Player Ships

Lutirica - Harshlands
Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Suggestion Box
Why cant we have our own ship to sail around pwi in? There can be diffrent types and some that have to be bought. b:chuckle
Fail troll of harshlands
Post edited by Lutirica - Harshlands on


  • Healforwimps - Heavens Tear
    Healforwimps - Heavens Tear Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Aye,some players could have merchant ships,others could hoist the jolly rodger(to indicate pk mode on pve server)and have at it with cash shopped cannons.

    Also could squad up to raid island fortresses forperfect gems,or do battle with the evil sea kraken in hopes of a d orb ocena drop!

    **** i'm really excited nowb:victory
  • Xehontron - Dreamweaver
    Xehontron - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    This would be a sweet idea! It would be totally awesome if PWI added some lands across the Sea and stuff. And you had to sail there and stuff. Also, like Healforwimps said, Merchant ships would be neat. Like being able to sail around on a ship but having some Catshops on board. Also, pirating. Putting in maybe evil people as monsters and stuff on ships, raiding them and killing them and taking their loot. Also raiding coasts. This would be really fun to see in the furture. :D
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    can we have pirate ships too then?
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    this would totally add a new dymanic to the game if stuctured properly. perhaps putting a few islands waaaaay out at sea these islands would have dungons where you can get high end stuff. you won't be able to sell them right there cos the mobs are plantyfully and have wide arrgo range. so the player would be forced to ship there goods (the islands are surrounded by insane air currents preventing flying). there can really be players who can raid your ship for that you have in the cargo.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If only there no flying abuse drop them self to raid the ship . . b:laugh
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Waterfal - Sanctuary
    Waterfal - Sanctuary Posts: 2,723 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    This indeed sounds interesting :o They added wars from ships in one of their other games... why not here too?

    I would like it if it could be some sort of "new arena" protect your cargo and your ship and try to steal the others cargo and ship b:laugh wuld be really awesome :3

    Otherwise also some sort of dungeon-mode where you have to keep mobs/pirates off off your ship.
    The lvl of mobs culd be set by a choice option within 10 lvls each time. Every lvl should be able to do every lvl dungeon though, this way lvl 100's can also squad up with lvl 90's or 80's etc.

    rewards could be given in the end like in fcc and it should be a reward fitting to the lvl of the dungeon ^_^ I'd say a small chance to get a mold for your lvl or some (timed?) fash for each lvl of dungeon, just a different colour maybe ;o

    I really should shuddup... But I gotta say I really would love the idea of ships b:dirty
    Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig :3

    waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
    Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker