    I am sure many people can say they have gone to help someone while in pk mode without SL on or any other methods in place to protect gear from dropping.

    Just don't continue to let yourselves be so naive to believe that you will never drop gear or items if you pk.

    All else aside santouryu, you always been cool with me. If you need a BM to help ya with re-gearing or whatever, I'm quite sure I got a spot on your FL
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Lol ok I see how it works then, but that's pretty effed up even if I can do nothing about it. Thanks for your responses...Guess rage quitting is now the only choice..I don't cash shop and took me forever to farm the stuff I lost just to lose it to someone that does cash shop and does this ****.

    mount, weapon, belt.

    Weapon, if you were able to drop it then it must not be worth too much. You obviously didn't have a TT99/TT90 gold wep, didn't have R8, so unless you had a lunar weapon (as a barb? plz tell me you weren't using those crappy dragonhunts) then what you lost wasn't worth much.

    Belt? Again if you were able to lose it then you obviously didn't have a TT99 belt or a map 4 belt so more than likely just some random 8x mold belt, or a warsong lmao, but I doubt you lost a warsong belt.

    Mount? Wait how do you even drop a mount, you carried your mount around in your inventory?
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Alwina - Raging Tide
    Alwina - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    b:cry he lost Hellfire drake 3speed? and uhmmm, those lvl 97 dual hammers? and some **** ornament. i think

    anyways thank you very much for the insightful thoughts and comments!!
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    lol, he's gonna ragequit over a mold weapon worth like, 3mil I think?

    Only significant thing lost was the fly mount.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Jessysm - Raging Tide
    Jessysm - Raging Tide Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Mount? Wait how do you even drop a mount, you carried your mount around in your inventory?

    Unless he extended his pet slots he would only be able to have 1 "pet" available to summon. So maybe he had one of those baby pets in the summon slot at the time.

    So that would explain his mount in inventory.

    I have not extended my slots, I think the pets that just follow you and do nothing are pointless and so I need only 1 slot for my mammoth.
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    he means flying mount i think.

    maybe he has deicides b:avoid
  • Fuzzballs - Heavens Tear
    Fuzzballs - Heavens Tear Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    what a load of QQ over some crappy stuff and flyer