an observation on archer

tehiro Posts: 0 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Archer
recently there has been a dramatic increase in the number of archers playing, and it always bugs me to see an archer questing and exchanging blows with a mob. an archer attacks at range, a good archer will never take damage from a physical mob and a great archer will never take damage from a ranged mob.
so i wanted to take this opportunity to explain the use of some of our skills and the common curtsy every archer needs to know.

1, frost arrow is your best friend. mobs are mindless and will run strait at you when you hit them, anything that impedes them of this goal you should use at every opportunity because an archer in striking distance of anything is soon to be a dead archer.
2, knockback arrow is your second best friend, for the same reason as above. use it well and often
3, in dungeons stunning arrow saves lives and is vital for stopping ranged mobs from running for cover among other mobs. in fact aim low is also vital for this, as an archer you don't have a lot of skills you will be using that need sparks, so don't be stingy with them.
4, in dungeons stunning arrow and aim low are the only skills you should ever be using! and even that is debatable sometimes.

on common curtsy there are a few things to keep in mind.
1, archers are masters of distances when it comes to mobs. it is almost impossible for anyone to kill steal us, and really easy to kill steal others. DON'T do it. extend the hand of friend ship and if its rejected then leave a few mobs for others, just because they are rude to you doesn't mean you should be rude to them.
2, protect your squishy party members, i've been in a few bad squads before that have wiped, and a lot of good squads that have wiped, and the fact is that archers are expendable. if the cleric takes agro then you steal it, i don't care if you have 5 mobs attacking you at once, you steal every mobs agro that dares to raise its fist against your cleric.
3, stick with the squishes, you do no good next to the bm or barb, your range is the same as the mages and clerics so stick with them. besides the proper role of an archer isn't only to deal damage, but to be the clerics bodyguard.

if anyone has something that they would like to add or correct then please leave a comment detailing it in the space below.
Post edited by tehiro on


  • Falcondance - Heavens Tear
    Falcondance - Heavens Tear Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    tehiro wrote: »
    2, protect your squishy party members, i've been in a few bad squads before that have wiped, and a lot of good squads that have wiped, and the fact is that archers are expendable. if the cleric takes agro then you steal it, i don't care if you have 5 mobs attacking you at once, you steal every mobs agro that dares to raise its fist against your cleric.



    "I always thought I'd be the only one doing crazy things for people who would never care enough to do it back or to act like idiots or be entirely vulnerable, and making someone fall in love with you is easy, and flying 3000 miles on four days notice because you can't just sit there and do nothing and breathe into telephones is not everyone's idea of love, but it is the way I can recognize it because that is what I do."
    Sig pic by Nowitsawn
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    For instances you should add Sharpened Tooth Arrow. I also think mele skills, or at least Wingspan, has its purpose inside instances since you cant push back mobs. Also Quick Shot (if Demon) and of course Barrage - as long as you're not nub-sauce and opens zhen on the boss thinking its great dps. I never really use Aim Low in pve tho. But i guess its useful at lower lvls when it takes a few shoots to kill stuff.

    Its pretty disgusting seeing archers using random skills inside instances lol. Next freaking archer that starts DD-ing a boss using Metal combos, Wood arrow, Deadly Shoot, Serrated Arrow, Frost arrow, im just gonna kick from party lol. I did see a lot of that when i frosted my sin and did random BHs. It really makes me rage >_<
  • tehiro
    tehiro Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i agree with you about sharpen tooth arrow, it does have its place if no where else then for bosses in instances. if you squad with an archer then it is expected for him to sharp tooth the bosses and make life that much easier for everyone in the squad.
  • WorryEasykil - Dreamweaver
    WorryEasykil - Dreamweaver Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Its pretty disgusting seeing archers using random skills inside instances lol. Next freaking archer that starts DD-ing a boss using Metal combos, Wood arrow, Deadly Shoot, Serrated Arrow, Frost arrow, im just gonna kick from party lol. I did see a lot of that when i frosted my sin and did random BHs. It really makes me rage >_<

    I use my bleeders on bosses in the dungeons. No harm in adding a bit of DOT without stealing aggro. Dunno why that would make you rage. Also in FC I use what skill I can on Frost Bishops, mainly opening with a stunning arrow to keep them from debuffing as long as possible.
  • Xxdistance - Heavens Tear
    Xxdistance - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I had an archer tank an instance
    bosses for me once on my cleric and I facepalmed
    when I saw she was using Serrated Arrow. I asked if she leveled it up
    and her answer was yes, along with the other DPS skill (that I cba to
    remember the name of because it's ****). I ended up telling her the
    skills she should be using and how spamming skills does not = high DPS.
    Also, I believe you could add your metal-resistance lowerin attack to the list of courtesies
    IF you have a DDing cleric in the squad. I usually hit that skill to give them
    alittle extra dmg. Atleast the cleric I used to run with enjoyed it.

    It hurts to see archers in their mid-levels thinking they know what they
    are doing. Makes me happy that I am non-nab PVE Archer. (Obviously not this char, haa.)
    " you gave up the fight; you left me behind . "

    credit for the picture goes to Susylu, of course. b:cute
  • Aquilez - Sanctuary
    Aquilez - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I use my bleeders on bosses in the dungeons. No harm in adding a bit of DOT without stealing aggro. Dunno why that would make you rage. Also in FC I use what skill I can on Frost Bishops, mainly opening with a stunning arrow to keep them from debuffing as long as possible.

    it make people rage because using DOT skills dont make your dps higher, yes you will have aditional dmg ticking for a few seconds, but with the time you loose casting the skill you could do 2 or 3 times more dmg than the DOT does

    for high dps as an archer using bow in PVE you better auto atack and spark, maybe demon quickshot and ST (for extra crit), but i'm not sure if it realy is worth
  • Sulvain - Dreamweaver
    Sulvain - Dreamweaver Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I find every bit of this information helpful. I am not a skill spammer. I like to conserve my mana as much as possible thanks to winged shell. That is my fav skill as far as buffs go. My archer is only 25 but I've gone on a few fb 19's with groups who were looking for a random person to join. I don't have serrated arrow or even aim low. But I did watch every party member including the cleric. Its like a family when I'm squaded up with random people. Rather they feel the same or not. Cleric watches my back and I watch there's as well. I pulled 3 mobs off a cleric who made the mistake of firing plume arrow when they should have been healing the tank.

    The barb shouted I havn't got complete aggro yet. So I didn't think but just reacted to the situation. I used what skills I had and put myself in front of the cleric then had them follow me while I attempted to kite them. The cleric was the only person who thanked me for this but I never expected thanks. It was my job and I did die but the barb soon took aggro back and I used my rez scroll immediately after. As a ranged fighter its our job to keep an eye on our surroundings as any class should. We are squishy. Just because you're wearing light armor that has some phys defense and some magic defense that you'll be standing when mobs get to close.

    Also when soloing archers...mobs spawn pretty quickly. They will spawn behind you. Now when that happens don't freak out. It takes the mob about 10 seconds to recognize you're near them. What I do is fire a frost arrow and begin running to where there is no mobs bringing that mob with me I began fighting. But if you're unable to find a safe spot..cast your wings and fly away. Yes that mob you were fighting will regain its health but oh well. You're alive.

    I also see so many archers not using frost arrow on melee mobs.Like the op said they are mindless and run straight at you. I don't use it on ranged or magic casters as they're pretty weak to me unless I absolutely need to. I just open with aimed shot and immediately follow with a knock back as it keeps them out of there own casting range. If you feel they are going to cast when you hit them with knock back. Run the other way and then fire a frost arrow. As the OP said mobs should never hit you. Before each fight if its available cast winged shell. Even if the mob never touches you its good for mana regen. I havn't done alot of the higher dungeons but hopefully I will with my squad.

    As a 20's fighter this is my combo when I fight. If its melee I cast winged shell first(Takes chi) followed by frost arrow(Takes chi as well). Now remember winged shell is active and is restoring some of your mana. Then I just normal. When they get close enough I hit them with Knock(Fills chi) arrow. Then normal until they are dead.

    So now you're looking at winged shell if your an avid user of it like myself and its on cooldown. That's ok. Just go to the next mob and repeat. After the mob is dead cast winged shell. Hopefully when I get higher I'll be able to switch up my combo a bit until I get sparks. I have to thank everyone of you who've posted on the forums with guides ect explaining to the new players how to do certain things and teaching them the right way.

    Alot of you have taken the time to make guides and again I thank you. If it wasn't for you all I'd still be learning. But as a quick learner I have taken in everything I have read. Again I say it. If you think you're in trouble cast your wings and get out of there. Fly straight up if you have to but be careful of flying mobs who are higher level. Good luck and happy gaming! b:pleasedb:laughb:victory
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I would add: when you are shooting exploding monsters, if you can convince your squad members to stand away from you, winged shell and pulling aggro just before the monster dies can work out nicely for everyone.

    But, also, about courtesy... courtesy winds up being different in different circumstances, and can be a real struggle sometimes. This will be especially true when you are fighting easy monsters and tab targeting, and when other people decide they want to fight right next to you. I do not have any good advice, except: just try and be fair.

    After some thought:
    tehiro wrote: »
    a good archer will never take damage from a physical mob and a great archer will never take damage from a ranged mob.

    This just proves something that I have long suspected: I am a fail archer.

    In fact, just the other day, on wanted 16, I had reason to use a few of the health potions that dropped. And lets not even mention final stand, or... other stuff.
    tehiro wrote: »
    4, in dungeons stunning arrow and aim low are the only skills you should ever be using! and even that is debatable sometimes.

    This would indeed be debatable.
    it make people rage because using DOT skills dont make your dps higher, yes you will have aditional dmg ticking for a few seconds, but with the time you loose casting the skill you could do 2 or 3 times more dmg than the DOT does

    This would also be debatable, especially for crossbow users without interval gear.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I use my bleeders on bosses in the dungeons. No harm in adding a bit of DOT without stealing aggro. Dunno why that would make you rage. Also in FC I use what skill I can on Frost Bishops, mainly opening with a stunning arrow to keep them from debuffing as long as possible.

    Frost Bishops are not bosses, using Stunning Arrow on them to prevent dmg/purge is perfectly normal.

    When you spam bleed and other crappy DoT on bosses you nerf your DPS a lot making the bosses die slower. Its hard enough as it is for 90+ archers to get into Frost parties, since the community favors Sins/Bms for fast runs. When archers actually get into Frost parties and than dont even know how to maximize their DPS, making the class look even worse, it makes me rage a bit.

    Archers (at lower levels) using DoT to prevent getting aggro from some horrible barb that dunno how to bite is a different situation tho. Than you intentionally nerf your dmg to avoid trouble.
  • Galox - Heavens Tear
    Galox - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I'd always favour an Archer in my squad over a Sin, because majority of the time, Archers have a brain. Tbh, I blame the hyper levelling for lots of the problems (Noob Barbs/Clerics/Others.)

    For some reason, half the clerics I squad hardly ever use Ironheart. Ever. They just use than..purple laser thing (Wellspring or something?.) I find it very hard at my level to get a decent FF squad (Yes, I mentioned the faster levelling, but if you know me, you'll know I level slow. Yes, I think thats a good thing)

    What annoys me a lot about some Archers is that they just wait to die. They go into a panic attack just because a mob is attacking them. They wont use Genie, Apoth/HP Food, they'll just wait for there HP to drop and then ask for a rez. And, I have absolutely NO idea why. Not saying this is true just to the Archer class, but it's something I notice them do more of.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:victory
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What annoys me a lot about some Archers is that they just wait to die. They go into a panic attack just because a mob is attacking them. They wont use Genie, Apoth/HP Food, they'll just wait for there HP to drop and then ask for a rez. And, I have absolutely NO idea why. Not saying this is true just to the Archer class, but it's something I notice them do more of.

    There are two or more possible reasons for that:

    1) They suck. I have witnessed this behavior enough times to believe this is the case.

    2) In the case when the tank dies, the archer know (s)he cannot survive, and is only buying time for the cleric to res the tank or run away.
  • flamingahole
    flamingahole Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    tehiro wrote: »
    a great archer will never take damage from a ranged mob

    I agree with everything you said except for this part. If a ranged mob ever gets close enough to start attacking me then it's because either frost arrow or knockback missed. In those cases I can't be bothered to kite since they'll die in the next few hits anyway and it happens so rarely that I usually have full HP by the time it happens again. I do hate those freak situations where it happens three or four times in a row but it's still not enough to put me in any danger.

    Sure, I could hit them with aim low or stunning arrow but I don't feel that it's really necessary in most cases.
    2) In the case when the tank dies, the archer know (s)he cannot survive, and is only buying time for the cleric to res the tank or run away.

    In that situation they should be doing everything they can to stay alive as long as possible, even if only a few extra seconds. Nothing's worse than the cleric dying just a second before or right after ressing the tank (which often ends with the tank eating dirt again). Who knows, if the cleric's fast enough then they might even survive.
    You have three chances to guess the reason for the post above.
  • grimreaperhc
    grimreaperhc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    recently there has been a dramatic increase in the number of archers playing, and it always bugs me to see an archer questing and exchanging blows with a mob. an archer attacks at range, a good archer will never take damage from a physical mob and a great archer will never take damage from a ranged mob.
    so i wanted to take this opportunity to explain the use of some of our skills and the common curtsy every archer needs to know.

    I think this is a bit ... overestimated. Saying that the archers can't actually get hit is wrong. Especially from ranged mobs. At least this is what I noticed in my 50s.
    1, frost arrow is your best friend. mobs are mindless and will run strait at you when you hit them, anything that impedes them of this goal you should use at every opportunity because an archer in striking distance of anything is soon to be a dead archer.

    2, knockback arrow is your second best friend, for the same reason as above. use it well and often

    It is, indeed. But I think it is until the 60s. From then on you are already dealing a pretty decent damage and you can just use stun arrow and normal attacks until the end. Usually the mob is getting lucky and manages to hit me once but I`m ... er .. somehow 'using' this hit because this way I have time to regen my hp together with my mana etc. Plus using only stun arrow in the beginning instead of frost and knockback later will save you much more mana pots or time wasted in meditation.

    I think it all comes down to feeling your archer. I don't use frost and knockback arrow for a long time now, even though when I was lower level frost arrow was on F1 and knockback on F2. With time I just noticed that I don't really need the slowing or the knockback effect since my normal attacks sometimes were outdamaging these two skills. Usually when I see a mob I`m just making a bet with myself how many times I`ll hit it before it dies. On lvl 73-74 mobs which have around 20 K hp it usually takes 4 or 5 hits. Since I`m ranged the mob needs time to get to me ( even though all of the mobs I fight so far are magic attacks aka ranged ) and this time is actually enough to take down the mob without even using any skills at all.
    in dungeons stunning arrow saves lives and is vital for stopping ranged mobs from running for cover among other mobs. in fact aim low is also vital for this, as an archer you don't have a lot of skills you will be using that need sparks, so don't be stingy with them.

    Not only in dungeons. Stun arrow is my opening skill for a while now. Maxed it has 90 % chance to stun the enemy ( it definitely does most of the time, even that it is still on lvl 9 for me ) which is a great opportunity to deal tons of damage before the mob even have a chance to realize what is going on. Actually Stun arrow has a lot of applications. You can use it as an opening skill, as life saving one, as stunning a mob attacking your squad mates etc etc etc. Aim low is also a great skill but there's something I've noticed in dungeons. I've never spoke about that with anyone and I don't know if it's true. When I use aim low the mob keeps on moving. My archer goes after it of course, because it is getting out of his range, but when the mob dies the drops are on the place where aim low hit the mob. Strange. Anyway, Aim low is another great skill.
    protect your squishy party members, i've been in a few bad squads before that have wiped, and a lot of good squads that have wiped, and the fact is that archers are expendable. if the cleric takes agro then you steal it, i don't care if you have 5 mobs attacking you at once, you steal every mobs agro that dares to raise its fist against your cleric.

    This is absolutely true.
    For instances you should add Sharpened Tooth Arrow.

    STA is a must-have-maxed skill for every archer. It is in great help for bosses, group mobs aggroing on the tank or just when you're questing and face a mob with increased life or increased defence ( yes, I`m using it on single mobs >.> ). Usually when a group of mobs attack the party in instances I`m always using STA. It is logical that it will help you kill the mobs much faster.

    Its pretty disgusting seeing archers using random skills inside instances lol. Next freaking archer that starts DD-ing a boss using Metal combos, Wood arrow, Deadly Shoot, Serrated Arrow, Frost arrow, im just gonna kick from party lol. I did see a lot of that when i frosted my sin and did random BHs. It really makes me rage >_<

    I`m with you on this one. I`m getting extremely angry when I see archers using tons of skills or BoA on bosses. Double spark + normal attacks will always outdamage BoA. Er ... about the metal combos ... I`m actually using them on bosses. Thunder Shock + Lightning Strike works great on wood bosses :3
    I'd always favour an Archer in my squad over a Sin, because majority of the time, Archers have a brain. Tbh, I blame the hyper levelling for lots of the problems (Noob Barbs/Clerics/Others.)

    I blame it too mate. A few times already it's happening to tell to higher lvl archers how to play, what skills to use etc. A had an archer who wasn't using blazing arrow and BoA on boss later.
    What annoys me a lot about some Archers is that they just wait to die. They go into a panic attack just because a mob is attacking them. They wont use Genie, Apoth/HP Food, they'll just wait for there HP to drop and then ask for a rez. And, I have absolutely NO idea why.

    Yea, seen that a few times as well. It's definitely pissing off. It's true that we can't survive many hits even with a shield on and spamming pots but we still have enough hp to aggro the whole room and start running around while the cleric is rezing the rest for example.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Nice thread, tehiro.
    I would add: when you are shooting exploding monsters, if you can convince your squad members to stand away from you, winged shell and pulling aggro just before the monster dies can work out nicely for everyone.
    Agreed, but in many cases this may cause other problems (for example, if your cleric happens to be standing in between you and the mob, and your pull leads it to explode on them instead). But only the tank should ever need to be hit by that anyway.

    Casters and other archers will obviously stay at range for the entire kill.

    DDing BMs can use Leap Back to escape the blast if timed correctly, and use a ranged skill if it's still alive at that point. A tanking BM could do the same if their back is facing away from the rest of the squad (to make the mob follow them and potentially save melee DDs from damage).

    Sins can escape in a similar manner. On my sin, I've gotten into the habit of identifying which caster is highest up in my squad list (usually the first or second spot). Then at the right time, I'll hit Shift-1 to select that caster (or Shift-2, etc. depending on their squad position) and immediately use Shadow Jump - in effect using them as my escape point. If the mob is still alive, tab to re-target and Knife Throw to kill. I don't know how many other sins do this, but no sin I've ever squadded with has.
    you could add your metal-resistance lowerin attack to the list of courtesies
    IF you have a DDing cleric in the squad. I usually hit that skill to give them
    alittle extra dmg. Atleast the cleric I used to run with enjoyed it.
    I second this - my IG wife / RL fiancee is a cleric and so I like to cast Thunder Shock often on bosses (I try to time it for when she sparks). Sometimes we do experiments just to see how much damage she can do on, say, a wood-elemental boss with tempest + spark + metal res debuff + extreme poision.
    When you spam bleed and other crappy DoT on bosses you nerf your DPS a lot making the bosses die slower. Its hard enough as it is for 90+ archers to get into Frost parties, since the community favors Sins/Bms for fast runs. When archers actually get into Frost parties and than dont even know how to maximize their DPS, making the class look even worse, it makes me rage a bit.
    I still think the DoTs have their place. Obviously they're not meant for ideal DPS, but there are some situations where you won't be at ideal DPS anyway - such as while the tank is gaining aggro. My pattern on most bosses is basically:
    1. Sharptooth
    2. Extreme Poison
    3. All DoTs (incl. Stormrage)
    4. Wait a few seconds (may not be necessary depending on my personal confidence in the tank; with tanks I know well, I usually skip this step)
    5. Normals until spark
    6. Spark, continue normals
    7. When boss HP is high, recast Extreme Poison if/when the tank sparks. When boss HP is lower, recast it when I spark.
    8. Throw in thundershock if there are DDing clerics.

    And finally,
    tehiro wrote:
    archers are masters of distances when it comes to mobs. it is almost impossible for anyone to kill steal us, and really easy to kill steal others. DON'T do it.
    THANK YOU. THIS is the worst trend I've seen in archers these days. I know at least one person who has explicitly told me that they will not under any circumstances go under their maximum DD potential. Then many of them will react with astonishment when they end up taking aggro and get 2-shot by the boss. With all the elitism and powerleveling these days, newbie DDs are forgetting the most important rule: it is your job to make sure you don't steal, not the tank's.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Agreed, but in many cases this may cause other problems (for example, if your cleric happens to be standing in between you and the mob, and your pull leads it to explode on them instead). But only the tank should ever need to be hit by that anyway.


    ...and just talking about combat geometry can be very difficult...
  • _Leif - Lost City
    _Leif - Lost City Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Aim low is also a great skill but there's something I've noticed in dungeons. I've never spoke about that with anyone and I don't know if it's true. When I use aim low the mob keeps on moving. My archer goes after it of course, because it is getting out of his range, but when the mob dies the drops are on the place where aim low hit the mob. Strange. Anyway, Aim low is another great skill.

    Testing it out on my archer and sin (which has a similar immobilize skill), I've noticed that when aim low/tackling slash is used on an auto-pathing mob (that has not aggroed yet), the mob actually 'jumps' forward 5-10 meters or so. Kind of reminds me of a wizard distance shrinking while immobilized lol. Anyway, to counter this just use a regular attack before aim low (stunning arrow and then aim low works great)
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    One thing that irritates me is when an archer uses knockback arrow in an instance, sending a mob the tank has aggroed into a group of non-alerted mobs (and usually pulling the barb/BM/veno pet/assassin along with it, if they aren't real quick to react.) (This isn't limited to just archers; wizards and psychics sometimes also are at fault with their knockback skills.)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • grimreaperhc
    grimreaperhc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Feel free to correct me if I`m wrong, but I`ve never noticed that Knockback is actually working in dungeons ?
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Feel free to correct me if I`m wrong, but I`ve never noticed that Knockback is actually working in dungeons ?

    Certain mobs can be knocked back, within an FB.

    In FB69, there are clones of Orchard Petalis that can be knocked back, I believe.
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Feel free to correct me if I`m wrong, but I`ve never noticed that Knockback is actually working in dungeons ?

    Depends on the mob. Some mobs can be knocked back, some cannot. This applies to all knockback skills, BM's sword knockback, Wiz' knockback, and Psy's knockback, to name the ones I know of.

    Personally, I have not run in very many parties. I've soloed most of the way up to 62 on my Archer, I've run 4 BH's, and other than doing FB's, not run in any parties.

    I've reached a point where I built my Archer for survivability. This means max damage, Holy Path, good gear, good weaponry, stocked with pots, keeping skills up to date, and of course, second wind.

    I absolutely love my Archer. Archer makes the BEST out of the LA, IMO. I never have any problems with taking out any kind of mobs, water, land, air, ranged, melee, etc. My sin, however, feels more like glass. I can take 3 mobs at once on my Archer, my own level, and not die. My Sin, I'd die taking two my own level. @___@

    One thing I find very useful for a nub interval Archer is the Genie. I stole some spirit from my Cleric, who doesn't need Spirit right now, and built myself a nice genie for my Archer. I put Second Wind, Wind Shield, Holy Path, and Frenzy on.

    Frenzy + Take Aim + Crit will oneshot weak/sacrifical assault mobs my own level. Frenzy + Take Aim + Double Spark + Crit will oneshot normal mobs my own level, or take half off increased life/increased def mobs my own level.

    Frenzy is something to be careful of. Mobs with high evasion will shatter you, as Frenzy makes you more Glass, but makes your Cannon bit more powerful. I have Frenzy on my BM too, if I'm questing with someone else and they're not geared as well as I am, and get into trouble, I can wipe the mob out really fast or at least take aggro.

    Wind Shield gives an APS bonus, Evasion bonus (it will remove Dodge), and adds a damage reduction. I really like it on ranged mobs that have 'Increased Movement Speed' bonus, since it turns you more into a Cannon, and makes you less Glass.

    Holy Path is obvious. You move very fast for a short amount of time. I use it for annoying KSers most of the time, but it's also very useful in instances, especially TT.

    Anyone suggest any other genie skills for Archer? Almost time for my Genie to get a fifth skill. b:victory
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Falcondance - Heavens Tear
    Falcondance - Heavens Tear Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Not to mention everything, including bosses, in all of the FB19s.

    "I always thought I'd be the only one doing crazy things for people who would never care enough to do it back or to act like idiots or be entirely vulnerable, and making someone fall in love with you is easy, and flying 3000 miles on four days notice because you can't just sit there and do nothing and breathe into telephones is not everyone's idea of love, but it is the way I can recognize it because that is what I do."
    Sig pic by Nowitsawn
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Another thing, I seriously believe DDs, especially archers, should abstain from using the jones blessing. I see so many of them running around with them and not removing it.

    The only time you should even be using this is when youre the one tanking (trust me archers can tank a good deal of bosses) or soloing or if there is a high APS fist/claw/Dagger DD in the squad. Dont use it with a barb or worse, a herc tank around.

    Also its important to learn other class's debuffs as well. In particular the following:-

    1.) Penetrate armour - Barb Skill - Reduces target's phy defense by 30% - Light blue icon with pink lines

    2.) Devour - Barb Skill - Reduces target's phy def by 50% - similar to 1.)

    3.) Heaven's Flame - BM Skill - Makes a target take 100% more damage - Orange colored icon with swirling patterns

    4.) Amplify Damage - Venomancer Skill - Makes target take 20% more damage - Green icon with a sort of red cross in it

    5.) Myriad Rainbow - Venomancer Skill - Reduces target's phy and mag def by 100% - Huge white discontinuous pillar appears over the boss

    There might be more but these are commonly used ones. If youre trying to let a barb or a non-APS DD hold aggro, do not attack when these debuffs are active on the boss. Just an example, my damage went from 7k to 20k unsparked (without any blessing) when a veno used amplify damage + myriad rainbow.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Another thing, I seriously believe DDs, especially archers, should abstain from using the jones blessing. I see so many of them running around with them and not removing it.

    Or, you could maybe leave the thing equipped and put some points in your vitality instead of your dexterity...

    Anyways, I pull aggro often enough, despite my ridiculous vitality.
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Or, you could maybe leave the thing equipped and put some points in your vitality instead of your dexterity...

    Anyways, I pull aggro often enough, despite my ridiculous vitality.

    you are the yulk of archers.
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Another thing, I seriously believe DDs, especially archers, should abstain from using the jones blessing. I see so many of them running around with them and not removing it.

    The only time you should even be using this is when youre the one tanking (trust me archers can tank a good deal of bosses) or soloing or if there is a high APS fist/claw/Dagger DD in the squad. Dont use it with a barb or worse, a herc tank around.

    Also its important to learn other class's debuffs as well. In particular the following:-

    1.) Penetrate armour - Barb Skill - Reduces target's phy defense by 30% - Light blue icon with pink lines

    2.) Devour - Barb Skill - Reduces target's phy def by 50% - similar to 1.)

    3.) Heaven's Flame - BM Skill - Makes a target take 100% more damage - Orange colored icon with swirling patterns

    4.) Amplify Damage - Venomancer Skill - Makes target take 20% more damage - Green icon with a sort of red cross in it

    5.) Myriad Rainbow - Venomancer Skill - Reduces target's phy and mag def by 100% - Huge white discontinuous pillar appears over the boss

    There might be more but these are commonly used ones. If youre trying to let a barb or a non-APS DD hold aggro, do not attack when these debuffs are active on the boss. Just an example, my damage went from 7k to 20k unsparked (without any blessing) when a veno used amplify damage + myriad rainbow.

    Myriad Rainbow CAN reduce a target's phys res by 100%. It's an AOE debuff, and can have several effects. One is Wood damage, one is pdef reduction, one is MDef reduction, and there are a few others. However, if it is cast, it will not be a guaranteed pdef/mdef reduction on your boss/target. I believe the Icon is the same as one of the other debuffs, and it won't stack with that debuff.

    Also be aware that sage/demon versions may be more powerful, ie, sage Amplify Damage is 30%. And HF is only 100% more damage at level 10, IIRC.

    As for Jone's Blessing... Mixed bag on that. I'd only remove it if you're pulling aggro. Otherwise... You just gotta be careful on your damage.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    you are the yulk of archers.

    I believe you have never met me, so allow me to introduce myself:

    I am Fleuri, currently a "+5" archer, with base 150 vit.

    I sometimes (not always, of course) pull aggro off dex build archers with better weapons than my own.

    I sometimes tank, including world bosses.

    Would you mind telling me about yourself?
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I believe you have never met me, so allow me to introduce myself:

    I am Fleuri, currently a "+5" archer, with base 150 vit. you have 147 wasted stat points

    I sometimes (not always, of course) pull aggro off dex build archers with better weapons than my own.lies

    I sometimes tank, including world, but you dont damage them

    Would you mind telling me about yourself? maybe i would

    see the red text
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ok, so, I get the following things from your last post, epros:

    First, you are one of those annoying people that likes to make quoting your words difficult.

    Second, you assert that I should pull aggro faster, and die faster than I currently do. Apparently, you think this will help me accomplish my goals?

    Third, you have called me a liar, when I have reported on my own personal experiences. I could go through the math of how its possible, but I think I prefer to let you bask in your ignorance. (And, besides, aggro mechanics are something of a black subject, so I would have to include a lot of suppositions and assumptions in with my maths -- basically, the best I could do is show how my total damage can sometimes exceed another archer's total damage, despite their having a higher average damage per hit.)

    Finally, you claim (perhaps ironically?) that what happens to be in the neighborhood of 15k damage per second on a world boss is "no damage". (But I will agree that people with better gear than my own can do better than that.)

    From this, I conclude ... actually... I will not post my conclusions here -- I do not care to discuss them.
  • grimreaperhc
    grimreaperhc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hey hey, calm down.
    Everybody has his own way of building his archer, if you're not agreed with it just tell him why instead of flaming him, okay?
  • flamingahole
    flamingahole Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hey hey, calm down.
    Everybody has his own way of building his archer, if you're not agreed with it just tell him why instead of flaming him, okay?

    Seeing as how Epros called Fleuri the 'Yulk or archers' I decided to do a little search. Google led me to and The second one made me somewhat curious so I did some digging and found which led to and Comparing someone to Yulk sounds like a pretty serious insult.

    With that out of the way, 150 base vit seems a bit excessive. My archer had 90 base vit and I sometimes considered restatting some into dex instead. I always stuck with my vit build though.

    As for Epros, putting points into vit isn't the mark of a fail archer. You lose a bit of crit and some damage but at higher levels you'll get crit and dex bonuses from gear and the damage difference isn't as huge as just looking at the character info makes it seem once you take into account the damage reduction from defenses. Blazing arrow also helps narrow the gap since it's based on weapon damage.
    You have three chances to guess the reason for the post above.