Equinox Vs. Kindrid



  • Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Maybe a good idea would be to make tw have a max of 3 lands per faction. Maybe if it turns out that one or two ever get entire map, then all the cash shoppers(not in those couple of factions) should start sending tickets an lobbying for such a rule.
    Or maybe instead of taking coin payouts aways for mirages..they should take out mirages for perfect stones...maybe that would stop the greed.
    probably unpopular, but dont think everyone should have to try for one of three or four factions just to tw.
  • Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Maybe a good idea would be to make tw have a max of 3 lands per faction. Maybe if it turns out that one or two ever get entire map, then all the cash shoppers(not in those couple of factions) should start sending tickets an lobbying for such a rule.
    Or maybe instead of taking coin payouts aways for mirages..they should take out mirages for perfect stones...maybe that would stop the greed.
    probably unpopular, but dont think everyone should have to try for one of three or four factions just to tw.

    Not a good idea in my opinion, for a few reasons. First, it destroys any competition because once factions get 3 lands, they can't attack each other, removing a major aspect of tw. This removes one of the main end-game events that keeps people playing. Also, it's not accurate to say that greed is why people are taking more land. At least between Regen and EQ after our last 2 tws against each other, both factions have expressed that they generally enjoyed the challenge of the tw. People are burning through whole plat charms in some cases in these wars. 100 mirages / 80 people doesn't come anywhere close to covering that, so greed is definitely not a motivation for these wars, unless people just really, really fail at cost/benefit analysis of these wars.
    Also, the factions that get more land than others do so either because the factions they fight can't get 80 people to show up to tw, can't coordinate as well, or are just horribly outleveled/geared. There's no reason to punish factions for being successful. Instead, the other factions are challenged to learn what they need to do to get better at tw and gain lands for themselves. None of the top three or four factions today was magically given the ability to do well at tw, all of them had to learn and adapt. Factions starting up now, unfortunately, have to learn too. Making tw more unprofitable and driving more people away from it is NOT a good answer.

    just my 2 cents. (or 2 coins, i suppose)
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Before I make this comment, nobody quote it unless they quote the entire thing, even this sentence, thanks.

    Hmm...If Regenesis does decide to take the enitre map again then they can still respect the server. I have no problem with Regenesis taking the entire map or attacking lower factions because, their faction didn't tell Dreamweaver to attack the last super power. They didn't ask factions to help them create a colorful map. Equinox was preaching for a colorful map but now their actions of ( bidding on multiple lower factions with the chance of bidding on a stonger or comparable factions) contradict their ideals and that's why I will post about them not respecting Dreamweaver.

    True Statement, you can't help other factions gain land, so what happens when you take it from them. You do realize it isn't against the rules to "not" bid on lower faction with land beside you though? Since it's against the rules to give them land though, and after you take their land then what happens? They aren't able to poke back up on the map. I'm not asking you to help factions take land, I'm asking you to stop taking their land, but I won't anymore because as you posted they aren't immune to attacks. Thanks for the honesty.

    "So what you are trying to say, every other "bigger" faction has also committed this same "crime"."

    Well...the factions didn't commit a crime because they didn't preach about a colorful map nor did they even ask whole Dreamweaver to try to take out the former Calamity. None of the Equinox officers who have posted anyways tried to answer my questions, instead you all have said that I've twisted your words. I asked very simply in my 1st post "Any special reasons why Equinox bid against Kindrid?". Because I knew that would be the most lame TW on this server since the map was starting to change colors. I also asked about your faction goals if you choose to take land from small factions or not, but you just reply "We will not own more than 50% of the map" which truely lead me to believe that you will still attack small factions, but not take more than 50% of the end-map which will ironically be few colored, even though multi-colored. Now I do see though, the multi-colored map that Equinox wished for was probably just their color and Calamity, but they kept losing and kept losing TWs where it just became one color, red. Maybe their actions of asking entire Dreamweaver to attack Calamity was for a selfious cause because now as everyone who can see the bids, Equinox has been bidding on the small factions, factions that have helped them or tried to help them fight the former Calamity.

    I don't always bring EQ up, but it seems you have found something better than Equinox. I see you're now a member of Regenesis, good work. http://core.perfectworld.com//u/flooow

    They have been detering the question, but that'll just let me respond more to their actions, rather than their words. When I do decide to respond to their actions, since actions are louder to words cause i'm apparantly deaf of their words and somehow twist them without my knowing it will help clarify things up.

    Why do you say that these people, which I'm a part of because I'm on most of the pages O_o dislike EQ? I haven't posted that I dislike EQ, I have just posted their actions and my response to their actions. Also, don't quote this and take out the word 'haven't' or I will ask someone to edit your post or to delete it entirely. Ohhh I just realized you said a group of 200 people that they don't know...never mind cause I'm not in your group of people that dislike EQ then because I do infact know many of EQ members. Who I don't know though, is their leaders. And like a good friend of my says, "No I won't KOS their members, their members have good intentions, it's just weak leadership."

    This quoted part below is as a joke, since the poster will not be coming back so take it lightly:

    That's long QQ, =x <3 To be franc I did not read it all.

    I can understand your annoyance/anger with that statement of theirs dsholder; however, I for one believe that their (equinox's) goals have changed since failing to stop calamity from taking over the map. (Even if they were a huge thorn in cala's side, they still ultimately failed, but they definitely gave cala one hell of a run for it's money.) Which really I can't blame them for now attacking any other faction on the map. After all... all is fair in love and war.

    Sure what they say doesn't seem to hold true today, but it does get boring attacking the same people every weekend, even if they say those 3 hour wars are fun. Besides if equinox attacks another faction, and IF they hold on for 3 hours, then maybe they could see they could do the same against the 'rising' power whether it be regen or tempest, or even an unknown.

    Their leadership has indeed done some very questionable things lately, over the past x amount of months or so, but really whatever they do is really up to them. As I am sure you are aware, as well as the now equinox leaders, and that is... that no one can be liked by everyone, and pretty much every decision will be scrutinized by at least one person, especially if they have reason to question it, even amongst your own "group."

    I am not trying to really excuse them for breaking a 'written' oath, but plans do change, they have no binding contract that makes them have to continue to do something that someone stated before. It is easy to interpret words, and paragraphs into a whole new different meaning then what it was originally meant to be.

    As for lady's post, I think shadow covered it, very easy to see the flaws of a plan for some people, very rare someone can tweak a plan to make it work with the original posters intention.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 1,206 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    and hai teppii hows life as a mailbox b:laugh

    Not half as bad as life with a name absolutely noone spells correctly.b:sad
    On indefinite hiatus :3
  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Not half as bad as life with a name absolutely noone spells correctly.b:sad

    hmm idk i would rather no one say my name right than be a mail box b:chuckle
    ok not gonna quote that big thing u posted on page 8 Dsholder.

    you said:
    "the multi-colored map that Equinox wished for was probably just their color and Calamity"

    That could kinda be true. cos in the past Cala and EQ had land pact with EQ to own 50% of map each and not attack eachother. However one of us broke it, and im not sure who did anymore, cant remember, think it was Cala tho.
    was long back while Seraphim still was lead.

    it was actually eq i think it was when lightwish was lead i remember that day cause it was my fb 51 i did it with swordman and larsen they were both in eq at that time remember they had to leave to go to TW xD
    while calamity attacked armageddon or immortal at that time

    Calamity RIP 6/11/2010 same day as my birthday tyvm whoever destroyed it for lovely birthday present ;) almost 3 years u will be forever missed

    what will happen now
  • Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Shadow: "Factions starting up now, unfortunately, have to learn too. Making tw more unprofitable and driving more people away from it is NOT a good answer."

    You're being INCREDIBLY ignorant if you think that all starting factions need is learning when even Kindrid can't get full 80 into TW. If Kindrid can't, then how can you expect a starting faction to do so? I'm not sure if this is what you implied, but it sure did sound like it.

    TW isn't actually all that complicated, just 2 runs in TW is enough to teach all basics necessary about it. What makes TW tricky is mastering it, now that's a completely different thing. Actually learning TW is still very easy and fast. This is evident by Bushido's performance in TW where we managed to outmanouver not only MafiaRUS, but Inversion as well whom had plenty of TW veterans while majority of Bushi's people were still fairly new to TW.

    The point is, you don't need to master TW to enjoy a good TW fight. Afterall, we managed to teach our people all the basics of TW to our people for them to work efficiently. Is there room for improvement? Name even one person that doesn't have room for improvement and then ask that question again.
  • Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Shadow: "Factions starting up now, unfortunately, have to learn too. Making tw more unprofitable and driving more people away from it is NOT a good answer."

    You're being INCREDIBLY ignorant if you think that all starting factions need is learning when even Kindrid can't get full 80 into TW. If Kindrid can't, then how can you expect a starting faction to do so? I'm not sure if this is what you implied, but it sure did sound like it.

    The point is, you don't need to master TW to enjoy a good TW fight. Afterall, we managed to teach our people all the basics of TW to our people for them to work efficiently. Is there room for improvement? Name even one person that doesn't have room for improvement and then ask that question again.

    Simply put: I don't expect a faction just starting out to be able to get the full 80 into tw. Eq and cala at times both had their own issues getting the numbers they needed online. They figured out a way to fix it. I consider that to be part of the learning process for tw against the top factions.
    The basics are relatively easy to learn, and most factions with land at this point have done that. Being able to consistently get a full 80 for tw is something i wouldn't consider to be part of the basics. It requires work to be able to do, and every faction will have to figure out their own way of doing so if they want to be able to field a full 80, there's no magic solution that will make it easier. So in my opinion, yes, the other factions still have things to learn before being able to tw against eq/regen/tempest, but it's possible given the time and desire to do so. I think everyone can agree that a faction won't be able to be one of the top tw factions without working hard for it.
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    it was actually eq i think it was when lightwish was lead i remember that day cause it was my fb 51 i did it with swordman and larsen they were both in eq at that time remember they had to leave to go to TW xD
    while calamity attacked armageddon or immortal at that time

    It was Calamity, back than I was in Calamity, and I did give Seraphim lot of advices as I came from lead TWs at sanctuary server, and from do some tactics for my faction ( Elysium ) and I was in EQ before and I did help with strat there as well...so even tho I never was exc or officer in Calamity, I knew all that Seraphim had in his mind, at least TW-wise ( We both came from same faction as well so we were friends, Outlaw from Sanctuary ftw !!! :D ). but hmm back to the pact. The idea was take 50 / 50, and Seraphim and LW splitted the map, with which lanes they could get and blah blah. Some of the core players in Calamity, did meet for decide what to do, at end we decided to break the pact ( I wanted to do it tbh so kinda tried my best to make Seraphim do it :D) and at end we attacked Arma, Calamity did break the pact, and LW in a rage attacked us I think so lol. I cant renember, but I do renember that Calamity broke the pact ^^

    And to this QQers. seriously this is a game, EQ hardly have 6 lands. and u guys are QQing already, theres a long way, its not easy to even take the 50 % of the map. so I think its too early for start this topic. Anyways, Im a EQ nember, and if Im honest, as I am allways, I think the idea of only take the 50 % if we are able to, it sucks, I would take the max, EQ deserves it as they have been working hard for almost 2 years. and if u take only 50 %, theres other faction like Regenesis that gonna have the other 50 % and at end it would end at same way, having them on top. so if EQ would be able to take the whole map, I would so +1 it. Little Example, soccer one, as Barcelona is the best now, they should let the others win ? nope, as Nadal is nr1 he should let the others win so they can go up ? nope. U have been working for 20 years, as theres ppl without work u let them have ur work ? nope... 3 examples out of 50000 I could've put, put me 5 where it is different.

    So it was just my opinion at all, as a player that has been playing this server since minute 3 D: sorry if u didnt like it, Im just being honest.

    Peace Olee
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I have a championship Fac so I shouldn't take it to the Superbowl??? Doesn't make sense. Who a Fac attacks and what their logic is...is theirs alone. I was amazed at all the Facs who crawled out of their worm holes to claim land and now are gone again. Like the Romans.....when enough Facs start chipping away even the greatest will eventually fall. So quit crying, take your Fac out of the worm hole and start doing TW!!!! I believe that much more respect will be given to a Fac WHO TRIES rather than one who CRIES. I have never seen Regen or Equinox disrespect a Fac who tries (Dyna is a diff matter).

    So don't ask the big Facs to please let you have a spot on the map.....go get you one or keep trying. I know that the big Facs want to TW and they will respect your attempts...hell they may even throw you a bone....
  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    eq attacked calamity first that makes eq the ones who broke it :O if seraphim wanted to break the pact y attack arma

    Calamity RIP 6/11/2010 same day as my birthday tyvm whoever destroyed it for lovely birthday present ;) almost 3 years u will be forever missed

    what will happen now
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    cuz as I said, they had a pact, made with all the lanes they could have, and EQ didnt attack arma before cuz they didnt want to gank again , but back than Arma had 6 lands, 3 were for EQ and 3 for Cala, and Cala attacked a land which blocked their way to take 1 of the land, so from 3, we broke the pact and we did let only 1 for them ( which LW lost in a bid fight as well ) so we calamity broke the pact not letting EQ take the lands that were for them, as the pact said
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjPKn-18U8A minute 0:23, in the pact they did, great lake, sanctuary and hidden orchid were for EQ, but we tought it was better to touch Archo and block forest of haze so they couldnt touch DW :P tho they took ancient well that week, and after we broke the pact they attacked Calamity and cala took silk ridge, as Seraphim asked GMs if grassland touched CoL, and it didnt, and after that , Seraphim followed the plan and took Sanctuary. after that the bid fight .. where EQ lost :P ... so I think this month was one of the most important of the server, TW-wise, it made Calamity grow a lot. :P
  • Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Still talking about the pact after so long =P

    For those that actually are genuinely interested, which I suspect is like three people, there were two pacts.

    Both were formed about 2 weeks into the server opening right after EQ took their second land and Calamity their third.

    The alliance pact was to leave each other alone until absolutely necessary as neither faction wanted to make an enemy of the other for fear of ganks.

    The land pact was to divide the land so that each faction would ultimately end up with an equal split of lands so we assigned lands to each faction. Ultimately EQ was assigned Archosaur, Etherblade, DWP as Calamity gained 1k, CoL and Plume. An invisible boundary was also established running through the middle of the map as Calamity gained the right to attack lands on the west side and Equinox the lands on the east side.

    This effectively pushed the alliance pact into something for officers and leaders to worry about 4 months down the road as attempting to section off parts of the map from the other faction could be seen as aggressive and cause an unfair split.

    Ultimately as the 50-50 split day approached, Calamity's leader decided that conceding an equal amount of lands was acceptable but wanted to trade a level 2 land for a level three land to offset being the first faction to take land and being one land ahead.

    EQ disagreed and no resolution could be made so the land pact, as a compromise, was discontinued and each faction could now attack anywhere it wished. As a result, Calamity aggressively started boxing off lands that were assigned to EQ while EQ did not attempt to push the invisible border between the two factions.

    A week after the land pact was discontinued, EQ attacked Calamity with Immortal and Armagadeon discontinuing the alliance pact.

    So in conclusion, there were two pacts. Calamity asked for the land pact to be revoked to which EQ agreed. EQ then discontinued the alliance pact. (Perhaps they assumed land pact = alliance pact and they were free to attack anywhere and anyone).

    Again, history is history as Calamity doesn't exist anymore. So if you care, care on. If not skip and move along. Hopefully this stops further speculation about what really happened (Unless I'm not a valid source)
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Seraphim, we both should make a school and earn some coins trying to explain old storys about DW server b:surrender seeing that ppl cares so much, we may be rich in a short time b:pleased
  • Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    As Olee mentioned, the months June and July were excellent for Calamity as they raced ahead from a being 1 land ahead to 3 ahead with 3 lands and a city boxed off from Equinox due to the breaking of the land pact, winning a bid war with a last second bid, and a failed attack from Equinox.

    Again more history; skip if this doesn't interest you.
  • Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Seraphim, we both should make a school and earn some coins trying to explain old storys about DW server b:surrender seeing that ppl cares so much, we may be rich in a short time b:pleased

    lol Olee.
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    in that 2 months it helped a lot that LW cough NWO officer cough, was EQ leader lol, he was probally the best thing that happened to Calamity while it lasted :P, I still wonder how EQ lasted till now after having such a great leader like him lol
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Waynes still forrum trolling ?!!? D<,m You should come play again b:chuckle
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:laugh Drama in PWI is always interesting... I miss those QQs and dramas on WC, especially after TW. b:chuckle b:shutup, but I miss Calamity more b:cry
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    What I think is so funny is the whole talk about Rank8. So now you have a lot of Rank8 people running around. Big Deal... But just like Heartstone said Rank8 does not teach you how to play your toon. And great if you hit harder, but if you are still a 1-2 shot to other people while wearing even your Rank9 armor, then you got to realize that survivability in TW is far more important than to hit the hardest.

    Just imagine Player Number one Rank8 player hitting hard, killing 1 or 2 people then getting one shotted by the enemy. Or Player number 2 being a very experienced player, knowing their toon well, hitting hard, killing 5-7 people, survive attack, kite and then again kill another 5 people before they eventually go down, I think I rather take player number 2 than player number 1 into TW.

    And to the post of EQ having Rank8 casters. Uhm have you looked at the rankings in pvp? You should maybe try to TW with EQ and face Regen, they have at the present time far better and more experienced casters. The only real great caster that EQ at the present time has is wizzard and Zeratul. The others are ok and I am sure will develop into great casters but are at the present time nothing out of the ordinary as they still have a lot to learn in regards to TW. Even their new Rank9 wizard (by the way a super nice guy) might hit hard but still has tons to learn in regards to survive in TW which will come with experience.

    So who cares who who bids on who? Lets all just have fun and pew pew in TW :)

    I for one am happy that Regen, EQ and Tempest are strong factions. Without them TW would be a boooooring place to be.

    Now love everybody and happy new year!!!!

    P.S.: Don't drink too much b:chuckle
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    And to the post of EQ having Rank8 casters. Uhm have you looked at the rankings in pvp? You should maybe try to TW with EQ and face Regen, they have at the present time far better and more experienced casters. The only real great caster that EQ at the present time has is wizzard and Zeratul. The others are ok and I am sure will develop into great casters but are at the present time nothing out of the ordinary as they still have a lot to learn in regards to TW. Even their new Rank9 wizard (by the way a super nice guy) might hit hard but still has tons to learn in regards to survive in TW which will come with experience.

    Oh man, don't tell me that EQ now has a bad Wizzy reputation just because I joined! :O
  • Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Oh man, don't tell me that EQ now has a bad Wizzy reputation just because I joined! :O

    Humanity has a bad reputation because you were conceived. b:cute
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Humanity has a bad reputation because you were conceived. b:cute

    No need to thank me. b:cool

    Woops, derailed thread
  • Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What DiamondNova says is true, after Mage_Fizban and few others quit, Cala casters > EQ casters
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What DiamondNova says is true, after Mage_Fizban and few others quit, Cala casters > EQ casters

    What really matters is that I can whoop yo butt b:laugh
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What really matters is that I can whoop yo butt b:laugh

    b:angrydon't make me log in girlfriend b:shutup
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    aaaaaah, great to see that nothin's changed in 2 years ;)

    PS: does anyone here want to say they remember me and make me feel special?
  • Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Posting on PWI forums is my job Zion. And I remember you ;).
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i'd be embarrassed for you if you didnt remember me wayne lol
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Zion hmm sounds familiar... From BloodPact or from Immortal ? not sure which one was ur faction huh..... D:....
    Bleh <3 Zion was just a **** joke, OFC I renember you ^^ hows it going bro ? I hope ure doing fine :D u should log in and visit us D: if u log in PMe so we can have a talk if u wish :D
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    b:cute how is every1?


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