Help with genie? :(

auerne Posts: 13
edited December 2010 in Wizard
I need help with my genie..

What skills should I get and how should I distribute the points (For a wizard..obviously)?

My genie:



And has the skills: Second Wind (Lv1) & Wind Force
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  • Arenaceous - Lost City
    Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Most wizards either use a dex build or a pure mag/vit genie. I would recommend to go for the second choice, because it allows you to cast more skills and cast them faster after cooldown.
    First skills I would get are Holy Path and Extreme Poison, I never really liked Second Wind. It does not heal that much, needs strength and we got a heal ourselves. If you want to get a heal, I would recommend tree of protection, because it works pretty well even without str/dex. Another nice skill is fortify, only useful in pvp tho. It needs a little practice but can be quite effective.
    Later on, Expel is really great for surviving sin/bm attacks or for tanking mobs while you put up dragon's breath. You might not really need this if you don't pvp tho. Absolute Domain goes in a similar direction, it can save you in many "oh f.uck" situations.
    The best amp for your aoe skills is Frenzy, you should use it carefully tho, because it screws over your defenses.
    If you want a constant chi supply, you could look into cloud eruption.
    As you can see, there are many choices, genies can be pretty individual. I will go for a pure mag/vit genie with Holy Path, Extreme Poison, Fortify (leave it at lvl 1), Expel and Absolute Domain. Maybe get Frenzy as well, when the genie is 101 and has enough skills slots.
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • auerne
    auerne Posts: 13
    edited December 2010
    Hmm..okay..But like in what order should I distribute its attribute and affinity points?

    And in what order should I get the skills?
  • Sulvein - Sanctuary
    Sulvein - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    At level 5 you will get 2 affinity points to go towards your skill. In the affinity tree there is a button that says skills. Click it and read each skill. Will tell you what affinity points it needs. Very helpful in deciding what you want to do. Like my genie as I'm only a level 12 archer. I'm a mag/vit genie or it will be.

    I'm going up to 45 in magic with my genie and the rest is going into vit. My skills will probably be Second Wind and a few others. That is my choice. :) You need to find what skill/skills will benefit you the most. Each level your genie gains one stat point. More than likely you'll replace that genie in your upper 50's. Unless it get good off the lucky points. :)

    Good luck and happy gaming!
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