Please, cut the costs of playing??



  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Yes, by reselling in catshops overnight at significantly higher prices, you can achive this amount. Before 2x, I was getting about 70 DQ drops total (DQ91 + 101) per hour. Supposing an average of 15k per DQ sold, that's 1.05m per hour.
    That's certainly a sound tactic, but keep in mind you're doing both grinding and merchanting combined, and for some unknown reason a huge segment of the player-base flat-out refuses to combine a little bit of merchanting with their grinding efforts.

    It's never really made sense to me that so many people throw so much in-game wealth away, but the mental blocks that they have ("I'd rather just play than spend forever researching for prices" / "I don't want to leave my computer running all night" / "If everybody did it it wouldn't work so I won't even try doing it" / etc...) are very very strong.

    Good for you, though, if you can bring in that much income doing old-fashioned grinding combined with a little outside-the-box thinking.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You think it's isn't the same in other games?? This is how the econamy is in many games I play. Prices are through the roof in most games. Again it's normal game inflation. Happens in every game paid for by cash shop. Hell it's still easyer to get in game money in PW then it is in over 70% of the games I have ever played. It's normal for a CS paid game to be like this. **** it sucks but It's still normal.

    Yes, so every girlfriend or boyfriend has beaten or absued you, so when you find a new one, it's ok for them to beat you up some more, because that's normal. Nice defeated attitude you have.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Jenovadeath - Lost City
    Jenovadeath - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    well I'm very srry for your situation I havent posted anything in a while cause I quit playing due to the outcome of the game I used to love and play I used to buy gold like crazy me and my gf spent probably about 3k us dollars over the course of a year between us both on this game. I do want to come back from time to time just for my friends mainly but from what I've learned about outsourced mmos from the east they must hate their customers and make them want to suffer nearly every minute they play the games alot of them even charge them by the hour for playing certain games.

    I loved this game it was the first mmo I found that I enjoyed and played for more than a month or two in testing out numerous mmos. I even stayed after the first release of packs and hoped that it was just for the anniversary. Now its almost all about packs they screwed tw up with the whole bidding system not the rewards but the bidding system made alot of ppl not want to even give it a try especially newer smaller factions that had never done it b4 and merely wanted to do it for the guild as somewhat of an event.

    But I must agree with what some of the others have said due to your situation you shouldnt be spending a penny on this game. My advice is shop around abit check some things out I never liked the idea of having to spend hours on end merchanting **** to others to gain profit cause they couldnt find stable trustworthy friends to run instances with. I did merchant alot of stuff but I also farmed my *** off with my characters to get the things I'd gotten in the time I spent here. But I can tell everyone this for sure I will never for the life of me recomend nor play another pwe game from this company I'd rather find a snes emulator and download and play old out dated games than put up with the way this company runs its games.

    But like I said shop around a bit theres alot more out there than you may think no they might not all be as pretty but graphics only count for about 5% of a game in my opinion the game can be the most awsome looking game in the world but if the game sucks after 500 bucks and a few months of playing its a waste. Ever play an old school console rpg and then get to the final boss and kill him and the ending just ruined the whole game for you and you hated the game after that? thats what pwi is for me now lol anyways happy holidays to the community and I wish you luck on your situation and hope things get better for you.b:bye
  • Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear
    Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Not to sound harsh but when you find trouble with your finances in real life, it's time for you to stop using the money you could have used to help your situation in life instead of in this game.

    Although I sympathize with the OP's predicament, I suggest you heed the above advice.

    As for the specific things in your post, not to demonize PWI but the way it works with economic downturns and video games is.. especially like this one.. they make good money still. When the reality of losing one's job sinks in (with unemployment/SSI money supplementing income), a horrible economy, a country at war with, uh, whatever it's supposedly at war with, fantasy-style games become more tantalizing. Socially, people want to keep up with others. This is why you see people with an Impreza WRX STi treated differently than someone with a two decade old Toyota Camry. In recent months, you're a second rate endgame BM if you use the 90s mold fist; A second rate veno without a herc.. and so on. Social statuses are derived from things that are considered rich. This is one of several side effects to the rep sale -- it ruined the social status of a handful of people from having 1337 awsum and rare/expensive gear to having something anyone can get. That is why it pisses off those who derive their pleasure from social status, because if playing the game itself were fun, it simply wouldn't matter how someone else got similar gear.

    As for economics, telling PWI to change the gold prices is like selling the government to change the prices of Snickers bars back to what it was 50 years ago because you want chocolate and it's too expensive for your liking. First off, setting such a low price ceiling will stand to create less trade, because gold sellers want the most for their coin. Secondly, buyers want the lowest, so creating a price ceiling in the fashion the OP wants will dwindle the supply of gold greatly because the suppliers of gold will have far less incentive to buy gold or merchants less incentive to play in the gold market. The result of gold prices are from other players who manipulate the gold market by buying and selling. PWI can indirectly affect the prices of certain things -- for instance, people were trying to sell Helm of Holy Punishments for 190-195m because of TOBL, but weren't selling ****, so the prices already dropped to 90 - 120m because of excess supply w/little demand. Maybe OP can be a little more understanding of how a market functions and work with the system that is fine instead of trying to blow it up out of personal differences with it.

    I agree. Status is everything to some people; they are willing to go into debt, let their houses burn to the ground, or pass off a dying loved one just to buy a new shiny mount or rank gear in-game with real life cash. Not everyone playing/cash-shopping this game is rich IRL (FACT). (If you are, then I'm sure you could be doing more fun things with your money.)

    That's not NORMAL inflation. The economy of PWI has been systematically and purposely altered and inflated by the management to entice players to spend more real money.

    In game methods of making money have been reduced or eliminated. This along with the value of the dollar in relation to coin has been influenced by changes for the sole purpose to generate more revenue. This in turn has made the game much more difficult to acquire things without spending money or merchanting.

    If you think otherwise you're naive or brain dead.


    Again, I agree. This game single-handedly eliminated the few means to acquire coins directly in-game (ie. reduced DQ values, nerfed TT's, gimped/decreased TW pays to nil). The only true way to win fast is to cash-shop your way to victory! (note the sarcasm)

    No true real-life economy would become so drastically inflated in such a short time, even in a laissez-faire environment. (This is a controlled environment by the game company to keep fueling their flagship games.)

    roid i belive u :o many players who came in before days of endless grind do not know the meaning of grind.

    and i agree wit roid hun dont spend money on this game especially if you believe "game is dead", which i tend to believe game is on life support not quite dead yet, but as the vid says end game gear in cs....damn near close to being dead. I still belive we can get the things we want and accomplish in game by farming, but GM/Dev(i dont care to make distinguishment right now) has made it harder, i believe, on purpose to *** over ppl who dont spend money on game. Its all about their money and they wont answer us, or listen to us at all because they dont care about us. only our money.

    How long have we asked them to improve things and fix glitches? but they keep giving us excuses and going on doing what they can to make money. So just think about that . dont spend money on this game any more. Try instead to earn what u can and have fun with ur friends while it lasts. Then when the game dies, you can move on with no regrets, and no bad feelings.

    I wish you the best of luck <3

    btw i am dtunk.

    If you want PWE/PWI to listen to you and your suggestions, here's a simple answer: DO NOT BUY ANY ZHEN AT ALL, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

    Once their wallets run dry, they'll start opening their ears and closing their wallets.

    Til then, keep complaining and expecting nothing in return.


    Karma | ex-GoldDigrz | ex-xWaRx | ex-Reunited | ex-Tao
    Status: Semi-Active | Mood: Apathetic
    Gryphyyn (10x Archer) | Tyyphoon (10x Assassin) | Ryyft (8x Seeker)

    Fearless. |
  • Vedovis - Lost City
    Vedovis - Lost City Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Although I sympathize with the OP's predicament, I suggest you heed the above advice.

    I agree. Status is everything to some people; they are willing to go into debt, let their houses burn to the ground, or pass off a dying loved one just to buy a new shiny mount or rank gear in-game with real life cash. Not everyone playing/cash-shopping this game is rich IRL (FACT). (If you are, then I'm sure you could be doing more fun things with your money.)

    Again, I agree. This game single-handedly eliminated the few means to acquire coins directly in-game (ie. reduced DQ values, nerfed TT's, gimped/decreased TW pays to nil). The only true way to win fast is to cash-shop your way to victory! (note the sarcasm)

    No true real-life economy would become so drastically inflated in such a short time, even in a laissez-faire environment. (This is a controlled environment by the game company to keep fueling their flagship games.)

    If you want PWE/PWI to listen to you and your suggestions, here's a simple answer: DO NOT BUY ANY ZHEN AT ALL, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

    Once their wallets run dry, they'll start opening their ears and closing their wallets.

    Til then, keep complaining and expecting nothing in return.



    Ah, if only :( While I'm sure some people have done exactly that (myself included - pfft packs ftl!) the number of crazy cash shoppers who don't give a damn greatly outweighs the number of sensible people who have stopped paying period. The thing is, cashshoppers need some kind of incentive to stop paying, and while they do pay - they get really rich. So, who'd want to stop? And believe me, the cookie bribe doesn't work b:surrender

    I sure hope that soon PW will actually begin to care about us. Not their wallets quickly overflowing with cash as soon as they release packs.

    Also @OP I wish you a Merry Xmas and I hope that you get better, and people stop being ***holes to you in RL. Hopefully gold will go down soon (I sure hope so b:beg, I need to restat soonish, with current gold prices it'll cost me ~25m)

    Merry Xmas everyone b:victory

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You see, a majority of the playerbase isn't going to complain's not effecting THEM. If it WERE effecting them, THEY would do or say something about it.

    But it's not. Those of you cornering the OP because you think she can't afford Gold are gold hoarders yourselves. I promise you if PWE did something to the game that rippled over to the precious Cash Shopping playerbase, you would all throw a HUGE temper tantrum. Because you always do when something wrong goes on, and it's a problem

    It's been like that for years now, it honestly has.

    Nobody started complaining about 5.0 until the first PvPers in LC discovered they could drop a barb in about half a minute. Or, when the first merchants realized they were being ripped from profits by that Blademaster who can solo charm runs. THEN the complaining started. But did the BM's complain? Hell no, they had the advantage, so it wasn't a problem to them. And then Barbs figured out they could do it too, so it wasn't a problem to them.
    And thus, nothing was done. Nothing has been done still. Nothing will probably ever be done about it.

    Nobody started complaining about Anni Packs until the first massive gold hoarder started getting uber gear in their inventory. THEN people started to freak out. But did any of the people getting that gear whine? Nope. Because it wasn't their problem.

    Nobody complained (or really even predicted) about how nasty Stealth on Assassins was going to be....until the first PvPers on Harshlands and Lost City found out that maybe putting 5.0 on a class that can turn invisible....wasn't such a good idea after all. NOW, everybody and their mother is either rolling an assassin, or complaining. Those of you rolling assassins, of course YOU aren't complaining's not your problem.

    And it wasn't until those people who hyper'd those Assassins to 10x found out that Earthguard could see Assassins that THEY started to complain. Or when the clerics found out that Mystics could rez. (Why they would complain is beyond me, since now there's an alternative class that can loose EXP, come back to the instance, and revive. Of course, Clerics could potentially loose BH/FC/NIV squads because of it.) And when Venomancers found out that Mystics could summon pets, they got a little annoyed.

    It's never a problem until it's.....YOUR problem. And it's never PWE's problem make it their problem. The issue is, nobody is making it a problem, and thus it continues to "not be a problem" and thus it becomes a greater problem, which is simply not addressed as a problem at all!
    Did I mention the word 'problem' in that sentence?

    As usual, I find favor in Micheal_Dark's statements. I'm truly going to miss you whilst I'm busy giving PWI the finger.

    Me? I just got Final Fantasy XIV for christmas. If you need me, I'll be shooting magical fire at things. To Perfect World? You may humbly kiss my ***. Especially you Frankie.

    Nobody is going to stop buying zhen. Too many selfish players thinking only of themselves's not their problem. So I make it a problem-- I do a daily run and visit every Hyper Stone area and Oracle Grounds I can find, and oneshot anything that comes within twenty-two feet of me with Red Tide.

    It's been said before. PWE is shafting their players so hard, it's not even funny anymore. Most of us? Don't even care. I honestly don't know what the **** is keeping this game together anymore. I keep thinking it's the blissful ignorance of the mass majority of players who don't know they're being ****ed over every day they play the game.

    If you need me.....I'll be shooting magic fire at ****, and it WON'T be on PWI. I probably won't even play PWI again now, and I have to say....good riddance. Now I can clear up my harddrive for a game that doesn't shaft its players into complete and utter discontent.

    I'll probably pop in once in a while to see just how far the company is going to go before the flagship franchise goes swandiving head first into oblivion...and to generally jeer and laugh at the stupid people.....and do commentary for the Harshland TW's. But that's about it.

    Have a happy holiday everybody.
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I would have to say I agree, the prices of gold have skyrocketed since I last played. Its now over double the price T-T. Everyone plays MMO's to be the best they can be. If you are limited by your wallet in that sense then you are not actually fulfilling your dream when you first started the MMO.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You see, a majority of the playerbase isn't going to complain's not effecting THEM. If it WERE effecting them, THEY would do or say something about it.

    But it's not. Those of you cornering the OP because you think she can't afford Gold are gold hoarders yourselves. I promise you if PWE did something to the game that rippled over to the precious Cash Shopping playerbase, you would all throw a HUGE temper tantrum. Because you always do when something wrong goes on, and it's a problem

    It's been like that for years now, it honestly has.

    Nobody started complaining about 5.0 until the first PvPers in LC discovered they could drop a barb in about half a minute. Or, when the first merchants realized they were being ripped from profits by that Blademaster who can solo charm runs. THEN the complaining started. But did the BM's complain? Hell no, they had the advantage, so it wasn't a problem to them. And then Barbs figured out they could do it too, so it wasn't a problem to them.
    And thus, nothing was done. Nothing has been done still. Nothing will probably ever be done about it.

    Nobody started complaining about Anni Packs until the first massive gold hoarder started getting uber gear in their inventory. THEN people started to freak out. But did any of the people getting that gear whine? Nope. Because it wasn't their problem.

    Nobody complained (or really even predicted) about how nasty Stealth on Assassins was going to be....until the first PvPers on Harshlands and Lost City found out that maybe putting 5.0 on a class that can turn invisible....wasn't such a good idea after all. NOW, everybody and their mother is either rolling an assassin, or complaining. Those of you rolling assassins, of course YOU aren't complaining's not your problem.

    And it wasn't until those people who hyper'd those Assassins to 10x found out that Earthguard could see Assassins that THEY started to complain. Or when the clerics found out that Mystics could rez. (Why they would complain is beyond me, since now there's an alternative class that can loose EXP, come back to the instance, and revive. Of course, Clerics could potentially loose BH/FC/NIV squads because of it.) And when Venomancers found out that Mystics could summon pets, they got a little annoyed.

    It's never a problem until it's.....YOUR problem. And it's never PWE's problem make it their problem. The issue is, nobody is making it a problem, and thus it continues to "not be a problem" and thus it becomes a greater problem, which is simply not addressed as a problem at all!
    Did I mention the word 'problem' in that sentence?

    As usual, I find favor in Micheal_Dark's statements. I'm truly going to miss you whilst I'm busy giving PWI the finger.

    Me? I just got Final Fantasy XIV for christmas. If you need me, I'll be shooting magical fire at things. To Perfect World? You may humbly kiss my ***. Especially you Frankie.

    Nobody is going to stop buying zhen. Too many selfish players thinking only of themselves's not their problem. So I make it a problem-- I do a daily run and visit every Hyper Stone area and Oracle Grounds I can find, and oneshot anything that comes within twenty-two feet of me with Red Tide.

    It's been said before. PWE is shafting their players so hard, it's not even funny anymore. Most of us? Don't even care. I honestly don't know what the **** is keeping this game together anymore. I keep thinking it's the blissful ignorance of the mass majority of players who don't know they're being ****ed over every day they play the game.

    If you need me.....I'll be shooting magic fire at ****, and it WON'T be on PWI. I probably won't even play PWI again now, and I have to say....good riddance. Now I can clear up my harddrive for a game that doesn't shaft its players into complete and utter discontent.

    I'll probably pop in once in a while to see just how far the company is going to go before the flagship franchise goes swandiving head first into oblivion...and to generally jeer and laugh at the stupid people.....and do commentary for the Harshland TW's. But that's about it.

    Have a happy holiday everybody.
    Yay, does that mean no more posts? I doubt it. You've quit before.

    What's hilarious is you won't ever recognize how you are talking to others about your personal views of PWI, and your assertion is everyone should enjoy or not enjoy PWI like you, or they are inferior or stupid or selfish asses. Really. "They don't care" is more like "they won't look at it my way". People do care. If PWI was not making the game they wanted to play they would quit, and guaranteed 99% of them do it without raging on the forums. PWI understands this because suddenly those people stop spending money and their revenue decreases and so does the value of their shareholder equity.

    As for complaining about 5.0 APS.. it was actually sins that can solo ****. What little BM's could, then sins one-upped that. When the rep sale came wizards and psychics became that much stronger, and you saw BMs barbs and sins on the forum whining about being 1-2 shot by rank wizards or psychics. QQing has always been around on this forum and your posts are the perfect example of it. Hopefully the holidays, which are supposed to be happy, can enlighten you enough to leave if you truly don't enjoy the game. IMO you're like most other perpetual whiners and just like to continue whining about something you play because whining is just something you do. A game is fun. If you aren't having fun, don't play. Simple? Others that play presumably have fun. You're trying to **** all over their fun, and thus you're not content just sodding off, you want to ruin others' fun too. Thus you get the spite you deserve. Thus the first sentence of the 2nd paragraph -- you haven't a clue how it's you who is selfish and not everybody else.
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Good for you, though, if you can bring in that much income doing old-fashioned grinding combined with a little outside-the-box thinking.

    Apparently DQ prices dropped several thousands since I last posted, as my shop sold nothing last night. So perhaps my tactic is no longer as impressive. Probably 600k per hour, outside of 2x. That kind of sucks, as I was happy with it.
  • Tigriss_o - Raging Tide
    Tigriss_o - Raging Tide Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Yes, so every girlfriend or boyfriend has beaten or absued you, so when you find a new one, it's ok for them to beat you up some more, because that's normal. Nice defeated attitude you have.

    Really your gonna use something like that as an example?? It isn't even similar to this. I don't think I wanna know the kind of **** that goes on in that brain of yours. It's not a defeated attitude. I'm just stating facts. If you don't wanna put up with this **** go to a P2P. I was just saying it's normal inflation for a CS controlled game. I have seen this in every F2P game with a cash shop I have ever played. Thats why I mostly play P2P now adays. I don't see why your trying to argue with me. I didn't say the **** is right it's just how things are with this type of game. Pull the board out.

    I just noticed the end of your first reply to me

    Michael_Dark If you think otherwise you're naive or brain dead.
    People who immediately resort to name calling aren't worth my time.
  • ChopChop - Raging Tide
    ChopChop - Raging Tide Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    That's not NORMAL inflation. The economy of PWI has been systematically and purposely altered and inflated by the management to entice players to spend more real money.

    In game methods of making money have been reduced or eliminated. This along with the value of the dollar in relation to coin has been influenced by changes for the sole purpose to generate more revenue. This in turn has made the game much more difficult to acquire things without spending money or merchanting.

    If you think otherwise you're naive or brain dead.


    100% agree because its 100% fact .
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    To all the posters who believe I still buy gold-no, sorry, I havent in at least a year. Need the money to pay for medications, etc now. Even the bit of money my parents sent me today for my Christmas present is going to have to go towards getting a dog good enough to train as my new service dog(if I am up to it). I lost my beloved Anja, this October to cancer, and need a new one desperately, so, while last year I had spent part of that money on the game, I cant this year. So please read more carefully before making accusations.

    @JanusZeal, I dont remember you, but my son does, and remembers you as quite the complainer, as your sig makes quite plain. I was not directing my comments to you, or any other player, but rather making a plea to the company to lower prices to make things better for us all, bring back old players who left because of costs, and to attract new players. So please lay off personal comments that have no place in this thread.

    for all, heres hoping that 2011 will bring changes to PWI that restore the joy we had that first Christmas.

    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    how exactly does lowering prices in the boutique help the players - if the game stops making money the game stops. period. a company such as PWE are unlikely to subsidise a game such as this for any extended period of time after it stops being profitable.

    they haven't raised prices for anything that I am aware of, in fact a lot of items drop in price regularly (sales). being virtual items, they are not tied to real life economy, however costs for running the servers and infrastructure are tied to real world economy. If the costs to run the game increase, in order to maintain profitability PWE must release items which will bring in more income to counteract this OR raise prices of existing items.

    PWE does not directly make the in game economy soar, it is supply and demand of gold and boutique items and players themselves playing the markets. Some of the additions to the game must actually impact boutique sales - it is currently cheaper to buy tokens and convert to teles than it is to buy them from the boutique for example - cupboard stones too.
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    @JanusZeal, I dont remember you, but my son does, and remembers you as quite the complainer, as your sig makes quite plain. I was not directing my comments to you, or any other player, but rather making a plea to the company to lower prices to make things better for us all, bring back old players who left because of costs, and to attract new players. So please lay off personal comments that have no place in this thread.
    inorite? I'm always complaining about the game, and everything else. See sig. /facedesk

    Anyhow, the post I made was directed for people who aren't used to your malcontent-like behavior. On the contrary, I do all I can do for whatever game or faction I play or was in. When I have done all I can do and my fun has vanished, I leave, simple as that. I don't make constant fusses like you do and yet continue to be in factions and a game that makes you, by how often you complain, so miserable -- maybe try pointing the finger at yourself for your own lack of enjoyment. Nah, it's too easy to just blame others instead.

    QQ GM's locked my thread:

    QQ whiner's video deleted (second copy/paste):

    QQ whiner's video deleted:

    QQ people who pay get more:

    QQ gambling packs / finding another game (guess that didn't work?):

    QQ GM's are wrecking the game cuz I can't afford charms anymore for helping in FB's and simple dungeons!:

    QQ I don't play cleric anymore cuz people don't play the way I want them to (translation: they don't listen to your ****):

    QQ Back in the good ol' days of the golem..

    QQ I remember when GM's used to tuck me in at night:

    QQ you need to spend RL cash to "play to win", especially for fash:

    It isn't necessarily a bad thing to not find fun in this game anymore, it's a bad thing to continue playing a game that isn't fun and make highly stupid and selfish pleas based on extremely erroneous thinking about the game economy, even worse, telling others not to respond to you. If you don't want responses you might not like, don't complain on a public forum that others can and do respond to. Send in a ticket, send them a piece of mail. You get the ire you get when all you want to do is whine.
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    boring christmas day Janus? ;) thats a lot of evidence you collected.
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Phrilly - Sanctuary
    Phrilly - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i used to buy gold often, till the Feds started cutting down what i got for SSI income and medicaid. but no my husband has to pay out of pocket for medications and food that we had help with.

    Honestly, I had trouble reading past this point. So, you're upset that the US taxpayers aren't funding your game playing?
  • Kehrendorh - Archosaur
    Kehrendorh - Archosaur Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    From what I've read, JanusZeal is a bit of a stalker, no?

    FoxRunning, you should just BL the idiot on the forum/in-game. And if he continues to harass you, just report him to GM's. He will get a nice wrapped IP ban as a late Xmas present.

    @JanusZeal before you rage at me, a stranger, you should re-read all your posts from a 3rd person point of view. You really do come across as a creepy stalker who is obsessed about putting down a disabled human being. ijs.
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    how exactly does lowering prices in the boutique help the players - if the game stops making money the game stops. period. a company such as PWE are unlikely to subsidise a game such as this for any extended period of time after it stops being profitable.

    they haven't raised prices for anything that I am aware of, in fact a lot of items drop in price regularly (sales). being virtual items, they are not tied to real life economy, however costs for running the servers and infrastructure are tied to real world economy. If the costs to run the game increase, in order to maintain profitability PWE must release items which will bring in more income to counteract this OR raise prices of existing items.

    PWE does not directly make the in game economy soar, it is supply and demand of gold and boutique items and players themselves playing the markets. Some of the additions to the game must actually impact boutique sales - it is currently cheaper to buy tokens and convert to teles than it is to buy them from the boutique for example - cupboard stones too.
    I really sympathize with you Fox. My gf does not have insurance and we need to actually buy her medication. I also collect SSI / SSD and she cant work atm bec she's also disabled just not on SSI yet. I can totally understand your situation especially from a personal point of view.

    All I can say is I wish things work out for you I really do. I also want to let you know to ignore the jerks online. They think its ok to be rude cuz they wont get punished for it, just go's to show their not very good people.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    erm hello? why am i being quoted? where exactly in my post am i being rude or a jerk? I am posting a question and opinion and information

    if people are being rude to her, it is because she is being rude to them - you reap as you sow and all that.
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This thread is pretty much just trolling and flaming now... *sighs*
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This thread is pretty much just trolling and flaming now... *sighs*

    could not agree more Zan. not that it was ever going to end well, threads which start with QQing seldom do.

    personally I was trying get some more detail from the op on how reducing boutique costs more would benefit us as players AND pwe as a company because as a proposal I can only see the benefit to us as players - we get more for the same amount of coin. we would not necessarily spend more on the game thus pwe would not benefit. no benefit to the company means it is unlikely to happen.

    where you hanging your hat these days? kinda lost track of where all the old bushido crowd are now..
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Closed for trolling and flaming.

    Oh, gotta love the internetz.
This discussion has been closed.