Hyper Noob real or not?
Posts: 0 Arc User
Ok guys I don't normally write on the forums, but its late I can't sleep and I am pondering the game. Firstly I couldn't find any section which exactly fit a topic like this so if I have over looked something a mod can feel free to move the topic. Secondly I want to state before I start this I mean it to be an intellectual discussion. I do not want a troll fest, or an all out argument of one point of view trying to dominate the other and be forced upon someone, just to hear other peoples well thought out and concise opinions in an effort to perhaps tweak my own prospective. Should things sway too far away from this I will abandon the discussion for lack of wanting to be banned on my first topic XD.
Since the first time I began to read about the introduction of these Hyper stones I have heard the term Hyper noob tossed around. I don't want to debate the legitimacy of a player who hypers over a player who doesn't but I will say I see the difference in high level players from when I started to now a lot more mistakes are made etc from my experience. But the plain cold fact is, someone who worked their *** off before these stones is always gonna feel slighted by someone who blows through what they worked hard to do. Meanwhile the person who is doing it wont care they will see it as a quick way to the top, and many will just lie and say they have been playing X number of years thus avoiding the situation entirely unless they stink horribly or someones entirely too nosy. The only people I see breaking even on that argument are those who had gotten to a high level with things how they used to be and found themselves at a loss on how to advance further for them I feel hypers are likely a must. Me myself I like the feeling of knowing I actually played the game put my time in, and knowing I'm not gonna rush to the top and run out of things to do because I love this game. This is not even mentioning the gears which are now much easier to acquire but I am gonna stop that there, and go to the meat of the topic, the things which inevitably lead to this seeming old school vs new school speed vs honest labor imagined or not in almost every aspect of gaming.
First lets start with the old school point of view( or at least mine). I like many people did not grow up in a family that could afford the latest and greatest so i always had the older consoles in fact my good old sega genesis and super nintendo were a staple in my room long after sony debuted the almighty psx. I suppose this gave me the prospective of having experienced many years of game development all in a short span of time. Some of you may be wondering how these old dino consoles relate to an online game, well we have to start with some foundation. Many of the games for these consoles were extremely intricate at least on the game play level offering many hours of game play and even replay ability, I mean how many of you likely beat chrono trigger for instance more than ten times in your life, or for some even play it now, or spent hours learning the combos on mortal combat to the point you knew them by rot to shock or embarrass your friends. Or maybe in my case somehow got hooked on a real classic hidden inside MK and memorized this code for it. C, right,A,left,A,UP, points to anyone who can tell me the Mk game that code goes to and the name of the game it unlocked. But in the Psx era we came to an intersection of these with hits like FF7 Star ocean the second story, Tekken, Tenchu to name a few were these intricate stories met high end graphics for utterly engrossing game play. This my friends was the era when I imagine leaving your console on till it burned up became a real common occurrence. Yet near the end of this era or middle correct my timeline is when this trend really started to take effect in gaming of wanting to get everything easier faster. Sure with Game genie you could make mario fly to the end of all the stages but that got boring real quick. What im talking about is the mentality which lead to the introduction of devices like gameshark , action replay, and their subsequent popularity. I mean having actual control over the game to do what you want. Since those days the argument of weather beating the game without help, or taking a shortcut is better has raged like wildfire.
Flash forward to today I rarely buy a new game, because all I get is high end cinematics and maybe about 8 hours of good game play, unless I want to play a shooter which pretty much all of them seem to play like halo in one way or another now though fanboys of each franchise will tell you otherwise, ive played em all, and fail to see the difference beyond new details due to better technology and marginally better back stories. Of course there are a few exceptions, but for the most part thats how it plays out for me i find the modern generation of games easy and find myself spending more time playing classics. I myself have argued in the passed that the games stink because peoples standards are lower and no one wants to spend the time making a masterpiece someone is gonna **** to death with a cheat device and beat in 8 hours. I have also on occasion gone off on a tangent about how this generation wants everything handed to them in every aspect and it just ruined games.
In this topic though I wanna put all of that aside and dissect both sides to see if I can find the root of things. I am going to lay out one logical set of circumstances and see if others care to expound upon it. Maybe its desensitization, to our generation these things were new and exciting, to this generation they are the norm, they can kid themselves all they want but ours was the hardcore gamer generation. Some of us spent more time with our consoles than we did our girlfriends lol, more intricate content was required to keep us amused because we spent much more time scrutinizing the games and playing them testing their limits. This era shaped our tastes and were always looking for something game changing that pushes the envelope so to speak that is what impresses us. Thus we have this sense that these games are to be admired and part of admiring the game and paying tribute to the work the designers do is not slaughtering that work in five minutes by taking a shortcut. And in that we feel that going through everything as it was meant to be done and seen makes us superior and more classy and even more knowledgeable than the ones who cheat as we say.. I wont budge on that its true damn true BUT the thing we miss is it doesn't matter to this generation it functions on different values for the most part.In this era these games are just that games, the kids grew up with them, they are nothing extraordinary they are just devices to pass the time, and one of many between the internet, and the plethora of other things vying for their attention video games are lucky to have survived at all. With all of this its no wonder they don't have the patients to focus on one thing for too long. Not to mention they just live in a faster world, slow and steady wins the race is becoming out dated a lot of times the hard workers, who don't necessarily do anything else ( meaning network, make friends, KISS ***, what ever you wanna call it, get no were except staying right were they are working hard and turning the gears, so its no wonder the value of doing something the hard way is lost on them. In their world it barely makes sense let alone works. The games can take 8 hours to beat and sure if they somehow lose everything else to do they might beat it and complain, but thats unlikely because they are always being bombarded with new things to do. Games just aren't as relevant to their generation.
Now were mmos strike a delicate balance in this is the fact that they have to keep people playing in the long term to get paid, thus they use a lot of old style thought processes and game devices in the early days of mmos like everquest this was enough to lure the old timer gamers from their consoles into a massive world that gave them the best of both worlds, but of course any good business man will tell you you have to look to the future and while the older demographic will give you a foundation to build on the future is with the kids. Thus that era gave way to faster paced mmos like wow even the once mighty king eq itself gave way to a faster less complicated version. Pw has a very odd balance incorporating elements of both Ill admit it was the older elements which hooked me. But what they cash in on is the I WANT IT NOW mentality the old timers grinding away at their mobs, stacking their coins are butts in the seats for them but they want those younger ones who want the shortcuts its how they get paid. For a while pw was mildly resistant to that trend keeping a balance between the two appeasing both sides, but they have to make their money or no game, and it would make little sense to be stubborn. So the real question to ask is why do we fight over it, is it because were out dated ourselves, and feel left behind, or feel disrespected? Maybe its the new generation fighting to prove its own relevantness in all things.
So to sum my argument up in short, this generation doesn't see these things as cheating or of lesser value, because the games are less relevant only mild amusements and things to fill time, as well as this generation being more oriented on the result than how you get there, while ours valued the whole path taken, and respected the time put in, to them its just someone being slow. Now I am going to forgo the usual speech about the degradation of moral fiber etc and close objectively. I am always going to know in my heart I am a better player, than someone with 30 lvls on me who did it in a quarter of the time, I will always know I am better at my job than someone who went and got a six month degree from an online school for the same thing I do for the time I spent in a real collage. But to me while it does **** me off to be talked down to by someone who's lvl 80 and cant even use all the chat functions correctly, and i might lose my cool on em a few times, its those supposed Hyper Noobs and cheaters that pay for the game over all, and i know my measly contribution is a drop in the bucket by comparison besides its an age old battle between old and new, we wont win it time will win it for em, and big business knowns it. So me I will continue to do my old outdated grind fest go through my quests enjoy the content etc and reap my hours and hours years of good gameplay out of the game, long after the people who wizz by me have quit and gotten bored, and be thankful for their contribution to my good time. In fact ill tell them right here thank you for paying so a dinosaur like me can play, don't see the point of how you play but lets agree to disagree eh?
In the meantime theres my meager attempt at intellectually explaining and maybe even putting the age old dispute in prospective. I am extremely interested in what others have to say, and think. Note as i said before this is just a thought pool, and I do not wan't a troll fest, nor am I attempting to prove one side over the other I simply stated the side to which I belong, and then attempted to objectively, justify both sides, and I hope those who POSSIBLY post after me assuming you bother to read this mess and join the conversation, will attempt to do the same. Again if it doesn't interest you and dissecting this sort of thing isn't fun for you just don't post that simple no flaming.
Since the first time I began to read about the introduction of these Hyper stones I have heard the term Hyper noob tossed around. I don't want to debate the legitimacy of a player who hypers over a player who doesn't but I will say I see the difference in high level players from when I started to now a lot more mistakes are made etc from my experience. But the plain cold fact is, someone who worked their *** off before these stones is always gonna feel slighted by someone who blows through what they worked hard to do. Meanwhile the person who is doing it wont care they will see it as a quick way to the top, and many will just lie and say they have been playing X number of years thus avoiding the situation entirely unless they stink horribly or someones entirely too nosy. The only people I see breaking even on that argument are those who had gotten to a high level with things how they used to be and found themselves at a loss on how to advance further for them I feel hypers are likely a must. Me myself I like the feeling of knowing I actually played the game put my time in, and knowing I'm not gonna rush to the top and run out of things to do because I love this game. This is not even mentioning the gears which are now much easier to acquire but I am gonna stop that there, and go to the meat of the topic, the things which inevitably lead to this seeming old school vs new school speed vs honest labor imagined or not in almost every aspect of gaming.
First lets start with the old school point of view( or at least mine). I like many people did not grow up in a family that could afford the latest and greatest so i always had the older consoles in fact my good old sega genesis and super nintendo were a staple in my room long after sony debuted the almighty psx. I suppose this gave me the prospective of having experienced many years of game development all in a short span of time. Some of you may be wondering how these old dino consoles relate to an online game, well we have to start with some foundation. Many of the games for these consoles were extremely intricate at least on the game play level offering many hours of game play and even replay ability, I mean how many of you likely beat chrono trigger for instance more than ten times in your life, or for some even play it now, or spent hours learning the combos on mortal combat to the point you knew them by rot to shock or embarrass your friends. Or maybe in my case somehow got hooked on a real classic hidden inside MK and memorized this code for it. C, right,A,left,A,UP, points to anyone who can tell me the Mk game that code goes to and the name of the game it unlocked. But in the Psx era we came to an intersection of these with hits like FF7 Star ocean the second story, Tekken, Tenchu to name a few were these intricate stories met high end graphics for utterly engrossing game play. This my friends was the era when I imagine leaving your console on till it burned up became a real common occurrence. Yet near the end of this era or middle correct my timeline is when this trend really started to take effect in gaming of wanting to get everything easier faster. Sure with Game genie you could make mario fly to the end of all the stages but that got boring real quick. What im talking about is the mentality which lead to the introduction of devices like gameshark , action replay, and their subsequent popularity. I mean having actual control over the game to do what you want. Since those days the argument of weather beating the game without help, or taking a shortcut is better has raged like wildfire.
Flash forward to today I rarely buy a new game, because all I get is high end cinematics and maybe about 8 hours of good game play, unless I want to play a shooter which pretty much all of them seem to play like halo in one way or another now though fanboys of each franchise will tell you otherwise, ive played em all, and fail to see the difference beyond new details due to better technology and marginally better back stories. Of course there are a few exceptions, but for the most part thats how it plays out for me i find the modern generation of games easy and find myself spending more time playing classics. I myself have argued in the passed that the games stink because peoples standards are lower and no one wants to spend the time making a masterpiece someone is gonna **** to death with a cheat device and beat in 8 hours. I have also on occasion gone off on a tangent about how this generation wants everything handed to them in every aspect and it just ruined games.
In this topic though I wanna put all of that aside and dissect both sides to see if I can find the root of things. I am going to lay out one logical set of circumstances and see if others care to expound upon it. Maybe its desensitization, to our generation these things were new and exciting, to this generation they are the norm, they can kid themselves all they want but ours was the hardcore gamer generation. Some of us spent more time with our consoles than we did our girlfriends lol, more intricate content was required to keep us amused because we spent much more time scrutinizing the games and playing them testing their limits. This era shaped our tastes and were always looking for something game changing that pushes the envelope so to speak that is what impresses us. Thus we have this sense that these games are to be admired and part of admiring the game and paying tribute to the work the designers do is not slaughtering that work in five minutes by taking a shortcut. And in that we feel that going through everything as it was meant to be done and seen makes us superior and more classy and even more knowledgeable than the ones who cheat as we say.. I wont budge on that its true damn true BUT the thing we miss is it doesn't matter to this generation it functions on different values for the most part.In this era these games are just that games, the kids grew up with them, they are nothing extraordinary they are just devices to pass the time, and one of many between the internet, and the plethora of other things vying for their attention video games are lucky to have survived at all. With all of this its no wonder they don't have the patients to focus on one thing for too long. Not to mention they just live in a faster world, slow and steady wins the race is becoming out dated a lot of times the hard workers, who don't necessarily do anything else ( meaning network, make friends, KISS ***, what ever you wanna call it, get no were except staying right were they are working hard and turning the gears, so its no wonder the value of doing something the hard way is lost on them. In their world it barely makes sense let alone works. The games can take 8 hours to beat and sure if they somehow lose everything else to do they might beat it and complain, but thats unlikely because they are always being bombarded with new things to do. Games just aren't as relevant to their generation.
Now were mmos strike a delicate balance in this is the fact that they have to keep people playing in the long term to get paid, thus they use a lot of old style thought processes and game devices in the early days of mmos like everquest this was enough to lure the old timer gamers from their consoles into a massive world that gave them the best of both worlds, but of course any good business man will tell you you have to look to the future and while the older demographic will give you a foundation to build on the future is with the kids. Thus that era gave way to faster paced mmos like wow even the once mighty king eq itself gave way to a faster less complicated version. Pw has a very odd balance incorporating elements of both Ill admit it was the older elements which hooked me. But what they cash in on is the I WANT IT NOW mentality the old timers grinding away at their mobs, stacking their coins are butts in the seats for them but they want those younger ones who want the shortcuts its how they get paid. For a while pw was mildly resistant to that trend keeping a balance between the two appeasing both sides, but they have to make their money or no game, and it would make little sense to be stubborn. So the real question to ask is why do we fight over it, is it because were out dated ourselves, and feel left behind, or feel disrespected? Maybe its the new generation fighting to prove its own relevantness in all things.
So to sum my argument up in short, this generation doesn't see these things as cheating or of lesser value, because the games are less relevant only mild amusements and things to fill time, as well as this generation being more oriented on the result than how you get there, while ours valued the whole path taken, and respected the time put in, to them its just someone being slow. Now I am going to forgo the usual speech about the degradation of moral fiber etc and close objectively. I am always going to know in my heart I am a better player, than someone with 30 lvls on me who did it in a quarter of the time, I will always know I am better at my job than someone who went and got a six month degree from an online school for the same thing I do for the time I spent in a real collage. But to me while it does **** me off to be talked down to by someone who's lvl 80 and cant even use all the chat functions correctly, and i might lose my cool on em a few times, its those supposed Hyper Noobs and cheaters that pay for the game over all, and i know my measly contribution is a drop in the bucket by comparison besides its an age old battle between old and new, we wont win it time will win it for em, and big business knowns it. So me I will continue to do my old outdated grind fest go through my quests enjoy the content etc and reap my hours and hours years of good gameplay out of the game, long after the people who wizz by me have quit and gotten bored, and be thankful for their contribution to my good time. In fact ill tell them right here thank you for paying so a dinosaur like me can play, don't see the point of how you play but lets agree to disagree eh?
In the meantime theres my meager attempt at intellectually explaining and maybe even putting the age old dispute in prospective. I am extremely interested in what others have to say, and think. Note as i said before this is just a thought pool, and I do not wan't a troll fest, nor am I attempting to prove one side over the other I simply stated the side to which I belong, and then attempted to objectively, justify both sides, and I hope those who POSSIBLY post after me assuming you bother to read this mess and join the conversation, will attempt to do the same. Again if it doesn't interest you and dissecting this sort of thing isn't fun for you just don't post that simple no flaming.
Post edited by bel1 on
Hyper Noob real or not?
BTW, I hope you noticed that the post directly below this (at the time I wrote this) is the "count to 1000" thread... Just thought I'd point out the irony.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Hyper noobs are real...but doesnt necissarily mean that all people who use hyper stones are hyper noobs. It does make me sad that for instance people seem to value Rank thats paid for just the same as rank thats earned for example...
however i have occasionally hypered i see nothign wrong with it if i have completed all my quests etc. makes a change from the daily grind of BHs.
but meh if they wanna level through hypering and lack of effort let them. The main problem with "hyper noobs" is that they tend not to know how to play their class properly or work properly in a squad.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me
yup guys imma back!
I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart0 -
You are so right about this generation and everything getting handed to them. Most games i play now they look awesome and everything but there is no real challenge...0
Holy **** @_@
tl;dr PLEASE!!!!!!!
No way in hell am I reading a freakin High School length essay just to post a reasonable response.0 -
Ok so it seems this conversation is rolling with one nice explanation, and an agreement. Dorset I agree with you on that, like I said I know a few people who have most certainly paid their dues have lvl eighty five plus chars etc I just cant fault them for using them, and they have the experience that learning another class isn't very difficult for them. But when I referenced high level people who cant even use the chat correctly I was serious thats happened to me more than once. I have also been on the other end of having one that doesn't know how to play in a squad, many times. So any views on the wider spectrum topic of the so called regression going on in the world the push toward easier?
Ok mrMeat shield, do you think theres anyway this trend will change, or is it doomed to get worse?
Oh and LifeHunting you only had to read the first paragraph to know I said if this sort of things not your thing, just don't post no big deal man thanks for browsing.0 -
I read the whole post and I have to say that I'm impressed.
I'm impressed because there are still some serious players out there who actually take time to write rational things and open real discussions (all I've seen the past few months is QQ).
I do not come from the same generation as you. I started playing around 2000 or 2001 and I was about 7-8 years old then. However, I can totally understand you. I have seen my friends using action replay to the games I played and spent hours to. Games I've put my heart into.
Likewise, I have put a lot of effort in this game and I had the luck of joining just two months after it was launched (the internetional version). I took my time to explore the game, enjoy it, have fun and learn how to play it correctly. Some may laugh at me being lvl97 after two years but...I know a bunch of things about this game they don't know and most of all, I've had and still have so much fun in it because I have discovered all of its aspects. Not just the leveling part of it. It does make me feel bad sometimes when I see people getting to lvl100 in few weeks and obtaining the best gear by opening a few packs but it's not really my business. They keep the game running and it's not my problem if they quit after a while for being bored.
I loved this game when I joined. I still love and enjoy it as much as then. There are changes I don't like, but there are still things I enjoy here.
★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★0 -
Desdi, thank you for taking the time to read and reply. I hope you will stick around and help move the conversation. Your right I am a long time forum user and have avoided posting here because i didn't see much that interested me,(Don't like to argue just discuss) but I love this game and would like to contribute to it even if the majority of what I can do is just well thought out discussion on the forums and my occasional purchases.
You have actually been playing a lot longer than I in terms of pwi but for some reason my join date on here isn't exactly right I think its off by nearly a year. None the less I applaud you for bringing something constructive into the topic. I hope others will follow your example and we can have a nice active topic. So why do you think people insist on bickering when it wont change anything, and in general only contributes to making parts of the game hostile? Why do it when all it does is make more problems?
My general goal with this thread is to find out what users really think all fighting aside, and maybe by virtue of participation in this topic enlighten myself, and possibly some others change has to start somewhere even if it consists of moving the smallest stone on the pile.0 -
Wow dude ... Just wow! Thank you for that post!! It brough back so many memories back when I was 12 or 13 years old. I remember how we were playing on Nintendos and Terminators like these here:
We literally spent days and weeks in playing the same game trying to win. I even recall about one of the games we played the most :
I remember how the adapter was overheating and the game was shutting down and also how we were waiting for it to cool down so we can play again. I remember how I was coming back from school and the first thing I was doing was to connect the console to the TV and start playing. Man, those times were gold. I remember how we were asking our parents to let us sleep in our friends so we can play all night long. I remember how we were trying to find some money to buy more diskettes and how angry we were when a diskette didn't want to work. Damn, good old times.
Now, back on topic. Hyper noobs ? Yes, they exist, and that is sad. I've seen tons of people who have no knowledge about the class they are playing, just because they ran a few alt FC runs. Such people are usually using their chars for PvP or 5aps etc. Doing your quests or simply grinding around is granting you with knowledge which nobody will be able to give you. A simple facts like knowing from where to shoot and which skills are good here and there are making you something more than players like 15 levels above you. Things like knowing which mobs are group aggroing in instances, which are not aggroing with the boss and you can pull them, which will deal you big damage and which not are extremely useful for the whole squad.
For example, yesterday I was in a BH59 squad and there was another archer in the squad. When we started I noticed that the archer isn't using blazing arrow. I decided that she had it before that and it have just expired. We reached the boss and killed it. The archer used BoA instead of Double Spark which is absolutely not need because Double spark is dealing much better damage than BoA. When we went for the next boss I saw that the archer is still not buffing her blazing arrow so I asked her why. In response I got 'DONT TELL ME HOW TO PLAY MY CHAR' and I was like 'WTF?! O.O' ... a minute later she was buffed. She also said that she is not using blazing arrow because BoA is higher level than it. Not sure if she was a hyper noob, but I can't find any other explanation for it. I have friends who are hypering archers and reaching even higher levels than my archer and when I`m running instances with them I`m like facepalming in RL. Seriously, the experience you are gaining from questing and running instances instead of alt FCs is something that nobody can give you. I've spent hours in testing stuff on my archer because I want to improve myself, spent hours in talking with my archer friend because he has GREAT experience with his archer and I`m always asking him to run BHs and TTs with me so I can keep an eye on what skills he is using. After running a few instances he said 'You're better archer than some of the archers I know. You know what to do and you know where to do it. It would be a waste if you roll another char or if you go back to your BM. I`m happy to know an archer like you'. Yea, I know this is kinda 'take a look at who I am' but I`m happy with that fact and the feeling after hearing that is just inspiring to become better and better. For example a 10 levels higher archer with refined and sharded gear and refined Soulsmasher lost a duel against me and didn't even manage to hit me once, only because I know which skills I should use. Yea, I lost the second duel after my stun arrow missed and his hit which was a sure defeat.
Damn I love going off-topic and sharing my experience. Sorry about that.
TL;DR - Hyper noobs exist. People, play your chars, enjoy your chars, learn your chars, and the most important - THINK when you're doing it. Improve yourself.
Again, thanks for the great thread, recalled lots of good memories.
Damn so many typos and bad grammar, sorry peeps. >.>0 -
Thanks so much for your response Grim and the time and effort you put into it. Didn't have that model myself I had this one. http://www.rankopedia.com/CandidatePix/28941.gif in fact still do have my sega master system too though i intend to take the nintendo apart eventually and fix it has a few issues which have kept me from playing it for fear ill kill it.
Though I got a good laugh not long ago. I have a friend who owns a pawn shop his kids were messing with a nintendo when I came in had the ol flashing red light of doom the oldies red ring of death lol. They were about to junk it before i walked over and stuck a game in it ontop of the ninja turtles one and proceeded to annihilate stage after stage was fun.
I also agree with you whole heartedly. Another thing ive noticed is peoples perception of what high lvl is and what which lvl is capable of is becoming skewed. I mean I had a bm which got deleted, and i played my cleric forever. I then took that insight and put it into a barb, predictably I lvled the barb up much faster than I did the cleric which was subject to my learning curve.
Well yesterday, I was doing nothing in particular went into the tomb of hero's to help a friend out with his fb with my 58 barb great sharded legendary gear nice bonuses I worked my *** off for. When I started being 60+ meant you worked your butt off or anywhere near for that matter. This veno comes through and asks if someone can help with shade eido, I said sure I can solo it. So i asked if anyone else needed it got one other taker we get in party this chick goes " Uh you cant solo him sry need a higher lvl" and leaves. For crying out loud ive soloed dizzy shade and qingzi lol, but i cant do eido?. Of course I took the other person and made short work of him while the misinformed veno was still looking for help when I left and called me a liar when I said i just did it and offered to help again.
This even holds true with higher players. For instance in my fac there is a guy not gonna name names but hes a great person helpful usually knowledgeable. He told me I had zero chance of soloing Guf aerox chief I did it without much trouble on a run were i had one cleric who needed it who turned out be to be horrible a quarter of the way through he ran out of pots and started hitting it with his staff of all things leaving me to do the work alone.
People seem to be getting too comfortable with just having someone drastically higher lvl do it for them, and forgetting there were tactics skill sets and methods that worked just fine back when you had to do your quests with level appropriate people most of the time. I mean I used to be proud of how I played my cleric for instance and going back to him after a long break, I notice so much difference in how I play being taught and learning from watching pre all these bhs, genies, hypers and over all shortcuts. The main thing being clerics far higher than me, don't seem to be nearly as attentive of their squads or reactive.
In a squad with a lvl 98 cleric the level 54 shouldn't be beating the 98 to the punch on healing people nine times out of ten. In fact assuming both players are equal in skill, that should be impossible. So Grim, and everyone else is welcome to expand on this what is your take on that, is the over abundance of high level players also a detriment to people learning to effectively play their class?0 -
I don't even know where to start from commenting..
I see a lot of people making tons of alt characters and getting to high levels in a few days with Hypers and all that and what's even more funny is that some of them choose classes they don't actually enjoy. They choose the class because they can make money or they turn their own class into something else (5 APS fist Archer, claw Barbarian etc.). I have just 4 characters (and 5 with the new expansion, going to try out Mystics) and out of which I focused mainly on two. This is because I wanted to learn how to play them well and have more fun that way. I didn't even read the guides at first. I didn't want to follow the common build and common techniques. I wanted to discover the class myself, find my own playstyle that works and adapts with any situation.
Many times have I heard people in the past complaining that they quit their Venomancers because they got boring. Of course they got boring when you haven't discovered the class, when you played it for money-making ( before 5APS, Venomancers had the power). I still can't get enough of my Venomancer. I could play all day with her because there are so many things I can do with her, so many different things. Most people have no clue at how many different ways to pull exist for example. I was totally fascinated knowing that I could/can do all that. Another funny thing is how some people rely on their pet so much (with the most common case being the Hercules) and as soon as their pet is gone, they are dead. They believe Venomancers can't survive without pets...that's is so wrong. Venomancers have a lot of skills that help them survive (not to mention the genie skills that open new possibilities). I totally facepalm when they don't know how to survive. Also, a lot of people have no clue of how to control their pets nor do they know what they can do with pets. They assume that unless it's a Hercules or a Glacial Walker, they can't do anything.
There was once a BH69 I did. I was lvl89 with lvl89 Shaodu Cub (Hercules came shortly after that). The Barbarian died because the Cleric, perhaps, had some lagging and didn't Purify in time. Some of our DDs were also dead. All that was left was me, another Venomancer and the Cleric. As soon as the Barbarian was down I used my pet's Roar to grab aggro (though I was a little slow since the other DDs died). I commanded my pet to follow and I started running to give time to the Cleric to revive the squad. My pet eventually got hit and died so I kept running by switching between Human and Fox ( I have Demon Fox Form). I could keep Polearm running for as long as the squad needed it but the other Venomancer sent her Hercules, grabed aggro, pet died, Venomancer died. I just did a huge facepalm.
As for the Clerics, whenever I squad with other Clerics for a BH more often than not I'm the one to do most of the job but you know what? I love it. Because I made a Cleric to heal and protect people. Not to take advantage of this class and become popular.
And this reminds me, in FCC some time ago, when I was using my Cleric...there is a boss that AoEs and then puts everyone to sleep. I avoid it by timing my double spark eruption so that I can be sure to have heals ready for the tank when they need it. In the countless FCC I've done, I've only seen one Cleric do that other than myself. The squad was so surprised and someone asked me "how do you do that? :O". It's so easy to time your spark eruption with the bosses' AoE. PWI made it easy for us. I only needed a little observing. The same goes to my Venomancer, by resisting sleep I avoid pet death.
This new generation wants everything served to themselves. Great achievements with little effort but, while sometimes I do the same thing, I very much prefer putting effort in what I do. This gives me a greater satisfaction as well as more enjoyment for myself. What really matters is what you go through in order to reach the goal, not the goal itself. This is why I'm filled with beautiful memories whenever I think of this long road I've walked ever since I started PWI.
★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★0 -
In a squad with a lvl 98 cleric the level 54 shouldn't be beating the 98 to the punch on healing people nine times out of ten. In fact assuming both players are equal in skill, that should be impossible.
This has happened to me more than once. Cleric was the first class i learned to play and Although my cleric is not high (shes hittign sixty today) ive had her for over a year and i play her damn well. It shouldnt get to the point where i can find no cleric decent enough to keep my Hubby alive when doign my archers 20 20 20 for fb 70 and i have to get my itty bitty cleric online, me as my cleric and his lvl 80 Sin could manage it just us two but why could i not trust a higher lvl cleric to help?
Another instance which highly irritated me. When goign into a bh 39 with my archer...somethign i should be able to manage alone with a decent cleric...i end up with a cleric who thinks her primary job is to DD. now im sorry i am not saying that clerics shouldnt deal damage. but at least remember to a) BUFF your squad and b) keep them from dying? the odd heal wouldnt hurt. Her response? "you are wearing a charm i can see it ticking you dont need heals". Now i as cleric would NEVER let ANYONES charm tick unless absolutly necissary. charms cost money and i try to keep everyone in squad at LEAST (at the VERY least) three quarters hp full. if a cleric is not healing you Because you are wearing a charm then in my book thats not acceptable. and fyi? the phrase "i only have to heal the barb" does not fly with me especially when im dead.
Another thing if a cleric is NOT aware that Ironheart Stacks and persists on usign Wellspring and wellspring ONLY to heal DO NOT ATTEMPT a BOSS....especially when this cleric is lvl 60+ and still isnt aware that IH stacks.
Another thing (is in full rant mode now) barbs who are lvl 70+ and still cant keep aggro from a similar lvl or just below lvl char ...BM etc...and Sins who cant control their aggro enough to stop clerics gettign blown up.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me
yup guys imma back!
I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart0 -
I only hypered my SIN to get her past -bumps- where I was having trouble grinding on the mobs due to lack of skills I felt she needed. So I got her over and past culti that helped her tremendously. But I did level her slowly and my psyhic, because I had never played them and wanted a good grasp of their skills and how they fit into game play.
For my Veno, I hyper her because I have been playing veno for a very.... very.... very long time and I have tinkered with Heavy Armor, play a 100 LA (high refine) on another version and have had a Robe, Blend, and now a Robe here on PWI. So, been there, done that... got the T-Shirt.
Honestly... there is no right or wrong - just personal choices.
Some think I am nuts on how I train weekly - (wear NPC armor/wep my level once a week and go out, do normal stuff - forces me to rely on my skills or .. die).
You make a good point but it is..what it is... there will be hyper noobs because of various reasons.. and you know.. what ever gets them through the game. But hypering a class can be a negative if you are new to it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Well as i said before people like you who have played their tails off for a long time I don't really have a problem with, you've paid your dues, generally know far more about the game than myself and the more high level chars you guys have the better cause your usually really helpful. As i said you guys pretty much break even on this issue in my mind. But as i see it you EARNED the right to have an easier go.
What about the broader issue though, ive already said I could careless if they wanna hyper every level cause they help pay for me and others to play who cant cash shop as much or just don't. Of course this leads to some really crappy players in the hands of a noob with more money than they know what to do with. ( or mom and dads credit card) but what about the bigger trend i was trying to touch on about this generation, and to a lesser extent the world in general, of people not wanting to earn it anymore. Sure we have always had lazy people looking for shortcuts but not its not even frowned upon its just considered the norm. In everything from games, to work, you find it in everything.
I mean my little brother for instance. I cant fathom his mindset but i see a lot of kids out of his generation who quit jobs repeatedly because they feel after six months or less they should be management. My brother and a lot of others I know have shot every opportunity they have on that way of thinking thinking they deserve it all now and it should be handed to em and are sitting on their asses jobless. So what about the wider trend that has risen up that makes those things so popular?
In terms of the game, and the fact that it devalues how hard others worked in the past, or the debate over weather people who do it are even legit players people have said everything there is to say in defense of it or to tare it down exploring that too far in this conversation will only lead to the degradation of the discussion. I would cry if those lazy people left cause if they did even though we get new ones every six months or so cause they cash shop tremendously and get through the game fast, and leave it would mean no more of my favorite game.
So lets discuss its impact on gaming in the bigger picture of things and on life in general. Oh and on a side note I am sorry for the late reply's. I had a big emergency come up and it kept me away from the computer for several days.
So I guess todays question to move the discussion along thanks to the user aboves contribution and the direction it got my wheels turning is this. What do you think as gamers as people in general will be the over all result of the declining value of true hard work, and the focus on getting ahead quick regardless of how you do so so long as you achieve the goal?0 -
I think that the main problem is that people are not actually thinking and watching what they are doing. The easiest class for auto-piloting is the cleric. Most of the clerics think that they can just IH until the boss dies without even watching carefully that some of the DDs ( in case there is a barb in the squad ) or someone ( in case there is no barb ) might take aggro. Some of the clerics only know how to use the buffs and IH and not even thinking about purifying. For example I was running a BH59 last night. The squad was formed by 3 archers, 1 sin and 2 clerics. You can imagine what damage this is and how hard it will be for the one to keep the aggro of the rest. However, one of the archers was higher level than the rest - 78. Thinking logically this would be enough damage to keep the aggro off the rest and to tank successfully.
When we started I saw that the same archer is rushing forward and shooting everything in sight which made me think that he is some kinda showing off how great he is ( yes, I checked his gear and it was definitely good ). I decided to work as a support and defence for the another archer ( who was 74 ) and the clerics, just in case. We started at Drake and the first guy asked for a BB and that cleric's aura which is increasing the APS. Me and the other archer didn't agree with that but he insisted so we let it be that way. He was tanking successfully and I was doing the ordinary stuff : spark-normal attacks-spark-normal attacks etc. I`m always watching what the rest are doing and how the boss is reacting and I saw that suddenly the boss turned around at me, which means that I actually took aggro of the rest. Drake is dealing DoT which means that I need perma purifying. Of course the cleric with the aps aura didn't think of that and a few minutes later I was dead.
The next boss in order was Glutt. Everything was running well until we reached that tight corridor where 4 walkers and 2 tombstones are walking around. Right before we pulled the first one I said 'this will become nasty.' The highest archer was turning in together with the sin so it was only me, the 74 archer and the two clerics. We did good until the rest of the mobs group aggroed. I saw that the archer wont stand like that being attacked by a few mobs for long so I decided to BoA the place. Right before that of course the cleric healed the archer which aggroed all the mobs on her. She died. My BoA was up and running but the other cleric didn't heal me even after all the mobs were running towards me. A few secs later I was dead
Qianji was next. We reached the place with those nasty antelopes which are hitting ****ing hard. I saw that the archer pulled the one ( they were two ) but the other followed because it was too close. I decided that she wont be able to survive being attacked by two of them so I attacked the second one. It appeared that the first one was sacrificial assault and it reset so right after it was back to it's original spot, it came down at me Meanwhile a mermaid decided to 'help' me with attacking me in my back. 10 seconds later we were both dead.
At Qianji the 74 archer was supposed to tank due to highest water def., but the 78 archer kept on stealing aggro even that he 'didn't want to'. How do you want an ordinary 74 archer using TT bow to keep aggro of 78 archer using -int slingshot + spark burst ? I mean that some people are not thinking what they are exactly doing. I stole aggro in the end but this time I told the cleric to heal me.
So I wrote a lot and didn't say anything, great. What I mean is that team work is forgotten long ago and everybody is trying to do it on his own without thinking for the rest of squad which brings to terrible disasters and mass QQ in instances. But the main problem is - thinking.0
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