Sage Onslaught Unable to Zerk

Blade_aether - Lost City
Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Barbarian

Sage (Level 11) Beastial Onslaught is unable to make weapon addons go off/occur.

Whether it be nimble, gloom, sacrificial strike, or even the highly coveted God of Frenzy, this skill cannot make these addons go off.

Warning to you now, the channeling increase is terrible, and virtually doubles the time it takes to use the skill rendering it ineffective compared to even cheaper skills.

I know personally, having paid 20 million for the skill, I severely wish to unlearn the skill, I don't even care about the money that I spent for the skill or the book, I just want the ability to zerk back considering I have +10 2nd cast Nirvana axes. I also hate the increased channeling.

Warning to all you potential Sage Barbs, this skill has been broken for a very long time, and I STRONGLY recommend that you do not purchase it or even learn it if you get it for free.

I have posted and submitted many tickets over many months attempting to get the skill fixed, and even with the support of others, my efforts have proved fruitless.

Don't believe me? Post a screenie of your SAGE beastial onslaught zerking if you don't believe me. It would be harder than finding a nematode if you were Doug Funny.

Solemn, unlike ever.
Post edited by Blade_aether - Lost City on


  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Could this be considered some "sage" advice? b:chuckle

    ...sorry, Fuzzy couldn't resist.
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • SteelStar - Heavens Tear
    SteelStar - Heavens Tear Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    Could this be considered some "sage" advice? b:chuckle

    ...sorry, Fuzzy couldn't resist.

    It's a game and I'm proud to be a stupid fail demon barb!
    My EPIC Fail Demon Barb has 40k/48k HP and my stat points are as follows:
    VIT 552 STR 310 DEX 60! b:surrender
  • Blade_aether - Lost City
    Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Seriously no feedback?

    How irresolute? Honestly no feedback?

    I suppose it has come to the point that there are no sage barbs left except for the Cata slaves who don't care to read forum, as they are mindless Cata slaves anyways.

    How does PWE justify burying us with new content before fixing simple things like skill descriptions and rubberbanding that have been ongoing since who knows when? (I know) Seriously, fix the old before burying us with the shiny and new.

    Different every time.
  • OMarvelous - Sanctuary
    OMarvelous - Sanctuary Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    *pokes blade*

    So um, yeah...seem kinda upset there buddy. Have a brewski...on me my barbaric brethren.
  • Blade_aether - Lost City
    Blade_aether - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Thanks OMarv, but guys, come on...

    No will to fight and send tickets?

    Does sage barb die along with all other designated conceptual purposes for each class?

    Sure for GV and Cata barb Sage still excels, but in aspects that we lack in, no one steps forward to defend the class or submit a ticket?

    Topic is dead.

    Just go submit tickets saying that 11 Sage onslaught can't zerk.

    Genesis approaches.
  • KennyC - Lost City
    KennyC - Lost City Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I feel for you Blade Aether but in all seriousness i could care less about this game nowadays, its more of like "Hey I'm totally bored with nothing to do, pwi maybe?"
    +1 post
  • SteelStar - Heavens Tear
    SteelStar - Heavens Tear Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I'm not sure this is not the case. I seen a sage barb wined up to pitch the ball in TW and I swear I seen a zerk. Maybe you've had a bit of bad luck. Hopefully anyways.
    It's a game and I'm proud to be a stupid fail demon barb!
    My EPIC Fail Demon Barb has 40k/48k HP and my stat points are as follows:
    VIT 552 STR 310 DEX 60! b:surrender
  • Okopogo - Harshlands
    Okopogo - Harshlands Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I hate to say it but the Barb as a class is pretty much useless now, other then for Cata and GV.

    But what do you honestly expect them to do? Super buff the class?

    Ya right....
  • SteelStar - Heavens Tear
    SteelStar - Heavens Tear Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I hate to say it but the Barb as a class is pretty much useless now, other then for Cata and GV.

    But what do you honestly expect them to do? Super buff the class?

    Ya right....

    It would be nice if they would make our Flesh Ream work with low asp such as 3.33. b:shutup
    It's a game and I'm proud to be a stupid fail demon barb!
    My EPIC Fail Demon Barb has 40k/48k HP and my stat points are as follows:
    VIT 552 STR 310 DEX 60! b:surrender