Ambition's Truly Legit Territory War Thread
I misread SC for SZ (safety zone for those who don't get it) for some reason. Given the reputation of both of those people I'd say you fared pretty well.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
iwotm8?0 -
Man - Raging Tide wrote: »A thought has occured to me...
Monday Night there is a celestial tiger event, many participants.
tuesday night there is dragon temple which QQme always gets all special chests, no other factions are seen reallly. Back in the day Levi came to pk only.... they'd go camp special chests and do no looting of their own. Really fail, this event is open too all and pretty fun, QQ only pks after chests are looted. Small factions have stolen good chests before bigger factions would have an easy time of it.
Then there is jungle ruins, it has a wide smattering of factions and players.
Wednesday night there is City of Abominations, which again QQme has a big turn out for, the rest of the server not so much.
Thursday Night is tournament, average attendence is probably 50 QQme 10 non QQme in the 90+ bracket.
Lower brackets are pretty empty too no one. Any lower faction worth half its salt would be encouraging anyone to go, especially in the lower brackets. Most people however don't' know of its existence.
Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night are TW, which QQme is too powerful in, factions just smell us on the wind and start throwing down their weapons and running away.
Everyone complains about TW, but if you were serious about it other factions would come to events on other nights. An NPC or Varden member in events is incredibly rare. My point is... get real, if you want to be taken seriously in Territory War, you should be doing the other nightly events.
Loooking at the level list for the server there are roughly 200 lvl 101+ QQme has 50 of them. (i think) So how about other people get a clue.
Well, I know few ppl that would like to participate in those, me included.
Unfortunately that is a bit hard since its in the middle of the night during a work day.
Basically EU players r left only with weekend events thus TW's are what we play this game for.
I'm hoping that with new updates this game will live up to its name and become PWI - (Perfect World International) b:surrender
Until then, all this talk about workday events and owning those with no oppositions - useless.
b:surrenderb:surrender0 -
Yeah, I noticed Levi was most active 4PM-00AM GMT, which is usually when work/school finishes.0
Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »Celestial Tiger is 5.0 or Gtfo. Cash Shop or gtfo, naturally, QQme has a high turnout.
Dragon Temple, is filled to the brim with QQmoar, because if something is an even fight they run away. -points to PK- 5v5 against QQme is us ganking them, causing them to bring in all the OP geared people.
City of Abominations has decent turnouts from Levi, however most of it is also 5.0 or gtfo.
Tourny for 90+ is essentially TW, except you have an even smaller chance of living. Rooms with 10 QQme and 2 non QQme are very fair aren't they. Lower level brackets have decent turnouts, seeing as I do them each week.
People are serious about TW, however difference is, QQme is mostly America centered. Most of the other factions are based on European players from what i've seen. I don't think anyone apart from dancing wants to wake up at 3am to do an event in a game, and skip work/school the next morning.
That's funny I dont cs and the past celestial tiger I ranked 4th in wizards without rank 8.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I think its only different for Wizards/Clerics. Otherwise its that.0
Ambition - Raging Tide wrote: »That's funny I dont cs and the past celestial tiger I ranked 4th in wizards without rank 8.0
Ambition - Raging Tide wrote: »That's funny I dont cs and the past celestial tiger I ranked 4th in wizards without rank 8.
Christmas is coming, and I want Celestial Barb Skirt b:cute0 -
Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »Celestial Tiger is 5.0 or Gtfo. Cash Shop or gtfo, naturally, QQme has a high turnout.
Obviously only cash shoppers can get 5.0, it's not like I got 5.0 without cash shopping, oh wait.... I did.
Paid 70mil for lunar claws, 30mil of it was from Knight, the rest from TTs/Nein beast event.
TT99 HA bonus, wrists and chest, were farmed before the TT changes. All but one illusion stone which I bought from nuff said for like 18mil, money farmed in nein beast/TTs/WEEKLY EVENTS
Lunar cape was 35mil, money from TTs, celestial tiger event, money from CoA
TT99 LA ornaments were bought for 9mil for the 2 neck golds, 18mil for the 2 belt golds. The greens were farmed. Coins were made mostly in weekly events, CoA/DT/Celestial tiger
Nirvana legs were 250 uncannies, 100 of them farmed in nirvana, the rest were bought with coins I got merching, started with 25mil I got from events and TTs, managed to build that up to 75mil which I used to buy the last 150 uncannies.Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »Dragon Temple, is filled to the brim with QQmoar, because if something is an even fight they run away. -points to PK- 5v5 against QQme is us ganking them, causing them to bring in all the OP geared people.
If we run away then how are we getting all the rare pet scrolls? This is confusing, and funny cause some of the most fun I've had in DT was when I got seperated (lost) from the rest of my squad, and stumbled on KingLulo and a group of 5-6 leviathans that had just cleared a chest spawn and were starting to dig. We rushed in 2 vs 5-6 and ended up killing all of them and taking the chests.Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »City of Abominations has decent turnouts from Levi, however most of it is also 5.0 or gtfo.
5.0 isn't even essential, or useful really. One of the best results I've seen at CoA were one week with Infamy, it was me, esuna, nuala, manintights, sunkist, anarky. Anarky and MiT set up BoA and sunkist set up DB and I lured the mobs into the zhen, we got 3 rings that week and it wasn't double drops.Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »Tourny for 90+ is essentially TW, except you have an even smaller chance of living. Rooms with 10 QQme and 2 non QQme are very fair aren't they. Lower level brackets have decent turnouts, seeing as I do them each week.
And why is it 10 QQme and 2 non-QQme? Because people don't go which was the entire point of his post.Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »People are serious about TW, however difference is, QQme is mostly America centered. Most of the other factions are based on European players from what i've seen. I don't think anyone apart from dancing wants to wake up at 3am to do an event in a game, and skip work/school the next morning.
We have a lot of euro/asian players, just as many as any other guild. Other guilds don't go because they're scared they might get killed once or twice, or because they aren't willing to fight QQme and would rather complain instead.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
Aren't the events either US or QQme or gtfo?0
Boogiepanda - Raging Tide wrote: »Aren't the events either US or QQme or gtfo?
Even living in North America doesn't magically make it easy to participate in any of the nightly events. There are many people like Fuzzy who simply work for a living. Considering all the events start at 8:00pm server time (6:00pm Fuzzy time) there simply is no chance to make it home in time to ever participate.
b:cry0 -
3am is even harder though0
Even living in North America doesn't magically make it easy to participate in any of the nightly events. There are many people like Fuzzy who simply work for a living. Considering all the events start at 8:00pm server time (6:00pm Fuzzy time) there simply is no chance to make it home in time to ever participate.
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
It would appear that you, Rawrgh, are incredibly narcistic. Nearly all your posts refer to how amazing you did against people, and how you made all that money from TT, and how you are so amazing and doing this.
I'd like to say, you sir, fail miserably. You have put so much time into this game, to gain nothingGame's dead, so really all that time is for nothing. You may ask how I got my stuff? Absolutely 0% effort. Im the laziest **** you can find who gets his stuff from other people
I'd like to conclude, and to say that you sir, are amusing at how serious you take this, and how good you think you are. Pro tip, you're a barb with LA ornaments. You aren't pro.
Inb4youreply. Not that I care0 -
I have to disagree on one part there Rawrgh, its not that people are scared of losing its the fact that the event time doesnt work for most people. I for example would love to be able to do each event everyday but I wouldnt stay up to 3-4am to do them and then wake up at 7am to go to college.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Its all a matter of perspec-tive Russiee my dear. Some people like to keep hold of their dignity.
Varden is a really nice fa-ction
Leviaton is a really nice faction
Murr is a really nice faction
Haven is a really nice faction
Latinos is a really nice faction
Vertu is a really nice faction
Goonsquad is a really really nice faction
GOod job hats off to all you have stood the test of time. And you have fun in your factions. That is success what more can anyone ask for.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »It would appear that you, Rawrgh, are incredibly narcistic. Nearly all your posts refer to how amazing you did against people, and how you made all that money from TT, and how you are so amazing and doing this.
I'd like to say, you sir, fail miserably. You have put so much time into this game, to gain nothingGame's dead, so really all that time is for nothing. You may ask how I got my stuff? Absolutely 0% effort. Im the laziest **** you can find who gets his stuff from other people
I'd like to conclude, and to say that you sir, are amusing at how serious you take this, and how good you think you are. Pro tip, you're a barb with LA ornaments. You aren't pro.
Inb4youreply. Not that I care
Have you just met Rawrgh?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
im the best
you all lose
bye<30 -
Man - Raging Tide wrote: »And you have fun in your factions. That is success what more can anyone ask for.
Fuzzy doesn't recall ever asking for anything more. b:cute0 -
By the way, 17 weeks left until a one color map. I can't wait.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
Rawrgh - Raging Tide wrote: »Intruiging.
By the way, 17 weeks left until a one color map. I can't wait.
Baby, im not in Levi, I quit like last week, so what happens to the map, idgaf.
Also, I think you'll find when things get even, QQMe always run away, because they are getting the **** beaten out of them, or they call for all the reinforcements they can, because losing fairly = OMG****WTFHOWDIDTHEYBEATUS6v6? THEYMUSTBEGANKINGUS! YES THATS RIGHT GANKING THEM 8v5 AND GETTING THE **** KICKED OUT OF US MEANS THEY ARE GANKING US!! QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.
You, good sir, seem irate.0 -
Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »Baby, im not in Levi, I quit like last week, so what happens to the map, idgaf.
Also, I think you'll find when things get even, QQMe always run away, because they are getting the **** beaten out of them, or they call for all the reinforcements they can, because losing fairly = OMG****WTFHOWDIDTHEYBEATUS6v6? THEYMUSTBEGANKINGUS! YES THATS RIGHT GANKING THEM 8v5 AND GETTING THE **** KICKED OUT OF US MEANS THEY ARE GANKING US!! QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.
You, good sir, seem irate.
Russie darling, i thought we already talked about this. Its a matter of perspective.
I have attacked 1 vs 6 Stormshade people and then been accused of ganking... with myself.
"omg qqme gank"
The last good pk i did with you it was 2 vs 5 you being the 5, then eventually lucifer came and helped you and you still got beat! I guess when people lose enough they started to get angry feelings about it and have to find some sort of justification. Whether it be the other players have cash shopped too much, play the game too much, have the numerical advantage (whether they do or not).
Lose with grace Russiee, if you can't handle it then don't play the game. The other day War elites were controlling silverpool, they did a good job and killed me many times, hats off too you. I don't need to complain about gank, or csers, and neither do you.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
If QQme gets wrecked in PvP, I wonder how Ambition has more PvP kills than anyone in Leviathan and is in QQme.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Lmao Russ ,you're still arguing with idiots.
I gave up.b:laughIt's all about LoL,yo.0 -
Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »Baby, im not in Levi, I quit like last week, so what happens to the map, idgaf.
Also, I think you'll find when things get even, QQMe always run away, because they are getting the **** beaten out of them, or they call for all the reinforcements they can, because losing fairly = OMG****WTFHOWDIDTHEYBEATUS6v6? THEYMUSTBEGANKINGUS! YES THATS RIGHT GANKING THEM 8v5 AND GETTING THE **** KICKED OUT OF US MEANS THEY ARE GANKING US!! QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.
You, good sir, seem irate.Russie darling, i thought we already talked about this. Its a matter of perspective.
I have attacked 1 vs 6 Stormshade people and then been accused of ganking... with myself.
"omg qqme gank"
The last good pk i did with you it was 2 vs 5 you being the 5, then eventually lucifer came and helped you and you still got beat! I guess when people lose enough they started to get angry feelings about it and have to find some sort of justification. Whether it be the other players have cash shopped too much, play the game too much, have the numerical advantage (whether they do or not).
Lose with grace Russiee, if you can't handle it then don't play the game. The other day War elites were controlling silverpool, they did a good job and killed me many times, hats off too you. I don't need to complain about gank, or csers, and neither do you.
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
girls guess who's downloading this again.
heard u need a exrta string failomancer. kkthxbye0 -
Noraelis - Raging Tide wrote: »girls guess who's downloading this again.
heard u need a exrta string failomancer. kkthxbye
b:cry i mist you so much, i quite the game all hart broken waiting for you.
b:sad you bringing fap back aswell.Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.0 -
I see wht I can do.
How's ur wife? She still sexyashell? Btw I missed u too.0 -
She hardly logs anymore, we are mostly playing CoD on Xbox these days.Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.0
Ah ok.
I saw Concetrate is on the veno pvp list so i was like : wtf..
See u later tonight ingame?0 -
ToyTank - Raging Tide wrote: »She hardly logs anymore, we are mostly playing CoD on Xbox these days.
I want a gamer wife b:sad0
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